10 Things I STILL BUY As A Minimalist | MINIMALISM

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all over chat shows welcome back to my channel I got my tea red raspberry leaf tea because who knows when baby's gonna come and I need to be ready so I'm drinking this like a crazy person and I got my notes we get no he's alright ok these are my notes on my channel I really have talked about minimalism a lot it's a huge part honestly of my life it's a way that I keep my life really organized really kind of tame in a sense it's a huge way that I save money and in a lot of ways it's really good on just the environment in general it's the idea of quality over quantity as well I love being minimal and I love the fact that I am a minimalist and that's just kind of what I've labeled myself as and what a lot of people have labeled me as but there are still things and this is the thing minimalism is a journey I am still journeying there are some things that I still purchase as a minimalist that I probably don't have to and I know that and I realize that so I have a list of 10 things that I still purchase as a minimalist but I'm trying to change these things I'm trying to make it better on the environment cheaper on my wallet because dang some of these things get expensive ah that is in a lot of ways the things on this list make my life easier but I'm also someone I don't need to have an easy life I like to try different things I like to challenge myself and I like discovering different things even if it's gonna be a little bit harder usually it's worth my while so 10 things I still buy as a minimalist and I'm gonna kind of go in too seriously you had to chop down trees today I have the tree trimmers about 10 feet from my house so that is our background noise for today I'm gonna go through this list and just also talk about some things that I would like to change up so yeah I hope you guys like this video be sure to subscribe to my channel if you're new and yes my complexion is looking a little I'm out of my roschin Zuko's foundation I don't even know what to do I'm not okay I thought I had a backup I do but it's the wrong shade it's my tan shade and I'm like oh no that's why we're looking a little blotchy but that's okay anyway let's go ahead and get started with the video number one and this I'm going to change ASAP tampons and pads I want to buy the Diva Cup I know there's a lot of like better eco-friendly Diva Cup options but I want to buy a Diva Cup it's way cheaper because I mean really honestly I probably spend 20 bucks a period on tampons and pads alone it also takes forever for tampons and pads to decompose which is like really disgusting - after I give birth there's always postpartum bleeding where you have to wear like a pad or depends diapers you're not allowed to wear like a diva cuff but after that like I'm I'm seriously I'm done way too expensive takes forever to decompose so it's bad on the environment and a diva Cup just sounds kind of really cool to me number two is eating out I watch a lot of minimalism videos and so many of them say I never eat out I always could get home I really enjoy eating out me and my husband and my family we probably eat out once every one to two even three weeks for us it's either a date night or it's just a fun activity it's nice to get everyone out of the house as someone who cooks all the time it's nice to enjoy food that someone else has cooked and I also get a lot of inspiration from when I eat out that's something I actually don't want to change as of right now money wise we are able to eat out and be fine financially definitely if I was eating out multiple multiple times a week if not every single day there would be an issue on my part I feel like that's unnecessary for me and just my lifestyle but when I can eat out I do and I do enjoy it and that's something honestly I don't really want to change I cook a lot at home anyways so it's nice to get out number-three shampoo and conditioner a lot ilysm videos will feature these girls that have done the no poo hair anti shampoo anti conditioner treatment it's done with like vinegars and such I just don't think I can do that because of my bleached out hair I've done no poo before I did not enjoy it I just need to always have some sort of a purple shampoo or conditioner I have someone that reached out to me that actually makes like natural non-toxic purple shampoo conditioner and I'm so excited for that but to be honest especially as a mom I like my shampoo and conditioner it's easy to use it's easy to have and I'm trying to switch over to be more natural and as non-toxic as possible but girl I really like my shampoo and conditioner next is moisturizing products I do honestly a know coconut oil will do it all I know coconut oil will condition my hair it'll condition my lips I can use it as a moisturizer on my body I can shave with it if I did shave I don't actually shave I know coconut oil and a lot of other oils are awesome in that way but I like having more of a variety when it comes to moisturizing products I like to have a facial moisturizer I like to have a body moisturizer I like to have separate lip balms that I can just keep in my pocket take with me wherever I go I like having a separate conditioner even though I know coconut oil or a lot of other oils can kind of do everything I like having that separation I like having multiple moisturizers and I like smelling different than just coconut oil number 5 is flowers or temporary plants I like buying flowers I like buying eucalyptus I like buying temporary plants it mostly will happen in the summer time when there's flower stands on the side of the road it's something that I really really enjoy but I like buying them for the fact that they're beautiful I like just having beautiful things in my home I like the way that they smell and then usually at the end when they're kind of dry my daughter will use them as stamps in paint and will paint on canvases but I just like flowers and like temporary plants have a huge thing of eucalyptus right behind you guys as in my phase and it smells good it's great for cleaning the air as well I like I like temporary plants can I say number six is nut milks I still buy nut milks I know how to make my own nut milk actually have a video I'll link it down below to make regular nut milk like vanilla coconut milk and golden nut milk with turmeric I love doing that but it is a lot of work and as a mom especially a working mom I don't have a lot of time to always do that whenever I need nut milk so I still go ahead and buy myself almond milk usually sometimes cashew milk from my local grocer and it's just another thing that just is simple it's just going to make my life a little bit easier and this doesn't happen very often but prepackaged foods I'm not talking about like pre sliced fruit or vegetables I mean like frozen sweet potato fries or my favorite like vegan burgers I can probably slice sweet potatoes all by myself I can probably go ahead and mash together a bunch of mushrooms and lentils and beans and rice and make my own like vegan burger patties but again it's just something that simple so it's only a couple things I really do this with and the main things I can think of is sweet potato fries and vegan burgers even like these great vegan sausages that field roast makes so good I'm not vegan but they're they're really delicious again it's just easy it's just a little bit easier as a mom as a working mom as a mom who's gonna have baby number three any day now it's nice to have prepackaged foods on hand if I suddenly have people coming over or I don't know what to make for dinner and I just need to whip something together fast it's nice to have some stuff just ready and prep to go if I have not already made it and froze it and prepped it to go number eight is diapers and wipes so I have a two-year-old daughter almost three she is potty-trained she doesn't do diapers or wipes or anything but I do have a one-year-old son we cloth diaper him probably around sixty percent of the time and that's mainly just when we're at home and then the rest of the time he isn't a disposable diaper and we used disposable wipes it kind of kicks me in the gut because I know that they take forever to decompose but it's another EES thing it's something that is just a little bit easier I like the idea of using cloth diapers at home or whenever I can on the go because we save like thousands of dollars by doing this just to make my life a little bit easier so I do what I can and I do enjoy cloth diapering but I'm not going to do it so much where it becomes a little bit too hard or difficult especially in the wintertime just cloth diapers are really big on such a little baby bum and then putting on layer after layer so I still purchased those as a minimalist and you know what I I will continue to do that number nine books I still purchase books a lot of the time watching some of these minimalism videos people will say I never buy books I never buy magazines and there's a point where I don't really buy magazines or things like that or subscribe to them so much the stuff that is in magazines and even books you can get online if you have a tablet or a Kindle you can read it on there I like having books that have pages that I can hold that I can either completely write in and mess up or something that I can read and pass it on to someone else that I know will really enjoy it I'm usually not someone that reads a book and keeps it I'm someone that will read a book and pass along to someone who I think would like it or I actually just save money and make it a little easier on everybody and just get it from my local library I never purchase books like oh we'll just try this out and see it's usually a book that oh there they go again it's usually a book that I will want to refer back to so therefore I feel like it's a lot more justified because it's something that I'm always kind of going back to you and Ari looking at and rereading you know what I mean lastly and I was hoping to get this all done before they started their machine again but it didn't this one I I'm working on changing and it's ziploc bags and sandwich bags I like having ziplock freezer bags and sandwich bags handy for if I'm making something for someone or I'm kind of in a pinch I will almost always put food or other storage in a plastic container that can be washed and reused sometimes that doesn't really happen and sometimes I do go ahead and use Ziploc bags and then even with a lot of my Ziploc bags themselves if they're still in good condition I'll wash them out with soap and then I'll let them dry and then I'll reuse them again but I would like to get away from just purchasing ziplock bags in general and we are working on it because that's a huge way to be less waste save money I'm here to save money that's what I'm here for thank you all very much for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed just listening to some of the things that I continue to buy as a minimalist I will link down below my minimalism playlist I am definitely planning on when baby is born going through my whole closet and just decluttering everything that I can pass on to other people and things that I'm just not really crazy about anymore so be sure subscribe to see when that video goes live but I thank you very much for watching this one and I'll see you all in my next video bye
Channel: Sarah Therèse
Views: 288,830
Rating: 4.8769145 out of 5
Keywords: 10 things i still buy as a minimalist, minimalist, 10 things i no longer buy, minimal, sarahtherese, arah therese, sarah therese, minimalism
Id: Ns87oOg59M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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