10 Things Kai Cenat Can't Live Without | GQ

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how old are you 28. damn 1987. [Music] I'm constant that and these are my 10 essential items you know what I'm saying the snacks all right look hold on hold on hold on before y'all come for me you feel what I'm saying cause my chat my my when I'm in my stream this evening as soon as they see a rebel it's like attic you're addicted you're addicting this I'll be just be drinking November because I don't I ain't gonna lie like it be giving me energy let's be helping sometimes you know get you through your day a little bit and like that then you got chips or more usually I got the milk with this this is too OD like this or milk I could never just eat this straight I gotta have milk with it hey yo yo y'all got some milk in here something like y'all oh my God oh my gosh oh oh you didn't tell me twice and look please don't put your cookies in the in the milk for too long maximum like five seconds you just gotta have it in there for like five seconds scrubbing around real quick or else the other half's gonna drop in you see what I'm saying and then like you know it's time to eat oh my God Perfect all right the next one this is probably like my top favorite drinks right now I ain't gonna like Capri Sun this is so perfect because it's like a certain amount of juice in here and like when you finish it you just want more and when it's cold it's easy you feel what I'm saying you could nothing it's time to drink yo y'all want some Caprice oh [Music] it's all about hygiene you feel what I'm saying Sarah V for the face the cleanser and the lotion you feel what I'm saying gotta make sure the the smooth skin is there you know the ladies like the smooth skin so you look good you feel good you feel me that native this right here is very important because I should be going there should be no reason why I'm going to clubs and in public events and people be smiling funky I can't be that person Gotta Have native I'm not gonna lie oh other deodorants make my skin kind of burn or itch because I think I don't know what the ingredients in it but this is like natural you feel what I'm saying and it smells good so ballistics been getting it since a kid ballistics I've never finished a full job this day so I don't know what be happening to my ballistics like it always disappeared like right after like I'm about to finish it but this is essential gotta make sure you know my lips is not chapped and it's and it's good to go foreign next essential is my wallet you know I need this wallet this wallet holds a lot of things I can't go nowhere without this like I cannot leave the cream without my wallet there's a few things that y'all gonna see here that I can't leave the crib without I'm telling you this is definitely one of them uh ID I got I got my ID I got my cars can't show that you feel what I'm saying I got um you know my insurance card you for me um I also got um skin condoms indeed growing up I couldn't even get nothing like this so like when I have something like this it'd be fine like it reminds me like yo okay you you feel what I'm saying is you you go afford this now you know [Music] my next essential I ain't gonna lie to jewelry you know what I'm saying if you look good you feel good and I love I love doing um when I go out to special occasions I love having a junior you know rose gold and people don't know this a lot of people don't know this get in there right there you know and obviously KC stand for constant that I actually have my supporters you know SketchUp you know some designs and I just chose the best design and then just ended up being the best one then after that you know I took it to Izzy you know NYC luxury Izzy and um he went crazy with this with this piece like this is the original bust that rolly Avalanche like you feel what I'm saying something I'm Courtside and stuff it'd be it'd be it'll be going crazy when I go in our travel places okay down music and just in case I go into a special occasion you know I gotta have it on I'll put it on like this feeling like I'm gonna you feel what I'm saying right now you know I'm pretty handsome right now but like right now when I put this on it's like hit sometimes too you know this watch is not to tell the time this watch is when you're walking when you walk in the room you know what time it is this right here now this is a combo right here you got your your phone I don't need a phone but you gotta have the pods too I wouldn't be able to do a lot of things that I do now if I didn't have this phone right here you feel what I'm saying this get me through a lot of things I'm able to contact people make some moves and stuff like that and also you feel what I'm saying kind of close some joints you feel what I'm saying I miss them up a little bit I couldn't drink right now so I won't close during right now see what they say your call has been oh never mind yeah yo yo skip that I like twitch you know twitch Twitch app TV see how the community is doing and then like my social media ads probably like I like Instagram Twitter the worst apartment app in high school was you feel me uh math Papa if you know you know how old are you damn 1986 damn 28 is crazy this don't even look 28 that's the crazy part yeah my next essential item is y'all always see me on with the like Eric Emmanuel see what I'm saying you know what I'm saying let's get into the clothes shit's as big as hell God damn damn you know what I'm saying gotta have a fresh white cheese like a white teas is a it's a must and again I prefer hands too like I ain't gonna love it usually I have like you know a Yankee hat I'll be having a Yankee hat with this one it's my go-to so I'll be having this my and y'all be on my ass because I have a rotational if you notice every few streams I put on the same I'm not about to be looking for a new fit every stream I'm in my crimp fan you see what I'm saying but I'll be having these and then I go live you look like a basketball player with these on here you know I could hope though you feel me anybody that want to know if you want me on the court let me know I'm killing you by like like 30. I'm dropping 30 on you my next essential is my top you know tools I use right now out of this whole list is one God gotta keep God first if you know him nothing to be going on I'm very religious I grew up in church um against us and lead us not to temptation but lyrics with evil amen you feel what I'm saying so yeah I like to say a little our father or hail Mary hey gotta pray no matter no matter what your religion is make sure you praying then Mama Dukes let me call my dukes right now my mom she's a Superhero she got an answer hello you on TV you want TV yeah say what's up what's up what's up everybody mama's gonna in the house you know GQ [Music] yeah yeah right here like cameras lights everything indeed indeed top three fragrances no you know that's like that's like asking what's the you know Krabby Patty secret formula you know what I'm saying chill you know what I'm saying that's for y'all to explore you can't get that up because once you get that up everybody smells like you I like to have my own fragrance and then everybody don't even know what it is but they but I walk through they'd be like oh snap can't see in the building I didn't know you two better the degree the Degree deodorant that was crazy you know what I'm saying with the with the ax spray at the gym I ain't gonna like this smell good though he should spray like everywhere like make sure that you feel what I'm saying I'm smelling awesome on the height but um yeah that's not it no more [Music] the mafia now if you don't know about the mafia that that's that's who I call my supporters they either go by uh km Kai Mafia or just Mafia you know what I'm saying and they are really important to my life because without them things wouldn't be happening right now without them that's how I feel like people feel to realize no matter how big you get in life you always gotta remember who was there to support you in the first place so the mafia was like really heavy without them there is no me so shout out to everybody who supported me from the start I'm talking about from Facebook days I just want to let y'all know that I love y'all they know that though I tell them that all the time but without them I'm nobody you know when I grow we grow as one and um yeah shout out to Mafia That's they're really important to me my next essential item is indeed a camera you feel what I'm saying gotta have the cam you know what I'm saying these I don't look at these like as if I'm spending money these are investments you feel me this is gonna these are investments that's gonna you know eventually make me money and like I get them to Capture Moments to put online and these are just it's just it's just coming in for itself so I would suggest like people because I can get some on camera but don't look at it as you spread your money you're looking as you're messing this can be used for videos all my flicks behind the scenes content like it's a lot of that could go into this you feel what I'm saying and if I have my camera you feel what I'm saying usually not trying to tell you no 10 out of 10. you see me recording you're also gonna see my cameraman too so he on that good thing you feel what I'm saying Chris he didn't lead him in for amp too you feel what I'm saying so not only my channel that's what you want to do what you want to do bro okay I'm on this table you can get this out of here I'm gonna get started okay hold on yeah hello has anybody ever danced on GQ oh I bet [Music] hold on damn thing those are not against them you know what I'm saying big New York you can see the camera do your man yes sir I'm tired I'm not a bro God damn yo GQ thank you guys for having me um and I'll see y'all soon
Channel: GQ
Views: 6,752,268
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Keywords: 10 essentials, 10 things kai cenat, buyers guide, favorite stuff, gadgets, gq, gq 10 essentials, gq kai cenat, gq magazine, gq10essentials, kai cenat, kai cenat 10 things, kai cenat 2022, kai cenat essentials, kai cenat funny, kai cenat gq, kai cenat gq essentials, kai cenat gq interview, kai cenat interview, kai cenat live, kai cenat twitch, kai cenat youtube, luxury, menswear, must have, ten essentials, twitch kai cenat, want list, youtube kai cenat, youtuber
Id: AikVajk3uew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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