THE TOP 9 KETO MISTAKES That Sabotage Your Results!!!

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hey guys hello and welcome to total health with dr. NIC today I want to speak to you about the top 9 keto mistakes that you may be making and you guys know that the ketogenic diet is probably the hottest diet in the world right now it's constantly in the news it's all the rage right now maybe you want to burn fat you want to get ripped you hear that it's great for building muscle maybe you even have hormone problems and you heard it so good at helping you regulate your hormones well guys there are nine common mistakes you may be making that is throwing you out of ketosis and probably sabotaging all your efforts and I hear this every day in my practice someone will come in and say dr. NIC I can't do the keto diet it's either too difficult or it just doesn't work well guys like I said there's nine mistakes that you may be making that you're not even aware of that are completely sabotaging your efforts so today in this video I'm gonna talk to you about those so let's dive on in number one I find that most people are not measuring their macros you really aren't keeping aware that you know you've got to have a certain percentage of fats a certain percentage of protein a certain percentage of of carbs and I think a lot of you go right into it just saying hey you know what I'm just going to eat fat I'm going to cheese I'm going to bacon but you're not actually taking measurements and if you're not measuring you really don't know how you are but like I said ketogenic diet is about 70 percent fat it's about 25 percent protein and about five percent carbs and I know it it's it flies in the face of all you've been taught that you could you should eat this much fat it's not healthy for you it's going to give you a heart disease it's gonna clog your arteries but guys that's not the truth a myth that's been dispelled since the 1950s so you can eat about 70 percent of your calories that you take in over the course of the day in the form of fats the other thing too is you have to be able to measure it and this is a great app that I found online called my plate and in my plate all you do is you log in you put in your information and then you can start tracking your macros and with this what I like to do is you can just take a scan of a bar graph and see if the food that you're eating meets these criteria what's the ratios it's got a really cool wiill in there that actually looks like this that you can track your macros to make sure you're getting the right amount of nutrients and that's a huge huge thing guys if you're not tracking that on a daily basis you might have too many proteins or too much carbs and not even know it number two you're not measuring your ketones so many times I hear people say the ketogenic diet doesn't work and I said listen are you even measuring your ketones are you in ketosis do we even know it because you may be changing your diet or eating a lot more fat but you never get into ketosis the only way to know guys is to actually measure and it's three different ways you can do it number one you can check your urine and in your urine you're basically looking at acetyl acetate and acetyl acetate is really something that your body excretes out through the urine and ketone form in about the first couple of weeks so you can buy these strips just like this and you you know the routine you pee on one of these and what ends up happening is you then compare it to the colors on the back and it lets you know how much into ketosis you are the only problem with this guys is like I said after a couple of weeks you're not going to be excreting acetyl acetone any more another test that's good too is the breath test and with that you're just measuring acetone that's that sweetness you taste on your breath there's a problem with that I find one is that the key tonics breathing device is a little bit expensive it's a little pricey it's about a hundred and fifty dollars but the bigger problem I have with it is that you can't typically get the measurements the same sometimes you blow harder sometimes you're less sometimes it's more forceful and you don't really get that nice even breath distribution to be able to know if you're getting a good quantitative measurement or analysis with that the one I like the best is actually doing a blood test and I know you're thinking well I got to do a blood test how am I going to do that so I have to go to a lab no guys you could just do it right into privacy your own home it's actually very simple a company I like to use is called keto mojo and it's a great company and when I first signed up with this company or got their product they were selling the test strips at about a dollar apiece now that's about a third of what they normally are they're usually about three dollars you or maybe you can find them on Amazon for two and change but they're about a dollar with Aikido mojo so it's very good all you do is you take what we call The Lancet you put a little needle tip in there you prick your finger doesn't hurt it's very quick very easy and then you put the measurement of blood right on the tip here and then you take your measurement and it lets you know exactly what your ketone levels are I find this to be the most accurate that's why I like doing this one the most now number three you're not getting enough fat you guys this is a high fat diet this is copious amounts of fat and I know you're thinking once again I can't eat that much fat that's crazy it's outrageous I've been told to avoid fat but I will tell you guys you want to be on a high fat diet it's so so healthy for your cell membranes it's so healthy for the mitochondria in your body and you want to look back at maybe one of my old videos where I talked about the benefits of the ketogenic diet but you want to get more fat and it's got to be high-quality fat you want the best kind of fats your your wild-caught salmon your olives your avocados your nuts your olive oils your avocado oil I like using a couple of things like of course MCT oil so you can also check out my video on MCT oil this is a fantastic product whether it be this one or other ones MCT oil get your body into ketosis even faster another thing I like to use and you've probably heard me mention it before is beef tallow this is actually be Florida in this company my epic makes a really great grass-fed ones so you want to make sure that you're getting the right omega-6 too much correct omega-3 ratio and that's why you want to use grass-fed beef tallow and this is great this is just something you scoop out it's basically lard and you put it in your pan and you can cook your eggs in it or do other things now this is also a great product and this is called ghee ghe e and ghee is really clarified butter taken another step so that way you can use it at a higher heat if you want to cook meat you could put this on top of meat it's basically it's a clarified butter but like I said that next step took it to where purified it even more and got it to where it's got a higher smoking point so this is a great product you could just use this as a spread I like to use it on my coconut bread I made some coconut bread this past week and I just put it on it like as if it's it's just butter basically so it's a great way to get high quality fats into your diet but guys remember seventy percent okay to get into the keto adaptive in keto therapeutic stage seventy percent of your daily calories need to be fat so you need to make sure that the majority of what you're eating all day is in the form of fat number four guys you're eating too much protein and I can tell you I was guilty of this myself you're thinking if your body builders are out there you're going I need to get sure you know ample amounts of protein I don't want to have muscle wasting but the great thing about the ketogenic diet is it's muscle sparing so you actually spare the muscle and so you can use less protein than you normally use and also two guys if you're eating too much protein it puts you into something called gluconeogenesis which means you actually start to produce sugars you put actually produce glucose so the fat and I'm sorry the protein that you take in can be converted to sugar to glucose oh you don't want that because if you take in too much protein it actually kicks you out of ketosis so you want to avoid this the second reason you want to limit your your proteins is because even if it does come out to twenty twenty-five percent of your calories if you're taking in too much protein you're gonna take in a lot more extra calories in a day so please be careful with that and lower your protein trust that it's going to work and get your protein levels lower number five bad fats I know you're probably thinking well wait a minute isn't fat fat no there's really bad fats and the problem with a lot of people going on the ketogenic diet is they just start throwing cheese and fat into their diets and they're just eating bacon all day long and so you guys you have to be careful with this because not all fat is created equal it has to be quality fats and I've got a good video check out the one I did on the health benefits of saturated fats and it'll give you an idea about the different types of fats the saturated fats the monounsaturated fats and a polyunsaturated fats and really what they're about and how beneficial they are but guys you don't want to be living on bacon it's not a great fat now can you have it sometimes sure I like the taste of bacon but at the same time I try to limit it to where I eat more healthy or quality that's like I showed you on one of the previous slides also to stay away from these vegetable oil stay away from canola oil they are really garbage oils they're not good they oxidize they get rancid and typically they're higher in omega-6 fats which means that they are bad for you they're very very bad and that they're highly inflammatory so you want to watch these vegetable oils I know you've been you know brainwashed on TV commercials that these oils are so good for you but they are not you want to stay away from these oils because they go rancid really quickly and they oxidize inter highly inflammatory number six too much dairy guys I see this all the time and I was guilty of it myself you're thinking man I want to get little go-to snack you get home and next thing you know you're grabbing a piece of cheese well the problem with dairy is that it's got a lot of health problems it can cause inflammation it can cause acne issues allergies skin conditions like eczema and a lot of people it's very embarrassing if you're walking around with skin conditions because it's something that's very obvious people can see it very easily it can cause congestion you know that because you see times when you eat too much cheese you start to get a lot of mucus production it can cause asthma because you create that mucus in the lungs sinusitis most of you or many of you might experience this you experience that you know post nasal drip well you have that sinusitis all the time there's always that mucus building up in the back ear through where you're clearing your throat on irritable bowel constipation and weight gain so guys if you're gonna have cheese please at least make sure that it's grass-fed cheese and that it's raw those are gonna be your best sources but if not you want to eliminate it you want to keep it out of your diet because it causes too many other health problems number seven too many carbs this ones are real easy one to go over because remember from one of the previous slides I said your carbs should be about 5% you know how easy it is to ramp up your carbs if you're saying you know what but a piece of fruits okay it's it's healthy God made it's got its own little wrapper it's not processed there's no label on it well guys fruits are too high your berries are your better source for that you remember your vegetables are going to have carbohydrates sinem - but the good thing about a vegetable carb is that it's got a lot of fiber with it so the net carb load on your body is lower so you want to stay away from some of the starch your vegetables you're thinking well squash is good I can have squash but the problem is a lot of these other vegetables these more pulpy ones that have a thicker skin or a thicker pulp I should say they have a lot of starch in them and you might not even see it because you're thinking hey it's vegetables I can eat vegetables you can but you want to really reduce or eliminate your starchy vegetables and stick to your non starchy vegetables such as your broccoli your kale your your Brussels sprouts your cabbage things like that it's a lot better for you and it's much lower in starch number eight and guys this is something we forget about all the time we forget about our gut health and this is a big one because you're so much your immune system is housed inside your gut so here's the problem you start to eliminate your vegetables you start to think well it's basically cheese and it's fat and I'll just take a tablespoon of butter and I'll have a slice of cheese and I'll have some bacon and next thing you know yeah you got a lot of fat in your diet but you're not taking care of the microbiome that's inside of your gut so the microbiome needs these starchy I'm sorry these high fiber vegetables like your your kale your broccoli or cauliflower your Swiss chard things like that you want to have a lot of good vegetables in your diet I love to put things like kimchi in and if kimchi is something that you've never heard about check out a video I did on that too on how to make kimchi kimchi is basically fermented vegetables so you're getting the probiotic from the bacteria but the great thing is you're also getting the prebiotic which is what the bacteria wants and how many you guys have ever heard about prebiotics the prebiotic is the food the cabbage the the bok choy whatever the the fermented vegetable is that's what the bacteria is eating so it means that pre-and probiotic to really get the best benefit so you want to also add in bone broth that's a great one too people don't get enough bran bone broth in their diets and bone broth is taken from either chicken or beef and you basically are simmering and boiling those bones for a good 48 hours and you get a lot of the marrow out and a lot of the bone broth so it's a little different than then chicken stock or bone stock because it's got its thicker it's got a lot more of the collagen in it because you've let the marrow come out so you can make it yourself guys or you could just buy it it's you could buy it in any health food store you can even get it at Costco things like that or you can get it you know whatever supermarket is in your area just get bone broth not bone stock and a great thing about bone broth is it's very gut friendly it's very good for your gut because a lot of people today are suffering with leaky gut syndrome where the actual cells and the bacteria wall are separating you're getting these junctions where these tight junctions are developing gaps to where the bacteria and toxins from the the foods that we eat and so on actually can go through the intestinal wall and when it does it gets right into your bloodstream and it creates this incredible inflammatory response so good bone broth taking care of your gut during a ketogenic diet is going to be a really big thing for you and number nine the final one is you're not getting enough water and guys they see this a lot you go on the ketogenic diet and next thing you know right you're starting to feel constipated you're like oh my gosh this is terrible I'm getting just you know bound up here because you're not getting enough water remember carbohydrates for every gram of carbs your body holds four grams of water so because you've now lowered your carbs you're going to start lowering how much water your body holds so in some cases that's a good thing because your body will let go of some of the excess water that it's been holding but the problem is you're also losing some of the water your body needs so you can increase the salt in your diet and I know you think of a wait a min salts gonna give me a high blood pressure guys just use the Himalayan salt use the Celtic sea salt use just sea salt in general those are all good salts to do stay away from the sodium chloride white stuff on your table that's what you don't want but the other salts have a high mineral count which will also help with your gut and you want to add more water into dice so make sure you're drinking a lot of water you know that old adage about 8 8 ounce cups a day or glasses a day whatever works for you but you want to start adding more water in because many of you are not getting enough water and it's creating a constipation for you so guys I hope you liked the video if you do please like share comment and subscribe let me know what you think let me know what you like about the video let me know if other videos you'd like for me to maybe do so guys I hope this is good information for you asked many questions you want I always respond to my questions online and guys have a blessed day go Quito keep up the good work and you're going to do great have a blessed day bye bye
Channel: Total Health with Dr. Nick
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Keywords: ketosis, Keto diet, Keto, ketogenic diet, keto meal prep, keto meals, keto recipes, women's keto diet plan, keto diet for beginners, ketogenic meal plan, keto for beginners, Thomas DeLauer, intermittent fasting, dr oz, ketogenic food list, keto mistakes to avoid, 9 mistakes doing keto, top 9 keto mistakes, the top 9 keto mistakes, low carb, low carb high fat, high fat, keto breakfast, low carb diet, keto diet meal plan, ketones, low carb recipes, keto meal plan, easy keto
Id: s_Zxe1MCoJE
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Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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