You've Cut Carbs...Now What Do You Eat?

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so you decided to cut carbs because you think it will help you lose weight and control your blood sugar levels well you're right on both accounts but if you stop eating cards then what's left to eat hi I'm dr. Becky from dr. Becky Fitness calm I'm a college instructor of the science of nutrition and I'll tell you there's no denying that high carb foods are fun foods they are our breads and cereals and potatoes which give us our french fries and chips and you know pizza candy milk chocolate but the evidence is clear that high carb foods cause your blood sugar and insulin to stay too high and when you have more insulin in your blood there's more fat storage going on inside of your body so if you want to lose weight you have to cut back on starchy and refined carbs but if you do that then what's left well let's take a look so there are three macronutrients in the foods that you eat and they are carbs proteins and fats and these are the nutrients that give you calories which your body then uses for fuel now your goal is to lose weight so you decide that you're going to drastically cut out your carbs right so let's take most of them off of the board here but now you have a gap in your diet right so to fill that gap we can either choose from proteins or fat well upping protein sounds like a reasonable thing to do because we know protein is a building block for muscle and protein plays a role in a lot of bodily functions so it seems that the more the better would be a reasonable way to think but there's a problem when it comes to high protein diet if you eat more protein than your activity levels right it doesn't get stored as extra muscle you know you don't you don't just build muscle by sitting on the couch and drinking more protein shakes right so if you're taking in more protein than your body can use it needs to either be excreted which is very hard on your kidneys or it gets converted to glucose by your liver now that glucose becomes blood glucose or blood sugar and that's exactly actually what you don't want when you're on a low-carb diet so the takeaway is that your health and your weight can be negatively affected if you eat too much protein when you're on a low-carb diet so we don't want to boost protein to make up for the low carbs right so so let's put an X through them so that leaves us with that well we can't do that right I mean we've been told for decades that eating fat makes you fat so that must be a bad idea all right let's get them off the board - so that leaves us with very little to eat unfortunately that's called a starvation diet and your body tends to rebel when you don't feed it so how do we cut out these fun cards without starving ourselves or being so miserable that life is no longer worth living well there is a solution fortunately not all carbs proteins and fats are created equal some are beneficial for weight loss and some are not I'm going to focus on breaking down carbs and fats for you because these are the ones that are going to have the most impact on your weight I could break down protein as well maybe say that there's a difference between animal protein sources and plant protein sources but when it comes to weight loss these two differences mean little so just for simplicity sake we'll focus on the two macronutrients that will have the most effect on your body's ability to lose weight carbs and fats okay let's look at carbs so cars can be broken down in many different ways I want to focus on fiber content so we have high fiber carbs and we have low fiber carbs low fiber carbs are these refined ones over here right think of it this way if it's if it's puffed popped or processed it's probably low in fiber high fiber carbs or more clearly foods with a good fiber to carve ratio would be your non starchy vegetables nuts seeds avocados things like that so even if you're on a low-carb diet these carbs are a good choice and the reason has everything to do with your blood sugar you know the the reason low carb diets work is because they keep your blood sugar level low which keeps your insulin levels low insulin is the fat storing hormone it is like the doorman that goes in and out of your fat cells so when there's a lot of insulin in your blood the insulin pushes the doors of your fat cells open and allows caloric nutrients including sugar to pass from your blood into your fat cells when insulin levels go down the doors of the fat cell are able to swing out and allow all the fatty acids to come out of your fat cells and then they get burned as energy now all carbs break down into sugar when they're inside of you but carbs that contain a lot of fiber break down slowly so insulin rises slowly and that's a state your body likes you know now instead of insulin crashing down the doors of your fat cells insulin directs that sugar to your muscle cells to your liver cells where it can provide long-term sustained energy okay great so we have some carbs that we can keep in our diet right high fiber ones let's look at let's look at fats and what we can include there now there are definitely some good and bad fats but it might be surprising to you which fats go in which list because there are some saturated fats that are on the good list and the top of the bad list is vegetable oils so how can that be right how can you be bad if you have vegetable in your name well vegetable oils are polyunsaturated fats which are not very stable fat when you take them in they can weaken the membranes or so that surrounds your cells they also throw off your omega-6 to your omega-3 balance which causes inflammation inflammation is devastating to the body I think of getting inflammation on your skin and then imagine that inside your delicate blood vessels themselves unfortunately these vegetable oils are everywhere if you go to your pantry right now and you start reading labels you might very well find that the majority of the foods that are in your kitchen contain vegetable oil or some type of variation of it like would be soybean oil or safflower oil or corn or so those are the facts you want to avoid now let's look at this column with the century the saturate effect what I called the good column right I'll tell you I've come to accept that along with some of our healthy monounsaturated fats those would be like our avocados and our nuts in their seeds there are many saturated fats that are good for us and help us to lose weight these would be coconut oil some fast we get from animal products eggs butter meats or beef now grass-fed beef is going to be your best option but organic and hormonal free hormone free have some value even full-fat dairy if you tolerate it can have some value and I will tell you as recently as a year ago you could have held a gun to my head and I would have stayed adamant that saturated fats were unhealthy fats that led to heart disease and weight gain but I will tell you that there are two things that changed my mind about eating saturated fat first is my personal experience I've added more fat into my diet and I am leaner than I've ever been even though I will be 50 years old in just two months and fifty you know is a time when menopause is supposed to make women gain weight right well you know that just simply has not been my experience and I attribute a lot of that to boosting my dietary fat intake second is some outstanding books by some leaders in nutrition like David dr. David Ludwig his book always hungry dr. Mark Hyman who wrote eat fat gets in dr. joe mercola who wrote the books fat for fuel I recommend all of these books and all of these doctors share research that really exonerates dietary fats you know back in the 1970s we decided that fat was evil so we took that out of our diet and we replaced it with sugar and carbs and what happened is we got fat right in the 1970s one in six people were obese today it's almost one and two you know right now we're starting to see a shift back I would say a shift back to a more sane way of eating people are getting the bad carbs and the sugars out of their diet and their putting fat back in and their losing weight and not only that but they're getting control of hunger and cravings they're finding that their blood work improves which lowers the risk of heart disease cancers and dementia and all of those chronic diseases so to kind of wrap things up here when you lower your carb intake these starchy and refined carbs they're the ones to take out they don't have enough fiber to keep your blood sugar in check instead you want to go for the high-fiber carbs right you want these not these they are great for weight loss and for hunger control so enjoy non starchy vegetables eat them with nut seeds put avocados on your salad these foods give you both fiber and fat build meals around good fats like eggs fatty fish high quality meats you know in a lot of ways we're really going back to the good old days when hearty Whole Foods were the norm and I will tell you if you've struggled with hunger or a lack of satisfaction with the food choices on a diet or you tend to lose weight too slowly for your for your satisfaction get rid of the quick digesting carbs replace them with good fats and high fiber this is a diet structure that I share in my weight loss coaching program so if you're looking for some guidance on how to put a satisfying and effective diet together you can check out my coaching program I'll leave some links here on the video and as always if you found this video helpful and you'd like more tips just like it please subscribe to my youtube channel and I will be back soon with some more thanks
Channel: Dr. Becky Gillaspy
Views: 1,202,399
Rating: 4.8783083 out of 5
Keywords: low carb, fats, fiber, lose weight, blood sugar, eat, food, protein, macros
Id: LN3pYh4rTH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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