10 Things Nick Jonas Can't Live Without | GQ

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This whole video was great. I like how he was honest about marketing his own products lol.

Also, I’m genuinely surprised he’s been using an iPhone 6 this whole time and even then he said the 11 was gifted to him. But this is me assuming celebrities always get the latest phones.

Edit: a word

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ButDoWeStan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love that, with all the success and money Nick has, he still considers luxury items a β€œsplurge.”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Boba_Fet042 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for posting!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alyx19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
essential adjectives absolutely necessary extremely important that is what we're talking about today hi I'm Nick Jonas and these are my essentials my first cellphone was a Nokia brick where you could change out to face the phone it had the snake game on it no color screen eventually from there I upgraded to a sidekick and I held onto that til I got to the black bear I've sort of fancied myself a businessman at the age of 15 and was reluctant to make the switch to the first generation iPhone and then I got all the way up to the 6 and stayed there until just recently I was gifted this phone the 11 which for some reason has three cameras four if you include the front and it's again a life changing experience and connects me with my family my friends and my amazing fans all over the world there have been crucial moments where not having my cell phone on me was an obstacle but actually story comes to mind about my brother and him not having his phone on him this was Joe we're big skier some snowboarder he's too scared and we were on the mountain and he had a a white case on his phone he at the top of the mountain decided to enjoy a little and as he was on his way down his phone fell out of his pocket he was trying to take a picture and he said I'm done I'm too high to go down this mountain again it's up to you and I said I will save a day I will find your white phone I'm it's this white snowy mountain I then rode down and like something out of a movie this guy was stopped and he looked injured I said hey are you okay and he looked up he said is this your phone forty thousand square feet of space on this white mountain and the one guy I ran into was the guy holding my brother's phone I didn't tell him till nup just now obviously that I had help but I did save a day and he has me to thank and just so you know he's not high anymore my friend introduced me to one of the finer things in life and no I'm not talking about excellent tequila which we'll get to later I'm talking about low mercury too now this is delicious it comes in various flavors tandoori lemon pepper Cajun lots of great flavors and I fancy myself a bit of a canned tuna aficionado if you will I've posted many videos and tutorials on how to make your own much like a makeup tutorial although it's tuna fish instead of makeup I had the pleasure of being a part of this film the first iteration of the Jumanji franchise which were about to release the second one I was actually watching the original one with Robin Williams on a tour bus the day I got the phone call that I had been cast in the movie so a little serendipitous and to this day that is still one of my favorite movies in the fact that I get to be a part of this franchise now was really special one of the things to look out for in this film is there's one particular scene where Kevin Hart is crying unnecessarily in the scene you know he cries all the time obviously but this was on camera and it's in the movie where we were shooting up the mountains and it was so cold the wind was blowing in his face and so when it did this cutaway shot halfway through the film which you'll see if you go check it out in theaters he's literally crying and all of us are crying laughing at him crying on-screen and I just got the most joy out of that possible I should text him now and tell him he's a great crier [Music] my job requires me to to work a lot and travel a lot which means I'm not in my own bed a lot of time and I was on a plane once and I looked over at this very elegant man the most elegant man I've ever seen in my life he walked on with a kind of briefcase he walked on with a duffle bag and he sat the briefcase down first opened it up and pulled out an eye mask his own cashmere blanket and some earplugs he then put the duffel bag up top proceeded to tuck himself into bed on this flight put the eye mask on and look like it had been done professionally that flight was over I looked over again and realized it was none other than Tom Ford the most elegant person I've ever seen and he slept in his suit which I also thought was very impressive whereas I looked like you know like a garbage person basically after that I said I'm gonna find myself a good sleeping mask the cool part about this one is that it's actually open here right so it doesn't pressure your eyes crucial spoken from a a true eye mask aficionado I don't know where I came across this but I never leave my house without it speaking of Tom Ford I just recently purchased this portfolio it's sort of a clutch meets a handbag I guess but the important thing is that it elevates everything so I could be wearing a t-shirt have this with me suddenly it looks like I actually put in some work to get out the house the morning or if I have it with a suit it fits that as well it doesn't have to be Tom Ford he's just my inspiration because he's the most elegant man I've ever met this was a splurge I made recently after the tour and seeing the fans every night and how amazing that was so I said you know what I need a new bag I've had the same one for a while and it treats me pretty well plus it looks really cool when you do this bag and then zip it back up so thanks Tom Ford for all the inspiration for the portfolio bag for those of you that don't know that's what it's called support folio bag tequila a man's best friend not always the morning after necessarily but in the moment it is for sure and with this one it's my best friend because I co-created this this brand with John Barbados a very good friend of mine and collaborator we'd always had interest in tequila and wanting to build something together starting with clothing collaboration and moving on to the fragrance and then after all these dinners and things we've been to together where we talked about life and family and connectivity and artistry at the center a lot of those conversations was tequila we said we're not we're not professionals we don't know much about this but we know that we have an eye for the way we move design the brand and you know we've drank enough of it to know what we would want it to taste like so we went to a Stoli group and talked with them about developing his brand they had just actually purchased a distillery a couple months earlier so the timing was perfect and within you know eighteen months of getting the juice just right we've got the design concept for the bottle which this is our Reposado we've got a silver end in the D at home for me tequila is is sort of like champagne in a sense you drink that with friends at times you're celebrating when life is good and we wanted to bring that same energy and idea around tequila which is that it's life as it should be it should be with people that you love and for me my brother's my wife this is what we drink and whether you're celebrating or not hopefully you're around people when you drink this because it's not good to drink alone but this is this is good essential to have in moderation of course this is a perfect segue here to Bro mask now I don't like gender stereotypes at all and I think it's important to recognize that this is a product that is specifically catered towards men right bro mask but this is something men and women can both use and it is very helpful I don't know the science necessarily behind it but I know that I feel a lot better after I wear this and this started because you know I was regularly stealing my wife's products and and she was stealing some of my products and then someone that I work with very closely who helps me with my hair and feeling groomed before I stepped into things said once you try this one and this is made by a husband and wife who have a similar story where the husband was stealing wife's products and finally they developed this together and I just love that sort of was a parallel to my own life finding a way to to make men that perhaps do feel uncomfortable sort of taking extra care of their skin and other things because of unfortunate gender stereotypes I think this is a good starting place for you or you'll feel a lot better you'll look your best just good to take care of yourself that's the reality whether you're a man or a woman non-binary take care of yourself feel your best your body will thank you so bro mask for me is the way to go and for someone else might be something else but this is my essential in addition to taking care of yourself it's important to smell good I did a Broadway show a couple years ago called How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying I took over for Daniel Radcliffe and then Darren Criss came in for a while now I had this weird sense of competition with both those guys who I really love and admire and have really great friendships with but the competition was not so much about the show that we all played that same role in but more about our cast mates telling us who smelled the best so when I teamed up with John Varvatos I told him the same story said well why don't we do a fragrance and you can actually hold the title as best smelling man in show business and I said what an idea we launched the blue fragrance first then a micro Maroons were red fragrance that came out last holiday season and this is our newest one it's sort of electric if you had to think of a word to describe it it's got a lot of energy I think it immediately pops and has an effervescence about it that makes you kind of want to know more about not only the fragrance itself but the person this fragrance to me is all about challenging yourself I will say this was inspired by New York the energy of the city by the artistry and the creativity within that city both from again its look and its smell if you smell it I think you know what I'm talking about it'll make you want to get up and do something and I like making good first first impressions and this does that but this isn't essential because I make money from it marriage and this ring is that the token of forever goes back many many many many thousands of years I believe my Wikipedia page that pulled up before this is accurate this one specifically was a gift from my wife as was hers from me although I've named all these things as essentials I try to live without ever really needing any material item and knowing that if it was stolen from me or if I ever had to give it away to somebody or if it was you know misplaced somehow that I wouldn't be crushed however this would be pretty devastating as it sort of represents the greatest achievement of my life which is finding someone that I love care about deeply I wouldn't spend my life with for those that don't know that's what a reading wedding ring means it's the ring that you get on your wedding day so I'm glad I can help you understand that hopefully you get one of these one day - if that's what you want if not no pressure spike ball it's a game played by four or more people with a ball this net and a whole lot of can-do attitude the idea is simple it's basically volleyball meets doubles table tennis and it looks like a sport for someone that's just done a keg stand perhaps it's got a sort of a real fraternity energy to it in the best way in that it's all about you know sort of just throwing a ball at a net very simple concept but my brothers and I really come to love this while on tour and it's a good warm-up for us it's not a highly athletic sport necessarily although I'm sure there's a lot of people who disagree with me on the Internet it will take it very seriously for us it's more just an enjoyable way to kill some time and although our skills are getting better I would say for the rest of the world probably watching this at home who aren't in deep deep you know tournament style spike both games just get one of these very easy to get outside of cup of friends hit the ball around see if you can take home that the spike ball pride for us you know it's easy to travel with although right now trying to show this as proven to be a little awkward those are my essentials thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: GQ
Views: 2,794,648
Rating: 4.8618922 out of 5
Keywords: favorite stuff, buyers guide, want list, menswear, gadgets, must have, 10 essentials, ten essentials, luxury, nick jonas, nick jonas 2019, nick jonas 2020, nick jonas interview, nick jonas gq, nick jonas 10 things, nick jonas 10 essentials, nick jonas favorite, nick jonas favorites, favorite nick jonas, 10 things, nick jonas explains, nick jonas breaks down, 10 things nick jonas, nick jonas top 10, 10 essentials nick jonas, gq, gq magazine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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