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hi everybody welcome to my channel my name is Quito Kristina and I'm here to tell you ten things nobody told me when I started Quito number one poop is going to factor in your life more than you have ever dreamed possible when you start Quito there's either two things that going to happen you're going to be able to poop too much or you're not going to be able to poop at all and Quito can have either or and as I've experienced both in the same day which was fun so when you start Quito obviously you're having this huge changes to your body huge changes to the feel that's going in the type of digest just type of digestive enzymes that you're gonna need to digest that food so if you've been eating a lot of carbs and a lot of starchy vegetables the enzymes that you used to break down the food in your butt in your stomach it's different to the type of enzymes that we need to break down fats and proteins so obviously you're gonna have some digestive disturbance also people that fast find that when they break the fast if they don't do it gently and sometimes even when you do do it gently and it can cause very urgent need to visit the bathroom so yeah poop number two you will have more energy than you ever had before when I was a car burner I used to have a 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. stomp after lunch I would have zero energy I used to come home from work excuse me I used to come home from work and I sit on the sofa and just have no energy at all now we understand the science behind that and why that is why obese people tend to not have any energy so when you start to drop your insulin levels and your body literally lets go of all that excess energy it's holding onto it has to get burned up somewhere so you will find yourself cooking and baking and vacuuming and washing your floor's at midnight because you have this huge amount of energy it's almost endless and now I find myself having a very steady energy level throughout the day I don't have afternoon slumps even when they beat me a lot lunchtime it's high fat proteins small amount of carbs so I don't get that afternoon and energy some number three sometimes the scale is gonna stay where it is it's not gonna move and for me that was something that was quite difficult to deal with because I started keto for the weight loss stayed for the health gains but definitely the weight loss was and still is quite a high priority for me and it's what I gauge my success on and even though I've been through this and I know differently and I shouldn't base my success on the number on the scale I still do I think it's perfectly natural that that we would feel like that about it I spent a few weeks I think it was four or five weeks I spent at the same weight but I actually dropped two dress sizes in that time now I start to measure myself when I started on on my weight-loss journey so during those six weeks I was able to see that actually my dimensions were completely changing I lost so many centimeters from my hips from my burst from my waist it was amazing other things to happen during those six weeks where again like I said point number two you will have so much energy and I did I had so much energy during that time so I had to try and force myself to see that actually even though the scale isn't moving I'm still getting huge benefits from this I've draw I dropped two dress sizes I have endless energy and I feel amazing number four food that you used to love before is going to be unpleasant our best and disgusting at worse now I wouldn't have believed that if you had told me the week I started keto that one day I would take a by potato and say man potatoes are my life I'm Irish my DNA literally depends on the periodic intake of potato obviously I make I'm exaggerating but that's how much I love potatoes last Christmas I decided that I was going to have a carb fest and as I got closer to Christmas and I was feeling good and the scales were dropping I decided well actually Christina it's probably not a good idea for you to have a curve fest now we all know Karabakh days are not good for Christina so luckily I decided that I wasn't going to have half even quarter the carbs that I had planned on having at first so I just decided that I was going to have some potatoes so I made some really nice roast potatoes and in Ireland at Christmas it's tradition that you would cook the roast potatoes in goose fat or duck fat or some other animal fat because it gives them a beautiful gold and crispy outside and the inside stays Sofie I'm writing and my mouth is watering talking about this but I know if I had some potato now it wouldn't taste like I remember and that's what happened I sat down to Christmas dinner it was my one carob sheet I didn't even have I need the Christmas treats that we had in the house I had the potato I took fork full and I was expecting this explosion in my mouth it's almost orgasmic feeling of having potatoes again and I I couldn't believe it was bland even with salt it was bland and it was just mad and I couldn't believe it it just did not taste the way I remembered it tasted and after that I found other foods bread especially when I have a if I have a little bit of bread now sometimes I do and just take a little mouthful of bread and so it's chewy and gloopy and yeasty and all those tastes are and amplified in some way I don't know obviously my tastes have changed been on locale for so long but this food just did not taste like I remember so number five you are going to be horrified at the curb content of the food you used to eat less like a potatoes one small potato publicly about that size so a little baby potato baby new potatoes it's 20 grams of carbs just in that little potato and that always blows my mind in work I've told you before in a previous video in work we get free food and a lot of fruit which is good a lot of yogurt which is good and I don't partake in either because there is natural yoghurt but most of the yogurt is fruit and there's a lot of sugar in it and the supplies of granola bars and I used to eat these granola bars because I thought they where that healthy option yes the healthy option so out of curiosity one day when I was in Walker just to open the drawer with their cereal bars and I took one out and I saw like that in a 60 gram bar of granola there was 40 grams of carbs I could not believe it 40 grams of the 60 grams was just pure carbohydrate unbelievable so when I looked at and I did it our curiosity when I looked at the doctor kind of diet that I used to have when I was trying to I was perpetually trying to lose weight but when I was specifically eating in a certain way to try and lose weight because I would flip-flop I would say God eat this this is it and my weight wouldn't change and sometimes I put on so I'll just eat what I want and so when I looked back at what I used to eat and I plugged it into MyFitnessPal it was like 180 200 grams of carbs oh my god and that was a lot from good carbs like good carbs whole grain rice whole grain pasta whole wheat bread potatoes potatoes sweet potatoes butternut squash all of these other types of em Archy vegetable and it just it was just incredible to me that I was consuming so many carbs it's point number six you are going to fall in love with foods you didn't think it was possible to love so I want to try name off the ones that I used to detest I never ate that I eat now in frankly disgusting amounts mushrooms asparagus cauliflower cabbage [Music] think of another radish I never add radishes before but now I love cooking them like I would have cooked potatoes so that's definitely something new for me my tastes have completely changed things that I used to love not so much anymore and then foods that I would have never considered like I mean asparagus well I never liked the asparagus but now I love nothing more than get on a Sunday morning getting a soft-boiled egg having steamed asparagus and dipping that asparagus into the boiled egg I mean my mouth watering again I have to stop talking about food well these foods would have never been a consideration for me my husband might have bet that my daughter might have at them but I wouldn't have eaten them I would have tended to stay more towards the blonde vegetables and of course the sweet vegetables I was crazy for the sweet vegetables I love the carrots I love the person I love the turnip I love the potatoes did we mention their potatoes yeah so that will completely change and you'll find yourself really liking things that you never liked before number seven skipping meals I'm fasting is gonna make you feel like a freakin superhero absolutely and when you tell people oh yeah I can skip a meal I plan my day around what I'm gonna eat and you can skip a meal I say yep nope no swear I can go high hopes what I'm eating and of course pink are partners they don't understand it because every three to four hours their blood glucose drops and they get hungry because the body's asking remember it's a biochemical Drive that is forcing them to go and food I for example worked with a guy who is he's quite he's a normal way he's very slim he's probably about 70 kilograms so he's perfectly average for his height and he has to eat every two hours every two hours on the button Heath so we joked that he's like a hobby because he has first breakfast and second breakfast and then he'll have lunch and then he'll have a snack in the afternoon before he goes home to have his dinner and then you have something else in the evening you know you might say well he slam he can get away with it you know it's fine but remember that just because you're 10 doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy that there might be other stuff going on but when you can go for very long periods and I know some fasting superstars who go for a week 2 weeks without eating a meal and it's just incredible I know I've talked in a previous video about my fear of fasting more than 24 hours and I really am trying to work up to it but I think that being able to get up in the morning not need to have breakfast to go into the office happily sit there have a cup of tea and go for tea with everybody else when they're gone for breakfast and it not really bothering me and makes me feel really empowered and the fact that the longer I fast the better I feel makes it makes it really worthwhile so number eight and I'm gonna try eight yeah number eight vegetables will probably cause some digestive issues in large amounts so again back to that the digestive enzymes because we're we have switched now from burning carbs and glucoses and starches and cereals and grains to fat and protein when you eat vegetables and all vegetables contains some sort of starch you're gonna find that you may have some digestive upsets and just simply because you're taking in more of more of an ingredient that you don't have abundant and for anymore so my in my experience and what I recommend is when you have vegetables where the meal have a small portion and just to mitigate the risk of some digestive upset and it might take you a while to understand which vegetables are gonna cause issues and which vegetables you can eat in abundance so for me absolutely broccoli cauliflower cruciferous vegetables Brussels sprouts which I absolutely adore brussel sprouts they're gonna cause me digestive upset and unfortunately as much as I would love to Sydney a 200 gram bald broccoli I just can't my body just can't and I get very bad digestion I got very bad bloating I get gas pains and it's just unpleasant for everybody and all around yeah so we'll leave it at number nine you don't need need to eat a whole load of fat to lose weight and this is a mistake most brand new key tours make so we we say to you when you're starting make sure you eat plenty of fat keep that fat intake as high as you can but what people fail to explain better I suppose is that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to eat a stick of butter or you have to drink an entire carton of cream what that means is put that on your plate and eat it until you're full if you eat too much fat in each meal what's going to happen is that you're going to ingest the the fat that your body needs to burn so you're not actually going to get to use the fat that's on your body so eat less dietary fat to burn more body fat and it's a very subtle difference between keto success and keto failure finally number 10 and I'm leaving this one to number 10 because it's 9 p.m. and it's nearly time for bed you are gonna sleep like you've never slept before people say sleeping like a baby I don't know if anybody else was the same but when my baby was a baby she was awake every 4 hours I don't want to see that sleep like a baby I wanna sleep like a cat around me no no cats around me but they're sleeping in various places cats sleep 18 hours a day easily I would rather sleep like that that sleep like a baby but with keto I found that I can get to sleep much quicker now obviously I have a very busy schedule I work full time I'm supporting this channel I'm studying in my spare time and I put a lot thought into these videos so it takes me a while in the evening to wine town but I find that when I get into bed and my head hits the pillow I am gone and I will sleep the entire night and wake up not exactly refreshed and not full of the joys of spring because yeah I don't know anybody like that but certainly the quality of my sleep has changed it's much deeper and it's much more relaxed and I really hope that anybody who's watching who has sleep issues will actually benefit from this I would love to hear from you if you have found that keto has helped you with your sleep so that's it that's the ten things nobody tell me about keto before I started now somebody has told you I hope it helps thanks very much for stopping by javac thumbs up if you liked the video and subscribe whatever side it's on and I'll see you next time
Channel: Keto Christina
Views: 808,219
Rating: 4.9242544 out of 5
Keywords: keto, keto diet, ketogenic, keto weight loss, keto food, ketosis, keto christina, keto christine, go keto with christina, fat loss, keto diet for beginners, ketogenic diet, keto recipes, low carb diet
Id: PGUSBK62df0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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