10 STRANGE Requirements To Work As A Flight Attendant

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[Music] being a flight attendant seems like a pretty cool job doesn't it you get to fly all over the world meet people from all walks of life and dress up every day in a spiffy uniform but there's a hidden side to the airline industry that most people aren't aware of to be a flight attendant means you have to meet some very specific requirements from your height and your weight to the number of tattoos you have on your body stay tuned to find out more if this is your first time visiting our channel don't forget to subscribe and please give this video a big thumbs up today we'll be sharing with you ten strange requirements to work as a flight attendants just wait until you hear one airlines rule when it comes to good dental hygiene you don't want to miss it the overhead bin tests the overhead bins are more than just storage compartments for your carry-on luggage they're also used to stuff flight attendants inside up these photos of female flight attendants being crammed inside overhead bins were leaked to the public and the public was outraged it's not an official requirement that stewardesses be tiny enough to fit in these overhead bins but these photos depicted a hazing ritual that's far too common in the airline industry reports claim that male colleagues of a Chinese airline would force female flight attendants to participate in the bizarre ritual as a form of initiation sometimes they would even shut the doors on the women and keep them trapped inside the Benz when the airline caught wind of the photos they released a public apology they wanted the world to know that they didn't condone any type of hazing between their employees they also vowed to discipline everyone who had been involved in that type of behavior many people would like to believe that rituals like this one don't happen at airlines across the globe but we wouldn't be surprised as many flight attendants for other companies have their own secret form of initiation height the airline industry is one place where they're allowed to hire individuals solely based on their physical attributes when it comes to being a flight attendant people who are really short or extremely tall cannot apply in fact most airlines have a minimum height requirement of 5 feet 2 inches tall and a maximum height of 6 feet 2 inches tall without shoes there are some really good reasons why most airlines have these very specific height requirements in place flight attendants need to be at least 5 feet 2 inches in order to reach high spaces and to secure the overhead bins prior to a flight but some airlines will actually hire people who are as short as 5 feet tall without shoes on but when it comes to very tall attendants having a height of more than 6 feet 2 inches means they'll probably have difficulty moving through the cabin especially on smaller planes with low ceilings then there are some airlines that don't have height requirements at all but they do require their attendants to have a certain arm reach for example the dubai-based airline Emirates requires its flight attendants to be able to reach 212 centimeters in the air while standing on their tiptoes do you think flight attendant shouldn't be so strict when it comes to height and arm reach requirements strict rules for women this next requirement is something that's very controversial in the airline world for stewardesses who are married they shouldn't even bother applying to work for Qatar Airways this airline also requires its female flight attendants to remain single for the first five years of their employment if a female attendant wants to get married during that five year period they have to ask permission from the company before they actually tie the knot sounds pretty excessive don't you think well it gets even worse the airline also had a rule that required all female attendants to notify them the second they found out they were pregnant being pregnant was considered a breach of their employment contracts so many expectant mothers wound up getting fired as we're sure you can imagine the airline caught a lot of heat for their employment demands but the CEO of the company wasn't budging at first he expected all of the company's attendants to abide by the rules and never complain but Qatar Airways has finally had a change of heart when it comes to pregnant attendants instead of immediately firing them and giving them the boot they're now allowing them to work temporary jobs on the ground and away from the planes until their babies are born visible tattoos and Kherson maybe jobs across the globe have very strict policy when it comes to body modifications like piercings and tattoos and the airline industry is one place where these things are definitely frowned upon if you want to be a flight attendant but you have a tattoo on the top of your hand your chances of getting hired are slim to none at British Airways they don't mind if you have tattoos as long as the ink is invisible on your body and can't be seen through the uniform they also don't allow their attendants to cover up their tattoos using makeup for those who have tattoos on their feet they need not to apply to this airline at all they ask that all their attendants wear a style of shoe that's called classic cork it exposes the top and sides of the feet so hiding a tattoo in those areas would be almost impossible but that's not all piercings other than the ears are also not permitted as ridiculous as these rules may sound they won't be changing anytime soon if you're thinking about applying to be a flight attendant one day but you have a pretty cool nose piercing you'll have to take the piercing out if you want to be a part of an airline crew survival training Airlines hope that their crew members never have to experience a terrifying situation while they are on the flights but training and preparation for an unexpected disaster is always crucial mini airlines have their own forms of survival training that all attendants must pass with flying colors but the training session with ti M airlines is one of the most realistic and grueling flight attendants of this airline are required to travel to the company's Salle Paulo Brazil training facility for an extensive lesson on how to survive in case of an emergency however learning how to do fun tasks like working the ticket counter and operating the front gate the new employees are taken into the jungle to put their survival skills to the test in the unfortunate event that a plane goes down and crashes attendants are taught exactly what to do they learn how to gather wreckage from the plane to build shelter and how to release emergency flares to signal for help the attendants are also trained on how to get the whole crew and all the passengers rescued in a timely manner being a flight attendant is serious business and it's their job to make sure everyone is taken care of at all times hopefully none of the TA Marylyn flight attendants will never need to put their survival training to use but if the situation arises they'll have all the skills and knowledge needed to make sure everyone on board is safe and sound hair if you've ever flown on an airplane we are sure you've noticed just how well put together the flight attendants were attendants on most airlines are flawlessly grooms from head to toe because it's a major part of their job to look perfect most airlines actually require their employees to have a groom to look that meets a conventional standard so what does this mean exactly well at British Airways female attendants must have hair and makeup that's suitable for a professional environment their look should also compliment the airline's uniform for men they have the same requirements the only difference is they aren't allowed to have long hair and their facial hair must be shaved and tidy at all times men and women both must have natural hair colors so pink and purple streaks are a major nono at American Airlines they're a bit more strict when it comes to the way their attendants look for women they aren't allowed to have a hairstyle that's more than 3 inches in fullness they also aren't allowed to curl or wave their hair outward to give it more volume and at Hawaiian Airlines they won't accept any attendants that have dreadlocks corn rows or Mohawks jewelry there's a good reason why you've probably never seen a flight attendant all decked out in jewels many airlines have rules against the amount of jewelry their attendants can wear so if you're a fan of getting all blinged out and dripping in diamonds from head to toe maybe being an airline attendant isn't the right job for you at United Airlines their in-flight employees are able to wear a total of four rings in total with no more than two rings on each hand if you think that's pretty strict just wait it gets better at British Airways they're very picky about accessories even the types of watches their employees wear the watch must be small in size with a very discreet and unassuming design the watch can only be made of silver or gold and the bracelet of the watch can only be made of metal or a brown or black leather strap at JetBlue airlines they're not as uptight when it comes to jewelry all they ask is the accessories their attendants wear don't clash with the airline's uniform but of an excessive amount of jewelry would never be tolerated makeup makeup lovers who enjoy experimenting with their look would have a tough time being a flight attendant the airline industry is all about minimal makeup that highlights their attendants natural beauty and they expect all of their attendants to abide by these rules at United Airlines male flight attendants aren't allowed to wear any form of makeup at all for their women employees lipstick and lip gloss are required for each and every flight they're not too choosy when it comes to appropriate lip colors but they do expect the shade to compliment the employees facial features lip liner is allowed and encouraged but it should only be used in moderation for attendants with a leaden dare they're required to keep their makeup looking fresh at all times and the airline expects them to do quick touch-ups of powder and lipstick as long as it's not in clear view of any of the airline's passengers at Emirates Airline they put a lot of emphasis on the way their attendants look before a stewardess even steps foot on a plane she must go through their Airlines two-week training program during the training one full day is focused on the attendant image employees of the airline are told how much foundation to wear and how to pick the right shade of bright red lipstick smile have you ever been greeted on an airplane by a flight attendants who didn't have the best dental hygiene the chances of that happening are very slim as soon as you board an airplane the first attendant you see is probably grinning from ear to ear with a beautiful smile and there's a good reason why airline employees all have gorgeous smiles nice teeth and very fresh breath some airlines have very specific guidelines when it comes to their employees teeth like American Airlines for example the company has good oral hygiene at the very top of its list of employee requirements all flight attendants must have very clean teeth that are natural and appearance attendants are also required to have a full row of teeth without any gaps or T's missing in action the attendants of this airline are allowed to wear dental retainers but they must be the same color as their gums or a clear as for braces they should also be clear or silver tones only at a Las Vegas based airline called Allegiant Air they take hygiene one step further by ensuring all their employees have pleasant smelling breath attendants are always encouraged to use mints and breath Bray's so their breath is always minty fresh weights requirements this next requirement is not only really strange but it also has been at the center of a lot of controversies Air India received a ton of backlash after they weighed 3,500 of their employees and determined that 600 of them were obese or overweight they require the 600 employees to adhere to a strict diet and exercise regimen in order to have their employment reinstated about 130 Air India attendants failed to reach their goal weight and they were declared permanently unfit to continue their jobs as flight attendants according to the airline their decision to terminate their employment was based on safety concerns and airline regulations but others called it sexist since the majority of the 130 fired employees just so happened to be women but this wasn't the first time the airline made the news for all the wrong reasons Air India has been slammed for its weight requirements since the 80s but they haven't been forced to make any adjustments to their rules they still expect all of their attendants to be physically fit so that they can perform their job correctly and administer emergency functions without any problems other airlines aren't as strict but they do require their in-flight employees to have a weight that's in proportion with their height for many companies including the Czech Airlines this means they judge their attendants physique by using the body mass index the airline will only hire flight attendants who fall between a satisfactory BMI of 19 to 24 point 9 do you think having a weight requirement is taking things too far don't be shy to tell us what you think in the comments section down below thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and give us a big thumbs up and while you're at it don't forget to check out our friends over at the trendy to see more cool videos for teenagers
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 2,888,751
Rating: 4.7492266 out of 5
Keywords: TheTalko, flight, attendant, airline, air line, things, strange, weird, requirements, flight attendant
Id: bCCzUxfi8-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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