10 Times Lex Luthor Outsmarted Everyone

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[Music] because he is the main antagonist to the Man of Steel Lex Luthor is arguably the best-known supervillain in all of the comics since he's the bad guy he's not going to win much in the books or there wouldn't be a Superman for him to antagonize that being said he wouldn't be a good villain if we didn't give this superhero a hard time every once in a while anything less would make him boring and that's simply not a word that describes Alexander Lex Joseph and Luthor every now and then Luthor finds a way to trick Superman other heroes or the entire planet through his schemes here's one of the smartest people in the DC Universe and with his great intellect comes intricate layered and unpredictable schemes he was once the president after all which just goes to show how driven he is to get what he wants if that's the death of Superman or the recognition for his grand design Lex can put himself on top of the world if he tries hard enough I am Kirsten from what culture comics and these are 10 times Lex Luthor outsmarted everyone number 10 when he made his own kryptonite war suit Lex Luthor is a man like any other so how did this perfectly normal genius become the arch-nemesis to the most powerful superhero in the DC Universe it doesn't make a ton of sense that he would be charging what amounts to a god in a fight but Lex had a way around his comparable human frailty in a one-on-one fight between Superman and Lex Luthor there's no question Superman could kill the guy if he farted in his general direction to combat this little problem Lex found a way to create a special battle suit and unlike Marvel's Iron Man this suit was designed for a very specific purpose Lex first suit of armor was designed to take down the Man of Steel but it had a side effect of driving the person inside it's insane so Supes had to hold back in the fight eventually Lex acquired a mother box and used it to create a brand new war suit based on fighting Superman that war suit was far deadlier than the ones that came before it but after the post flashpoint Superman died Lex didn't use the suit for evil he opted to Don the suit taking on the mantle of Superman and the protector of Metropolis number nine when he founded the Legion of Doom for decades the Legion of Doom was a creation of the animated series Superfriends but DC Comics finally caught up to the cartoon in 18 in the crossover series no justice the Justice League was broken up into four separate teams and Lex having been a member for some time at that point decided to leave figuring that hero work just wasn't cutting it anymore Lex decided to head off and create his own team he pulls in some of humanity's worst people so that he can safeguard all of humanity and he calls it the Legion of Doom the new Legion of Doom features the same characters as the ones from the cartoons the founding members of the team are Black Manta cheetah Gorilla Grodd and Sinestro the creation of the new team sets Lex apart from his former allies in the Justice League and despite his turn towards heroism that preceded the formation of the Legion of Doom Lex slides back into his old bag of tricks without a moment's hesitation or concern number eight when he made people question their faith in the Man of Steel Lex Luthor car usually matched Superman's might with force so he's attempted other means and taking on the last Son of Krypton one of Superman's greatest strengths is his ability to perform miraculous feats to save people which has endeared him to all of humanity except for Lex Luthor of course in Adventures of Superman number 15 Lex came to the realization that while Superman may be able to save a bunch of people he can't be in more than one place at a time this realization launches a plan to create several disasters requiring Superman's help but instead of doing it one at a time he does them all at the same time it started with a tank breaking into the metropolis National Bank and when Superman confronts Lex in the tank a bomb takes out a nearby dam Superman rushed off to save people from that but while that was happening a young man named Mike was on the tracks about to be hit by a train even though Superman heard marks calls for help he wasn't able to save him when he was later asked by a cop if he was tired of losing to Superman all the time Lex told the officer that he considered it a victory if just one person lost their faith in the Man of Steel as the book comes to an end Mike's brother is seen burning his collection of Superman memorabilia suggesting Lex's plan ultimately worked and one person lost faith in the Man of Steel number 7 when he launched and then crashed the everyman project one of the biggest reasons Lex hates Superman is to do with the fact that Supes has super powers and he doesn't be the smartest man alive he always felt that he could have done with the powers Superman supposedly takes for granted which is why he decided to launch at the everyman project the project's goal was to give average people superpowers and because he wasn't willing to test the gene therapy he created on himself he put together a team called the new infinity Incorporated what they didn't know was that he included a kill switch within the genes which enabled him to turn off the powers whenever he wanted the everyman seemed like a great new project for Humanity when they debuted and Lex was seen as a visionary but it didn't last long Lex Lana his genes were incompatible with the therapy which led him to cancel the project did he decide to cut funding shut down research or conclude product testing no his reaction was far more villainous Lex simply shut off the super powers he gave to the normal humans and while this wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing he didn't exactly put out a notice letting the everyman know the ones who were flying through the sky the time plummeted to their deaths and while he managed to fool most of the world with the project Lex really only showed how callous and indifferent he was towards human life number 6 when he cured cancer back in the 1960s Lex Luthor managed to switch things around to become one of Superman's best buddies he did this by working out a cure for cancer during his most recent stay in prison Superman was so shocked and impressed by this act that he abandoned his disdain for his enemy and embraced his friendship and Trust Superman went so far as to testify on Luthor's behalf at his parole hearing which resulted in his freedom everything seemed on the up and up but this is Lex Luthor were talking about and he doesn't cure cancer just to cure cancer he had other ideas the goal of his cave securing plot was to lull Superman into a false sense of security and that's exactly what he did when Superman was there lured into a trap by his new friend he got blasted with a kryptonite laser killing the Man of Steel of course this being comics nobody stays dead for long and even though Lex ended up in the Phantom Zone for killing the Man of Steel he definitely won this battle when it happened Supergirl ended his victory party a little early but you can't say Lex's plan didn't work in the end number 5 when he saved the world's criminals in salvation run in the seven issue miniseries salvation run Lex Luthor and the rest of the world's supervillains are captured and imprisoned on a distant Penal planet the planet was then dubbed as salvation and the criminals did one of two things joined forces to try and find a way back to earth or fight to become the supreme leader of salvation Lex being Lex he wanted to get back to earth which prompted him to begin the construction of a teleportation device he ends up getting into an all-out brawl with the Joker to determine which of the two is the supreme leader of all the bad guys but while that was going down a boom tube opened and an invasion of parademons came out when Lex determined the parademons are only the first wave of many he gets to work on finishing his device as the battle commences Luthor works with Gorilla Grodd Vandal Savage and others to complete the device when he does finish it he sacrifices heat manga thunder and lightning plasmus Neutron and warp to power it the villains exit with Luthor being the last to leave saying I win do you hear me I beat you all of you ulti passes through the teleporter it explodes killing the parademons number four when he created global peace and unity Superman red Sun was an else world's three-issue miniseries that answered the question what would the world be like had kal-el crash-landed in the USSR instead of Kansas the story is all about nature versus nurture and there's an amazing job of reimagining a Soviet Union with the last Son of Krypton as its protector in this reality Lex Luthor has dedicated his mind to combat Superman but not just because he hates him rather it's due to his love of country he killed his staff at STAR Labs before founding LuthorCorp for the purpose of killing the man of steel Luthor hatches numerous plans involving Brainiac Batman and many more but they fail one after the other meanwhile Superman has created a society free from war poverty and crime but at the cost of personal freedom eventually Superman is defeated by Brainiac and the world believes him to be dead as the world descends into chaos Luthor steps in and founds a new philosophy called luthor ism he then unites the planet into a global United States and with a benevolent world government the planet enters into a golden age in which Luthor cures all disease and aids in the colonization of this system number three when he destroyed New Krypton in the New Krypton crossover storyline Superman finally managed to save the inhabitants of the Kryptonian city of Kandor from Brainiac using Kryptonian technology the city's residents created a crystalline planet which was placed in the opposing orbit of Earth keeping the Sun between them as they went about their orbits the new world was dubbed New Krypton and Superman decided to live there with his people instead remaining on earth eventually General Zod did what he does best and he plans an attack on earth from New Krypton learning this Lex Luthor reactron and metallo attacked the city before the battle Lex managed to alter react Ron's body chemistry causing him to explode in a chain reaction that utterly destroyed New Krypton nearly all of the city's inhabitants were killed in the devastation which essentially means Lex Luthor successfully destroyed a planet filled with people as powerful as Superman Luthor's accomplishment in destroying a newly formed Krypton and its residents to protect earth is no small feat number two when he was elected the president of the United States of America Lex Luthor has always been an ambitious man but he wasn't a politician rather he was an evil businessman with dreams of world domination there was fired for decades but in 2003 he did the unthinkable he ran and won the office of the President of the United States becoming the most powerful man in the world certainly puts him in a position over Superman who had always respected the government of the United States it was a long before Lex declared Superman and Batman as public enemies this presented a problem for the two heroes as it was perfectly clear to them that Lex wasn't interested in being a good president he had a plan in it was evil and the two superheroes teamed up to put a stop to it meanwhile they had the entire might of the United States military numerous supervillains and converted superheroes to contend with ultimately the two heroes were able to take down the president by using his own words against him Batman secretly recorded Lex saying that he traded weapons with Darkseid to counter another threat to the planet but it took a lot of work and a long time to dethrone President Lex Luthor number one when he allowed imperiex to attack earth for some good PR every so often DC Comics likes to shake things up a bit by pitting a seriously dangerous enemy against the planet earth for president Lex Luthor the threats came in the form of imperiex in the DC Universe imperiex is the physical embodiment of entropy and when he decided it was time to destroy the entire universe he started with the planet Earth unfortunately for everyone living on the planet Lex Luthor found out about the pending attack and didn't let anyone know about it as a result when imperiex's probes came to the planet they destroyed large areas on all seven continents which killed a lot of people lex then formed an alliance of superheroes the military and anyone else with some level of power to stand up against Imperials and saved the planet the point of his actions were intended to make him appear heroic but he puts a lot of stake to ensure that he managed some good PR if this plan failed imperiex would have destroyed the whole universe not to mention earth Luthor managed to succeed and while this was one instance where he outsmarted everyone it's also the evilest thing he's ever done and that's saying something and there we go the times that Lex Luthor outsmarted everyone if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a like and if you have already clicked that subscribe button but now I have been cast arere you can find me at customer ear with two a's on instagram and twitter but for now I bid thee farewell and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 89,565
Rating: 4.9083366 out of 5
Id: T80LjXNshYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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