We Spent the Night on MONT SAINT MICHEL (Normandy Day Trip)

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if you're looking for an extraordinary place to take a day trip from Paris mon s Michelle in Normandy is a place to go this is a thousand-year-old fortress cut off from the mainland by the world's biggest and fastest title swing and tonight we're going to sleep right here on this Enchanted Island and then we'll stop in the Charming Seaside artist village of on FL Al on I am so ready that's where we're going right there where right there over the hill and well across the bay are we going to walk or how are we getting there when you get here you can't park you can't drive on the island so we're going to take a shuttle bus from the parking lot let's go let's do it and since we're not just here for a day trip we're actually sleeping on the island we had to bring our luggage on the shuttle I'm so excited all right let's go you ready I am so ready come on Howa I want to go walking out here I don't know how Brave I am with bare feet I brought my Mucky shoes all the screaming kids out here with their toes in the she sand all right darling before we go into this uh joyful mud uh we have to go and check in the hotel and I think our hotel is right there and uh I'm also starving yeah let's have lunch first and then you can put your toes in the sand exactly all right let's [Music] go it's a nice room look at that bay wow wow look at that day oh that is a view that'll do what a [Music] view let's go explore magnific look at that oh wow so I'm starving and we're going to go eat lunch and we're going to do that in a pretty famous spot the merard restaurant they are famous for omelets actually she has a 100-year-old recipe for omelets oh wow M I want some of yours you can look at mine no don't don't even think about it I was expecting The Omelette to have lamb and it looks like lamb sauce on top like a lamb gravy but I was not expecting a side order with a piece of meat we are not starving today oh my God that is pure fluffiness I mean just look how fluffy this is [Music] it is like eating air I saw the size of that and I thought man we're in trouble but it's like eating delicate air so I got the oh look how fluffy this is oh the two cheese omelette and they put some stuff on top of it I'm going to put some of it on my [Music] bite oh man I've never eaten a omelette that's so delicate I mean they're not cheap omelettes but the way they're making them and the quality of it is like [Music] wow so now we're going to go back down to the water and we're going to go put our boots in the water instead of our toes I may be an old lady but I feel like a kid sometimes oh I look like an old man I'm a kid inside I know that's why we play together well you're going to hate it within uh immediately I guarantee that it looks really slippery oh my God go for it you have tall boots what are you afraid of well the reason to do this other than the fact that it's super cool that you can oh my God wait maybe this is a better idea than a reality oh God I'm going for it yeah I'm a little bit heavier than you oh oh god oh man look at this it's actually not too bad what I was afraid of is that it was oh man there's some spot where it goes in yeah well there's pocket look it's look it's a little oops it's a little heart-shaped puddle isn't that sweet it's for you and me a just there we've done some crazy things but I like it yeah it's perfect I love it I mean am I in quick sand right now look Colleen if you fall down I want you to know that I will take you home I'm going to laugh my ass off first okay it's Le Frenchie mud wrestling Edition oh man well oh I got one well come to me cuz this is hard here where I am I trying to get my foot up oh man I'm stuck in the mud now don't stand still keep moving just keep moving just keep moving what do we do oh the dry part so this was walking in the bay at most time [Laughter] Melle that was an adventure you know how far we went we went there so what are we doing we're going up on the ramp parts to see the sunset it's romantic the tower the wind Vin the Gargoyles the bay the sunset the just everything I love you I love you too we do cool stuff together yeah [Music] oh good morning good morning so we're headed to The Abbey because yesterday well it wasn't too crowded cuz we were a bit offseason but still there was a bunch of people and we decided to be the first one at 9:30 a.m. so we can have the Abby to ourselves yes we did all this all those steps and wow and you know why once you get to that you have steps going up to there exactly you're halfway there and they're not Little Steps they're big steps I know they are big steps and just when you thought there was no more stairs there are more stairs oh man we made it to the top no oh no are you serious oh wow look yeah and to think that whole section yesterday was the mud where we were walking in our rubber boots oh yeah exactly so the reason why it actually rushes like that so fast is because it's so flat from um way over there to here there's barely any uh it's less than a 10% grade I think yeah no it's a very small grade once the water uh Rises then it just rushes it in the wooden ceilings and that's just the wood and the stone and like all the elements coming together yeah it's remarkable check out that organ wow that's a Harry Potter room come here look at my fireplaces you can imagine the Roaring fire in here you know I would not be at all surprised if the hall for the movie of Harry Potter was actually inspired from here and there were two of them there's another one right here I didn't expect it to be that large it's a massive compound oh look at is that a mill the grand like Grand R the huge wheel so when I first saw this I thought it was a mill yeah but this is actually uh a wheel where they put prisoners and the prisoners would walk like hamsters and this wheel is design you mean like the prisoners were inside the wheel yeah you can see the foot spots and everything and the uh this was used to bring food up the island to um to The Abbey to feed the monks yeah what do we pull it with the uh with these slays here that uh look at that yeah yeah yeah they would put that here and bring it up and it would be attached to the Rob yep up from water level be going down oh yeah look at that yep they would bring them up there I was totally expecting an Abby and like we're going from room to room to room to room and well you were expecting an ABY with a chapel and like that but see this was this was built as a major pilgrimage spot for the Benedicts to take up the island and then during the 100 Years War all of this was taken over as a defensive spot so this you know you have the fortresses all fortified around it from the time of the 100 Acre Wood the 100 Acre Woods the 100e wars let's go in the gardens nothing quite like a Seaside garden and you just sit on a little bench yeah watch the sea Little Island over there yeah to say with you and check out the view I think it's a great place to just come and uh unplug yeah yeah if you need to uh get away from it all yeah the seagulls are a big part of the story here they're enormous and it feels like they own the place and we're visiting their Island earlier we saw from up top that the water was coming right in here right so it has already in the last hour receded significantly and now on route to our next destination this is Bon on and aside from being voted one of the most beautiful towns in France it Al happens to be a little place we visited in a previous video where I bought the infamous fabulous bright red scarf so that's not the uh that's not the original one the one you're wearing oh no I have many red scarves but the one I love best I had a little accident and we were visiting my son in his new apartment and I just casually took off my bag my shoes and dropped it in the little Cove by the front door not thinking that our 19-year-old son had a lovely candle burning well I torched it so now I have a big pile of Red Ash and I came back here to see if I could find another copy of my bright red scarf in a little shop over here I don't see the Red Scarf but they have lots of scarves and it's closed they may be closed for lunch let's go have lunch and then we'll come back and I'll bet you they'll be open they left their stuff here they're just close for lunch it's a special architecture that they have this is all Norman architecture yeah it's actually they've redesigned the entire uh Village to bring it back to its original Splendor cuz it had gone down oh there's another restaurant right there in any case it's voted one of the top 100 Village in France as you can see it's it's actually very small but very quaint smoked ham potatoes and crem fresh oh boy this is going to be messy it's going that's good that's yummy you happy now you get you get your red scarf and you'll be in paradise and I got the Fier I got a bite with some chicken mushrooms potatoes cream sauce and bacon is that a celebration of flavor oh wow a crepe last night was decent this is really good cheers that's a great pit stop in Normandy my favorite one oh my God look at the little pieces of fresh Apple in that [Music] sorbet yeah oh man that is Apple and it's a very it's a profound I don't want to say strong but it's a very profound Apple flavor so that's caramel but now what's interesting is that immediately I like well it looks like vanilla I'm sure you didn't make a mistake and it says well this is caramel this is what it looks like if you don't put coloring in it this is straight from the [Music] farm is it as ridiculously delicious as I wanted it to be yeah I'm afraid you're going to want to steal my ice cream now literally it's worth coming to this Village to this restaurant to have this ice cream this is everything the cream the milk like this this is fresh no while his hands are busy no no that's not fair well the question is is the store open you promised and if you break your promise oh man no go go go go to it they're not open right the lights aren't on so they are closed and we called the number and they're not here they're not open today they're not open tomorrow they're going to be open on Saturday we won't be here on Saturday but they'll be open more in season but Antoine called and talked to them and she said if you can send me a picture then maybe she could ship us one so I think we may be able to come up with a picture of me and that red scarf so I'm disappointed but I'm still hopeful and last but not least we finished our trip with one of France's most beautiful gems on floor now to go to Normandy and mon Michelle there are four different ways to get there the first one is to rent a car I would rent a car in the Charles deal airport because it's kind of like you're going to avoid Paris and it's about a 4 and 1/2 hour drive and then you're going to have to pay the tolls to get on the highway and we'll put the prices uh for all that information the second one is to book a tour uh a bus tour it leaves at 7:15 in the morning uh it goes to monan Melle it will drop you off and then it brings you back at the end of the day and then you arrive back in Paris at 9:00 p.m. that cost about 150 bucks that's the marathon style if you want to do that the Third Way is to hire a private guide or private private driver that can be your guide they're going to take you from your hotel drive you to mon Sam Michelle and uh some of them will actually be your guide on the island and take you to one place or the other and then take you to the good restaurants and uh I'm going to put a link below to some of the one that we recommend and the fourth one is to take a train from Paris and I believe it's gar Lazar to a train station which is Pon and from there you're going to take a uh shuttle that will take you all the way to the island so these are the four options to get to M Melle I'm going to put a link in the description uh below just find the one that's a good fit for you and there you go that will do that will do now check out the uh check out the steam shower we have a steam shower yeah oh yeah oh yeah private steam room with a bench yeah that's a steam shower the whole deal there's a good- looking guy in the mirror over there oh that's me all the coffee and mini bar stuff yeah a big comfy bed check that out let's go visit the town now yeah let's go see some shops and Galleries and check out on floor so that church is extraordinary I hope it's open because it's um made out of wood most churches are made out of stone and Friends it is open come and check this out the smell you smell the old wood yeah it's really cool I don't know how old it is I know it's very old but it it's extraordinary there's something very unique about it cuz there's not a lot of church made out of wood for the simple reason that well they burned down uh they were destroyed you know Stone lasts long longer than wood but look at that you can actually see at the top it's it's built by fishermen they built boats so that's the roof and you look at the roof and you're like man that's that's the Hall of a boat look at this alley doesn't it make you want to I don't like alley but looks like a cool alley well I'm sure in the Medieval ages is not a good thing but since we're not let's go I think there's a store over here that I really like that sells the Calvados I want all of the Calvados and and stuff in here there you go the calados the Sophie with the this is where they had dupan calados too they have good stuff in here so we're buying some Calvados and we were in a dupon Distillery couple of years ago and I don't remember which one so we're having a taste in onur because it says do you want to try and I was like yes so this is the this is the 12 years of age [Music] cavos oh yeah now what's interesting is the price the 12 years uh is 69 uh 7070 and the uh all which is no age specific is 6 to 8 years is 65 so if you just get this one you're well you're spending 5 more and you get it 12 this is definitely smoother yeah that's definitely a lot [Music] smoother and it has a good flavor too yeah it's good huh yeah um she just told us that uh Dupont cavos is stopping to 12 years old they're going to 10 years now so this is it this is the end of the series and I'm taking it because it's a great value I mean look at that 70 bucks she says No Limit my I like business woman there may be some drinking involved and it may not be a good idea to go to the absent bar tonight I really like onl it's fantastic little town and of course we couldn't leave Normandy without having their most typical dish mol fre me see and that little bucket goes here you start with one this is French finger food so I have to get one that's oh here's an empty one yeah there's always an empty one so you take an empty one and you pinch them out just like that and you use the you use the shell as the instrument you take your french fry and you dip it in the fresh herb mayonnaise that's good I love that muscles is a real poor men's meal cuz you have have more at the end when you finish with eating your plate than you had when you started the M fre is is a coastal dish I know it's big in Holland Belgium all the northern part of France and it goes all the way down uh Normandy and Britney probably all over the coast but as I as you start to go in South and you're going to see that less and less when you're a Savage this is how your shells look like when you colen this is what it looks like you set him in like that in order so I was so disappointed when we were in Normandy and Bon on because I was unable to get my scarf the store was closed but Antoine called and connected with the owner and look what arrived today is that the Red Scarf all right it's from Lon blue so it has to be well you know what we don't know is whether it's the exact same red carve oh that's true because we ordered it on conversation so right we assume it's the same so let's open up and find out oh yeah it looks promising this is promising oh look how lovely she did that oh yeah it is the same oh yeah oh it's so soft and so wispy and big and oh yeah one moment please so that was a fake scarf this one was not the real F no this one no that's an old thing that I bought but oh yeah look oh that's exactly how you remembered it it's so soft and yummy that is my scarf I'm so happy so what do you how many I I we ordered five so what you going to do you ordered me five did I knew there was more than one I thought I was figure out since since we uh lost the the original one I wanted you to have a replacement you going to do the with the other uh five four scarves well I'm going to keep at least one backup one backup but I think maybe maybe I'll have a contest and let a lucky viewer get a copy of my same scarf what do you think I think it's a great idea I think if you want it and you've been staying all the way until the end of the video to watch this you should put a comment in the section whether you want to have Colleen's red scar put a comment below and we'll pick somebody who's going to get here a cute little bag with one of those yummy red scarves that's awesome all right we got your uh your scarf back love you I'm a happy girl yeah if you like this video on S Michelle and on floor next I would watch this one on Normandy and the D-Day beaches or this one on anti in the French Riviera [Music]
Channel: Les Frenchies
Views: 132,325
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Keywords: mont saint michel tour, les frenchies, les frenchies travel, mont saint michel, mont saint-michel, mont saint-michel france, mont saint michel france, mont st michel, mont st michel from paris, day trip from paris to mont saint michel, mont saint michel abbey, mont saint michel vlog, mont saint michel inside, day trips from paris, paris day trip, france places to visit, best places to visit in france, paris travel tips, paris travel guide, paris travel vlog, France vlog
Id: vGEzWaam4nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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