FINNEAS at Paste Studio NYC live from The Manhattan Center

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hey everybody we are live right now paced Studios with Phineas mineus thanks for being here man what yeah outstanding um so how was the show last night by all accounts it was wonderful Marissa saw you out there and everything I've heard about it was excellent thanks man yeah we did a great time it was outdoors and you know outdoor stuff is usually sort of more beautiful and also more unpredictable and it was sort of a combo of that yesterday it rained really hard for a couple hours before the show and then it led up during the show and then sort of sprinkled at the end it was really fun well dude thank you for making this part of your New York trip there's a ton of stuff going on you're playing Radio City Music Hall tonight and so have an outstanding show there as well you playing three songs today can you tell us what you're gonna start out with yes I'm gonna start out with a song called I lost a friend that I wrote last summer about a friendship a mind that fell apart and yeah it was I don't know I think I think people people being myself write a lot of songs about like heartbreak and you know their own kind of like personal or personal inner struggle and I think the thing that I've been kind of like keeping in a dark was like how I felt about like relationships of mine falling apart that that weren't romantic or or sort of typical of a song being written so this song felt really important for me to write all right thanks we'd love to hear it cool [Music] how I lost the phone like keys and sofa like a wallet in the backseat like ice in the summer heat I lost a friend like sleep on a red-eye like money on a bad bed like time worrying about every bad thing that hasn't happened yet I know I'll be alright but I'm not tonight I'll be lying awake counting all the mistakes I've made me play fights and they'll be alright but not tonight I lost a friend I lost a friend I lost my mind nobody believes me say I know that he don't need me coz made little too much money to be twenty and sad nah be fine without him but all I do is write about him how the hell did I lose it friend I never I never had [Music] and I'm on the moon like I'm wearing and neck brace like I'm sleeping at my own place I can pull in all the stitches out of my own face I'm on the mend like am i singing new spring like I'm walking on a new cave like it's been a few days since I slipped and said something sorta like your name and will be alright but I'm not tonight I'll be lying away countin all the mistakes I've made replaying fights and then we'll be all right but not tonight and I'm on well I lost a friend I lost my mind and nobody believes me say I know that he don't need me cuz he made little too much money to be turning sad and I'll be fine without him but all I do is write about him lose a friend not never not apologize ever thought in mind a difference killers I'll apologize who's black UI [Music] just try and I'll be alright but I'm not tonight I lost a friend I lost a friend I lost my mind and nobody believes me say I know that he Tony to me cuz he made little too much money to be twenty and sad and I'll be fine without him but all the do is right about him how the hell did I lose a friend nah never never [Music] [Applause] thanks man all right Phineas thanks man it sounds great thanks for having me here it's honor yeah dude this arrangement the just just vocal in keys I mean it's fits very well thickest environment I think and there's just so little between your lyrics and and us it sort of cuts through so I want to talk about some of your influences either growing up like what were you and your sister listening to growing up was it some of the great lyricist was it like the Leonard Cohen's and the Randy Newman's of the world or what what do you listen to yeah I think those are both too direct influences I've loved Leonard Cohen forever and I loved I loved his catalog all the way to the end that last album he put out with you want a darker on it is so dope yeah and super dark and and sort of funny and rye and pessimistic and I'm a big fan of like pessimist songwriters so yeah that's an influence Randy Newman is one of my dad's favorite so he was always sort of introducing me to songs in a in a very like lyric highlighted way he would be like all is in the song cuz he says this thing about this and then other songwriting influences I love Ben Folds always have grabbed listen to like a ton of the Beatles and then beyond that just sort of like as I was growing up it was like whatever was was current among my my my peer group and me so I was a lot of like My Chemical Romance and yeah Avril Lavigne Brian Brian Fallon from Gaslight Anthem came in oh sweet - too long ago that's awesome and I also meant to say when you mentioned the Beatles you're sitting right in front of the John Lennon tape the white one right at eye level this is my god I'm sitting next to the David Bowie that's insane this is an insane collection it thanks for walking me through it yeah totally man if you've got a minute to nerd out afterwards you're welcome to open the boxes in some cases there's an engineer notes of like specific stuff about what Mark Knopfler was doing at 25 minutes 86 seconds so sick yeah dude thank you for coming here and doing it can you tell us what you're gonna do second today yeah I'm gonna do a song called let's fall in love for the night that I wrote about a relationship that never happened so [Music] let's fall in love for the night and forgettin play me a song that you like you can bet I don't know every line do something boy that your boy hoped that she would have boy don't waste your eyes on jealous guys [ __ ] that noise I know better then the cold you know you need to pick me up I'll be there in twenty five I'd like to push my love so take my hand let's take a drive cuz I've been living in the future hoping I might see you soon no I want you riding shotgun I knew when I got one right let's fall in love for the night and forget play me a song that you like you can bet I'll know every line cuz I'm the boy that you boy hope that she would avoid don't waste your eyes on jealous guys [ __ ] that noise I know better than to call you I love it when you talk that nerdy shoot well and night when he's talking thirty [ __ ] we're making money but we're saving it cuz talking [ __ ] is cheap and you talk a lot of it you won't stay here with me I know but you go and if I miss just turning the roses are morning let's fall in love for the night and forget in the morning play me a song that you like you can bet I will every line cuz I'm the boy that's your boy hope that you would avoid don't waste your eyes on jealous guys [ __ ] that I know better I don't know better I know better than to ever call you mine [Music] [Applause] all right thank you man so you've got a ton happening in Radio City with your sister tonight Summerfest in Milwaukee you've got headline shows of your own you've got the Summer Fest is happening July 6th the Mad Decent block party which I just found out was a thing that's a perfect name for a thing that's happening at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro mask on July 20th we found out that was a thing shortly before you found out that was the thing which was great yeah love that it is and then ACL I just know now that was the thing for you I know about ACL but you are doing it you're doing it on October 5th so congratulations thank you man I'm really excited about that yeah I I have I have our day-to-day managers post announcements on my Instagram for me when I I'm like in a different time zone and asleep when they need to be announced and that's usually when I find out I'm playing those things also cool that's fun to wake up to yeah sometimes I had other plans but the but the ones that are announced or more they're better plans I just have to cancel like a dentist appointment you know yeah do you do once did nobody wants to do that ever no I think you're making the right decision I think you're doing great man [ __ ] teeth huh what what do people see when they go see the live show what does the arrangement look like is it is it a solo experience you're doing it with full band or what's how are you touring the summer um it's a it's just me onstage and the sort of progression from from this like stripped acoustic version is that I produce everything that I record myself so the the sort of goal when I started performing the songs live was to make it sort of feel like I was I was producing them live so it's a piano and then a like a keyboard with beats and samples and synth parts sort of sitting atop the keyboard and I'll play those and they loop and then you know it kind of builds into this full production but I still wanted it to feel very much like articulated live but I felt like I feel like having a band out would be fun for like the two upbeat ones and then there's like eight ballads and it would be so bored like the drummer would just get drunk by the end of the show like the ones where the drummer lays out and has a beer would be like eight of them in a row you'd be sauced yeah you don't need to be flying full band around the country just for the two songs and a drunk drummer no in it if it allows me to have like a like a good crew instead of a mediocre band dude you you and your crew have been nothing but a pleasure this and nobody can see that the internet can't see this but there are probably three times more people in this room right now than there ever ever have been before and you have all been a pleasure to be around so thanks man this whole thing and also I meant to say congratulations on the fact that you were right at the top of two new charts that billboard recently launched the Hot 100 songwriters and hot what other producers lists which seem like those are lists that were tailored made to exactly what you do and you are at the top of both of them so well done thanks man that's really nice here I mean I I'm stoked and and shocked that that is true and I think the music geek and me like even without the moment that I'm having right now I would be stoked that they the charts exist because I'm just always curious who's involved in what and I think that to me like I grew up in in the post vinyl essentially post CD era I don't have maybe bought two CDs in my life and so you know especially if you're interested in a less well-known artist or a less well-known record it's almost impossible to find their credits online it's easier if it's a huge Taylor Swift Rihanna record but it's not if it's like some band you discover so I think stuff like those charts are just sort of further illuminating creatives that aren't listed as the artist which is really exciting place like Spotify have credits listed now - I got stuffs awesome wait dude how old are you 40 I'm 21 21 Wow well you were doing great man I have bought many many many CDs and they don't do anything for me I've got it boxes and boxes they don't do anything for it no no no they're coasters they keep my tables from getting rings on them gotcha yeah that is neither here nor there let's get into the I'm sorry what we as a short anecdote we had an apricot tree growing up and squirrels and birds alike would raid our apricot tree and so my dad hung all of our CDs in the apricot tree reflective talismans to ward off birds and squirrels and so that was our CD collection growing up was was hanging in the garden resourceful min and the birds would peck the CDs in half because they'd see their reflection get in fights clearly a lyricist here in the room because I have not heard the word heard the word talisman wait till you hear that whole thing as a verse in this next song Oh Maggie tell us what's what songs coming up next yeah this is this endless song called angel that I wrote in a green room on our October November tour of last year there was like a piano in the green room which is it unfortunately rare occurence and yeah I just it was sort of newly in love with my now girlfriend and and wrote this song about her and it's it's pretty unabashedly just sort of like gushy but that was how I was feeling that day that's how I'm feeling most days good all right love to hear it thanks man congratulations you've been pretending to be human so you might even fool the neighbors reading in your Sunday papers I won't tell but I know better than to bring up the weather with you and talk about the rain after you fall asleep I kiss both your eyes and cheeks I know and not the same [Music] in this girl you're [Music] I bought a house to live in sure though I nothing good lasts forever but nights with you are better so gone I never I needed you before I found you for the first time you I'm at a step I'm off my feet I'm waking up beside a dream teach me [Music] school sure [Music] for you're in my head [Music] are you [Music] alright dude this has been great thanks for having this have a great show Radio City with with Billy tonight thank you travel safely through all the dates you've got Summerfest Milwaukee on July 6 the Mad Decent block party in Foxborough mass and then ACL on October 5th so enjoy all of them thanks take care of your teeth or not and and dude I just I could not believe that when you said that you're 21 years old you've got the presence of a person who's been around for a lot longer than that and we just really appreciate you taking the time to do this and do you have a great show tonight and a great really nice well thank you thanks for having me here it's really an honor appreciate it
Channel: Paste Magazine
Views: 301,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paste Magazine, Paste Music, Daytrotter, acoustic session, acoustic performance, live music, manhattan center, Paste Studio, Paste Studio NYC, full session, singer, songwriter, live from new york, finneas
Id: 4PYFl9l07IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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