A Day in the Life of a Flight Attendant!

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I am working three flights today Good morning everyone. Welcome back to my channel if you're new here My name is Julia and I am a dallas-based flight attendant. There are a lot of new subscribers here, which is awesome I am super excited to see at my channel growing so thank you everyone so much from the bottom of my heart for all of the support with that said I thought That it would be a really fun video to film to do a day in the life of a flight attendant It's currently 7:30 a.m. So I have one hour before I need to leave for the airport So right now I'm going to eat breakfast and then take my dog out And finish getting ready for work One of my favorite things about being at flight attendant is collecting magnets from all of the places that I've been to so these are all of the magnets on my fridge from Just some of my layover. --zz from the past two years. This is Luna she's Mine and my boyfriend's two-year-old Golden Retriever and she likes hanging out with me in the morning so I get ready for work. I Am finishing packing up my stuff right now some things I always bring with me on every trip Our tennis shoes my toiletry bag. This is my toothbrush and I have my hair straightener down here I also always bring a pair of sandals with me on every trip and then some other things I will throw into my suitcase are My makeup bag right here as well as these packing cubes that have clothing in them Followed by a purse and then this is an electronics organizer that I have This way everything in my suitcase has its place and it's nice and organized Alright, so I have my uniform on now and I'm going to get all of my food ready for this trip I'm just gonna grab Some of my food. I try really hard to meal prep for all of my trips especially if they're domestic because then I really don't have to worry about Bringing food in or out of the kind which is really nice. And this is a three day domestic trip So I was definitely able to meal prep for this specific trip how I organized? My lunch box is I always have some snacks in here. So right now I have protein cookies and beef jerky I always bring some peanut butter with me along with some bagels This is perfect for like breakfast or lunch And then I also love to bring these oatmeal packets with me as well And then I usually always bring like a bag of Cheerios or something and then for dinner each night I have packed chicken with mashed potatoes and spinach along with butternut squash risotto So I really do try to eat as healthy as I can on the road Especially since I am gone so much and then to keep everything cold. I usually just put an ice block on top of my meals So those will be my dinners over the next few days and then in here I've also just packed some strawberries and blueberries to snack on it is now 8:30 a.m So I need to head to the airport. My sign-in is at 9:35 and or a 10:35 a.m Departure. I always like to leave my house an hour before sign it and just in case there's traffic and I really do not like Running late, so I need to get going. I just got in my car and I'm about to head off to the airport Like I said earlier my sign in time is 935 a.m which is pretty nice because I Do not typically like the super early sign ins like when you have to be to the airport by 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning However, there are many days where that is typical for me where I am at the airport very very early I'm on call this month Which means I wait for my company to call me and schedule me for a trip and we have a two-hour call-out minimum So what that means is scheduling can call me and then within two hours I am required to be at the airport ready to sign in for a trip. However, I was assigned this trip yesterday So I knew well ahead of time where I was going and what I was doing So it was great because I love when I have enough time to play And prepare and get ready for my trip This trip is what we call a three to three and what that means is that today I am working three flights tomorrow I am working two flights and then the day after I am working three flights. So all in all it is eight flights over a span of three days So I just got to the employee parking lot here at the dallas/fort Worth Airport Just made it through security and I am a C22 and my special gate is t7. So I'm going to head over it that way as I mentioned earlier I am working my flight today I am flying from Dallas to Albuquerque, New Mexico and then from Albuquerque New Mexico back to Dallas and then my third and last flight of the day today will be from Dallas to Houston Texas where I will layover Just walked on the plane and the first thing about we always do as crew members is check our emergency equipment we have certain preflight checks that we are required to complete just to make sure that all the equipment is here and operating properly in the event of some sort of like medical emergency or an emergency in the air and I Everyone seems really nice. So I am really excited for this trip. One thing. I love about being a flight attendant Is that often times? We don't work with the same crew member So it's really a fun job because you get to meet so many different people in this line of work and everything looks great So we are going to start setting up our galleys and get everything ready for the passengers to board So I will talk to you guys when I get to our cookie Just landed from my first flight in Albuquerque, New Mexico, it was really smooth. It was one hour and 26 minutes So we have about 20 minutes until we start boarding again for our next flight which heads right back to Dallas one of my favorite Things to do in between flights is to read and I picked up a new book. It is called an absolutely remarkable thing Just landed back in Dallas, so we've done two plates and have one more to go we came into the B terminal and our next flight is going out of the D terminal so We have to take the Sky link and head over to a different part of the airport for our final flight of the day That's what our galley looks like in the back of the aircraft so we have different things in the different drawers We have like Jews, there's different soda products and this is also where we have like our coffee and and all the creamers napkins And everything else that we set up to go on top of the beverage carts I just walked on our new aircraft here in Dallas for our flight to Houston And this light is usually only 30 to 35 minutes So this should go by pretty quickly and then once we get to Houston We will head to our layover hotel three flights is pretty normal. It's kind of a long day, but Usually as flight attendants. We work anywhere from 1 to 4 flights in a single day We have about 25 minutes until we start boarding for our next flight So in the meantime, I think I will eat some of my berries and read my book just landed in Houston So now we are walking as a crew through the airport to get to baggage claim and we're going to get picked up by a shuttle and head to our hotel for the night So I was mistaken I thought we were taking a shuttle to get to the hotel but according to my crewmembers We actually take a light-rail from the airport directly to the hotel. Oh, this is interesting It is like a little train you guys think normal people pack a lot. Look at how much crew members pack for three-day trips We bring so much stuff with Let's check out this hotel room. We have a very nice bathroom there here. Hi everybody Really nice shower as well. There's a big closet of course, every hotel always has a big mirror and There's a large bed with a couch and let's check out the view Can't really see much but it looks like it is just a view of the airport. It is now 6:15 p.m And I just got to my hotel here in Houston as flight attendants We do not pay for our hotel rooms on our layover So long as it is a work trip, obviously if you are traveling on your own time then you would have to pay for your hotel rooms the airline sets everything up for us before all of our trips so that we Always have a place to stay. This is quite a short layover. We are only here for eleven and a half hours We are meeting downstairs as a crew at 5:20 a.m to head to the airport for tomorrow's flights one of the Legalities that we have as flight attendants is we have to have what we call eight hours behind the door and that means eight hours Of rest at your hotel after flying those eight hours are the bare minimum I've had lay overs that have been eight hours long and then I've also had lay overs that have been 40 hours long So it's really a mixed bag of what you're going to get. Sometimes you have really short layover It's like tonight and then sometimes you have really long layover I have my uniform hung up and ready to go and I have everything set up in the bathroom for tomorrow morning So I have my makeup right here makeup remover wipes My toothbrush and toothpaste all my lotion the rest of my toiletries right here So I have everything all set up for tonight and tomorrow morning. So it is actually only 7:30 p.m. But I am getting up really early tomorrow morning. I'm getting up at 4 a.m So I'm going to shower and wind down and start to call it a night. Thank you everyone so much for watching I really hope that you enjoyed this day in the life of a flight attendant. I will see you guys next time by
Channel: Jetting Julia
Views: 1,470,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight attendant, cabin crew, air hostess, flight crew, flight attendant life, flight attendant vlog, flight attendant vlogger, travel, travel vlog, travel vlogger, travel tips, how to travel, jetting julia, jetting julia cruise, american airlines, inflight, stewardess, cabin attendant, a day in the life, a day in the life of a flight attendant, paid to travel, aircraft, aviation, planes, travel jobs, real life of a flight attendant, flight attendant job, airline, flight, vlog
Id: 70xONbPxP-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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