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bonjour welcome back to we in France I'm Diane and today we are here in City Center at monu PRI a popular French supermarket chain and if you find yourself in France in need of some souvenirs for your friends and family back home that's exactly what I'm going to show you today I'm going to show you some of my favorite things affordable easy to pack that you could get in any french Supermarket so let's head inside [Music] okay so one of my favorite things to bring back for souvenirs are French cookies and you're going to find no shortage of them uh one of my favorite Brands is bun maml uh which you also find jams that we'll get to in a sec but there are all kinds of cookies um you'll see ones here different varieties of um sablé which actually can mean sand as well but in this case it's a butter cookie there are ones here on the left that are just plain butter these are all excellent and then as I bring you over to my right we're going to pass over the mono pre brand of cookies the mono priet you'll see all kinds there but uh let me draw your attention to what we're coming up upon here this brand Michelle austan um they're a really high-end brand of cookies and all kinds of of fun things um that you can bring home easily in your suitcase so if you're into cookies you have a bit of a sweet tooth definitely don't don't count out the aisle that has all types of uh of French cookies and something else right behind the cookies here in this particular store you'll find all kinds of candies um sour candies mints something I like to highlight here and point out these Vichy mints get them in the frame Vichy mints are excellent and you'll see um alibo as well I believe they're actually a German brand but um you'll see all kinds of gummy worms and gummy candies like these here uh in the orange and then uh something else which is pretty French is um if you like caramels kind of like taffy and that sort of thing uh car there are ones that are in fruit flavors here um there are also just regular caramel ones and uh they're a hit with uh with French kids um and adults too but um definitely check out the candy aisle another one of my favorite things to recommend and when you are in France if you want to bring back for a foodie um we have all kinds of Honey spreads and jams now bunm is a brand that I believe has made its way to the US here in France there are way more flavors things like rhubarb which maybe you wouldn't find in the US um all kinds of really interesting uh French jams and spreads uh Nutella is a really popular one but you'll actually find uh similar uh noisette hazelnut flavored spreads um that are made without palm oil like this one right here so if you're into that type of taste there are a lot of really nice really nice spreads I'll just back up so you could see a little bit something else actually above my head is a chestnut spread let me grab it and this a chestnut spread here I think it's also called crem de Maron like cream of chestnut um you could use it in different recipes it's also nice mixed with yogurt super sweet very popular stuff there are all kinds of Honey varieties uh honey is quite popular in France you're going to find really high-end honey that's going to cost well over €1 for a small container like some of the ones here in my shop again organic is usually going to be more expensive you can find honey um direct from the producer honey that is lavender flavored honey that is orange flavored all different types of Honey um you'll see some here that are a little more high-end yeah like right here Lavon that's uh that's lavender so that kind of honey all different kinds and makes a nice gift if you're someone who uses a lot of Honey either in their tea or in a recipe or in their yogurt and that sort of thing and to the left actually you'll notice you notice a container of Skippy uh when I first came to France peanut butter was really hard to find and now while you won't find a 100 varieties um you'll see several varieties of different types of nut Butters uh in mainstream supermarkets like you're seeing here and then as we move down to the right um again if you have a little bit of a sweet tooth um something I love are medalin these types of baked goods here of course they're best from a bakery but if you get you get this variety here um again from bun mum they have a whole product line uh we have ones that are just plain little you know vanilla almond cakes whatever just plain um some have milk chocolate some have a chocolate Center like these you're going to find ones that right below here are lemon flavored and I think it's bag like this has eight or no they have 12 12 in individually wrapped medin and um if you look down a little lower you're going to see ones that are uh little chocolate muffins you're going to find little marble cakes and that sort of thing and these these stay fresh you know like I said they're individually wrapped and I would definitely go with the bunmo brand um there are others too but uh but yeah these individually packaged desserts are pretty good and then if we move to the right even a little more you're going to find a Crepes clip um prepackaged again fresh is always better but you could pick up a few packs they're going to keep well in your suitcase um and stay good usually packs of 10 or 12 again you're going to find ones that are just plain you're going to find ones that are vanilla um that are just a little bit sweeter and let's see this is a pack of of 12 and uh these are what €3 45 s te authentic Crepes from Britney as denoted by that little seal there on the bottom left in yellow with the blue product of Britney so yeah if you're into sweets and want a little something for dessert this is definitely the aisle you want to stop into something just caught my eye we're in the honey aisle still but a candy that's popular with the French um is noua and this is uh pretty sweet it'll stick to your teeth and uh this one is honey flavored since we're still in the honey aisle but um if you see noua especially fresh nuga made at a a specialty chocolate shop chocolate shop at a specialty candy shop and that sort of thing it's worth getting I don't know if this particular product is good but noua in general is excellent and something else that makes a really good gift if you have a tea lover in your life there is no shortage of French tea um a brand all Spotlight here nothing in this this video is sponsored by the way um is Yogi tea I think we have this in the US as well but you might find a few flavors um that don't exist in the US um but you'll see all kinds of of um teas you know with no caffeine and fusions um te's for digestion te's for being calm and Serene um this one here is a tson for the night nice and calm and that sort of thing and then you'll find regular old lipin but um there's also a mono pre brand as well with all kinds of teas and one that I particularly like you can actually put it in a water bottle and have it iced um this is something that has 10 tea bags um organic which you'll note by the word bio uh B IO right there and you pop that in your uh in your water bottle and you have some nice iced tea if you have a baker in your life or maybe you want to get something for yourself something I I love are the little sugar cubes um a big brand is actually called daddy down here on the left and you'll find ones that are usually square or rectangular but these actually happen to be uh circular right down here um and sometimes you'll even find ones that are flavored um like vanilla um and that sort of thing uh but yeah there's I love the cute little sugar cubes and then to my left um above the flower and all of that there are french cake mixes you could get a sense of what kind of stuff they have in that category um something that is pretty popular is also this gelatin sheets of gelatin they don't have Jell-O here but if you're making a cake that kind of has a layer of flavored gelatin on top these sheets are very popular um and there's all kinds of fun things if you're a baker that you might want to check out here all right next up we are in the spice aisle and something I'll point out right off the bat is um France has amazing salt um from different areas so you'll find some that is from camarra which is actually down in the south of France um you'll also find ones that are more by me here in the L Valley in the latique in gond um which is actually on the Atlantic coast and that's a really good salt but you'll find all different brands um but there's really really nice salt in France so you could pick that up for uh for a cook in your life you'll also find all kinds of interesting spices um these are all from uh provance well these ones are time and then it looks like a special cell again special cell then special salt here from Kar with um some pepper and it the P um which you're probably familiar with and as we move down the aisle I'll show you what else we have and you'll find a lot of spices that are familiar to you uh one I would particularly recommend is uh something called the bouquet gar this is going to have uh thyme in it and uh really good stuff here if you're doing any any cooking in a slow cooker and that sort of thing [Music] all right if you're into mustard um one brand I would recommend is May right here a Dijon mustard I believe you can find this in the US but you might not have all of the the varieties that you can find in a French store this particular Supermarket doesn't have a ton of mustard variey but um in bigger stores you can find um excellent excellent uh French mustard and while I believe my does exist in the US um I don't know if it's actually imported from France but obviously if you buy it in a French Supermarket you're going to get the real deal and it's absolutely worth it just it is in glass so make sure you you pack that um and right above here we have all kinds of mayonnaises that um that are often great quality so um if you have someone who's into condiments definitely pick some of that up and even honey mustard which is also excellent something else that's really popular with the French are these syrups or C they're great for kids or even adults who want a non-alcoholic beverage and not just plain water they come in a bunch of different flavors uh raspberry lemon mint grenadine that sort of thing and um you eat just them with water and you have a nice flavorful drink and one perk of mono PRI they don't just have food and grocery items they have a bunch of textiles and and Home Products so if you need to get um new dishes or placem mats or tablecloths or anything like that um they're a place where you can definitely find that cook wear bake wear and uh something else I'll recommend is um a dish towel now of of course uh know your audience um You probably don't want to give one of these to your boss um you know and suggest that they need to do their dishes a little differently or anything like that but um you know maybe a gift for yourself or someone you know well um mono PRI has a bunch of really cool dish towels they in French they're called ton and all kinds of patterns and and uh and fabrics hey look at this it's almost Halloween and looks like over the years the Halloween selection has gotten bigger you'll see costumes which are generally scary you won't see too much in the way of pretty princess stuff something else you won't see is Halloween themed candy like we do in the US like pumpkin Reese's and and special packaging for Halloween that's something you don't really see in France but um little by little Halloween is becoming more popular even if we don't have the special cand if you find yourself in France before the holidays Advent calendars are really popular and it looks like now toward the end of October they're already starting to stock them uh ones with kids toys and then also as I Come Around the Corner Kinder uh which I believe is a a German brand um but they're very popular in France a lot of chocolate Advent calendars and definitely check out my link below there's actually a store I recommend for for buying really cool French Advent calendars in the US and I think I have a discount code for you so check that out below all right when it comes to school supplies or if you're a bit of a stationary fanatic like me a brand all Spotlight is CLA font it's really popular with school age kids and really with anyone if you need a notebook uh for anything um you'll find in France the paper is usually let me see if I could do this with one hand the paper is usually not lined like how we know it in the US it almost looks like more of a grid um if you could see that with uh with squares um you won't always find um just lined paper you'll find something more like this um and they come in all sizes and colors and as you can see there on the price these are just a couple of Euros depending on the size um so those are cool they have the spiral bound ones they have all kinds of of notebooks um some that are more practical and others that are more pretty but um I'm a huge fan of picking up some stationary journals and that sort of thing and if you have any kids in your life and they're learning French or you'd like to start teaching them uh definitely stop by the kids book section there's everything for really young kids that are mostly photos um all the way up to older kids where there's novels and and different types of of longer books but they have a they have a nice selection here fountain pens are really popular in France you have to tell me if you're French if you used a fountain pen when you were in elementary school I feel like they're more popular in France than they are in the US um you'll find all kinds of interesting pens and um something we we don't really use as much in the US um kids don't use ink as much they use pencil that erases but in France you'll actually find these these eraser pens that will erase a certain type of ink usually from a fountain pen so kids have um what's called a trus um it's a pencil case basically it can also mean a toiletry case but a to with all their pens and their instruments a compass and all of that for back to school but um these eraser pens are a must because kids use pens usually uh fountain pens with ink usually blue or black ink and when you make a mistake um these will correct it then as we head down the aisle you'll see a lot of stuff that's that's familiar um I really like these highlighters by a brand stabo and um they actually come in pastels so not just super bright yellow or bright pink but there are ones that are pastels which I found to be really good but um yeah you'll find all kinds of fun stationary stuff if you're into that like I am and also in addition to the grocery stuff and the textiles I showed you the books um most monoi stores or monoi say um they'll have clothes as well so um now is it the highest end clothes around maybe not but um you'll find really cool accessories scarves um if you want to pick up a beret they'll probably have one of those too um different kinds of socks and scarves and just all that French style stuff so it's worth giving it a look see if anything um is what you're into um but yeah shoes and all kinds of things and there is a makeup section as well I find that most brands you'd probably be familiar with they're going to be more expensive in FRS but that's not always the case so if you need some new lipsticks eyeshadows nail polish whatever it does pay to have a look here U mono PRI does have their own line of cosmetic products so you can take a look and um and see if if anything works for you but yeah there's a whole section here and something you'll notice in France for both men and women scarves um for all seasons are very popular not just ones to keep you warm in the winter uh you'll find ones that are lighter that are more of um a silk material that are more fashionable than functional but then also uh we also have very warm scarves um that are for the winter month you can find them at mono PRI as well and and then also hey and these are actually 30% off as denoted by the orange tag here 30% off so let's see 229 22 yeah 22.99 a bunch of colors so yeah if you're into a scarf you want to look look a little more French men and women both wear scarves pretty much all year round of course maybe not when it's sweltering hot but um they're a fashion accessory for sure if you can't tell I'm a big fan of functional gifts and uh socks are always a good thing to have these this particular brand it says um they're French fabrication since 1924 and all different kinds that are wool silk cotton sporty and all of that these are actually let's see they say they're they're uh recycled materials but uh definitely don't count out the French grocery store when you're looking for souvenirs I mean depending on your relationship ship with the person you know you might not want to get someone socks or a dish towel that sort of thing but there's still really nice gifts especially for Foodies um that bring a taste to France quite literally something else I'll recommend here in this personal care aisle are soaps from a brand called Leti Mar uh the little this is a little boy here from Marse the town of Marse Mar is a person from Marse there we have the little logo of the boy um and these are just everyday soaps kind of like Dove these are not luxur ous soaps just a few EUR but um they tend to be good quality um they're all different uh scents vanilla um you know things like that peach easy to pack um but yeah Bath and Body Wash uh from this brand is also really nice you'll see all kinds of scents don't count out the personal care aisle because you can find a lot of a lot of cool soaps and and bath products and in most cases I probably wouldn't recommend bringing wine back in your suitcase I have a blog post about this that you could check out there's a special piece of wine luggage I recommend um that'll keep your bottles from being broken but um in France you could find a lot of amazing wines at the supermarket um and uh definitely something to check out and drink while you're here at least or if you have the proper materials to safely pack them to bring home definitely do that um but yeah you can grab great wine at the supermarket and if you're into wine like I am grab a bunch of kinds to try locally from wherever you're traveling in France there is no shortage all right potato chips and snack food uh might actually not make it in your luggage but while you're here visiting definitely check out some of the more interesting flavors of potato chips that maybe you don't have at home um one that I'd like to highlight for you is actually the roasted rotiss chicken flavor the s p Roi um there's a brand called Brett uh that's actually what I'd recommend here they don't have too many too many different flavors that are Brett these are just the regular potato chip flavor um but you'll find maybe 10 15 flavors in larger supermarkets um of all kinds of really interesting very in French inspired uh potato chips that are worth a look okay depending on how much room you have in your suitcase and if you have kids that uh like sugary cereal or maybe you like it but one of the most popular for kids is something called Shuka peek right here this one is organic again noted by Boo and um it's kind of like Cocoa Puffs but they're more like corn flakes the shape of the cereal um and then down here we actually have one that is not organic same thing sha Peak but uh yeah if you're into cereal you'll find some interesting ones here something I always recommend if you're into chocolate is check out chocolate bars um there's all different kinds some are going to be a little more higher end but ones that I love is this Nestle L it has a bunch of nuts has great texture and you also find flavors of like lint chocolate while it's not French you're going to find varieties that maybe you can't find at home so there are some sneaky ones in there that are really good my favorite would be pistachio and um almond paste but um you really can't go wrong even the you know the mainstream um you know mass-produced chocolate that you find at a supermarket can be quite good if you just have a little craving for something sweet and there's also the mono pre brand which you'll see right in the center of the frame here denoted by their colorful colorful packaging um and that's let's see about €2 for one of those um milka is also a popular brand here in purple um but it's the equivalent of say Hershey's not super high-end chocolate but usually at most grocery stores you can find some chocolate that is a bit higher quality um and I'll just show you one here up high let me grab it something here this is just over €3 for one for one chocolate bar um and this is actually from uh with the the salt that I told you about earlier um this salt from G hey and before I showed you some Advent calendars that were food and toy related and here in the beauty section there are some that are uh cosmetic and skincare related so um yeah as I said Advent calendars are really popular in France you can also find them uh at the pharmacy this is isn't a gift idea but something that uh I used to get a kick out of when I first came to France is that there's actually bread that's sold without the crust if you look closely this is called me um so there's actually no crust which I find is the best part you can certainly buy bread sandwich bread that has a crust like this but they actually have ones like this that say and um yeah it's uh pretty popular not just with kids but you'll see you'll see that it exists in different sizes uh whole wheat and all of that just uh something that we don't really have in the US something that I love that is specific to Mono PRI are these little fold up nylon bags they're actually a pretty good size they have uh two handles on them and I believe they're only about a Euro or two um and they come in a bunch of different uh different Motif different patterns and sometimes you'll even find ones that have the Eiffel Tower pattern something very very French but they make great souvenirs super easy to pack really small and they are a decent Siz bag once you once you open them up and something to remember is that in France um you pretty much need to bring your own shopping bags your reusable shopping bags um they don't really give you free paper plastic at the register no one's going to pack your bags for you so um these are not only cool looking souvenirs but they're pretty functional if you're going to be doing doing any grocery shopping uh in France all right guys thank you so much for watching it's Saturday it's starting to get really busy so I don't want to accidentally film other customer so I think I'll leave it here but um to get some of these products uh in the US where you live um I have a great recommendation for a store again this is not sponsored but I have a great recommendation for a store that ships from the US all imported French products everything from regular grocery items to items that are a little more high-end um that are traditional gifts and that sort of thing so I will link that down below in the comments but thank you so much for being here and hope you enjoyed this look um at a French grocery store and some of the things that work as souvenirs thank you happy holidays and uh see you soon right back here on Wei in France [Music] salute
Channel: Oui In France
Views: 55,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oui in france, french culture, american expat, expat in france, living abroad, expat, american in france, french lifestyle, french food, french supermarket, french grocery store, french shopping, grocery shopping, grocery haul, paris supermarket, monoprix, supermarket haul, french store, souvenirs from france, souvenir shopping, paris souvenirs, tourists in paris, france tourism, products from france, french foods, online french grocery store
Id: dUHhUWrn9mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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