10 Things Hogwarts Legacy Players HATE

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(lively tune) - People are really loving Hogwarts Legacy but there are things about it even the biggest fans don't enjoy. Hi folks, it's Falcon, and today on Gameranx 10 things Hogwarts Legacy players hate. And just a real quick disclaimer I'm gonna sound frustrated about some things in this game. That doesn't mean the game is bad. In fact the game's very good, but I think everybody who enjoys it is gonna know exactly what I'm talking about when we get going. So let's get going. Starting off at number 10, the constantly repeating lines of dialogue. If you're playing Hogwarts Legacy this stuff's just unavoidable. Certain lines of dialogue are just gonna be burned into your memory for all eternity. That's just what's gonna happen, I'm sorry. I mean, I'm not that sorry, I didn't do it to you but you have my sympathy. For whatever reason though, basic actions like using fast travel or going to Hogsmeade, especially going to Hogsmeade, they have a line of dialogue associated with it and you're gonna hear it so many times playing the game and you're going to think that you're going insane. Does your character need to say, "Does it get any more cozy than Hogsmeade" every single time you go to town? - Does it get any more cozy than Hogsmeade? - Hey, did you know that sometimes it seems like all roads lead to Hogsmeade. - Sometimes it seems all roads lead to Hogsmeade. - Of course you do. The main character said it a hundred times. Here's a line I heard about a million times going to the room of requirement. Deek thinks you should be proud of all the potions you've brewed. - Deek thinks you should be proud of all the potions you've brewed. - Yeah, I'm so proud of doing all this boring busy work and believe me, it makes me happier to hear your stupid line every single time I'm forced to come back here and do it. I'm so proud, I don't even need a medal, it's the satisfaction at the end of the day the does it for me, can you sense the sarcasm? Fast travel's the worst, do you really need somebody to comment every single time you fast travel around? Hey, you know what? I think I can imagine how hard it was to get around without Floo Powder. I've certainly thought about it enough times after having heard somebody say something about it every time I go near the Floo Flame. This stuff is so annoying that people just start rolling the second they enter Hogsmeade insert limp bizkit clip here. When you roll you don't have to hear the main character's banal repeated observations every single time you go to town to sell stuff. People complain that the characters wouldn't shut up in God of War Ragnarök, but at least they were mostly saying different things. In Hogwarts Legacy, there's like five or six lines that you're gonna hear repeatedly. At number nine, the bugs, and Hogwarts Legacy actually isn't that buggy for a major release. It could be way worse, but there's still some annoying issues that pop up from time to time. Mostly the bugs are cosmetic so they don't truly interfere with anything other than maybe immersion. Like for instance the cape on a student, or something clipping through their body. But sometimes it can get weird, like this one time where I was wandering around the school not doing anything specific, and suddenly I just fell through the world and died. Everything just despawned and the main character dropped like a rock into oblivion and died. Probably the most bizarre one happened when I went out to check this secret cave. I went through the whirlpool and suddenly things were a lot more stuttery than usual. When I tried to swim to land, it got out of control. Character kept swimming, but floating up into the air, eventually just got stuck in the ceiling. So I reloaded, and I was trapped in between the scenery and an invisible wall. (character hups) And like I said, it's not a regular occurrence but it does happen occasionally in Hogwarts Legacy, and it's more confusing than anything else. At number eight, there are so many stairs it's too bad this isn't a Star Wars game. There is a much more obvious pun, I'm not gonna say it, but I am gonna say it's step in time at Hogwarts. Like this place has more stairs than school at this point. If there's one thing I'm pretty sure everybody's noticed about this game's version of Hogwarts, it's this, there's just non-stop stairs. You cannot walk 10 feet without having to climb an intimidating looking flight of stairs. If you're a Ravenclaw, then you really gotta have legs of steel with all the climbing you're gonna be doing to get anywhere. If you're wondering how all the students managed to have the same body proportions while apparently eating all these lavish meals, now you know, they're doing cardio every second of the day they're not in class. There's so many stairs, there's just stairs leading to more stairs, leading to more stairs. There's so many stairs, I turn into Seinfeld bitching there about it for a second. There's a reason Hogwarts doesn't have physical education. Why would you need PE? I think I've said the word stairs in this point more times than I've said the word Hogwarts. At number seven, your character's a sociopath. This only really becomes obvious as you play the game for a while, but there's something off about the main character even compared to most RPG protagonists. It's the way they deliver their lines, it's always so neutral, and measured, and polite, even in high stake situations the way they interact with other people is super weird. And sometimes it feels like your character is Data from Star Trek the Next Generation or something, where everything they seem to say is always the right thing but it's all sterile and off-putting. Like just listen for it. A lot of the time your main character literally sounds like a robot. - Someone was an avant reader. Can't say I'm familiar with many of these titles. - It's also funny whenever you get a side quest even when there's somebody begging for your help, or something serious like time sensitive or something, your character's basically like, "I'll get around to it when I feel like it." "I'm hungry, I'm gonna go over here." "We have to hurry, If we don't get over there fast, someone could die." And although we have to get over there fast, the potential death is not fast. In fact, it would be slow and horrific. I sure hope we get there in time. It almost sounds like AI generated speech, it's weird. There's all this blatantly nasty stuff where you kill thousands of goblins, and then casually say your blood is on Ranrok's hands. Like dude, you are the one who busted into their base and murdered all of them, their blood is on your hands. It's like that Eric Andre meme where he shoots Hannibal Buress, and then blames something other than him. Like there's so much questionable stuff that you can do in this game and it basically brushes it right off. They wanna make it so you're the good guy, but the contradiction is so obvious it makes your character seem like a damn sociopath. At number six, Demiguise statues are a really annoying requirement. Like if there's one complaint we're gonna cop to it's gotta be this. For the most part, the way the game gates things off depending on what spells you have feels pretty natural, but in this one instance it feels like busy work for busy work's sake. If you wanna be able to unlock every door in the game, you gotta collect a whole bunch of these Demiguise statues and they can only be found at night. They're pretty rare, they're pretty easy to miss, they're only visible when you're scanning at night and they're just all around annoying to hunt down. They're not required. You don't have to rank up the unlocking spell if you don't care about unlocking level two and level three locks. But if you wanna explore everything, you're gonna have to just buckle down, you gotta stop everything you're doing, and you gotta find all these stupid things. No other spell requires you to do this, and no other spell really has higher ranks that unlock outside of the talent tree. It just feels unnecessary overall and is an annoying and tedious waste of time. It doesn't help that the lock picking mini game, is itself, a little to frequent and not that much fun. Isn't this supposed to be a spell, why can't you just unlock stuff automatically? You know like magic. At number five, there's not really enough classes and interactions. It's probably one of the most common complaints about Hogwarts Legacy. And it really boils down to player preference and expectations. A lot of people came into this game thinking it was gonna be a Hogwarts student experience where you really get immersed in the world. But the game that came out was more of a straight up open world RPG with the Harry Potter theme. And a lot of the common complaints are how little you actually do in classes, how you can't interact with other students a whole lot, how it makes very little difference what house you join at the start of the game, and ultimately really, really pointless common rooms. They look nice but that's about it, right? You can't do anything in these places, they're just there. It's funny 'cause there is a template that Hogwarts could borrow from, Bully. That game has actual classes, a curfew, and some simulation elements, while still being a fun open world action game. So there's a model they could have borrowed from. The lack of curfew is a divisive one, some people think that the game feels a little basic without it, but some people think that it would be more annoying to deal with. When it comes to this kind of stuff though, there's one thing I think everyone can agree on, your main character can't sit in chairs. What is up with that, why is it like that? The people want chairs. But not just chairs, the ability to sit in them. Like look at these chairs, they look very comfy and I'm talking about real life. I wish I had a chair like that but I can't even virtually sit in it. At number four, you can't look down when you're flying a broom. This is one of those things that doesn't really feel like a huge deal, but it does hurt the atmosphere for a lot of people. It just sucks that you can't get a full 360 degree view while flying around. You're just trapped staring at your main characters back the entire time no matter what. Not being able to look up or down can make it hard to navigate the environment. And it's a drag if you want to recreate some iconic moments from the movie, or get like a nice photogenic view. Overall the flying controls are a little weird and off not egregiously so, but it takes a little getting used to and definitely could be more satisfying. And the camera thing is definitely part of it. And speaking of cameras, the angle when you're flying the hippogriff, worse, am I wrong? It's always at this slightly tilted down angle that takes some of the grandeur out of flying around on a big mythical beast. Also, there's no photo mode. I'm sure they'll patch that in eventually, I hope they do, but that should be there already. It is not complicated to have a photo mode, and this is a Hogwarts game where they've modeled Hogwarts. Hogwarts is in the title, and don't think you're gonna cheat it and take pictures while you're zoomed in on the FOV or something. Your character's big head is always blocking at least half the screen. And number three is Revelio. Out of all the repeated lines, this is the one you're going to hear the most. Everyone always jokes about detective vision from Batman games, but at least you could turn that on and leave it on, and Batman wouldn't always pipe in every time you switch vision modes like detective vision activated, bat vision. In Hogwarts Legacy, that's exactly what happens. Whenever you cast Revelio, you say detective vision activate. No, you say Revelio, you use it to find collectibles and treasures in the environment, but it's temporary and you have to recast it all the time, so every time you do it expect your character to shout - Revelio. (bell chiming) (footsteps pattering) In general, this game has that Ubisoft open world bloat problem, where there's just so many collectibles and if you wanna find them, you're gonna be shouting Revelio every five seconds just to make sure you got everything, right? It's endless, it's annoying, but the environment's so dense that it can be hard to spot stuff normally. And then certain things can only be found if you cast Revelio constantly. So there's really just nothing you can do. Turn on the volume or get used to hearing someone say Revelio about 10,000 times an hour. And number two Sebastian's quest line overshadows the main story. Having a good side quests should be a good thing but it feels weird in Hogwarts Legacy. For some reason the Sebastian's side quests is the most fleshed out and interesting quest in the game even more so than the main one. There's an actual story with dramatic stakes and your character makes choices that seem to matter. That wouldn't be a problem in any other game, but it really stands out here in that it's the only quest in the game that's like that. Your dialogue choices in these quests actually can affect things. It can change what spells you learn, what Sebastian's ultimate fate is, et cetera. I mean, it's the only quest in the game where you can even learn optional spells, so that alone makes it stand out. It's just so much more dramatic and interesting than the main plot, which is very bog standard, do four things, fight final boss type of video game plot. The Sebastian one just feels way more grounded in the characters. It makes the rest of the game feel like a missed opportunity. Like there was a more role-playing focus game hiding inside Hogwarts Legacy at some point. It's still not the most amazing quest line ever or anything, but it's a hell of a lot more interesting than everything else. And number one is PC performance and missing features. This one's a real issue, and it's a huge drag. On next-gen consoles, the game runs really well, but for some reason the PC ports struggle to run at a decent frame rate. Even computers equipped with the most cutting edge graphics cards are running into issues with low frames per second, stuttering, and it's a total drag. PC ports in the last year have been a consistent problem. It seems like most games that come out nowadays are cross platform, and the worst version by a country mile is the PC version, and that's the case here. To make matters worse, the PC version is also missing exclusive features like a certain potion and an entire quest, one that many people consider to be one of the best in the game. Basically, if you're playing on PC, you're playing the worst version of Hogwarts Legacy, which that sucks. I mean it's still a great game, obviously. I've done a lot of complaining about it here and I think a lot of people out there who really enjoy the game will still find this fairly cathartic. Interested in your thoughts, leave us a comment. If you like this video, click like. If you're not subscribed, now is a great time to do so. We upload brand new videos every day of the week, best way to see them first is of course subscription, so click subscribe. Don't forget to enable notifications. And as always, we thank you very much for watching this video. I'm Falcon, you can follow me on Twitter at FalconTheHero. We'll see you next time, right here on Gameranx.
Channel: gameranx
Views: 763,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts legacy issues, Hogwarts legacy problems, Hogwarts legacy cons, Hogwarts legacy annoyances, Hogwarts legacy irritation, Hogwarts legacy fans, gameranx, falcon, ps5, xbox series, pc gamers
Id: Uoa_IhRCrAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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