10 Things FINNEAS Can't Live Without | GQ

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you guys seen his guitar Mason Ramsey if you look at like his album cover his guitar is like that's his guitar on his body it's so cute hey miss Mason Ramsey and welcome to Jiki these are my 10 essentials that's gonna get cut out I just know it what's up GQ my name is Phineas and these are my essentials so the first essential I wanted to bring was my laptop which I have this GQ sticker on cuz I'm a big fan of GQ to produce a song I think a lot of people think you need a lot of gear and I don't know for me like I just need a laptop that's pretty much it there's a couple songs on the last EP of mine a couple songs I've done for other artists that I've literally like priests on flights using the actual keys of the laptop to like play chords and then orchestrating everything else and all I need is a laptop to produce a song this is my Apple watch this was like a compulsive retail therapy by a couple years ago for me and when I got it I was like why did I get this and then I just sort of wore it every day for a couple months and now like when I forget to wear it looked down at my like bare wrist all the time this also has a really great microphone and you can like record low like voice memos straight into here she's pretty awesome but the the best feature of this is that you can ring your phone from it and I lose my phone four to five thousand times a day so it's pretty awesome just feel like where's my phone and then you know where it is this band is from a website called case 2phi this was a present from my my girlfriend this much classier than the the fake Gucci one that I had before this I pretty much like exclusively drink like iced coffee drinks it has to be like an Arctic tundra to to justify like a hot coffee for me it could be like you know Christmas even and raining and I'll be like gotta get an iced coffee I'll be wearing like an overcoat and like shivering and just my like iced americano what's that and I get to chew the ice it's a bonus but I think I think mainly my relationship with coffee is just how much caffeine I can have in my body for the duration of the day to offset whatever small amount of sleep I got that night so this is my phone and I keep my phone in the a folio case like a wallet case I do that because I up until like earlier this year I was like a three pocket person which I think a lot of guys are or I'd have my phone in one pocket my keys in the other pocket and my wallet the other pocket I just got kind of like exhausted of that and having bulgy pockets and one of the things I did was I installed nest locks on my house which are like little code locks gonna lock with your phone so I got rid of my house key I got a car and this is the key to my car and then I got rid of my wallet and just put my my money's in here this is all I all I travel with part of the reason for that is that when I tour I would leave my car keys at home anyway because I'd be away from my car in my house for you know five weeks at a time and so I would get back to LA and I would have to like reincorporate like having my car keys on me at all times into my like like what I was remembering and I would like leave my keys everywhere so I just condensed it to like this all the time and it's purple because I thought I was ordering a black one and I ordered a purple one and I'm appropriating um single mothers over 40 culture that's what I'm doing with this purple case this is a trimmer from a website called manscaped it uh it's for your balls it doesn't it doesn't chop your balls when you use it it's pretty great yeah I keep my ball trimmer in my face trimmer separate trimmers just out of respect for both areas you know I have a face trimmer also that has like a nose hair trimmer attachment that's pretty exciting to me I got really serious about trimming my nose hairs when one time my girlfriend and I were you know face to face as you often are with your loved one and she tucked one of my nose hairs back up into my nostril so I was like he time to really double down on this nose hair trimming because that's never gonna happen I guess shave the neckline you know it's really funny to me when some guys do like the chin the chin strap or they just shave all this stuff that's so horrible looking anybody in this room these are my favorite pair of headphones ever they're called a th m50x they're a pair of Audio Technica headphones and for me like basically up until I had these headphones like it's really hard to like mix music on headphones because a lot of like the music that I'm producing is very like sub heavy like it's a lot of like music that you feel in your chest it's really hard to replicate that with like really tiny speakers over your ears and these have just such a good bass response that like for all of blood harmony and a lot of when we all fall asleep where do we go this was like my primary source of like reference mixing headphones so these are like a huge deal to me this is the thing I'm the most excited about talking about this is my skincare regimen a couple months ago I had like just a the worst breakout I've ever had I've struggled with like acne since I was like 14 I've been to like 10 to 15 dermatologists over the course of that eight years it was a really punishing a demoralizing experience and at 22 I suddenly had like the worst breakout of my life while we were on tour Billy's album was coming out my skin was just like exploding this was my face like a couple months ago it's pretty unpleasant there's not so many pimples anymore and the reason that is is because of all this stuff it's it's his woman named Biba who has a company and she's a facialist and I go get facials from her and then her line is so great I use this acne wash every day and then this toner and then I use this medicine serum it's like a vitamin C based serum there's like a sunscreen that I use also sunscreen and moisturizer like a big deal and then every night I'll use this cleanser and then this toner and then I'll use this acne gel and it changed my life this is a guitar that I got while we were on tour this past summer I was in Boston and a day off I was like ooh I really want to go get a good tomorrow and I'm in a really fortunate position where I have a relationship with Fender or they make guitars for me and send them to me so I very rarely have to actually go buy a guitar anymore she's really awesome but that one day I was like oh I want to go get a guitar today I bought one in a while and the last time I bought a guitar was when I was like pretty flat broke and my teens I couldn't afford a nice guitar at all the only place that was open at like 7:30 p.m. was at Guitar Center that was like across the street from Berklee College of Music so I walked in and every kid in there is like a Berkley undergrad that was just like look I just shredding on their guitars and it was very intimidating to me because I can play a really sick open G chord that's my knowledge of guitar and I walked around the store and I found this disney/pixar cordova sponsored guitar basically made of balsa wood it's made of the same stuff that like a paper airplane that's made out of it's incredibly light it's super small and the guy selling it to me gave me a look like this that was the look that he gave me as he sold me this guitar and as I was leaving I was like oh I'd love to buy a case for it you guys have a case for that guitar and he was like no it plays beautifully and then I had it with me every day for the rest of the tour and I wrote I don't miss you at all on this guitar and I wrote partners in crime on this guitar and it's small enough that it's not in anyone's way if I'm sitting like on a bench seat in a tour bus next to people a lot of time you are and if I was like Lil Hank Williams the guitar that's like six times bigger than my body wouldn't work this is like the only like bigger essential I have and this is a a pelican that I got outfitted that I take everywhere that has all my recording gear I'll show you guys what I mean this is an Apollo Aero that's what I use to plug my mics in is my Norman TLM 103 screws on like that there's the cable goes from here here this is my version of a makeup tutorial now that might have seemed like a lot of work to demonstrate something but in terms of like actually recording a song that's pretty fast and then I'll hold it like this I'll wear those headphones I was just bragging about and this is how I recorded like everything on my EP it's how Billy and I just recorded her new song it's it's pretty great I'm a big fan of like holding this in your hands because like when you're standing in a mic stand for some reason like you plant your feet you get in a good location and you're kind of like this far away from it the whole time whether you're seeing really loud you're singing really quiet and I like it being handheld because I think just you're kind of like motion response to it means that when you're singing really quietly you'll hold it really close to your face like this when you start shouting you automatically kind of hold it further away and I think it just kind of is like the dynamics of it are much much tighter automatically through that so this has been my like refined way of recording in every hotel room I'm a big fan so I wanted to save the only real essential that I actually brought today like the only thing that truly is like essential to my life for for laughs but it's definitely the first one that I thought of and is this Claudia this is my girlfriend thanks so much for being here I was like hey would you come be my like my essential and the 10 essentials thing and I think she didn't understand that I wanted her to like she's the most important part of my life easily and I think at first she thought I was just like would you come watch me film my 10 essentials videos she would watch a lot of things that she do I was like yeah I if you feel that I really should be there I can come and support you last thing I want to do is like objectify my girlfriend she's her own person and I think much more valuable than me or than my iced coffee or my beep of beauty supply products but the feeling is mutual yeah if I became a man and filmed 10 essentials you would also be in my 10 essentials Klein I've been dating for like a little over a year and one of the things that we get to do a lot like to her a lot is get to travel together a lot if I'm on a flight without her I go through like several movies and like I don't know like all this nonsense and I'm uncomfortable the whole time and I'm just waiting to get like Wi-Fi so I could text her again and if Claudia is on the flight with me then we just like make each other laugh for like five or six hours we're a very low stress couple it's pretty awesome you know yeah you're the best we've really locked down traveling we make the most of every delay I would categorize travel as like a stressful experience and with you I've never stressed and by yeah it's pretty good we're already where we want to be a car that's perfect I know we're the worst up once again my name is Phineas thank you guys so much for watching my ten essentials [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: GQ
Views: 2,341,112
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Keywords: 10 essentials, ten essentials, finneas o'connell, finneas o'connell 2019, finneas o'connell interview, finneas o'connell gq, finneas o'connell 10 essentials, finneas o'connell 10 things, finneas oconnell, finneas o'connell billie eilish, billie eilish brother, finneas o'connell favorite, finneas o'connell favorites, favorite finneas o'connell, finneas o'connell 10 things, 10 things, 10 things finneas o'connell, 10 essentials finneas o'connell, finneas, gq, gq magazine
Id: eubXgvlNIsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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