10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Wolverine

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[Music] Wolverine everybody's favorite Clint Eastwood s Canadian brews with a punch on for popping claws and growling out his words at a good long life in Marvel Comics over the years growing as a character that never really undergoing the kind of changes we've seen in other heroes under the comics publisher still even with his generally consistent personality there's a lot out there that audiences and readers tend to get wrong Hugh Jackman's Wolverine stunning and iconic as he might be diffident from his comics counterparts and a while Logan's just as popular on the page as he is off it's some of his subtler traits fourth the wayside when writers focus on his more obvious quirks with that in mind onion from what culture and here are 10 things everyone gets wrong about Wolverine number 10 he can't die with titles like death of Wolverine headlining Marvel Comics in the last few years it's pretty safe to say that while he's just as likely to come in and out of the revolving door that characterizes superhero lifespans Wolverine is still very much capable of actually dying most of these deaths and yes there are more than one have to do with this healing factor failing whether through natural means like old age or through experiments by his many enemies there have also been instances in which magneto is able to control Louise adamantium skeleton and literally rip him apart oh that doesn't look pleasant number 9 he can't get hurt this might seem redundant in light of the characters perceived immortality but part of Wolverines character the many people fans and writers alike seem to have forgotten over time is that even avoiding death Wolverine doesn't fact feel pain from popping his claws through skin to get in Kurt bruised battered and shots Wolverines about the same pain threshold as any human albeit a very very high one from always heal from these wounds of course but unless the injuries completely burned away his pain receptors he feels every last second apart from his ability to feel pain there are also weapons made specifically to hurt him but the Muramasa blade which could nullify his healing factor his advanced senses also mean that sensory overload can hurt something that a few savvy villains have taken advantage of time and again and you thought he was badass before number eight his height now this is an old argument but one that non comics fans may not have picked up on over the years Hugh Jackman is a near-perfect Wolverine for the camera but not entirely accurate for one very obvious reason he's an entire whopping foot taller than Wolverine in the comics and animated TV series we just want to Marvel shorter heroes at 5 foot 3 inches or at a plea resize if we're going off what culture presenters he's much smaller than your average Canadian man and even a bit shorter than your average Canadian woman it absolutely doesn't attract them just how intimidating can really be though but it's the kind of size difference that many artists forget is much more visible and he stands beside his teammates especially during his semi regular arguments with a 6 foot 3 inch Scott Summers number 7 his mutant powers while it's been addressed in the film's Wolverines iconic adamantium claws are made a few fans forget all about his original bone ones which were eventually infused with adamantium during the Weapon X program and though his healing factor takes for an incentive when people talk about what the mutant is capable of there are a few of his other mutant abilities they're often overlooked his telepathic resistance for example has played an important part in his fights in the past a result affects a bee's own shields and some part of his healing factor acting as a deterrent for some weakest telepaths he's also resistant to extreme weather possibly as a result on his healing factor and he's seemingly unaffected in sub-zero temperatures his animal empathy also allows him to understand the emotional state of animals around him which comes as a side effect of his advanced senses number 6 he has no children of his own partly due to the films and his lonesome nature people seem to think Wolverine isn't the fatherly type and while that's arguable to some extent that doesn't mean he hasn't fathered a good number of mutant children over time whether they were born of actual relationships though clones made of his DNA all these got quite a long list of snikt kids under his belt even if not all of them were made to last some of the most notable ones include Laura Kinney formerly x-23 as well as Dakin his self servings - my villainous biological son whose clashed with on multiple occasions also characters such as raised his slim with mystique the mongrels who he killed before realizing they were all this kids and his many children in the multiverse including wild thing his daughter with a lecturer to name that one but apart from these Logan has proven a good father or father figure to those nabis blood including ninja master and Miko Kobayashi and the mutants Jubilee and Kitty Pryde number 5 his son Dakin - often wrongly characterized as a punk caricature of Wolverine who's obsessed with his father they can it's one of the more memorable of Wolverine sires born to a Japanese woman it's sooo Akihiro taken as his father's opposite in many respects a refined Machiavellian genius who taught himself Greek at age 10 a man who is able to outwit Norman Osborn the x-men the Fantastic Four among others Dakin is a manipulative hyper intelligent seductive bisexual who while capable of empathy is very selective with its his hedonistic exploit and his goal to rule a shadowed Empire even made for good reading in the dark Wolverine run that segwayed into his own eponymous series number 4 Laura Kinning currently Marvel's Wolverine until the status quo is changed and Logan returns for good Laura Kinney formerly x-23 made a splash in the recent Logan film as the feral clone created from Wolverines genetic material complete with flaws and a healing factor like Harley Quinn of DC fame she was originally created for a TV series the fantastic early 2000s exponet Aleutian yes the theme is now in my head as well thanks for that before eventually making her way for the comics later that same decade though best known for her numerical designation Laura has since denied the name instead making herself as Laura Kinney and as Wolverine rather than the weapon they wanted her to be laura is no longer a wild child but a full grown well-adjusted adult woman with friends family and a home big sister to Gabi and little sister though technically his aunt today can lower his established herself alongside stalwarts like Captain Marvel and Iron Heart zaheer of the Marvel Universe in her own right and not just as Wolverines clone number 3 he has no friends only teammates again due to his Clint would ask man with no name lone-wolf shtick many audiences have had this misconception that even while on multiple Marvel teams Wolverine is largely friendless while he does have more teammates than actual friends it's got quite a few he considers worth his time on and off the battlefields the most notable one counted as his best friend over the course of his adventures in the Marvel Universe is Nightcrawler all Kurt Wagner the misfit blue mutant has earned himself the nickname of elf and counts as one of Logan's closest friends with whom he shares a long and storied history apart from Kurt characters like Kitty Pryde and Jubilee have earned Logan's friendship and mentorship as a sort of father slash grumpy uncle figure and characters like storm and Charles Xavier have earned his love and respect he also formed a solid friendship with Steve Rogers way way back in World War two number two he's only ever been on the x-men Wolverines various stints on different Marvel teams are often forgotten due to his long-running association with the x-men though he's mainly a part of Professor X's team yellow jumpsuit and all he's also been part of other groups over the decades his most notable membership includes his stint as an Avenger in multiple incarnations of the team mighty or otherwise he's also been a part of the exponent strike team the x-force as well as a member of the Canadian super team alpha flights alongside other mutants such as North Star and rora over his long run in the comics he's also been part of the defenders the Fantastic Four Assassin's Guild unity Squad you name it the list is long and varied and some surprising for one of Marvel's most popular heroes no matter his allegiance Wolverines definitely the Connor fights that it seems like everyone in the Marvel Universe once in that corner for better or for worse number one his name is Logan everybody knows Wolverine as Logan even Wolverine himself but the funny thing is that he'd never actually decided on that name officially it just stuck his original name the one he was actually born with was James Howlett which marked in the illegitimate son of a rich family in Canada back in the 19th century he used the name Logan based on his biological father Thomas Logan when he and his mother went into hiding and it was the name many of the people he met went on to know him by after he lost his memory the fact that everybody knew him by Logan and not James and the name would stick becoming more significant to him than his original nom de guerre ever was few will ever remember James Howlett but everyone remembers Logan even now long artery tour is way to the collective consciousness on the iconic pages of Marvel Comics
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 2,912,189
Rating: 4.5969706 out of 5
Id: 5pbDpn6JGhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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