Jeenie Weenie Emirates Airline Interview Story time

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welcome to story time on how i became cabin crew for one of the best airlines in the world emirates airlines [Music] this video has been long overdue i get requests on the daily just asking how does one become cabin group how do you even apply what's the process so today what i'm gonna do is just give you a story time on how i became cabin crew because i feel like that would help you a lot more than going through the actual process because the process continues to change and varies from airline to airline so let's start off with how i even became cabin crew like why did i even want to become one and uh this actually happened all by chance you guys uh i went to a party and i met these two girls and these two girls were telling me about how they just recently got hired for for emirates airlines and i told them that i always wanted to be a flight attendant but was never able to just because of the fact that i felt like i was too short and i didn't qualify and um they were just like listen we were about the same height kind of thing so they're like no i i think you will qualify and um if you actually just look on their website for emirates or qualifications i mean it's pretty basic you just need to know english how to speak and write english you had to graduate high school and pretty much that's it there's some height restrictions and you know things like tattoo and health and things like that but other than that i mean um like i should qualify so at that time i was actually in between jobs it was during the recession um so i was looking for other opportunities and they were telling me just to go on to the emirates career website which i did and they have what you call open days so on the emirates website you'll see open days and they have these open interviews all around the world uh so you just have to apply and see what the the qualifications are um to apply some you just show up some you have to apply online uh and um there was one being held in vancouver bc which is where where i am and where i'm from uh uh a month from when i checked so i was like oh this is kind of this is a sign so i ended up um applying i sent in my application uh they told me to go on the open days guys i didn't know what to expect i was just going i'm like you know what i'm just gonna try it out and if i don't get it i don't get it whatever right and i was i was kind of like still pretty confident going in and and when i got there you guys it's insane uh there was like a thousand people like it was that it was hosted at a hotel and there was so many people there and it got me really like then i started to get stressed i'm like oh my god this is like really really competitive i had i had no idea i just kind of went and while we were waiting for our turn um i i was just talking to the other applicants and they came from all over the world they flew in for this interview from the states uh all all around canada even asia and a lot of them actually had experience like a lot of flying experience and oh my god i still have goosebumps right now i'm just like oh my god i i'm never gonna get this like that that's what i thought um and so my confidence level just completely dropped and i got really really nervous uh and then they called my name and they're like okay you know the first thing they did was measure my height and my reach so this is important guys i didn't know why they were doing that this the reason why they do this is because in in the plane they have those overhead bins you need to be able to close it and you need to be able to reach all the safety equipment that's being held in there uh and yeah so this is my story i actually was like and less than an inch short they put a piece of tape and they literally just say on your tippy toes reach that line so i tried to reach as high as i could and i was off by like this much and i was stressing out i was like oh my god i'm not gonna get i knew what i was too short and i just kind of looked at the interviewer i was like oh i feel like i'm gonna cry and um she actually looked at me and smiled and she said close enough yes i'm 5'4 160 is that 163 164 centimeters so yeah but i i made it through for the high check and then after that they um brought me in uh with this interviewer it was literally like five minutes not even because they had to go through so many people and what it was is just ask me you know why i want to be cabin crew and why emirates so those are the two questions that i was asked uh i was being honest but i didn't want it to be so basic and say oh because i you know love to travel come on everybody loves to travel okay you got to do something else so um at the time i never actually did get to uh travel out of north america um mine is mexico i've been to mexico but i have never been to europe or asia australia anything like that so this was something else for me and also i i my background is in hospitality management and i loved working with people i worked in hotels so that was definitely a leverage for me um but anyways so at the time what they do is if they like you they will give you a card to tell you to come back the next day so i found out when i was waiting all these people had cards or didn't get one so if you don't get a card you pretty much didn't make it so i was anxiously waiting and she hands me a card and it said please return um for day two of your interviews so i was really happy about that hey guys so yesterday i filmed everything and then when it was time to edit i realized that some of my footage the remainder of the footage was missing because i didn't press record this is why i don't youtube all right so obviously it's another day it's the day after so i'm going to re-record so don't mind me it looks totally different okay then so let's just continue on with our story time again okay so on day two the next day is what they call the assessment day and it was at the same hotel i i believe it was around 80 to 100 people that made it to the assessment day so already from like a thousand not that many people made it to the next day and how they started off with was just a brief introduction on emirates kind of what to expect if you're going to move and relocate to emirates your basic duties it's just a just an introduction they show a video and stuff after that they broke us up into multiple groups we did some icebreakers and this i've been through so many interviews but this was just wild i've never experienced anything like this and it was so stressful you guys know like american idol survivor that style they eliminate you and this is how it goes so they break you up into groups and uh they'll give you some questions it was a basic question it was just us in a circle and they were just saying go around and tell us if you can have dinner with one person anybody who would it be and why and i don't really know what they were trying to get out of this maybe they were just trying to see how we speak um and what we say and if we're fun or whatever it is but i i don't even remember what i said in all honesty i'm pretty sure i said something so basic like oprah or something you know because i don't know i i remember someone saying brad pitt um but and someone was like oh random people but that was fine so get this after we finish they tell us to leave the room for about 15 minutes so we're all just like outside they call us back in and there are tables with cards with our names on them and they're flipped over so you pick the card and it'll tell you if you made it to the next round or if it's like peace out see you later like who does that it's so stressful so i picked my name and i made it to next round uh thank goodness but you see all these people like going to the elevator and they're just like obviously super super sad it was a sad thing to see for the other group assessment this one was really hard uh but i lucked out and i'm gonna tell you why so the same same thing they broke us up into groups and they gave us a problem so as a group you're supposed to solve this problem and our problem was uh we work at a hotel we have five rooms available but there are 10 guests still due to check in so and they give us a profile of each guest so it can be like honeymooners business people high-profile celebrity or something like that and one time travelers things like that and they just let us figure it out on our own and in the end we're supposed to present it as a group what our answer is and why so i kind of already knew uh suspected that they were looking for a lot of teamwork um come on like that's what and your problem-solving skills and how you solving a team so i knew i had to say something but not be overpowering because like like obviously you need leadership someone has to take the lead but in this case i don't think that's what they were looking for okay so i just let everybody talk and there were some people who were taking charge and they were just talking the entire time they felt like they needed to talk there were some who were too nervous they didn't say a word which is not good that's not right um and i waited till the very end to speak because i actually knew the answer to this problem i don't know if you guys know but i've actually prior to this uh i studied hospitality management and i worked with one of the top hotel chains in the world fairmont hotels and resorts so i do know what they do and who they choose and oh and if you guys are curious the answer to that um is what people don't know is that when you actually make a reservation uh they confirm they they guarantee a room for you but that room doesn't necessarily have to be at that hotel it's very strange uh obviously they wanted to be at their hotel first but they do guarantee you a room so if they don't have that room available they will book you another room uh at the same quality style hotel meaning if you're at a five-star hotel they'll book you into another five-star hotel within the city they'll also transfer help you transfer there uh they'll also pay for the room and if you're staying for more than one night and you return the next day to the hotel most likely if it's available they'll upgrade you they'll maybe give you um dinner vouchers i mean you get a lot of perks just for not having that room available to you knowing that knowing that there are some travelers that would love that like i would love that right so that's how you prioritize on who you decide to take and who you decide to you know say sorry about this we're gonna put you into another hotel for tonight obviously the business travelers and the high profile they do get to stay at our hotel maybe honeymooners because it's a special special occasion we'll probably accommodate them because they probably have set some stuff up so the second group interview was finished and they do the exact same thing they are going to tell us to leave the room and return after 15 minutes cards laying with our names on them and some people are leaving at the elevators i made it but after this they put you through a written exam we're already so exhausted i believe this entire day was like eight hours it was like a full day of interviews but anyway so they put us through a written exam it's a personality test as well as like an english test and it's pretty basic they weren't trying to trick you or anything personality wise you shouldn't lie you obviously know which one is going to be the right answer the one they want but in all honesty you should be honest about this because certain personalities cannot make it in this role and that is what they're looking for and imagine that you want this job and you move all the way to dubai and you relocate and all of a sudden you're like no i can't do this i don't like this job it's not for me oh my goodness it's it's not no you wouldn't want to do that so answer that honestly uh and for the english one it was very very basic so just read this what does it mean multiple choice um and but you do have to pass it okay so after this then we moved on to the one-on-one final interviews yes this was all on the same day and this was this was so wild okay so we're all just waiting and waiting our turn and i've noticed that people that are were coming out of the interview like they were some of them were in tears like really really bad uh and that got me really nervous i've done a lot of one-on-one interviews in my life and i felt pretty comfortable because i kind of see it as a discussion to see if you know will work out together and i'm i'm always very very honest uh so i've never had a problem with one-on-one interviews um so but going in and watching seeing people come out crying it's kind of whoa like why does that even happen how does that happen so i walked in and the interviewer was very cold didn't smile and i don't know if this is a tactic i feel like it was a thing that they did to test us i didn't know at the time um but yeah so i was doing they're asking me basic interview questions like you can look them up one-on-one interview questions uh just answered it and every single answer that i gave they would respond with the why or how come like this how come why uh-huh why why'd you leave that i don't understand so it was like they were like poking me and i realized like at this role yeah you're gonna get some horrible people up in the skies and you're gonna have to remain calm like super calm and this smile like my friends gave me some tips they're like never let this fade so even though they were i just kept saying you know you guys have seen in my skits anyways just and answered the best i could and during the time um we we would get interrupted by uh other interviewers they would come in and pretend that i wasn't even there isn't that bizarre that's so bizarre so they'll come in and talk amongst themselves and just like totally ignore me and i'm just sitting there going what the hell was going on right um they would also she put a tissue a box of tissue and slid it over and i was like listening i was i was just looking at it like what is what is happening and i knew that they were trying to break me and i think that is the ultimate test will can i break this person in front of me by being as mean and rude as i possibly can and they didn't break me just so you guys know they did not so after we were done our final interviews we were sent home they told us that if we were to be hired they'll let us know within a few weeks they send all of their data to um to back to dubai and their hr handles it so we ended up getting um i will i ended up getting all of the contacts of all the other interviewees and we kept in touch to see who would get hired first and finally it started rolling so um people were getting hired and finally i got my call and pretty much it was like hey we want you here is your plane ticket you're set to come here next week you're relocating pack your bags let's go and that's exactly what i did uh out of the thousand out of thousands that applied that came in the end they hired about 12. so 12 were given job offers seven made it to dubai so seven actually accepted some decided at the end they didn't want to go they were really scared but um when they when you hear that it's harder to be a flight attendant than to get into harvard this is what they mean the competitiveness it doesn't mean of course that we're smarter come on getting i could never get into harvard no way not with this brain okay with all my brain parts there's no way but just the level of applicants and the people that are accepted that is what they mean emirates itself gets about 20 000 applicants a month so i was very lucky and i was very very grateful uh to be even offered this on the subject of hiring and interviews i do want to go through a few things that um a lot of you had questions about and i want to address it right now number one is where do i even apply or how do i even look for it so please every airline is completely different their qualifications are different the hiring process is different so all you need to do choose the airline that you wish to work for and apply for every airline has a careers page you're going to go on there just go under cabin crew or flight attendant and it'll list out all of the qualifications that they're looking for and their application process that's all you need to do so just follow the guideline and do what they say and that's how you get started okay emirates itself um like i said it was just on amorous careers and you had to go through the open days and apply that way another question i want to address right now is about what you can do now to prepare yourself to be a flight attendant and this is important because a lot of the airlines are not hiring right now and i don't really know because of covid how long this is gonna last um it's it's a very sad time for all of the the current cabin crew have been furloughed or laid off and it's just it's just really sad so when they're actually gonna hire i have no idea but everything recovers everything recovers so to prepare yourself right now here are some of my tips number one maybe gain some experience uh in customer service if you can try to get a server position because we do serve in the sky and that will be extremely helpful uh if you can get a job in the hotel but hotels kind of got hit badge in cobit as well that's good um any kind of fast food is actually amazing too it's very stressful it's a very stressful and quick environment and if you get used to that and still can do it with a smile you are good to go so if you can do it you're good uh another tip would be this is a bit obviously takes a lot longer is to learn another language if you don't have another language having another language is an asset definitely an asset for emirates not required but if they had to choose between one or the other and the other person spoke another language they're gonna choose that person okay so if you can then do that there's you can also get first aid training that is huge uh i think every city kind of has their own programs where you can just apply and it's like a day's worth of training and you get a certification if on your cv when you're applying to these airlines and they you show that you have first aid skills they're gonna love that they really are because we need that in the air if you watch my videos you know we need that it's very very important and crucial to our role so that is something else that you can do okay i think that's it for story time let's pray that i actually recorded this time i can't believe i did that what is wrong with me i think i think it is the plan it's aligning or something i think that's happening today but i don't know but anyways i also came up uh earlier in the summer i came up with the cabin crew ebook it's just like a quick guide to becoming cabin crew i'll put the link down there if that's something that will help you um and yeah if you guys have any other questions or something that you want me to address please comment below um and i will continue to share all my stories and videos with you thank you for watching bye
Channel: Jeenie.Weenie
Views: 1,287,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeenieweenie, jeenie.weenie, cabincrew, flightattendant, flightcrew, emirates, tiktok, comedy, memes, jokes, funny, funnyskit, relatable, cooking, beauty, fashion, diy, challenges, relationships, branding, marketing, vlog, makeup, airlines, interview
Id: E8Re7hPqbZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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