Hogwarts Legacy - Into the Shadows with Tom Felton

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(dramatic music) - Half of me wants to go back as Draco, and half of me wants to go back as Tom. - Incendio. - Ah, run for your life! As much as I am passionately devoted to Slytherin and Draco's legacy, I also kind of want to create my own one. So, we'll see. (dramatic music) Hi there, I am Tom Felton. Today I'm going to play my favorite quest line in Hogwarts Legacy and show you how I went about creating my own legacy in the game. Now that Hogwarts Legacy is available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. If you're a new student, welcome. Let me introduce you to my newest favorite Slytherin, Sebastian Sallow. - I'm Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin. - Thank you. - Sebastian is the only companion who will lead you towards learning the Dark Arts. (mysterious music) So even though we're in a new era of Hogwarts, I'm going to bring a rather particular look back to these noble halls. Well, this is all wrong. No, no, no glasses. And now let's go for, yes, shorter hair. Blonder, blonder, blonder. Perfect. Less curly. Less coify, more a Draco swoop we're looking for. Aha, gorgeous, perfect! Looking right the part now, time to get sorted. - Ah, yes. A bit older than the others, aren't you? - I am a bit older, yes. - You come here with preferences and preconceptions. - I do. - Certain expectations. - Fingers crossed. I can't wait to start classes. I can't wait to explore. - I'm looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the world beyond the castle and grounds. - I detect something in you. - Daring, curiosity, loyalty, ambition. I wanna go ambition. - Is it ambition? - Definitely. - I may seem single-minded, but it is important to go after what you want from life. - You belong in Slytherin! - Slytherin. Thank you! - This is the entrance to the Slytherin common room. In order to enter, one must simply speak the correct password. Aspiration. - Ah, home. (laughs) The Slytherin common room. The best parties happen here. Trust me. (soft music) I feel like Slytherin started off with a bad rep. People seem to think of it as like the bad house, or the naughty house. I'm excited to sort of rediscover what it is to be a Slytherin. Does it feel like home? Yes. Yeah, it feels, (laughs) yeah, it feels like home. And yet brand new, and exciting. And oddly reminiscent of my childhood. (laughs) Hogwarts at Leavesden always have the other side of the wall, so the Great Hall for example, on the other side of it is scaffolding and fiberglass. This is completely immersive, it's 360. This just seems terrifically like being able to create so much more of the world that we didn't get the chance to do in the films. So, although it seems very familiar, it also seems like kind of brand new. (mysterious music) We're about to begin a very special quest line where we have the opportunity to learn the Cruciatus Curse. The first of the three unforgivable curses. My allegiance is with my character that would want to learn all of the Dark Arts. But Tom, Tom, not so much. I'm not sure, I don't know. I'm learning as I go. Wish me luck. - Hello, Ominis. - What have you and Sebastian been up to now? - Sebastian simply wanted me to have a safe place to practice some spells. - I suppose that makes sense. It's just, Sebastian's been pestering me lately about something and I'm frustrated with him. - Don't tell me he's still going on about, what was it, a scriptorium? - Yes, well, he seems to think it contains the answer to saving Anne. I only know about it because of my favorite aunt, Noctua. She even found the secret entrance in this very corridor. - Aren't you curious? Yes, I'm curious. - Aunt Noctua went down this path with good intentions and lost her life. - Your aunt pursued this alone. - I think all three Slytherin characters, we all share a similar sense of loyalty, and family, and wanting to do the right thing even if it's difficult to do. We're all conflicted, but very loyal. Easy, ah. - Confringo! (crashing and rattling) Something's happening. - Something is happening. - I can teach you Crucio, or I can cast it on you. - Wait, you didn't say you knew how to cast Crucio. - It might be easier for him to do it. But I kind of want to learn it. I don't wanna learn Cruciatus Curse, I want to learn... - I want to learn the curse, but I won't cast it on you. - I shan’t forget this. - Oh, crikey. Is he gonna, no. - Ready? - Let's go. - I'm ready. - Oh God, this is not gonna be fun. - Crucio! - Ah! (dramatic music) - It was kind of cool actually 'cause Draco never really had a choice. It was sort of forced upon him. Whereas having that decision there of learning Dark Arts and using it for good, yeah, that's a moral dilemma. But it's a fun one, and one that probably a Slytherin could do the best. (soft music) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, back it up. - Incendio. Accio. - I'm doing that thing where I panic and push everything at the same time! Oh my days, okay. - Before we trudge on further, I just realized something. The student's diary mentions the Imperius Curse. If you'd like to learn Imperio, I can teach you. - Oh God. It's kinda dark, isn't it? I prefer not to learn, really, but. Do I want to use Imperio? - It's probably wise to know the spell. - Here we go. Something troubling ahead. Be on your guard. - Sebastian, be careful. Come on. - Well, he doesn't look friendly. No! (Anne screaming) - Imperio! - Or does he? - Boy, what have you done? Your father would be ashamed. - He had to. - You've got too far, Sebastian. - What did my uncle expect me to do? - Exactly. - The Imperius Curse saved Anne's life. That goblin was going to kill her. - You did the right thing. - You did what you had to do. - Absolutely. - If I have to keep proving that to my uncle I will. Probably best if I get away from here for a while. - Yes it is. - I'll head back to Hogwarts. - I think Sebastian was in his right to use the Imperio Curse. I mean, I guess everyone has to make their own decision, really. But that's where my instinct was. (menacing music) At this point, Sebastian is all in on the Dark Arts. He's experienced firsthand how brutally effective they were when it came to protecting his sister. Now there is only one Unforgivable Curse left to learn. I've got a bad feeling about this. - Expelliarmus. - Expelliarmus. Depulso! Now he's getting to grips with it. Don't wanna toot my own wand, but, no! I spoke too soon. Run for your life. - Sebastian. - I told you, the relic is the answer. I've been trying to reverse the dark magic that injured Anne, but this will allow me to control it. - What have the two of you done? - Solomon Accio relic. - Oh my days. - The relic. You'll pay for this. (grunts) - Serious amounts of goosebumps, as we speak. This is a twist I never saw coming. - Accio. - Incendio! - Take a chill pill. Calm down, Tom. Nice, tuck, weave, dive, roll. Where's my bloody broomstick when I need it? Wand drop. Whoo! - She cannot be healed, Sebastian. You must stop. - That was intense. - I won't let her suffer. Avada Kedavra! - Oh no, he dropped it. - Oh my god. That's deep. Now, I'm not going to give away the whole ending. You're just gonna have to experience that for yourself. Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X and S, Xbox One, and PC. Enjoy.
Channel: Hogwarts Legacy
Views: 889,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, HL, Wizarding World, Harry Potter, HP, WB Games, Warner Bros Games, Warner Brothers Games, Hogwart Legacy, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Game, Wizards, Witches, RPG, Role Playing Games, Avalanche Software, Gameplay, 4k, Sebastian Sallow, Tom Felton, Draco Malfoy, Slytherins
Id: 8dCUnepjW6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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