10 Scary Folklore Horror Stories

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welcome back to the swamp my friends one of my favorite things to do is read folklore stories in my free time it's not often that I read them on the channel but I think it's time that we compiled some of these so today I'm going to be sharing some of my favorite folklore stories if you have a story that you would like to share in a future video be sure to submit it that's walk dweller dotnet or the email you can find in the description down below I'd love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp and stories like yours I help keep this show going joining me today is my good friend finished 22 he's a very longtime friend pretty much from the start of the swamp he's a great narrator and I think you guys will enjoy his voice and if you do I would really really appreciate it if you would check out the link in the top of the description and subscribe to his channel he's very close to 10,000 subscribers and it would be super awesome if you guys would help him out with that I do feel that he might be the most underrated narrator on the platform but touches my opinion anyways I appreciate all your well wishes recently I am feeling a lot better my thumb is still broken but feels much better than I did it about a week ago but I really do appreciate all the kind messages thank you guys now let's get into these creepy and downright strange stories that'll keep you up tonight so I started volunteering at a Wildlife Refuge recently and one of the resident animals is awfully weird so like I said I started volunteering there about a month ago I go in on Sundays and Saturdays for a five hour shift and basically just feed the animals change their water give medication to the ones who need it and then discuss miscellaneous work this is a Wildlife Refuge though so the end goal is to return as many of the animals as we can that are delivered to us by animal control back to the wild as possible so some animals for one reason or another unfortunately can't go back to the wild because of injuries imprinting or what-have-you these are our resident animals or permanent stays at the refuge on my first day the lady who runs the place gave me a tour it's not a big place maybe the size of a small park with maybe two or three dozen animals of all species and all sizes at any given time she showed me where the raccoons are where the possums are where the squirrels are there's even a one-eyed coyote there as a resident amongst all things but then at the end of the showing she brought me towards a relatively large building it was wooden but about the size of two cargo containers side-by-side with a pretty hefty padlock in some bolts on the entrance and what looked like a reinforced beam and wall is all around most of the buildings that housed the refuge animals were in mild disrepair only as well-maintained as they needed to be but this one looked like someone was taking care of it and repairing it on a weekly basis if not more frequent the lady explained to me that this is where they kept the resident deer Bambi she had elapsed the name but then I remembered from reading of the handbook that wildlife refuges aren't even supposed to even have deer let alone make them a resident since they're so high-maintenance in such a hassle to deal with I asked her why we have Bambi then and she explained yes well Bambi's sort of a a special case it's a bit complicated as to why all you need to know is that you don't have to feed her or anything I do that myself since she's a bit much to handle at times right as she finished her explanation there was a loud bang from the enclosure that Bambi was housed in that both looked like and felt like that it had shook the foundations of the place for a moment I worried that the walls would collapse and an angry dealer would come rushing out but that thankfully didn't happen ah I'll seem like she's energetic today I might need some sedatives when I go in it wasn't strange for the refuge to use sedatives they were dealing with wild animals after all but my mom was immediately struck with the image of this slightly tubby middle-aged lady taking down a dealer with a tranquilizer rifle which I laughed about a little to myself I put my concerns about this deer out of my mind though and just focused on getting trained for the job whenever I was near Bambi's building though I would sometimes hear what I would assume based on my naive experience from watching too many nature shows was a deer call but it was deeper almost grumbling much like a large predator animal would make plenty of the animals in the refuge made noises some almost constantly but the sounds Bambi's were making were quite unsettling compared to what the other animal sounded like again though I tried not to worry about it and my first few days working at the wildlife refuge went fine Sunday before last though I saw something that started to make me a bit more concerned about what was going on with Bambi the lady who ran the place had explicitly told me that she fed Bambi after we closed up shop around 6:00 p.m. because the deer were nocturnal in night eaters I knew that nocturnal deer existed so this wasn't too worrisome for me what was worried so was that what I saw when I was sitting out in my car after my shift was over texting a friend about my dinner plan it looked like the manager was making her way over to feed Bambi and she was carrying two things with her as she approached the enclosure the first was a tranquilizer rifle at which point I had small nervous chuckle at my previous idea actually ending up being true and the second thing was a bag for something that looked deep red and full of liquid what I saw in the bag was unmistakable even from the distance that was that it was a bag full of raw bloody meats enough to feed a group of 20 people at a steak house with two servings each if not more now I knew that some deer have been shown to eat meat under specific circumstances so the concept of Bambi having some steak for dinner wasn't that concerned to me instead it was the sheer amount of raw flesh that was being brought in by the manager in the fact that it seemed to be only food that she was bringing in I know that the deer can eat meat but I'm fairly certain that there's no species of deer that eats only meat they can be omnivorous gods I've never heard of a purely carnivorous deer worried that the manager might get mad if she knew I was watching I ducked under the dashboard and waited for her to go in and quickly drove off for dinner with my friends putting the image of that bag full of raw meat from my mind as I coincidentally enough had some hamburgers to eat now that could have easily been the end of it and I had just minded my own business afterwards but as any good know sleeper my curiosity is too far to be suppressed by common sense between the noises that no deer should make the regular shaking and crashing coming from inside the Bambi's enclosure and now knowing of what deers daily dinner consisted of I had to go look I just had to I had been entrusted with the keys to the animals cages and enclosures on my second week and I quickly realized that there was one key on the ring I didn't use for anything on my daily routine I figure and it must be to some place that wasn't being used or maybe they had been decommissioned or something like that and I didn't overthink it at the time this past Sunday though I had an idea one that turns out to be right I don't know why the manager would keep a key to Bambi's enclosure on the ring that all of her volunteers use but I wasn't about to question her oversight I have made my way to the building once I was sure the manager would be busy for a while with some of her office work and slowly and steadily approached the entrance I was used to Bambi's banging up against the walls whenever anyone got close but it still startled me every time it happened now more than ever more importantly I hope that all the noise the tear was making wasn't alerting the manager as to what I was trying to do eventually after what felt like minutes of tiptoeing to the door I managed to reach the padlock and tried the key and went in on the first try which somehow didn't come as a surprise to me a few bolts later and I managed to open the front door and opened into an airlock of Bambi's enclosure all of the other enclosures have a similar system to keep them from getting out whenever we go in to feed or clean them so this wasn't surprising what was surprising was just how secure the inner door of the airlock was if the outer door felt like a bank vault then the inner door felt like Fort Knox there must have been four or five different locks all of which used the same key thankfully and at least half a dozen different bolts the door itself was heavily reinforced and felt like from pushing on it like it must have weighed quite a bit of course all of these precautions made sense given the strength of Bambi which I regularly notice shook the building and was desperately trying to contain her right as I had that thought another such banging came from just inside along the wall thankfully not on the door which I felt far louder than it normally was from being inside the building I silently cursed under my breath at the ruckus Bambi was making and started to undo the inside box normally we're supposed to secure the outer door of the airlock before opening the inner door but I wanted to keep an escape route so to say I didn't have any plan for Bambi breaking out entirely but I figured out that I would cross that bridge when I came to it once all the locks and the bolts were undone I very very slowly opened the door which was just about as heavy as I thought it would be my heart pounding in my chest from both nerves and anticipation this stupid deer that had been in the periphery of my mind for the past month would finally be before my eyes and I was both excited and terrified the moment I cracked open the entrance though the smell hit me before I could see anything I was vaguely aware of it while outside the building and slightly more so while in the airlock but once I opened the door it slammed into me like a big truck it was the smell of rotten meat decaying flesh and all of the nastiness that comes with those things the buzzing of flies filled the air as I had to repress the urge to vomit from the stench did this deer even know how to finish her dinner I heard the buzzing of flies but no other sound from inside no snorting no growling no stamping of hoofs nothing on one hand I was relieved that I wasn't promptly being charged by an angry deer but on the other hand I began to worry that she might be getting ready to ambush me to deer even know how to ambush people as I opened the door a bit more the first thing I noticed were the eyes the inside of the enclosure was pretty dark few lights embedded the ceiling a number of them broken being the only things that illuminated the place since I had no windows that being said the two deep red orbs on the deers face look like they were glowing embers of fire and felt like they had the ferocity to match the second thing that I noticed was her mouth it was stained red and what I soon was blood it looked as though it was continuously frothing almost making me think of rabies but we were supposed to put down any animals with rabies so that couldn't be what this was the third thing that I noticed were the antlers I knew that female Ranger could grow antlers this was no reindeer not by far in fact given the general mass and size the deer in question I wasn't even sure that she was any species of deer that I knew of all have you ever heard of Samson the draft horse he was over seven feet tall and weighed a little over a ton and a half I'm pretty sure that baby herself was at least a bit larger than Samson with some extra muscle mass to boots everything about the deer screamed predator from the rippling muscles to the massive hoofs and I'm fairly certain that one should never get the feeling a predator from a deer in the first place Bambi's antlers began to scratch along the roof as it started to make its way towards me its legs having enough force behind the vertebrae shake the ground with each step it took oh god that was making its way towards me I tried to shut the doors fast as I could but in my fascination with the creature I had ended up opening it way too far that Bambi had enough time the charge is way over to the lodge and open it with its antlers at this point I was cursing all of the curiosity that I had ever had in my life and my veins began to flood with adrenaline is I fought for what I may know to be my life this thing would kill me if they got the chance and probably would eat me like whatever meet the manager I've been feeding it thus far I quickly realized that there was no way I was going to win a contest of strength with Bambi especially not against her antlers and stopped trying to get the door shut instead I grabbed my key ring put a few keys through the space between my fingers like I learned in self-defense class and stabbed at Bambi's neck I knew that this refuge was here to help animals say stay for protect them from stuff like this and rehabilitate them but quite frankly I'd rather kill an animal that I'm supposed to be taken care of then let some gigantic mutant [ __ ] deer have me for dinner well all morality of it aside it was still a pretty bad idea either way the key stabbed as far as they could into Bambi's neck maybe an inch at the most but they didn't seem to do much except make her angry a second and after my mind had time to process how bad of a decision that was Bambi reared up on her hind legs how she did that in a building with such a low ceiling I'm not so sure she kicked forward bashing the door open the only reason I survived that strike was because the door itself as strong as it was it took enough of the force that I was simply knocked flat on my ass I was fairly certain however that I wasn't going to stay alive for much longer given that Bambi was now staring down at me with those crimson eyes of hers that gleaned violence and hunger with a glance of light that hid them I assumed she was going to rear up again in order to stomp me into the ground like meat but instead she started to lean down I wasn't quite sure what she was doing for a few seconds until she opened her mouth let me say right now a deer are not supposed to have teeth like that incisors as sharp as knives and about his lawn from front to back about as many as a shark is supposed to have if not more was serrated edges I was fairly certain that Bambi could actually kill Ian shark if she tried viscera in Gore was stuck between those monstrous teeth of hers and as she got closer I nearly passed out from the smell of all the raw meat on her breath the temperature of which was almost hard enough to scold my skin for a moment I said every prayer from every religion that I could remember preparing myself for whatever afterlife I would be soon heading to in the moment that I thought that Bambi was going to chop down on my head though she didn't instead I heard a flip sound come from behind me in the deer wind and that what I pursued was some sort of pain the sound was still as deep and if not deeper than a lion's roar and to retreat it back inside of its enclosure in that second after that I thanked my lack of caution for not locking the outside door of the airlock as the manager was standing there with a tranquilizer rifle I had seen with her before the lady was angry sure enough and I assumed to her for a moment that she was just gonna shoot me with the rifle next and throw me in there for Bambi to eat they said she went to the door she locked atz's tightly she could help me up I told you to let me handle Bambi didn't I that she did that she did between the sheer shock of the situation my good sense not to push her any further I didn't really ask any questions about what was up with Bambi why we were keeping her or exactly what kind of meat she was eating the lady didn't fire me or anything either and I'm still planning and going to work next weekend but I think I'll be staying away from Bambi's enclosure from now on I'd rather not end up as the contents of some giant flesh-eating deer stomach stomach stomach dan dan I hear my wife's voice and dreams most nights but lately I've been hearing it when I wake as well my wife went missing about four years ago but I'm firmly convinced she is dead and no one could find her from the Rangers to the police to me no one knows what happened to her I'm convinced something killed her in these woods I've made my home here most of my life my wife joined me shortly after we married she was more than capable hunter and so I figure whatever got her couldn't have been anything less than capable itself I'm inclined to believe it was more or less that he or she the woods in Minnesota are a lonely place during the winter my wife was out on a morning hunt shortly before she went missing it's a strange feeling when someone you love vanishes from your life like that it's all at once inferior ating and crushingly depressing the lack of closure that is what hurts the most about in my opinion now I have nightmares about her the thoughts inside my mind creating a story of some [ __ ] rific end that changes every night that I dream the worst part of it all is waking to her voice I always hear it at the end of the dreams and I hear it again upon waking I know it isn't her and I know something out there wants me to believe it is her sitting up I realized Donna's approaching I was awoken at some point last night to the sound of screaming from the forest not suicidal enough to investigate something like that in the middle of the snowy night yet once the Sun rises I'm going to head out and check another cabin not terribly far from here a neighbor if you can call them that being the distance Liz there her name is Loretta and she was there for when my wife disappeared I'll be damned if I don't at least investigate the screams I heard I spent the rest of the darkness cleaning my guns and prepping them by candle light I like a simpler life and I don't need to have electricity or any of that I know the forest like the back of my hand and as soon as daylight completely breaks I head out into the snowy forest to investigate it's a three-mile hike east before I finally arrive at my destination you can imagine this takes quite some time normally but twice as long in the deep snow upon my arrival I began pounding on the door Loretta Loretta you in there I hear nothing I give the door another knock but upon hearing nothing I announced my intention in case she just didn't hear me and kicked the door in I asked her not to shoot it doesn't take long to get in when I do I fall back in shock there's blood everywhere it looks like a few shots were fired off there is no sign of a body judging by the blood however it doesn't look good [ __ ] I think to myself what the hell could have happened here examine any things more closely it seems to me she was mauled by some sort of animal the only problem being outside of my own forced entry the cabin was locked and it doesn't look like anyone or anything forced their way inside I looked even closer and saw some shredded shirt cloth with a shotgun on the floor with a deep claw mark in the stock judging by the bleeding things looked even closer and worse for Loretta why would she be missing if whatever attacked her didn't already win the fight and took a deep breath and looked for any sign of trail or anything it appeared some blood led to the door but after that all trace has ended I figure the snow was the likely culprit for the missing trail it snows heavily and often this time of year it wouldn't take any time but that blood trail to be soaked or otherwise vanish I kicked myself at the thought that I could have tried to come last night this was soon followed by the sobering realization that I could have been killed if I'd come out here a three-mile hike in the middle of a snowstorm in a forest just wasn't practical even from someone who spent most of their life out here pushing any further regret from my mind I decided to look around outside examining the outside of the cabin wasn't proving very worth however as the snow a covered everything there were no leads only a missing body lost in a bloody brawl I've seen some strange [ __ ] around here but who or what could have gotten into a cabin without forcing a lock and then disappearing without a trace and I'm no detective but we all lock our doors at night I even go a step further and built a system that allows me to put a piece of wounded metal behind my already locked door just in case it's simple but it's never failed me with no leads I look around the forest the snow is falling more lightly than last night but it's still snowing as I decided to head further east maybe I'll find something that will give me more of a clue further ahead as I walk deeper into the forest I brought some homemade jerky and looking around to try to find something that catches my eye in the brush a few feet away I see a set of eyes slowly I walk towards them but as I get closer they disappear probably an animal I think to myself as I continue to eat walk I laugh is a ponder in the woods there might be just getting to me a bit if you live out here and solitude long enough you'll start to hear things or see things that aren't there sometimes your mind will make things bigger than what they are shaking off any hesitation I continue for words having put away that jerky I was eating I headed in the direction of the eyes in case there was a future meal to be had although I could go into town which is many miles away I might add I generally find it better to just hunt for my own food that's life out here yeah how we've basically sworn off society stepping through the brush I don't see any animal but I do find some curious looking tracks looking down I see a track about 3 feet in length and with what appears to be a single toe looking through the trees I follow the tracks until I begin to notice blood again the blood appears to grow more prevalent to the further I travel and so I finally pushed my way through some bushes on the other side of the bushes I freeze in place looking at a tree I see what can only be read uh I identify her by what's left of her tattered clothing on her shredded corpse what could have done this I think to myself boy Loretta was only 25 and as kind as a soul there could be examining what was left of her body it is clear that whatever did this was brutal and extremely hungry most importantly though it wasn't human at all trying to think of what sort of animal could do this well what even could get her out here in a manner like this must have been I don't know I'm at a loss the tracks the body none of it makes any sense to me don't have long to ponder this though as suddenly a loud shriek comes from somewhere in the forest I'm terrified as it's the most inhuman and unnerving sound I've ever heard of my life I try to mentally smack myself and regain my senses as I turned my head and back from my cabin I'm miles away and shaking as I run hours later just before dark I arrived at my cabin I was going to drive into town but to my shock my truck has been destroyed the hood is missing it is smoking tires are destroyed it is clear something doesn't want me to leave terrified I run to my cabin logging the door behind me and barring it I tried to take a moment to calm myself and breathe but it only ends up in me vomiting on the floor I walk over to my bed trying to process what is happening I soon get up for some whiskey into a flask and take its way I should the flask shakily and breathe I made sure a swig was all I took because I wanted something to calm my nerves not make myself unaware of my surroundings after I call a bit I try to think about what could have killed Loretta and how the hell it was going to get out of these woods safely it is evident that whatever is out there could have probably killed me already since it's somehow gotten ahead of me and disabled my only getting anywhere at a time in the manor Loretta was torn shreds but it hits me and despair at the thought of the same thing that killed Loretta could killed my wife I tried not to think further on this as I refocused my mind and what I should do next I kept my gun closed lit a fire in the fireplace is sat there shaking until I finally drifted off another nightmare this one of my wife being torn to shreds I feel hopeless as I watch her being torn to shreds screaming in agony then like that hear her voice she's screaming for me to help but I could do nothing I awake to the same voice somewhere outside I regain my wits long enough to realize where I am there's no way in hell I'm going to answer that call but at the same time I feel my soul being crushed at the sound of her voice is that what this thing wants is it trying to torment me I cried myself to sleep again and upon waking I realized it's daytime again I debate going outside but upon opening the door I noticed there is a blizzard going snow and ice the likes of which I've never seen before are pouring in droves as the wind screams at me I forced the door shut again relocking and marring it and sitting down in making breakfast it's clear I'm not going anywhere today I think to myself I think on things and try to get some more sleep for the remainder of the day I just try to shut my eyes but every time I do I hear my wife scream I ultimately wind up drinking myself to sleep when I wake up at his night and the storm appears to have died down a bit I'm about to get up when I see the knob on the door turning to my shock the door's unlocked did I do that no there there's no way I think to myself if I hadn't also created the bar lock behind that whatever's out there would have been in here by now the thought hits me with dread as I rush over and relock the door I hear a ferocious pounding on the door a violent banging that lasts three or more knocks before everything just falls quiet again I'm trapped alone and with no way to contact anyone we don't exactly have cell phones or towers out here this deep into the woods thinking on that however or someone laughs perhaps I should have embraced some things about society I think if I survive this I will for sure I think to myself again yes if I survive when I laughed aloud as I laugh I realize that a bit of insanity seems to be taking chord in my mind no I need to stop drinking and keep my wits about me I start up another fire and do some cooking deer meat never tasted so good food itself never tasted so good being alive is something I never thought I took for granted and so now as I'm eating however the delicious smell the meat I've cooked quickly disappears as something far more nauseating catches my nose I smell decay in a rotting meat that is so powerful I feel dizzy help me Dan my wife's voice seems to sting from outside almost as though the wind itself or speaking in her voice I feel dizzy from the smell and sick from both the smell and the depressing sound of my wife's voice leave me the [ __ ] alone why do you torment me there is silence for a moment as I reach for my gun and pray that I'm shaking at the sound of glass shattering in a thud of Loretta's body now laying next to me terrified I fire off a few shots into the night but this is only met by the terror inducing shriek and then the storm outside picking up again my fire dies and I said for our shaking cold and terrified with my gun aimed at the window the rest of the night is just snow falling nothing tormenting me no shrieks howls or voices for my wife as daylight approaches I realized I haven't blinked for what seems like hours I spent much of the day barricading the area with the broken window and fortifying any areas of the cabin it is soon after this that I dragged his body out at Marriott's I figured I could tell the police everything if I survived but then again I probably won't because it is doubtful and they'd believe a word I had to say it isn't long after burying Loretta that I realized the Sun is setting and I haven't eaten so I had inside locking and barring my door and adding a few other reinforcements on the door and two extra ways to barrette I didn't want to let anything through the door cooking up a meal it didn't take long before the stents decay I reach my nose again and knew what it was at this point it was the smell of the thing that taunted me it was waiting outside as a dead a sat in here trying to eat through the stench and cowering like a baby the truth is I wanted to go out and attack it but I did not see it yet I did not know what I was getting into judging by what is it de Lorette a-- and some other things I'd seen thus far it was clear a direct approach wouldn't be wise so I knew more about it two things were clear about this it was intelligent and it was vicious struggling miss stomach the rest of my meal I finished it and eventually collapsed to sleep at an unknown time of the night waking up the next day I realized quickly the storm was raging stronger than ever before something didn't seem right about that though it was the dead of winter and it snowed quite a bit but the way the storm raged It was as though something was controlling it I tried not to think about it and ate some more I was trying to ration what I had I was beginning to see my food stock dwindling the thought crossed my mind that perhaps a thing was purposely keeping me from leaving was to trying to starve me to death I laughed for a moment but the Laughing ceased when I heard another banging at the door leaving up I headed for the door slowly gun in hand looking through the people however I saw nothing did I actually hear that sound I had to I thought it was way too loud right I was growing exhausted and tired from the psychological torment I'd been experiencing thoughts ran through my head about possibly making a suicidal run for it they were immediately shot down by the ever-dwindling logical rational inside my head reminded me that suicide would not be a good answer I need to keep my wits about me if I needed to go out I needed to do only in the most desperate of situations des billeted tonight and night blood and today eventually I began to lose all sense of time every noise made me jumpy and every sound made me shake I was beginning to lose my mind in such a way that I was beginning to lose food I began equated the loss of food with the loss of sanity some nights were quiet others were much louder a storm raged on and it was becoming apparent that it wasn't a natural storm some nights I'd hear slow Klong at the doorway or shrieks from the forest I consistently hear my wife's voice asking for help at least once every night I know the thing had to know I knew better I believe it did knew I knew better and I do think it knew that I knew it wasn't my wife and yet it continued to do so no doubt a psychological weapon being used against me to wear me down that much more mentally when daylight comes I find myself going out only long enough to remove snow from around my cabin so it's not buried alive it's extremely cold and I'm half delirious as I'm almost out of food now I thought I'd heard a voice but that'd be crazy right finishing shoveling i shuts Lochinvar the door again I take more no more than two steps before hearing and knock again looking through the peephole I see nothing stepping away I hear a knocking again I hear a voice and it sounds like a man but I'm not sure opening the door I see nothing but snow there is no one there and I find myself partially wanting to tear my hair out from the grief I feel inside the desperation is making me grow uneasy and I'm beginning to see things that aren't there hours later nice sets in the story picks up again I find myself nibbling on the last of the food as I hear my wife's voice begging for help again she's crying and I'm also crying I'm not sure what is happening anymore I'm becoming less and less able to decipher reality from insanity I have noticed that harassing noises are becoming less frequent the next day or two are completely quiet or too weak to make it anywhere at this point and I'm starving every single time I stand I feel sick and dizzy my legs shake and I'm weary is this it is this the end the pounding rings out at the door and I slowly walk towards the door I look at the people to my shock and horror I seen him may see in a rib cage but but but inside inside what looks like my wife's face no that's [ __ ] impossible I collapse to the floor before long I feel the world spinning things grow dark and then what feels like the blink of an eye I feel myself laying there listening to a noise outside just come in and kill me I think just finish me the [ __ ] off please just do it I continue to think I feel the most desperate I've ever felt in my life and before I know it I'm contemplating the thought of going out into the woods and walking till I mean or I collapse it freeze to death yes this seems like the way just end it all unbarred the door unlocking it in delirious I opened the door to my shock I see the body of this beast before me it is huge emaciated it smells like death it is a deer skull for a head large eyes and is dripping with fresh blood and shock at the sight of the creature I pulled my gun threatening to fire I guess I care more about my life than I realized I think it was mostly a reaction when I fired but upon firing was the world seemed to snap to reality was i sleeping was I dreaming the reality of my situation afforded before my eyes standing before me bull eating a spray of holes in his chest was a man I believe he was trying to ask why as he collapsed to the floor before me and panicked and desperate I dragged him inside locked in the door and bong it again no no no no no no no no no no this isn't [ __ ] happening this isn't happening what was this even and I just killed a man mid sleep was I that hungry terrified and mad at this point no I thought to myself this this couldn't be real this couldn't be happening the thought crossed my mind for a moment that I would need to hide the body in case anyone came looking for the man this thought lasted a moment before another thought crossed my mind a much darker thought it crossed my mind something so sick and disgusting that I hesitated at first I found myself moving into a corner away from the body now as I thought I was out of food I was running out of time and I needed to eat a war had ignited in my head my mind was debating on what to do my stomach and body told me exactly what I needed to do in order to survive my mind or what was left of it however says something different if I ate some of this man even just a little it might be what I needed to survive give it enough time though with proper storage and handling I could regain my strength yes I could live another voice inside me was telling me no it wasn't right but my body and some other part of my mind was rationalizing it at all we were in a desperate situation you need to eat to survive if you regain your strength perhaps you can get out of this place I'm sure the police would understand right I felt the nose disappearing from my mind and the yes seemed far more appealing to most of my mind and all of my body slowly forcing myself up I found myself with some tools in my hand a saw and some other cutlery needed the remainder of my night was filled with the sound of my wife asking for help decided me cutting this innocent man's body up I needed to survive I thought with a gleeful smile as I couldn't do the man's meat and prepped him that's what this was all about it was survival he has survival much of the rest of the night was a blur of blood cleaning cutting and storing we were just animals after all eating another human is just eating an intelligent animal if it's for survival purposes it's okay I told myself over and over again eventually I'd finished up all the prep storage and cooked the part of the human it was part of his leg and I tried not to think about it as I bit into the charred meat of the dead man to my surprise I liked it I found it delicious I didn't debate if that was because it actually tasted great or I was just happy to eat looking in the cabinet I pulled out some seasoning and found it made it much more delicious a little hot sauce never heard any meat either I felt my stomach thanking me as I bit into the charred meat I didn't eat much as I hadn't eaten in a bet and didn't want to vomit my meal up by overindulging I stored the rest and rested I heard the snow I heard the cries and none of it mattered for a moment as I passed out in my dreams I saw my wife in those dreams I saw her die the difference this time being I saw from the monsters perspective it was the strangest thing I thought to myself I swear I could taste my wife is the monster fed upon her the dream seemed not to have an end I saw it again and again I can no longer decipher the difference between the monster and myself I hadn't eaten my wife in reality obviously but I had eaten someone to survive in some ways I immediately felt sorry for this creature as a bad no matter how much it ate it only grew hungrier they awoke from the nightmare angry insatiably hungry I immediately pulled out more meat and cooked it before turning into it I no longer knew if it was day or night I didn't hear banging nor did I hear shrieks of the voice of my wife I needed to eat this is all that mattered as I felt hot and hungry I'd eaten but upon finishing the food hunger consumed me again I cooked in ate some more eventually I grew tired and passed out from all the food I consumed I found myself hungry and what felt like another dream I saw myself through the eyes of the creature eating viciously what little sanity I had left was vanishing from within I wanted to taste the flesh of more humans yes I thought more humans will sate my hunger pains I probably need to hunt some more if I hope to live I woke to find I was holding pieces of raw meat from the man I'd murdered cold chunks of meat were between my teeth and I gassed away so good I thought I'm going to need to hunt more yes I embarked the door and unlocked it and was surprised to find a wall of snow and ice upon opening it I tried break me through some of it but nothing worked how long that I've been here I thought the reality of the fact as I was trapped and was stuck I couldn't break through and I think I might have lost my mind more because of that the reality of the fact that I was trapped in was setting in but it shoved out of my mind by the need to eat again I didn't wait to cook no that took way too long I lost all track of time and I don't know how long I fed but eventually I ran out of meat there was no longer a fire going I couldn't make another as the snow would cover the chimney and imploded in I was cold alone and worst of all I was starving I felt desperation setting in as hours seemed like seconds to me his second seemed like hours to my hunger I looked at my own arm and thought to myself I could lose that yeah that'd be ok anything to feed again I thought to myself I've thought about cutting off my arm but instead I decided now why not waste the time and cook my own flesh I'll admit it hurt at first tasting my own blood was somewhat pleasant though as I also tasted the raw meat to my own flesh I ignored the hair in the flesh and worked my way slowly to what I believe was to bone at one point before feeling weak probably from blood loss the world was cold now it was pleasant though and soon I felt everything going black I drifted off as I did police Park authorities asked anyone with information on his whereabouts to please report the information to the local authorities immediately I consider myself to be an avid kayaker I love spending time on the water where it's quiet peaceful and relaxing there's nothing like spending your day out on Bluegreen waters soaking up the Sun without a care in the world sadly up here in North Dakota there aren't very many options for open water recreation typically people either head towards the Missouri River or to one of the more popular lakes in the state most places are packed with people since there isn't a lot to choose from now if you're a passionate kayaker like I am you'll know where the quiet spots are at there are a few hidden gems throughout the state that not many people know about and because I don't want anyone ever going there I'm going to call my ex favorite spots emerald lake instead of its actual name I used to call it a hidden gem for a reason this lake is gorgeous its water is unbelievably murky which sounds the opposite of gorgeous but it gives off this pretty emerald green color and it's perfectly reflects the sky and surrounding trees the lake is surrounded by woods it may not be exciting to you but in North Dakota you're lucky to see any trees at all if you do they are most likely planted by someone these trees crown the edge of the lake giving it a cozy feeling you really feel like it's just you and the lake emerald is maybe a thousand feet wide in about three miles long upon first glance the lake looks to be nothing more than a pond but if you get towards the back you'll find a hidden bend that takes you further along winding in and out of tree studded Hills in order to get to the lake you need to travel way back into the countryside on a maze of gravel roads perfect for keeping this place secrets on one of my days off earlier this summer I decided to take a kayaking trip out to my precious Lake I asked my best friend to come along with me because I knew that we'd be the only ones there during the weekends you might run into one or two other people but since I have days off during the workweek I knew we'd be out on a lonesome perfect for catching up on gossip with your besties we loaded our things and set out for a fun day we arrived at the lake at around 3 o'clock in the afternoon and as expected there wasn't another soul in sight since there's only one way into the lake and no other vehicles we were in the clear you'd need to trespass onto private state land and chop down a few trees to get onto the lake in any other way I drove down to the water's edge and we both hopped out to unload our things I crawled into the bed of my truck done strap the kayaks and prepared the paddles I started to shift the kayaks so that I could get them out more easily we quickly set up our kayaks and I parked my truck away from the water in the rare case that someone else came along to enjoy the lake right before we launched my friend stopped what she was doing and turned to face me with a quizzical expression landing her face did you say something my friend questioned after a few moments of me giving her one of those are you nuts type of looks she bazooms I swear I just heard someone I mean it sounds like a guy but obviously you're not a man so it confused me I laughed and told her that she was hearing things she grinned and shrugged it off so we set off on our journey enjoying each other's company while discussing the good old days of playing Skyrim for hours on end we laughed at inside jokes had a few snacks drank few brews and discussed trivial things we listened to the birds chirp watched swallows dive at the bugs around us and giggled at some very vocal ducks who didn't like being too at one point I'd paddled over a couple of my large to try and snap a pic it's pretty difficult to photograph grumpy waterfowl satisfied by what I had captured I caught up with my friend who had to float it ahead did you hear that weird cow she asked when I caught up to her I replied I hadn't heard anything but a couple of angry ducks oh she looked a bit confused I swear I actually heard something this time it sounds like a really low almost graveling Moo it almost sounded like the thing was in pain I don't know how else to explain it other than the fact this sound unnerved me I gave her a puzzled look I don't think there were any cattle in this area I paused for a bit maybe one member of the herd wandered off from somewhere nearby and got hurt but I think the nearest area would be prices farm about 25 miles back we both set silence and decided to continue on neither of us thought much else about it about an hour into the trip we reached the end of the lake or at least what most people assume is the end we came upon the first of many bends knowing that we wouldn't be able to tell if anyone else arrived in the area which was fine I glanced over to a cluster of pretty aspen trees and saw a large hawk of some sort sitting at the top of one Spartan a photo-op I turned to my friend and asked if she wanted a paddle to the other side of the area we were in to check out the lake being a less experienced kayaker she shook her head and told me to head over there she and I both knew that it would take twice as long if she joined me I wouldn't have minded but she didn't want to put in all the extra time and effort I suggested she just kept heading straight while I checked out the hawk and I would just meet up with her shortly she agreed I began to paddle over to the lovely Aspen's in the majestic hawk excited about the neat pictures that be getting the closer I got the more I began to notice the dead trees it saddened me to see the trees I always loved dead and decaying the situation was sort of odd though why would this entire grove of Aspen's be dying off there hadn't been any flooding in several years and we weren't in a drought currently so how were they dying I neared the tree with the hawk in it cautiously and before I could snap a pic the beautiful bird soundlessly took flight and disappeared into the woods now by myself I began to feel this creeping sensation my skin began to crawl as if tiny little fingers were tapping each inch of my body my hair stood up on my arms and I got that empty feeling in your stomach when you know you're completely alone it dawned on me that I hadn't spotted anything else in a while no swallow swooping in announce no irritated ducks not even an occasional chirp of a songbird nothing it was dead silent at Emerald Lake even for an area known for its peace and quiet this moment was too dead due to missing a nice picture and being thoroughly chilled to the core I switched directions and decided ahead for my friend out of the corner of my eye I could have sworn I'd seen a white Aspen move but it's idiotic trees don't move my brain was just trying to scare me I ignored it and began to paddle to my friend I could still see her on the other side of the water and up a bit further but she wasn't moving she was completely stuck still not moving at all her face was turned from me and she was looking at something in the trees but I couldn't tell what it was fearing the worst I started a power paddle to where she was it would only take me a few minutes to get to her once I was about ten feet from her she must have heard me splashing the paddle in the water and turned to me her face was white as a sheet and her eyes showed signs of distress she waved me over without a word and my eyes followed the direction she was looking I saw what she did staring at among another set of crowded dead trees was a dirty cream-colored tent now I know what you must be thinking so what it's a lake people like to camp next to lakes all the time I must remind you the areas surrounding the lake are technically not open to the public only the lake was you'd have to hike through miles of private land to get here the tent was ominously perched right on the edge of the water where I threatened to be consumed by the lake it seemed abandoned no one was around and the site looked like someone had left and not bothered to come back it's a trashy miscellaneous camping supplies lettered the area surrounding the tent the little one-man tent was covered in stains with one side completely split open I was too bothered by the tents to get any closer to it someone had left in a hurry chills were running up and down my spine at that point my friend turned back to me and asked I thought you said you weren't really supposed to be on the land surrounding the lake you're not and I reinforced that point with her I gave her a hesitant shrug and suggested that perhaps whoever it was just didn't realize that you weren't allowed to camp out here of course I didn't really believe that I worked at a state park for a while and you get all sorts of people the ones who break the rules usually know that they're doing so a lot of vagrants tend to camp out places where no one else is around even if it's not allowed maybe whoever was out here and knew they weren't supposed to be here and got chased off by Game and Fish or something they left in a hurry and forgot their tent she suggested maybe I had mumbled back to her I couldn't help but wonder why game into fish or any other Authority for that matter well that a tent just sit out in the open and wither away I changed the subject so do you want to keep going or should we head back to shore and find someplace to eat a look of relief passed over my friend's face I'm starving let's head back I nodded an agreement we both quickly switch directions began to pedal away from the lone tent we didn't get very far before finally realizing that my friend hadn't been hearing things this whole trip it's just like she described to me although I didn't really understand what she had meant until now it started off as this weird gurgling sound and grow into this weird rumbling groan I don't know what to call it I see why she said it sounded like a mood whatever I was making the sound was animalistic it was a low pitch coming from the trees only about 20 feet away or so whatever it was it did sound like it was in pain or what sort of creature can make a sound like that my throat was choking on my breath and my rapid heartbeat I couldn't swallow down my fear of the sound I knew that whatever was making the noise had to have been just to the right of us despite what my brain was screaming at me I decided to turn my head and search for whatever was making the noise I wish I hadn't peaking around one of the dying Aspen's was a creature with the palest skin I've ever seen the thing was so white it seemed to be able to use the white bark of the Aspen's to blend in it was sort of hunched over with only part of its body visible behind the tree the creature was human-like in limbs I suppose it had two legs and arms but it was skin and bone hairless Monica tell a long oval ur face peered out at us no eyes no mouth just horrifying indentions where they should have been imagine the famous The Scream painting but instead of a screaming mouth there was just an elongated divot my eyes begin to water I have been staring at this thing for god knows how long I heard my friend whimper my name she saw it too without moving I squeaked at her to puddle as quickly as possible back to shore my arms burned with the intensity that we were moving but we couldn't stop now with the rustling coming from the trees that was keeping up with us there were only about a hundred feet from shore and the trees were beginning to thin out so almost nothing where the boat landing was the little ways behind me I heard a big splash there was only one thing that could have made that our carp aren't that big faster I screamed to my frightened friend we were already paddling our hardest but I didn't know if this thing could swim well or not we finally got to shore and the two of us practically dove out of our kayaks I have to get the truck I don't know why I was yelling when she was right there but the adrenaline and fear were getting to me I sprinted to the truck fumbling around in my bag for the keys when I finally found them they slipped through my fingers and clouded out on the ground just like one of those damn fools you see in horror movies I hurriedly snatched them back up and flung myself into the truck rocks went flying as I hauled ass over to my friend and the kayaks she was shaking any sign of its I hollered she shook her head I haven't seen anything I don't know whether I should have been relieved or not hurry and throw the kayaks into the back don't worry about strapping anything down she did as I said and together we lifted and toss both kayaks in their paddles into the bed of the truck I nearly slipped on the gravel as I ran to get into the driver's seat I heard it again I looked behind me to see its head reaching the water its empty sockets just staring at me it was only about 15 feet from the shore I ripped open the driver's door and before both of our doors slammed shut we were driving away I didn't dare stop to check if we'd had everything but I swear that when I glanced in the rearview mirror I saw something whites standing on the shoreline where we had been moments before it's only been a week since our time at Emerald Lake and I still have no idea what we saw that day a day I'd like to preface this by saying I know a lot of people might think this is fake and this statement is me trying to trick you because this really happened and I really don't know where else to go on this computer I'll explain later all the normal stuff is blocked Facebook email etc so I tried every single site imaginable leading me here I think this is a good place for it and I'm not in any immediate danger so I think it's okay to write the story out in completion so let's do introductions my name is ty it's not short for anything not Tyler or Tyrone just ty nice to meet you I live in the southeast of Pennsylvania near Philadelphia but closer to Bucks County living in more of a rural area I've always been fascinated with the woods and nature in general one thing I've really been interested with its survival like living on your own no commodities or luxuries of modern life fending for yourself reading up online about this I found this program called outward-bound I don't know if it operates in other areas but the outward-bound groups in my area go out into the wilderness as a group of about five boys they camp together and learn skills for about five days then all the boys go home was called a solo where we camp alone about a mile apart from each other for three days obviously since it's the 21st century we are given walkie-talkies and a map of other campers in case there's an emergency even if that doesn't work we're basically in screaming distance from one another and the camp leader makes regular rounds around the perimeter of our camp sites it's supposed to be failsafe no liabilities but something happened let me first give you a rundown of our group there was me my friend Caleb his friend Marco and two brothers named Brian in David those two I didn't know that well our leader Nick was also with us Nick was relatively new this was only his second expedition the first five days went without a problem it was just normal camping on the last day we work together as a group that's when it started we were all in our makeshift tents Nick and his bigger and more advanced canopy farther away and we heard a rustling in the leaves big deal right that's what we thought too Brian woke up first he was the most skittish of the group I assumed he only went because his brother was going and then he woke up his brother them talking woke the rest of us up and then Brian told us what was up obviously we laughed at him then thought that he was messing around or being scared and then we heard it the majority of us being people will custom to the woods and his noises brushed it off even after what I've witnessed I still think it was just a rabbit I guess we all had trouble going back to sleep after that so partly to pass the time and partly to scare Brian we told horror stories I don't remember the specifics I guess I'm just too rattled but I remember the outline of one that Marco told mostly because of how it affected what happened later on it was about a boy who went to wander the forest one day while walking he heard a scream coming from the further end of the forest coming closer to it he saw nothing he finally went to the exact spot the noise seemed to be coming from he found nothing turning back confused and a little creeped out he saw a wolf going up the pet the wolf I don't know why he would but a teenager made up this story so whatever they suddenly bit him and started screaming the boy then transformed into a wolf much like that one and was doomed to or into his clutches for the rest of his days very bad story if you ask me after he finished telling it Markos seemed to scream trying to scare Brian but at that point we were all just annoyed after those five days I was really excited because my most favorite part was here the solo we all went out alone ready to face the woods the camp's were aligned in a straight row from east to west with each camp being a mile apart and Nick being in the center from east to west it went me Marco Brian Nick Caleb and David the first day was one of the best days of my life despite what happened that night and morning I caught a rabbit cooked it ate it I went fishing climbed a tree and bathed and drank from a river I was a real woodsman then it all went to [ __ ] I don't know when the killing started or if anybody was even killed but for me it started that night around 1:00 in the morning if I was looking at the moon right I went out to take a piss in the stream when I saw rabbit wounded on the ground I thought I could save the trouble of getting my next meal so I took up my knife and walked ever so slowly over to it knife in hand I creeped over it until I could hear breathing and plunged my knife down then felt on my lower leg the rabbit as injured as it looked [ __ ] got away before I slashed it luckily for me I didn't stab myself directly in the leg I just cut it on the side there wasn't too much blood but it was hard to walk I kind of semi crawled back to the campsite and radioed Nick no response [ __ ] I had disinfect it with me I'm not an animal and the cut was indeed so I knew I wouldn't die or anything it didn't look like it needed stitches either so I decided just to wait until morning I assumed Nick was probably just asleep I didn't bother radioing the other guys they couldn't help me I decided to go to sleep so I turned my walkie off another dumbass [ __ ] moving on my parts as I tried drifting asleep I was awakened by a scream and I instantly recognized it it was Marco and guys I know you'll be angry and annoyed when I tell you what I did when I heard that scream I did nothing but let me explain maybe it was my sleepiness where my wound but I did not think it was a real scream I thought that since Marcos tent was right near Brian's and that he was trying to scare Brian or something it was a shitty move I know but I couldn't have helped him anyway I was no condition to run a mile to go get him and knew it was Brian because Brian was either scared or Brian was dead I really don't know at this point about an hour later I was still awake I tried to play it off before but the pain in my leg was unbearable the wound was screaming and I I just I couldn't I just couldn't deal with it it was hell I knew I wasn't going to die or anything but I couldn't stand the pain at this point again maybe it was the sleep deprivation or the pain but I decided to go to Nick's camp I knew he had painkillers in case of an emergency earlier I had gather sticks to make a fire which I didn't make and I grabbed the biggest one and use it as a makeshift crutch I specifically went around Marko and Brian's camp sites because I didn't want to wake them and I had a pretty good idea of where I was I heard that average noises in the woods louise crunching wind blowing but nothing scared me I needed those painkillers I kind of tuned out in the middle of my walk it's mostly a blur now I remember it was long and I remember it was painful but I especially remember getting to Nick's cabin and I remember his body the funny thing is I saw the painkillers first I think I was duly aware that there was no sound in the cabin when Nick snores like a bear but I guess in my delirium I didn't notice her care I go down the pills and even though didn't take effect right away I felt better then I noticed the steady silence that washed over me and before I saw him I knew he was dead his body it wasn't something any animal could do I don't think it's something any human could do either not without a heavy machinery in fact that wasn't really even a full body there he was torn to shreds there was a pool of blood and a pile of mush to meet like if you've ever had made meatloaf he looked like the meatloaf mix with the milk eggs and Rahmi Amish together by hand he'd looked like human jello not screaming not even feeling that panicked just stared at his body for a few minutes then I realized I needed to get the [ __ ] out of there I wasn't close to Nick there was no time for mourning I wasn't really close to any of these people the closest thing I had to a friend was Caleb and we only met in the training program I'm a survivalist so that's what I did I survived call me an [ __ ] but I needed to get out of there quickly thinking I took Nick's radio flicked it on I heard David's voice screaming for I flicked it on to a different channel while scouring the woods it fit Hut Marco and it's on to David it's moving west I immediately flicked on to an emergency frequency and told them where I am and moved east that's all I remember like my trip to NYX it's all a blur everything is first I was heading east then I wasn't a police cruiser and then I told them what happened not holding back but I should have they told me that would contact my parents that I should wait in his office where I'm sitting at now a few minutes before I started writing all this down about six men in suits came in here asking for me they overheard them talking to the sheriff about me they're trying to take me they said how this matter was a matter of national security I don't know if I'm getting out of here or not the painkillers are wearing off and man it'd be nice to have one right now I guess that's the end do what you want with this story brush it off as a nice little horror story and go about your life if you want I'm real I hope at least I'm remembered I guess now is goodbye sorry I don't have all the answers hi for those of you who read my last post this is a partial explanation at least what I found so far so I'm back home now but I I don't have all the answers as some of you suggested I just played stupid for a lot of the questions they asked me I did review what I didn't think was human I just said I heard screaming and thought I saw a body they asked me if I smelled anything weird I said no I just thought it was odd that they asked me that so I put that in there the men in suits that were there either are running this behind the scenes or were sent away because I haven't seen them since the police wouldn't tell me anything but I figured out some information so from what I know so far there is some kind of monster or alien or serial killer of high priority of that attacked my campsite I know it's high priority from the men in suits I saw them flashed their FBI badges I assume it's not a serial killer because I don't know how we could have mashed up Nicks I still don't know if that was Nick but I still sumit was his body like that without some kind of machine that I would have definitely heard I don't think a normal animal could have done that so it must have been something supernatural I don't really believe in that stuff but I think something had to have done this I never actually solve a thing I kind of want to now I assume that is good at keeping quiet because I heard no noises that weren't human they kept me in that office for a good two hours and luckily I deleted the browsing history after I wrote that story because they came in there and unplugged it and asked me did you go on this and I obviously said no I asked one of them if there was a police report I could read and she dismissed me immediately the police called my parents and they took me home before they could they had a long talk with them that I couldn't overhear when we go home my parents told me that we couldn't talk about it to anybody and try to forget the whole thing I asked if I could see any of the boys in my group they said no I'm not allowed to I don't really know what's happening whatever I asked my parents about anything they just say I know it's hard but we're not talking about this after that they wouldn't even respond if I would ask them I feel like the whole world is crazy I checked out all the news sites about this and came up with nothing nobody seems to know about it I was contemplating contacting the local news but I thought it would make things worse and obviously I'm not allowed to tell anybody from now I guess I'll just try to go about my normal life but it's gonna be hard I'm thinking about going back into the woods to investigate and even went up to it but there was police tape surrounding the entire perimeter of that area I didn't do it but I'm wondering now if I should have gone under and seen the sights I don't expect they'll keep the police tape up long really that will cause suspicion my leg is doing better I'm going to the doctor tomorrow my mom told me if the doctor asked what caused the wound I should say I was cutting the garden and accidentally cut myself I tried to call the outward-bound people but they said they had no record of my camp broke or of anything of Nick in their database so I don't really know what to do now I essentially have no proof of what happened besides my word I can't even find any of the application papers to join outward-bound I don't even have any of the boy's phone numbers or Nick's how I don't even know any of their last names I really don't think I could prove any events no matter how much digging I do I feel guilty that I left them all behind but with my injury I have might have gotten killed two and one death is better than two I guess honestly I don't even know if any of them are dead this is all very confusing I don't know whether I should just keep my head down and forget about it or if I should expose this cover-up I think the people have a right to know what's happening and I think I especially have a right to know since I was involved what scares me the most is whatever is going on in this forest if this some kind of monster I'm a little skeptical in that how are they going to capture it am i safe with my house being right on the edge of the woods does it somehow have my scent or whatever even though I hate that somebody is trying to cover this up I really hope they succeeded in catching whatever did this do you guys think I should go back in the woods I think any kind of evidence would have been taken away by now I don't want to risk getting cons and maybe being an actual danger I'm really glad this site exists so I should at least share my story I really didn't expect anybody to believe me because why would you I hope this is the last story I have to tell but I'll come back if there's more I promise I know one thing for sure though I definitely don't want to be a survivalist anymore anymore anymore seven kids have gone missing in my town in the last three decades I was a part of the search party for the seventh this is our story the child's parents had left him in the care of a neighbor while they ran to the gas station and the neighbor an elderly woman could not keep up with the boy while they played so she eventually sat to rest the boy not at all tired wanted to keep up playing but the old woman was exhausted and told him to wait until his parents returned he asked if he could play with her husband who lay in bed upstairs but she said no explaining to him that her husband was very tired due to his age like she had become as any seven-year-old would the boy found this answer unacceptable and fled to the backyard hoping to find something or someone to play with he didn't return the old woman whose name was Margaret had fallen asleep in her living room she was stirred awake by the sound of the doorbell and shambled over to the front door awaiting her there with the boy's parents whom she greeted and then remembered that she had been charged with looking after their son the sudden remembrance which dawned plainly on the woman's face brought an immediate worry to the faces of the parents and the trio began to call out for the boy their shouts fell on deaf ears though the boy was long gone I was one of the volunteer searchers and the particular group I had accompanied was tasked with searching the nearby woods by the time people had gathered and the police had arrived it was nearly nightfall so some of us had to push through the trees and vegetation blindly a surprising amount of people did not know in flashlights I was one such person I did bring my father's emergency flare gun which he thankfully never had to use during his boating days normally inadvisable considering I'd be surrounded by vegetation but I figured it would be useful if my group discovered the boy hopefully alive I stumbled over roots pushed through brambles which tore my shirt and cut my skin and trampled flowers unidentifiable in the gloom the moonlight shone dimly through the trees whose foliage had formed a natural ceiling over the woods eventually expectedly I became separate from my search group lost amidst the unrecognizable flora panic crept into my mind but I figured that with dozens of other people out searching for the boy I was bound to come across someone and pushing past panic was the hope that maybe the boy had stumbled through these parts of the woods as well and I'd be the one to find him then as if to assuage my fears and affirm my hopes I saw a figure a few meters ahead leaning against a tree my heartbeat was faster when I saw that he was not all that tall about the size of a boy even I jog towards him but when I grew close enough to see his face he ran off I chased after calling out the boy's name Adam it started to rain i sloshed through the mud which had minutes ago been easily traversable ground my progress hampered considerably I could still see the boy ahead but he drew smaller fainter and even though I tried to power through I felt myself succumbing to the thickening mud it became like a quicksand restricting my entire body resisting my most strenuous exertions it was too late when I remembered that I was probably quickening my synch with my struggles seconds later I was up to my chin I'd apparently stumbled upon some deep depression in the earth forgetting the flare gun in my pocket I tried calling out but the rain fell loudly drowning out my screams as I drowned in that sinkhole darkness rushed in and all became black I emerged elsewhere the earth vomited me forth like a squelch as if expelling something into Jesta for the rain was gone here and the environment was illuminated by several distinct rays of moonlight as if this place were washed over by a trio of moons the trees were different as well they towered incredibly high their tops piercing the gray cloud egde above as if rising to greet the triple lunar Vanguard's grass rose as tall as men in some places while other areas were barren some sunken in others raised in mounds of dirt I progressed forward from the position I derived hoping that at the boy come here I'd find him and if not him a way to escape the hole from which I had arisen had smoothed over leaving no signs of being impregnable I eventually came across something resembling a path at the start of this path to my horror was a massive coffin that towered nearly as tall as the great trees I'd seen earlier the coffins lid was open and it gave off a strange sinister impression it seemed hungrily anticipatory as if it awaited assumed to arrive occupant I gave it a wide berth as I passed and nothing sprung out of it to attack or draw me in I came across other caskets all of which seemed as they were built for tightens trees not as tall as the others but still massive in their own right had grown through the caskets throwing the lids off but obscuring any signs of the occupants if there were any great bows pierced through the frame of the casket giving the trees the appearance of wearing polished wooden armor as I progress down the coffin flanked paths the funerary housing became degraded more noticeably withered by time and the trees which grew through them became significantly more prominent until at the final tree the only observable presence of the caskets were splinters which stuck in with what seemed like grim defiance to the trunk of the tree this tree was as tall as the others I had initially seen something about it perhaps it's age and disregard for the casket through which it had grown saddened me there was also a vague unplaceable familiarity about the casket char's as if I'd somehow seen them were inexplicably knew of their occupants before coming here the path lined with casket infused trees ended 7 in total and opened to a massive swampy area in the center of the mire was a massive pool which over hovered a soft white mist despite the locale I could hear no bugs or bog inhabiting creatures and the water surface was at a complete rest I approached the pool drawn into it by some unreal force in my own fixation by its mesmeric surface without consciously doing so I'd walk right into the pool and only until the water shifted did I notice the water which had been a placid and translucent green turned dark and violent churning viciously rocking my body helplessly to and fro the white mist changed to a dismal red and suddenly felt like a great encumbrance on my body as I tried to hold my footing in the sloshing waves rain started to fall making the pools level rise until it was up to my chest the coffins behind me engorged by the mammoth trees seemed a groan in agony as their burdens expanded to nightmarish proportions within them splintering the wood of which they were made beneath me I began to hear a voice calling from the depths of the pool and peering in I saw what looked like a boy my instinctual desire to extricate myself from the pool was overridden by my desire to save the child so I plunged downward into the murk I reached him surprisingly I grabbed the boy who - my short-lived joy resembled Adam I had found him somehow trapped in this abysmal place I held him to me with one arm and use the other propel myself upward all the while fighting the monstrous currents which battered me underwater as much as they did above it when the realisation that I wouldn't reach the surface before my lungs burst came to me I found myself crying not for my own life but for the boy who I couldn't save somehow the tears felt warm against my body as if they clung to my face instead of getting mixed within the stadium waters around me in a last moment of consciousness I would drew the flare gun from my pocket and extended my arm as far as it would go kicking my legs to hopefully stay close to the surface for the gun to fire properly I wasn't sure if it was gonna work honestly but it was all that I had and thankfully my finger pulled the trigger seconds after consciousness fully left me and we sank downward into the abyssal death I awoke in a hospital bed with a nurse attending to me she smiled and said she'd go get the doctor when they returned they were accompanied by another woman she looked familiar but I couldn't place her either due to the drugs assuredly pumped into my system or my own weariness at the half-remembered ordeal together a doctor a woman informed me of what had happened my absence from the search party had pretty much gone unnoticed until they'd given up for the night and a sort of roll call was conducted to make sure everyone got back safely when I hadn't made myself present the people resumed their search this time for me which the woman admitted to being happy about because she was Adams mother and hadn't wanted to give up looking for him rather than splitting up again and risking more being lost they surged through the trees together collectively sweeping through the in darkened woods at some point perhaps an hour into the search a flare shot exploded into the sky due to the downpour and a thick visually obstructing treetops they could only partially trace the path of the flare they searched the areas from which they suspect it had been fired but found nothing tired and drenched talk of returning to their home started up in some started to make their way back to the neighborhood before the last Saigon the woman Adams mother her crying she approached the sound and found me holding her son in my arms wailing the flare gun at my side around us washed up from a shallow grave were other children Adam was the only one alive among them I was incensed a totally unresponsive crying dumbly Adam was unconscious but not seriously harmed we were both taken to the hospital and I was placated to quietness along the way when Adam awoke he told the authorities that the old man husband and Margaret had taken him hurt him and left him among the others in a shallow pit which he'd first uncovered to place Adam inside then afterwards resealed the rain had washed away the recently piled soil which had not had time to harden and become overgrown as had happened since the last time such an atrocity was committed the old man was arrested and after a few hours of questioning admitted to being responsible for the seven missing children in the last 30 years Adam fully recuperated and wanted to thank me he was brought in and rushed to my bedside he hugged me thanked me relentlessly and his mother did as well the doctor informed me that I'd be fine and can return home in the evening they all left letting me rest I was happy to see Adam alive and well but something troubled me I realized that while he was the boy I'd seen in the water he definitely was not the one who led me to the place where I had fallen into the sinkhole later once I returned home I looked at pictures of the missing children after scrolling through the pictures I finally came across the first missing child who had gone missing in the late eighties even though I hadn't got a good look at the child who led me to that sinkhole I knew that this is the one I also knew somehow but the last casket I come across in that extra mundane realm the one obliterated by the tree had been his had been his had been his I'm going to tell you the story of one of my friends and I went camping and came face to face with what I can only describe as a monster I'm an outdoorsy type of guy I love hiking hunting bird-watching rock climbing river swimming sex under the stars in the back of my Jeep all that stuff I camped often and I was very familiar with the forests of Oregon I knew what animals could hurt me how I get to tur them and which plant wouldn't put me in a hospital if I ate them so when I planned a routine camping trip with three of my buddies mostly to get my girlfriend breaking up with me out of my mind I was thinking it to be fun some beer hunting little more beer laughing more beer you know that was wrong it all started the first night we were out there Christian had taken us on some really extreme hiking trails as he described it one that the three of us had never been on none of us were really scared we were all mid-20s guys in great shape so we figured if Chris knew the way we'd be fine then we were we set up camp after falling just a bit short of our ten-mile goal we started out with in the morning we were happy to sit down and lighten our cool a bit by having a few beers fast forward to a few hours and more than a few beers later we were shouting and carrying on as the campfire licked the darkness away from our circle any animal noises we heard were shrugged off no animal on the right mind would dare come near a commotion like this but suddenly we heard something that wasn't an animal noise we all paused as Jarrod raised his hand and turned his head so his ear was pointing towards the sound it was the sound of tires rolling over fallen leaves and branches unmistakably conjoined with the low hum of it running engine we are reached for our weapons we each had a hunting rifle that we suddenly all had in our laps you might think this to be a bit extreme but you never know what crazy wrong turned lunatics you're going to run into in the woods past midnight besides the sound of the tires was close coming towards us the most off-putting thing though beyond her fire was the inky blackness of night no headlights we were all silent the noise was just beyond the tree line the small clearing we were in now the corridor opened the jingling of keys the corridor closed then footsteps a clearer crunching of foliage and fallen branches I had enough I raised my rifle toward the sound they had to be just barely out of sight now so we were very clearly in theirs what do you want I asked clearly and sternly my rifles still pointing in the general direction of the noise two palms were the first thing I saw coming out of the darkness followed by the form of a frail looking old man walking out of the darkness below them he had his hands raised in the air as if I was a cop about to arrest him I'd wave a white flag but the only thing white I got is my drawers he said with a warm smile broken up by the fact that he was missing about half of his teeth I lowered my rifle he slowly made his way out of the Ring of Twilight that our fire I created against the backdrop of the near full moon sky he was a caricature a gray beard hung off his chin but bushed out further then dropped off his face it was the kind of beard that you would think you'd accidentally eat more than you to trim he wore a red and black plaid shirt and dirty faded jeans big black oversized rubber boots and a discrepant looking Cabela's had to try and contain the thin and frail hair that stuck out from under it and shot off in every direction there he stood big goofy grins dawn his face mad if I join you fellows for a spell he spoke in a thick accent somewhere in the south I couldn't place why are you here in the woods with no headlights on and Kris trailed off as he looked at his watch almost 2:00 a.m. he finished the mysterious hillbilly stranger took a seat on one of the particular pieces of firewood that Duncan had logged over Lana here cuz you out here son my grip tightened on my rifle again and I didn't move it the [ __ ] does that mean Duncan chimed in with his usual tough-guy bravado as he leaned forward his camping chair I'm here because you fellows don't know these trees too good I'm here to tell you that you wandering into the big guys territory he said as he spoke with his hands so you're the big guy then I take it I said almost laughing no no sir I ain't no monster but this thing is he said uh vaguely there's a monster in the woods I asked blatantly and bluntly trying to make it very clear with my tone that I knew he was full of [ __ ] but then Jared had to get him going what's it look like Jared asked none of my skepticism present in his voice teeth about as big as your forearm I'd say he got dark leathery skin natives call it tree shaker big is your house here ah ah not as big as my house Duncan interrupted again listen buddy I don't believe you and even if I did there isn't anything in these Awards Sheila and I can't handle he said as he patted his rifle in his lap he named his gun of course he did listen son I don't give a care if you believe me or not I'm just being a good citizen out here in the United States and telling you that your being out here is dangerous his voice grew more grim as he spoke ain't like at other animals never seen was spooked he likes hooting and hollering like you fellows are doing fire and light don't scare him neither as far as that peashooter goes you better bring some military-grade firepower if you gotta hurt him he warned gravely I still wasn't buying it listen buddy you've got nothing to worry about now we're gonna shack up and get some sleep and we'll be on the move shortly after sunrise I told him now get out of here you old a windbag don't get finished for me the old man stood up from his wooden perch and gave an exacerbation sigh all right boys all right don't bother runnin if he sees you he shook his head as he turned away he began to walk back to his vehicle damn thing ran my old jeep down he continued as he walked it was a nice [ __ ] Jeep - real good Jeep he continued it about his long gone sheep as his voice disappeared into the trees we heard his tires roll away slowly and once more we were alone well that killed the mood Chris said flatly the Sun rose on an uneventful morning we all gray to the daylight with the usual grogginess that seven or eight beers tend to bring on there were some murmurs about the crazy old man from last night myself included it was a pretty weird interaction we didn't dwell on it too long though and started moving again you planned to continue hiking for another five K to get to this Ridge that Chris kept talking about amazing view apparently every time an animal crossed our path some joke would pop up about the old guy from the night before this monster hi Georgie it's the old dudes wife stuff like that the one that got the biggest laugh was when Duncan jumped back when a bird flew out of a tree over our heads look out is the tree shaker he announced in an ace van shortcut of style at the very least the late-night interaction are given us something to carry on about we continued all morning until he stopped for lunch about two bites into my chicken sandwich I stopped chewing thinking I heard something I waited there was again it was like I didn't hear the original sound just the echo that's just everyone and told him to listen once again an echo what's that you're the bird guy Jared asked me because of my bird-watching background he was right it did sound like a bird baker though and definitely not just a bird there was a ferocity behind it akin to a lion's roar whatever it is it's far off there applied after all we could barely hear it it's probably just a wounded animal they make all kinds of crazy sounds when they're dying Duncan respond it seemed to make sense and Duncan was even more of an outdoorsman than me so he decided he was right a few more minutes of eating and we were back on the road it was uneventful for a while Chris kept saying how we were almost there it's just another few hours but he was right on with his directions we came to the crest of the mythological Ridge it was a sight to behold the lands dipped down into a shadow valley and then up again into a dwarf Mountain trees and plants bloomed right into the horizon and a river ran through the valley we figured it was a good enough place to set up camp because we were laying out her sleeping bags Jared called everyone over to look over the edge again there it was clear as day three or four trees all in a bunch had just shook violently I hate to say it but all those trees are definitely shaking Jared said some fear in his voice we were quiet for a little while currently a bear orgy yeah bear orgy Duncan and Chris both jokes and agreed with each other so quickly I wasn't even sure who said what their confidence and levity seemed to win over Jared his brief moment of fright seemed that past everyone got back to setting up camp I kept an eye on the trees though they were still shaking but the shaking trees were moving like something just walking through was shaking them I never mentioned the fact that the other trees were moving I put it out of my mind it was another night of beer and good times we were allowed and rambunctious again caught what a time we shut down around three o'clock I went to bed happy I woke up terrified once again I heard that weird call from the distance I set up the smoldering fire illuminated everyone just enough to let me know none of them heard it maybe I was just hearing things and it laid back down I couldn't sleep though I was sure I heard it then I heard the footsteps off in the distance far but closing in don't bother trying to run from it the old man's words rang in my head so I stayed where I was I didn't wake anyone up I didn't make a sound it's footsteps were getting closer it was walking directly towards us it sounded so heavy like it was made out of cast iron the footsteps grew so loud I couldn't believe no one else was hearing them eventually they slowed down but it was literally right next to us I held my breath I chose the worst position to sleep in the crown of my head was pointing towards it as I laid there I was totally and utterly useless I couldn't even see the thing that was about to eviscerate me just beyond the tree line it started it's calculated steps it crushed huge branches as it walked it sounded like an elephant walking on a field of chicken bones suddenly Duncan stirred and looked over in my direction what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] he screamed as he tried to scramble to his feet the beasts the lunge passed me in towards Duncan the weight of its foot landing next to me almost when he bounced off the ground what happened next was a blur primal fear took over me as I clambered out of my sleeping bag into my feet as I darted into the woods I didn't know if it got Duncan that didn't know where Jared and Chris were I didn't know where I was running but I ran faster than any person has ever ran it seemed like an eon before I found another break in the trees but it was probably only a few minutes of sprinting I came upon a gravel road my sucked feet weren't much protection from a jagged rock that shot into my foot I shrieked in anguish before remember in this situation as stifled any more noise and as I was looking at my injured foot once again I heard the footsteps about fifty feet in front of me it emerged from the treeline once again it stood in the middle of the gravel road looking away from me so big that even standing in the center of the road its thick tail was still in the bushes the full moon illuminated it perfectly no it couldn't be as the leaves had loosened from the surrounding trees fluttered down between us it turns to me almost in cinematic slow motion there it stood its rhinosaurus Rex anyway yeah I ran away we all got away actually except Duncan he's dead as hell he's dead as hell he's dead as hell he's dead as hell he's dead as hell he's dead as hell so you want to go hunting maybe you're hungry maybe you're looking to sell or maybe you're just batshit crazy and want to find something to show to the world well here's a guide to the one thing you don't do don't mess with the skinwalkers stories of ten-foot beast pale as snow claws like kitchen knives and teeth like drills I can tell you one thing they're freakin real so a while back a couple of my mates and I were getting pissed we had just killed a bear harassing campers and we're boasting over our win against nature I remember my mate Nathan says something along the lines of I bet we can kill anything anyone throws at us but he was cut off by the sound of a glass hammering down on the counter we all turned around to face the origin of the noise and we saw some old guy not your average veteran who's down on his luck I mean some poor Frick who's been beaten half to death by life while watching everything he loves died so you want to go huntin he said his tone low and rough it seemed like his voice was shaking yeah what's it to you old man retorted my other mate Alex he was laughing and trying to imitate this guy's hunch and facial features until he got hit in the face with a glass the guy looked pissed properly pissed like kicked in the balls by the guy who shagged your girl pissed you know nothing of these woods boy she won't be the king of the world I'll give you a challenge you can't back down from he chucked an old diary at us go clean your glory and come back to me when it's done he then swiveled on a stool and ordered another drink mark picked up the diary and handed it to me his eyes full of excitement we left the bar and flicked through the diary entries for a few months pass photographs of some sort of family and sketches of dozens of dozens of sketches scribbled and looking like they'd been done in seconds of a human but not a human something lanky and hunched over every sketch the thing wasn't facing the artist it looked like it was feasting on something but that was an important logs on expeditions describing his hunt for this thing this Wendigo Raikes skinwalker shyguy goat man multiple names were given to it this guy's lost it someone chuckling let's just leave it find some wolves or something that people weren't gone but I shook my head we couldn't just leave it this guy may have been mad but the pictures look so similar detailed bullet holes scratches scars every tiny mark was noted no I heard myself mutter no we got to do this imagine what people would say when we drag this thing's rotting [ __ ] of a body back to town people will call us heroes we'll go down in history for finding a new species my rallying speech obviously warmed in the guys cheer that was the worst thing I ever did even to this day we call it more mates and gather everything together we have 50 caliber rifles shotguns 44 is at a few knives in total we have 19 guys the more the merrier and some sleeping bags tents cans of food etc we hop in our vans and follow the guys directions to find a place to camp for the night and we'll hunt it the next day we light a fire drinking singing like Mad Men and eventually start to get ready to sleep mark goes off for a slash and I remember the sound of howling but not wolf house low guttural moans but too loud for moans if that makes any sense imagine a guy whose throat has been ripped out a few of us heard it and my mate Alex jokes hey is Mark having some fun with his girl which gets a laugh in the group like it was the funniest joke in the world but it wasn't funny for long I woke up to the sound of screaming retching and vomiting I grabbed my rifle and push myself out of the tent to see what the commotion was about Oh Oh God Oh God oh [ __ ] me holy [ __ ] how Alex was shouting the loudest over the jittery and terrified shrieks of the guys I pushed past in we see mark but but but not mark he was impaled by a branch his left arm gone his right hand gand and his torsos sliced open his entrails hanging out of his body in and dangling on the dirts and he is coated and blooded that's when I noticed it is his face its contorted into a scream but his jaws missing along with his eyes we have to pull him down and chunks of him fall off cursing more vomiting and cries ensuing oh god mark Mike I'm so sorry Alex was crying now he pissed himself at this point and I was on the verge of [ __ ] bricks so some [ __ ] did this and we won't let him get away some big guy called Ralph a friend of Alex revved rallied let's get this [ __ ] he cries out and we all cheer grab our [ __ ] and follow a blood trail someone left except for Alex he is sitting by his tent and drinking between sobs you ain't coming I asked nervously to which he smiles weakly nah nah man go get that [ __ ] for mocking me he sipped his beer and stared ahead I patted on him on the back and I jogged after the others we reached a cave entrance the scent of sulfur was so strong I had to cover my mouth and nose with the collar of my shirt however it did not block out the stench the entrance was caked in blood and carcasses of poor creatures their bones decaying under the Sun streaming through the branches the crunching of bones and the tearing of flesh echoed in the cave and gave me goose bumps so this thing is still feasting enjoy your last meal [ __ ] I thought ralph decided we would set a trap and butchered the thing once it was caught off guard we all nodded and follow our orders and we caught a deer slit his throat and left it to bleed out I wait and prop my rifle between two branches and aim it by the deer others are hiding in bushes or behind trees with machetes bowie knives and other firearms around in half an hour later Sam got bored and our imma get this [ __ ] he cocked his 44 march into the cave we tried to stop him but he made up his mind and marched in you were all silent his as I'm staring around the corpse I noticed the amount of creatures paw prints so so many of them but not the same creature as if every creature on nose [ __ ] ark stopped by this stomp on the ground wait a minute I heard myself whisper when did wolf start walking on two legs I was then interrupted by the most heart-wrenching noise anyone has ever let escape from their mouth a scream not just any scream you hear recorded in movies or anything like that a scream too high-pitched to be a guy's but we knew it was it started off as a shocked gasp the very soon shots rang out through the cave and it sounded like Sam's throat would break open and then thumps heavy thumps of a body against stone then nothing I hear myself whisper and then a sob xscape my throat before I see it this hairless human tall as the tallest NBA player and then son lanky as hell and completely naked that's when [ __ ] truly hit the fan Ralph and a few other guys charged at it and tried to pin it down but I just cut them down very easily I cried out kill it but I barely heard it myself but we were all on the same page and shot every round that we had we emptied every clip but nothing nothing it just kept hacking and slashing and biting and clawing and screaming at the guys in front of it until they were all just a pile of butchered meat we had 17 men at the start of the attack dropping like flies Dillons legs were sliced clean off Carl had his face smashed under the think giant foot andrew was smashed into the ground repeatedly until his body began to fall apart and Ralph he was lifted by the thing but each arm and ate his head hole before repairs torso aparts the others were cut down in a blur leaving 8 me Michael Daniel Nathan Chris Max and two other guys stood up in pure fear I couldn't give less of a [ __ ] if we killed it at this point I had pissed myself I had no second thoughts of the situation I I bolted I left the guys to die I looked back to see that Nathan and Michael were behind me followed by Daniel Chris Max and two other guys I didn't know and following close behind the the thing I don't know how it had reached us but it did I saw a slap one of the guys into a tree trunk with a sickening crunch he crumpled immediately and the other guy got sliced in half by one of this thing's massive claws max tripped but we couldn't care less we heard his cries in the crunching of bones as his spine was ripped out of his back and he lay still kept on running I don't know how far we got but we got to the camp alex was poking the fire with a stick I remember screaming start the [ __ ] van and he looked up his gaze fixed behind us and he looked terrified and then angry angrier than that [ __ ] [ __ ] back at the pub he picked up a branch that shoved it in the fire we ran past him and he tried dragging him with us but he brushed us off calmly but scarily we started up the van and reversed out of there but not fast enough to see Alex beating the thing with the branch every strike harder than the last he seemed to be winning when I stopped the car maybe he'd kill it and then and maybe we found its weakness fighter we heard him shouting and screaming in an unknown sort of language full of anger and rage but when the branch snapped he noticed it and so did it he turned around to run but was impaled by the creature slender arm and we continued to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge we made it on to the road and hit the gas we were going over 80 and I looked and I looked in the rearview Buuren look behind us this thing covered in blood and guts and pieces of guys simply stared and then Ram with incomprehensible speed and it was gone we parked outside the bar well crash into a pole and raced inside crying and shouting the the forest Daniel cried before falling to his knees Chris vomited and cried hugging himself is staring at the ground Michael was silent and Nathan sobbed into his shoulder that's the last thing I remember before blacking out I woke up in a hospital men and black looking [ __ ] were standing around with some nurses until they noticed I was conscious and the nurses were ushered out I was then treated to an interrogation of what some al-qaeda member would expect after being caught fighting 9/11 they gave me no good cop bad cop [ __ ] and gave it to me straight who was with us what did we find did anyone male 2 make it out how did you survive I answered without debate once I saw a black suitcase filled with tools beside me they got me to sign a long piece of paper stating that I would never discuss any of this encounter to any living being and then they left and that was that I was expected to just walk out pretending everything was fine I never saw that old guy who got us to enter those woods again and I hope he's been taken and is being tortured somewhere dark ink or maybe Iceland it's been seven weeks since the incident Chris saw himself five days ago and daniel has been placed into intense mental care and a psych ward Michael and Nathan are the only ones I don't know how Michael Nathan are the only ones I see anymore I never talked about it and we live our lives trying to forget the scarring ordeal but I don't think we ever will and that's the story guys but not really I still see that thing in my nightmares I still hear it screams mixed with the others I will never forget Alex's face at the branch broke so if there's one thing to learn from this whatever you hear however some no matter how much somebody offers you stay away from skinwalkers or be prepared to suffer a worse punishment that any sicko could conjure up I'm taking my dogs out for a hunt soon because some feral ones have been racing around my Hut and is pissing me off I don't know how they began one of their eggs though if the mountains were so beautiful I made a stop to an overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway according to the old wooden sign the elevation was three thousand five hundred and eighty four feet above sea level the fall colors were so bright and overwhelming this was the perfect weekend to be on the Parkway it was definitely the prime time for seeing the fall colors in their perfect beauty in another couple of weeks the leaves would start falling off lots of folks are terrible at timing their trips to be here in the prime time but I am evidently pretty darn good at it I just realized how big I was smiling I was so happy to be off for the weekend and by myself to get a much-needed break from my mundane accounting job that big smile I was wearing just dissolved pretty quickly with my remembrance of my dead-end unfulfilled job I took one last look and hopped in my car and checked on my GPS the distance to my cabin rental for the weekend it was just a few more miles down the road the road was almost pitch black and it felt like I was driving through a tunnel that was on fire I was happy that my rental would be at a high elevation the GPS is showing one mile to go in the car was still climbing upward from the directions I was given by the cabin owners the Swanson's I would be looking for a narrow dirt road on my right the name was simply Victoria Lane it was a rather distinguished name for such a narrow dirt road at the top of the mountain I turn in and make my way up the narrow rocky and winding road the trees branches were hanging down as if they were trying to grab the roof of the car and stop me from going any further as I looked in the rearview mirror I saw a dust cloud following me one thing I did not see were houses just trees and some rocks then the road started to get steep very steep they started to freak me out to be quite honest I was driving a Mini Cooper and it took everything the poor little car had to keep going how in the hell do people get up this road in the rain or snow thank god the road was starting to level out a couple of minutes later and didn't sound like my engine was about to have a heart attack anymore I drove a couple of minutes more and I see a two-story log cabin on the left this was the Swanson's home and where I would be getting the keys to the rental this house was gorgeous it looked like something that would be on the cover of a mountain scenery calendar these folks had to be loaded I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car the car looked to be relieved that it was finally going to be able to rest I choked and we passed a little car in the hood yep these people were loaded there was a newer model Range Rover in the garage and a sleek Tesla parked right alongside it I was not sure what these folks did for a living but business was evidently very good I was met at the front door before I even knocked by a middle-aged woman with blond hair and a very petite figure she gave a smile it certainly appeared to be forced but I didn't really care now I'm not here to make friends just here to get my cabin key mr. Smith that Brazil the woman said solemnly yes you have a beautiful home thank you for renting out your cabin to me I said the house is too large and is more trouble than it's worth she said in a very sorrowful voice I thought it was a rather weird statement but I shrugged it off well I am certainly impressed with it I said quickly here are your keys the cabin is up the road enjoy your stay she said and shut the door quickly I turned around and mumbled good talk as I got back in my car I drove down the cement driveway back to Victoria Lane the road curved around the back of the house was with just as immaculate as the front there was a very impressive pool pool house out back the pool house would put a lot of people's real houses to shave the road started to get steep again I shifted the car into low and the mini huffed and puffed for a little while longer then I came upon a clearing it saw the cabin up on the left this cabin was even more beautiful than the pictures online it was basically a smaller version of the owner's home I saw a man in the yard trimming the hedges he looked to me middle-aged as well so I was assuming he was mr. Swanson he didn't seem to notice me driving up or either he just didn't give a damn hey there one hell of a place you have out here gorgeous I said to the man with his back turn he didn't respond at all I got my suitcase and walked up the wood steps to the porch I unlocked the door and placed my suitcase inside I turned around to offer a second attempt at conversation with the man I heard a motor starting and he was driving off on one of those John Deere Gators without even looking my way whatsoever geez whatever happened to good old southern hospitality I shrugged and went into the house and looked around it was spotless and looked like a Pottery Barn catalog they definitely spared no expense on the furniture and decorations the cabin had a very pleasant woody aroma and a nice potpourri smell but it's not too strong just right I went into the bedroom and just fell face-first onto the incredibly comfortable king-size bed I was worn out from the long ride and I decided to take a short nap I had almost drifted off to sleep when I heard a knock on the door I was certainly startled as I was almost asleep and the fact that I shouldn't be having visitors I didn't think the very sociable owners would have dropped by for tea I got up and slowly went to the front door there was no one there maybe I was in a dream stayed and just thought I heard a knock I then heard a squeaking sound to my left I went outside the front door onto the rustic wraparound porch it began to walk left the wood main creaking noises as I slowly walked out in the porch as I rounded the corner of the house I saw a little girl on a tire swing attached to an enormous oak tree that had to have been a couple of hundred years old she had long brown hair and she was also wearing the yellow dress she was staring at me and giving me a big smile like she knew me well hello I said in a perplexed tone hi there my mommy and daddy owned the cabin and we lived just down the way she said okay great this cabin is terrific what's your name I asked Victoria she replied oh cool so your parents named the road after you can't say I have my own Road messed up with a grin yeah it's pretty great then I never forget my address she said with a giggle the little girl appeared to be eight or nine years old I didn't ask because I thought it might sound a little too creepy do your mom and dad know you're up here I asked yeah I spend a lot of time outside and I love this swing there's a pass right there that goes directly to my house you should check it out sometime my dad even built me a tree house down that way I squinted and strained to see since the Sun was shining yep I think I see the path over there sure I'll check it out before I leave I always wanted a tree house when I was little I never got one though definitely one of the drawbacks have grown up in the city I said it was nice to meet you Victoria I'm going to head in for a nap I'm rather poot from the long drive here I said yes sir nice meeting you too she waved and continued to swing as I turn my way into the house I had it back into the bedroom still hearing the squeaking from the swing outside I opened up the bedroom window to let in some fresh mountain air I lay back down and drifted to sleep a knock at the door jolted me awake it was dark outside and I glanced the red numbers on the old clock that read nine thirty that knows another knock coming now yelled I slowly dragged myself out of bed and headed to the front door and glanced through the curtain and saw that it was Victoria smiling at me holding a basket hey Victoria kind of late what's up do your mom and dad know you're up here I thought it was rather odd for her not to be in bed at this time of night yes sir they know they sent me up here to give you this she said excitedly she handed me a wooden basket that contained a linen cloth wrapped around something the cloth was warm in it had a nice aroma coming from whatever was it was wrapped around I slowly unwrapped the mystery object it was chocolate-chip cookies Wow cookies hot too I said yep I helped mommy baked them myself we always bake a batch for new guests I'm sorry we didn't get it up here sooner well goodnight here's my bedtime and mommy told me to hurry back she smiled and took off rather quickly thank you and please tell your mom thank you for me I yelled as she ran to the darkness I went back into the cabin with my cookies and plopped down on the sofa I flipped on the TV and started shoving cookies in my mouth damn these are good cookies i mumble to myself as i ravenously devoured it before I knew it I had eaten all of them in the basket I saw that the TV had Netflix on us so I loaded up the app and found Doctor Who and watched for a couple of hours before I dozed off again I woke up at about 6 a.m. the next morning and decided to get in early starts I plan to head to grandfather mountain and do a little hiking I got dressed and headed out the door to my car I sped off down the gravel road I had to ride the brakes due to the steep grade I glanced over at the owners home there didn't seem to be any activity it made sense it was an early Saturday morning as I rounded the last term before getting to the highway I slammed on the brakes there was a little girl laying on the ground beside a bicycle it was Victoria I jumped out of the car and sprinted to the little girl she was crying and her jeans are ripped at the knee and she was bleeding Victoria are you okay I exclaimed yeah I think so I just cut my knee it's bleeding pretty bad she said amid her painful sobs she had quite a gasp blood was flowing down her leg like lava out of a volcano we need to put some pressure on it let me get something out of my car put on it I said I was a volunteer firefighter in my community back home and I had my EMT certification so I knew a thing or two about first aid as I was getting up she stopped me we can just use the sweatshirts it is old and worn out no biggie she said she untied the sleeves of the white Hello Kitty sweatshirt from around her waist and handed it to me I promptly placed it on her knee and started pressure she let out a small cry of pain the cut was bad enough it was worse than I had thought the stitches were definitely gonna be needed at least a couple we need to get you back to your mom I said I looked at her pink bike and looked at her listen I have a bike rack at the back of my car I'm gonna put your bike on there and then we'll head up to your house now put your hand here and keep putting pressure on it until it stops bleeding I said quickly but calmly not to make her any more upset I got up and picked up the little pink bike and walk to the back of my car and latched it on and afterward I walked around to get Victoria she was gone except for her bloody sweatshirt I looked around frantically yelling her name but nothing it was like she just vanished into thin air it didn't take me more than a minute to get her bike attached to my car she didn't have enough time to go anywhere without me noticing this was a sane where is she I pulled out my cell phone I searched for the Swanson's phone number and called there were three rings before I heard a woman's voice hi mrs. Swanson this is the renter Terry Smith as I was driving out today I found Victoria in the road where she had fallen off her bike she is fine she has a cut on her knee but other than that she is good she's putting pressure on it now however as I was attaching her bike to my car she ran off is she back at the house by any chance I said out of breath Victoria she yelled then there was a pause then the line went dead this is freaking weird I said to myself I decided to call out Victoria's name a few more times but there was still no answer I walked over to both sides of the road peering into the woods but she wasn't there why wasn't she answering me she couldn't be far at all why would she just run off it hit me that she may have left a blood trail her leg was gushing pretty good I am also willing to bet it started flowing faster when she started moving I looked all over and saw nothing I got back to the car and headed back to the house looked out the window for her along the way I threw the sweatshirt in the back seat and proceeded to do a three-point turn in the road as I started back up the road I heard what sounded like a siren I stayed put for a moment and looked in my rearview mirror and saw a sheriff's deputy pull into the road behind me the deputy bolts out of the car with his weapon raised and yelled for me to get out of my car with my hands up he was a very large muscular guy with sunglasses however all I was paying attention to was the handgun pointed straight at me I was a complete shock I didn't know what the heck was going on as I was getting out the sworn chinch Range Rover was speeding towards me from the other direction what the heck is going on why are you pointing a gun at me I yelled shut the F up and get on your knees and put your hands behind your head the officer yelled I heard the Range Rover slam on the brakes assigned to the gravel towards me and both doors swung open like horses gates at a Kentucky Derby the owners jumped out of the car like it was on fire where's my daughter where she the woman screamed her husband said nothing he appeared to be too shocked to say anything he just ran behind his wife Jesus she was just here and then she was gone I said where's the girl said the deputy I don't know she fell off her bike and she was here I pointed at the bike in my car the show I wasn't completely crazy about what I was saying bill oh my God look she started sobbing uncontrollably when she looked at the bike is that Victoria's bike ma'am the deputy said yes that's hers this monster has her she cried have her what the heck are you talking about I don't have her I stopped to help her that is all she can't be far I said the deputy went to my car and looked all around he opened the back door and then he began to talk in his radio I need backup now he said quickly ma'am is this your daughter sweatshirt he said to the frantic mother as she picked up the Hello Kitty sweatshirt covered in blood from Victoria's lacerated knee her eyes were wide she turned completely pale and fell to her knees yes that was what she was wearing when she went missing oh my god is that blood on it she screamed as she turned towards me she charged me screaming what have you done to my little girl what have you done the deputy pulled her off me and she just fell to the ground sobbing the husband fell down beside her they were just they were distraught and I couldn't blame them but I had no idea what's happening the husband looked like he had just seen a ghost for some reason I didn't do anything to Victoria this is ridiculous sweating profusely and shaking in disbelief I was on the verge of hyperventilating the deputy violently handcuffed me and threw me into the back of the police car my head slammed against the roof of the car as more policemen arrived they scoured the area looking for Victoria all I could do was shake my head and stare at the floor of the car trying to wake up from this nightmare a police officer came and opened the door and questioned me about Victoria I explained everything I knew the tire swing the cookies the bike and they just looked at me like I was insane maybe I was I just kept telling them over and over I had not done anything with Victoria other than try to help her she was somewhere in the woods and they could just you know ask her when she was found the officer made a statement that was burned into my brain that will never leave me sir Victoria has been missing for six months said the officer that's impossible she was here I saw her yesterday last night and this morning I'm not crazy I said while holding back tears and vomit be that as it may sir you were under arrest for kidnapping a Victoria swamp and god only knows whatever else you do what you tell us where she is and you will tell us said the deputy he slammed the door and got into the driver's seat we pulled out onto the highway headed toward where I assumed police station was I looked back to see a frantic speckle as the officer searched for Victoria the parents were still on the ground sobbing in each other's arms we hadn't been a hundred yards down the highway when my blood ran ice-cold and my heart sunk all the way to my stomach I saw a small figure standing in the woods between two pine trees as we rode away it was her it was Victoria with a face of stone showing no emotion I began to scream I began to scream I began to scream I'm awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of thumping and my dog Benjamin barking up a storm slowly getting up I can hear my bones creaking age does that to anyone walking past a mirror I stopped to look at myself for a second and realized the years haven't been kind to me come on Sawyer I tell myself keep it moving as I walk out into the living room of my cabin I listen closely Benjamin tailing close behind me it's quiet now save for the sound of the cold snowy winds outside I take a peek outside my window and see nothing though I'll have been it's hard to see much out in this storm and at this time of night after a few minutes I decide to walk back towards my bedroom and lay down again the warmth of the blankets is welcoming and comforting winters are cold out here in the forest and mountains of Washington the warmth of the blankets makes an old soul like myself not want to get out if you take me now god I'm quite sure I'd never know I died that's the level of comfort we are speaking of here thump thump Benjamin goes wild with his barking as I struggle to regain my bearings again looking around a debate if I even want to get up this time quiet boy I tell Benjamin it's probably just a store Minnie I'll get some rest we've got a long winter and not many places to be my friend it is with that Benjamin and I drift off to sleep morning arises and after much struggle due to the aforementioned warmth of the blankets I finally get up get dressed and decide to make some breakfast nothing quite like bacon eggs and hash browns to start the morning right I'm pretty far out in the woods but we do live close enough to a town that is only about an hour to an hour and a half away during the fall and I stock up on plenty of food to go with meat I hunt as well if there's one way I swear to never leave this earth it's through starving my gut is proof of that I tell you what I start up some coffee and decide to go out and survey how much snow has fallen since last night according to the forecast we were to have a slight lull during the day before snow impacts his heart again tonight looking around I see I'll have to do some shoveling and clearing out around the cabin but I figured I can do that after I get some food in me I turn around and see Benjamin who just finished his business run up to me excitedly tail wagging like the first day I pulled him from his mother when he was just a wee little pup now he's a huge Saint Bernard and my most loyal and devoted friend his mother passed a few years back sadly and the dog that impregnated her never really stuck around I pet Benjamin and as I do I look over at the cabin that's when I noticed something odd there appears to be some damage to my door walking over to examine the door more closely it seems there are some broken and chipped pieces of wood and a bit of indentation that's strange could the storm have done this I think on it for a moment but decide ultimately I'll add reinforcing and repairing to my door to my to-do list and for the day move back inside with Benjamin to check on breakfast and the coffee that goes with us shutting the door behind us I finished making my coffee a bit longer nothing quite like hot coffee on a cold winter morning I drink it straight it reminds me of living it away it can be bitter but it's beautiful ultimately once I finished my coffee I take the time to clean everything up do my dishes and then spend much of the rest of my day shoveling snow and repairing and reinforcing my door I take breaks for the bathroom and to make and eat lunch but by the time I'm through with it all the Sun is beginning to set so I move inside lock and bar the door behind me I start up dinner I'm cooking up some deer sausage from a kill I made a bit back I figure do your sausage with some rice and beech isn't that bad by the time I'm through I can barely move from all the food I've eaten looking over at Benjamin I see he seems quite content as well I take him outside to go to the bathroom before locking up for the night turning off all the lights and then head back to where it takes no time at all for the world to disappear around me don't thump thump thump thump thump what the hell is that slowly I forced myself up before turning on some lights and heading for the noise to my shock the barricade on the door is cracked the barricade is only made of wood but it's a large piece of lumber I make a point to add getting a meadow bar for the barricade on my to-do list for tomorrow there isn't any thumping at this point but it's clear someone or something is trying to get inside my home I grabbed my rifle just in case and peeked through the windows there doesn't appear to be anything granted my windows aren't large enough for anyone to fit through they're so small I'm not so worried about any real sort of threat getting inside that way the best way is through the front door and something seems like it once in the rest of the night I sit in my chair covered up my rifle next to me and pass out as best as I can when I awake it's morning I'm guessing there was no more thumping when maybe I was too tired to notice I prep breakfast before taking a large piece of wood I slid in this law as the barricade off and open the door I can't explain what I saw my door is somewhat broken and I decide I'll head to town today and get a proper barricade maybe even a steel door of some kind after I take care of the snow it isn't supposed to snow again until tomorrow so I do just that most of my day is spent getting much of the heavier door and replacing the framing barricade the door I have is steel but it is painted in such a way to match the look of the cabin it isn't perfect but it'll do be far more secure by the time I get home I have just enough time to fix the door replace the frame and set it all up with my new barricade before making dinner and taking Benjamin out for his nightly business as soon as that's over I head straight to bed barricading my door before I do we'll get some sleep tonight Benjamin one way or another I'll get some damn sleep because nothing is getting through that door is with that that I pass out blissfully unaware of the world around me the next morning I awoke well-rested and surprised to find I wasn't awoken by any real noise or banging on my door perhaps whatever animal I've been doing it simply gave up after the first couple of nights I did my normal routine of breakfast and soon after took Benjamin out for a walk after locking up I let him do his business and we played a bit enjoying the solitude in the beautiful view as we did it was nice out here occasionally you'd get some wild animal aggressively trying to get into your home but they were usually just hungry and often to impose a row threats sure you get stories of people who come from their homes or wherever and there's like a boar or a bear or something that broke in and ready to their fridge but more often than not those people survive and don't experience such thing again I worst they fixed their doors maybe get a weapon for its in usually that is that they live the rest of their lives of peace I don't really blame an animal for wanting food but generally you aren't going to see a bear wandering around in winter so I'm a bit perplexed in some manner as to what was big enough to mess up my previous door I don't dwell on this though because it might just freak me out I just continue to play with Benjamin for the rest of the day we head back in that evening on account of the fact that it's supposed to snow again in tonight's a winter storm is supposed to be here it probably will be here for the next week or so I figure that'll mean a lot of shoveling on my part but I'm more than prepared for winter out here seeing as I've been out here for most of my life it's hard to believe I used to dwell more in the city when I was younger I eventually got tired of that in society and decided to move out here around 25 now I'm 45 now well-versed in living in the wilderness my only regret is that I didn't take to do this sooner life is peaceful out here for the most part I think to myself it's quite nice and you'll never have any real problems of people here walking inside my cabin I lock up a barricade my door before making some dinner for myself and feeding Benjamin as well I stay up after doing dishes and watching some television before finally turning out the lights around 10:00 and heading to bed thump thump thump Benjamin I think we have a guest again what do you say we greet him Benjamin shoots up already on edge and the thumping at the door as I grab my rifle and head out towards the living room I still don't see anything through my windows and so I look out my people there's dark and there doesn't appear to be anything there as soon as I said that I saw a large eye that took me by surprise it made me jump back for a minute this was followed by another loud and persistent thumping on my door once I got over the initial surprise I pounded back on my door rifle and hand it getting tired of being awoken to me overnight I addressed whatever animal was out there listen here I am tired and cranky and I'm sick of waking up in the middle of the night you can bang all you want but you won't be getting through my door there was a silence for a moment and Benjamin was on edge as he waited to hear something back after a few minutes we thought maybe we'd scared the thing off still to be safe I waited for another hour nothing finally we went back to bed and I passed out again I shot up and ran for the door at the sound of a smashing in truck alarm blaring I looked out the window but couldn't see well through the snow a few seconds go by when I suddenly seen my truck flying towards the side of my cabin I fell back before the truck impacted the side of the cabin the cabin shook and Benjamin barked like mad as I scrambled to my feet and saw pieces of glass for my windows on the floor now boarding up my rifle I looked through the scope and saw nothing I wanted to go out but the sudden was from the best not to whatever had destroyed my truck through it with enough force that it hit the side of my cabin I'd never encountered any sort of animal that could do such a thing based on the eye that I saw I'd say whatever was out there couldn't be human at all I quickly pulled out my phone and began dialing the cops I was on the line when I heard a loud howling of some kind The Dispatch asked where I lived in what was happening and all I could muster up was the courage to say to get over here giving them my address along with that message before hanging out it took a few hours but soon the sheriff arrived and knocked on my door he asked what and how it happened and I explained to him everything from the past few nights leading up to this moment perplexed he had looked around and told me to stay put I waited rifle would hand for his return after a half-hour or so he returns and informed me that he wasn't sure what the hell was going on but he take a report and come back in the morning when he could see better check things out he informed me that I should lock and barricade my door and if I hear anything else out of the ordinary to call him he then handed me a car with his number on it and soon after left I didn't sleep the remainder of the night but I also never heard anything else outside either morning finally came and true to his word the sheriff returned and we both looked around the place more thoroughly it was snowing like crazy and we didn't really find much the sheriff reassured me saying it's likely the snow covered up any tracks that was made and that I should think about putting up some sort of security system or maybe some cameras that snapped pictures at the first sign of movement I agreed and soon after departed from the cabin I spent the rest of the day making calls to my insurance company and arguing about how I had no clue what destroyed my truck I also made some repairs to the side of my cabin and after having my truck towed away I soon pulled my four-wheeler out of the shed and headed to get some cameras by the time I returned the night was coming fast so I installed and tested my cameras before having Benjamin go to the bathroom and then I locked him my ATV in my shed and went inside my cabin I made dinner and tried to relax as best as I could but I was quite shaken from the previous night's of VAS I kept my rifle close to me at all times because now I was occasionally picking him at people I saw nothing and I barricaded my windows at this point in an attempt to keep the snow out the night was long and very little sound had me up checking my door every time I was tired but I couldn't bring myself to sleep just yet I was sure of whatever was out there would be back if not tonight tomorrow night if not then at some point down the road for Shore sure as [ __ ] I started to doze off when I heard a loud thumping at my door I got up and slammed back once again go away if you don't I'll shoot you myself there was a howling followed by an even louder thud as I felt my floor shake I held my rifle up at the door and waited as I heard two more thuds this was followed by a loud howling before everything went silence again the thought crossed my mind to call the sheriff again but as things had fallen silent I decided not to I was scared for sure but the thing had been able to get through my door yet so I didn't feel like I needed to call it immediately I wasn't in immediate danger just yet as long as that store stays strong it was about 4:00 in the morning and so I made some coffee and waited for Benjamin for daylight to come once the Sun crested over the mountains and it was bright enough I unlocked my door and headed out with Benjamin to check out my door also the cameras the door seemed wow aside from an indentation the frame seemed undamaged and as such I decided to immediately check the cameras next looking over the film I was distraught that there were photos of something big it looked about nine feet tall that had been throwing its shoulder into my door before he leaving last night I was in shock at the sight of this creature as it stood on two legs but I put my camera's didn't get a good enough picture of it to tell what it really was walking in the direction of the creature hi I tried to follow the tracks but I was at a loss so it would I decided to head back to town where my four-wheeler and pick up some more cameras for the cabinet itself soon after returned setting up up in places where I would get a much better view of the thing if I returned after installing the cameras that worked on the repair to the side of my cabin some more it was coming along slowly but it was definitely coming along well once again night came Benjamin and I headed inside and I made some dinner for his boss after locking and barricading the door behind me I hope tonight by some miracle of God itself I'd hopefully get some real rest to my surprise I did just that after heading to bed I didn't hear a sound outside of it except for the snow once morning came I felt refreshed and a little bit better I received a call from the sheriff who I informed I was ok still before explaining I had done as he said with the cameras I told him I caught something I didn't know how to explain on my cameras before having him over and showing him the footage myself the sheriff suggested something odd to me he said he didn't normally jump to such far-fetched conclusions but he thought there was a chance it could be a Bigfoot I laughed at the sheriff at first before I noticed he wasn't laughing at all you can't be serious right Sheriff the sheriff nodded at me quite seriously before telling me he'd seen some strange things in his time and out in the woods of Washington he'd investigated other claims of strange happenings in his long career he said they'd gone on explains but he'd seen tracks before and he was convinced Bigfoot existed I wanted to laugh but I didn't this time well what the hell am I supposed to do about this if you are right Sheriff he shook his hat unsure of what to say before putting his hand on my shoulders and telling me to install those other cameras double-check my locks and reinforcements and keep my gun closed just a case he left me with the worst if this thing is aggressive as it seems I need all the help I could get he offered to stick around for the night and I almost declined before thinking I'd be better safe rather than sorry right the next couple of nights went by quickly I slept and not a thing had happened it didn't return I was nearing the end of the week and the snow was finally beginning to let up and when I shook the sheriff's hand and told him thank you before he finally went on his own way he said if anything happened again feel free to call him then he'd head this way we'd work on the cabin over the past couple of days and had just about fully repaired aside and we almost replaced the windows I was feeling slightly more relaxed as I hadn't seen the creature in about three nights or so that relaxation lasted as long as it took me to check the cameras it seemed the last few nights the sheriff and I had not been alone as we believed ourselves to be on the camera as I saw the things still not very clearly several times and some of the photos that simply sat and waited observing the cabin and others it looked inside the windows of the sheriff's vehicle before slinking back into the trees waiting at one point a time for which I'm sure we're both still awake and talking you could see the creature listening in its ears pressed to the door I never got a completely clear shot however and so I didn't have definitive proof of what it looked like my first thought was to call the sheriff back but upon further reflection I decided against it this thing was intelligent it was waiting for me to be alone again and knew I wasn't so didn't attack any of those nights if I was going to lure it out again and at the very least get a better shot of it I need to stay alone until it came out to see me so that's what I did I made a real meal and soon hit the bed early I waited quietly hoping to hear the thing again I had locked my door and barricaded my camera I made sure it was running I was prepared to find proof of the thing that stalked me I had a feeling I'd do just that with enough patience at some point late in the night I must have drifted off because before I knew it the morning was upon me again waking up I went to the kitchen to make breakfast and noticed it was still snowing I checked the weather which seemed to indicate there was another system that had developed overnight and had heavier snowfall and that we would be stuck here and the snow longer than anticipated thinking nothing of this I ate breakfast and headed out to check the cameras with Benjamin happily running alongside me it was only now I realized a problem the cameras were no longer there I found them destroyed all over the yard any film I recovered only showed black or nothing on it at all but snow it was almost as if this thing that's part of the cameras avoided them and soon after destroyed them one by one leaving the husk of the cameras behind as a message that's not what happened though right I mean there's no way that Bigfoot or whatever the hell this thing is was that intelligence right I tried to shake off the thought before going inside and calling the sheriff it didn't take long for him to arrive and we discuss what had happened I'm at a loss Sheriff I'm not sure what to do now if I get more cameras this thing might just destroy them again I mean I don't know if they can climb what it can do or what it's capable of or what it's not incapable of if I have you or anyone stay nearby they're likely won't show up again you can't stick around forever though what do you think the sheriff seemed every bit a Miss at a loss as I was he was confused and unsure of what to try next but he agreed getting another camera would likely be waste of money perplexed by the intelligence of this thing the sheriff said to call him if I noticed anything else odd or thing attacked again soon after he drove away looking every bit as confused as I felt what was I going to do there was no way I could simply ignore this thing there was no way I could do anything to catch it in the act I had never felt so hopeless in my entire life as I did at this point in time deciding not to get too down on myself as it wouldn't help my situation anyways I went about my day shoveling snow and chopping some firewood before ending the day playing with Benjamin and trying to stay relaxed I knew panicking wasn't going to help me anything and at this point I need all my wits about me every night until this was over locking things up I ate some dinner and spent the rest of the night watching some movies and trying to relax as much as possible to my surprise I awoke to find it was 9:00 in the morning I woke up much later than usual and found Benjamin licking me and trying to get me outside probably so he could go to the bathroom I got up and left Benjamin to his business before looking around the property nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I checked my shed a lock had been broken off and my four-wheeler was missing [ __ ] I thought to myself this thing wanted me stranded completely I wasn't too worried I have plenty of food to make it through the winter but the thought that I was stranded did leave me it was some sense of unease I searched for my vehicle for quite some time before finally finding it an hour away wrapped around a tree down a steep drop-off heading back home they call the sheriff and explain to him what had happened I insisted he didn't stick around however as the only way this Bigfoot was going to show itself if that even what it was was if I was alone with no more than my dog he said he wouldn't stay but I need to show him where my four-wheeler was found so I did and the remainder of my day was spent with him examining the damage of making a report before leaving this was insane I thought to myself when I finally settled in for the night I'm a cabin I had an uneasy feeling as I went to bed something didn't feel right about tonight it wasn't just that this thing was slowly making moves to isolate me it was also that it seemed to know and nowhere else to go it was though I had chosen me off of the basis that it knew I didn't have anyone else to stay with or live with how long had this thing been watching me I'd have been days weeks months a hesitated to think the last part but had it been years whatever the case may be and knew exactly when to come out so it wouldn't be it was highly intelligent and I was out of options other than to wait forward to try to answer my home again and deal with it accordingly I ponder what I'd do if that happened until finally I drifted off to sleep thump thump thump thump the bang was louder than ever and I shout about it bad running for my phone I immediately called the sheriff the phone rang as I did I could see the steel bending on my barricade hello Sawyer are you there Sawyer Sawyer is that your dog Sawyer so update it was in half an hour or so before I arrived at the cabin there was blood in the side of a mangled steel door on the floor looking around I noticed the phone was ripped out of the wall to pieces walking further into the cabin the lights were dead and it was in the back room amongst other destroyed doors I found Sawyer gun clutched to his chest terrified I took a bit of persuasion but I finally got Sawyer to hand me the gun and I soon called up the crime scene and brought him down to the station after giving him some cocoa giving him some time to come down from the shock he explained to me that he awoke to the sound of violent banging he then explained how he tried to call me but as soon as he dialed his door was beginning to give away so we headed for it after much struggling he backed off when I realized the door was going to fall he didn't want to be crushed by it so as soon as the thing entered his home his dog Benjamin jumped at it and I've been at it before being thrown off getting up and barking again he said he emptied every bully he had to the thing as it ripped the phone out of the wall and crushed it a stop Sawyer and asked if he killed the thing he said he grabbed the gun he had his backup in his case and emptied every shell he could into it but it only Hal turned away and ran off into the night Sawyer's seemed quite convinced that soccer was alive and well we staged a few more stakeouts and I left him alone per his wishes for several nights after nice turn in two weeks was turned into months and there was never a word or another harassment from this thing again Sawyer and I became friends prompted by her involvement in this case he still says he has PTSD to this day from the events but since repaired his cabin completely lives alone and in the same spot although he fears his attacker he refuses to move we're still friends to this day to this day to this day the night is late yes I'm growing weary the past few weeks I've heard howling in the late-night hours I've watched as livestock goes missing or is found torn open there are rumors spreading and fear that is growing among towns fog so I walk now hunting searching for whatever is doing the killing now however the matter is of more important sorts you see last night we found little Beth Sanders with her face eaten off her body torn open and in the middle of a street the poor girl was just taking out the trash when she was attacked the parents came running naturally but they said in a few seconds it took to hear her screams in the howling they'd open the front door in time to see their little girl screaming and being dragged into the darkness she was only 11 years old and the fear in the eye she had left said it all myname his job Anderson I'm a local hunter here in Michigan I volunteered to hunt this monster that killed Beth and many of the livestock around these parts in my search for this thing I found evidence I suggest that it lives in the woods I imagine Beth was only partially devoured because of all the ruckus from the town when she went screaming into the darkness this is all speculation but since this thing started harassing the town our livestock numbers have drastically dwindle I don't know if it attacked Beth because she happened to be there or did so out of necessity for food but it was vicious local authorities are keeping an eye out on things tonight as well but none of them have come out to join my heart just yet walking the path where Beth was dragged and ultimately found I can still see bits of blood in the street that eventually lead off towards the woods the further I had in however the less evidence I find of any sort of animal at all I spend an hour out here before I finally find some prints in the snow they look like a dog or a wolf's foot but they appear to be headed back into town and they look fresh that's when I hear the sound of gunfire and screaming in the distance quickly I turn around and head back to town by the time I reached the town however there's blood all over the streets and sheriff's vehicles abandoned in the roadways quickly I follow the trail of blood into the darkened alleys of a small town it isn't long before I came upon the body of an already dead sheriff their insides ripped open and torn through with sheriff Williams a man who'd been with the sheriff's office for 22 years his body was ripped in half a look of horror on his Dead face Jesus I thought to myself what the heck could have done this gunfire rang out farther ahead and I rushed forward until I heard a growling then a howling followed by a woman screams I arrived in time to see blood which went up to a bank before going up and headed back down into the main streets to find bodies everywhere gun shells for just as numerous there was blood and organs all over the streets there were woman and men and sheriff's uniforms strewn everywhere I was in shock and terror at this point as I gazed at the side of one of the vehicles and saw bloody claw marks torn into the side of the vehicle what the hell had done this and why I thought to myself they didn't make any sense first it was livestock but now it seemed like it was hunting people whatever it was he had a thirst for carnage these past weeks have been terrifying but this was on a whole new level the Sheriff's Office was all we had around here but weren't a big town there was no reason for any other sort of law enforcement in most every day police in towns are a ways away it seems now however that our law enforcement might be gone for good I heard a door open and Richard one of the locals came out asking me the only question that made sense what the hell happened those were the words he spoke and I didn't really have much of an answer I informed him to go inside half an estate of shock myself as I said this I then stood of waited him it was quiet for the next few hours and I imagine most of folks were afraid to leave their homes I couldn't blame them either I waited to the Sun rose again before going around door-to-door trying to get her everyone to meet at the local church something needed to be done and it seemed we were alone now in trying to take care of the situation I would need help and there was no way I felt comfortable taking this damn thing on alone once we had the locals in the church I had Jimmie lock and bar all the doors this was unsettling to the town folk but I needed their attention and I didn't want to chance that thing trying to come for us I motioned for everyone to quiet down then I addressed them all as best as I could listen up folks I understand y'all are scared and rightfully so I understand you have a lot of questions and I simply do not have most of those answers before we get too deep into this conversation I want to get something out of the way first we are going to need all the woman with children to leave the town before tonight's pack light and keep your phones close we will inform you when it's safe to return a large uproar rang out but once it died down I continued speaking if you're a woman you have no child and you have the ability to hunt I'd like you to join me the same goes for any and every man with a gun who is capable and willing to help me hunt to this bastard down I'm not sure what's out there but it's very capable of killing it started small and with our livestock but quickly turn to our towns folk I believe the entire sheriff department is dead so that makes us the only defense for our town there was a HUS silence now as I continue to speak I won't force you to join me in my hunt but I'd like you to join me if you can we need to end the threat to this town right freaking now if you are afraid or would rather join your families I fully understand I do urge you however to think about your town those who have already fallen in the possibility that this thing could go and terrorize other families and other towns think long and hard on that before making your decision but those willing to stay and hunt with me please remain here in the church the rest of you I wish you safe travels and I pray that you can have our safe return soon there was more silence as we unlocked and unborrowed the doors a few minutes went by before most of the women and children were home loaded up their stuff and began living the town ultimately they remained nine of us in the church seven men and two women that was all that would be staying behind I didn't blame those that left and I thought this would probably be a good thing as there would be fewer fatalities this way I didn't waste any time before speaking to the remaining group all right listen up first I'd like to say thank you to all of you I know a lot is happening fast but we need to keep our focus we have to kill whatever the hell is out there murdering us I'm thinking we stock up on ammunition and weapons from the local gun shop in the sheriff's office to bolster what we already have between us next we need to take what's left of our livestock and use it as bait I'd like to strategically place it so the thing has to move in a specific direction leading it to the old bank we can split up into two teams for at that point and wait for the thing the moment you see it coming for the livestock you have a shot fire on it I'm hoping we can kill it in an ambush but be wary this thing killed our entire Sheriff's Department they had plenty of ammunition if this thing somehow makes it to the bank I'll have something rigged to hopefully end the thing once and for all we'll communicate via walkie-talkie one for each of us stay safe out there my friends and we'll begin dividing teams now Jack Jimmy LeeAnn and August will make team one you all will wait up at the farm for the initial assault once the Beast Nestle's into feeding on livestock fire upon it only do so from hidden stands near the woods you should be able to see the farm with the scope from your rifles once you've got the beasts attention let out a deer call and team two will come out with a distraction team two will consist of Thomas Darnell Bob and Nathan as soon as you hear the signal I want you all to turn on the sirens and a couple of the sheriff trucks you'll be waiting in halfway between the farm and the post office I'll make sure to keep a good distance from the thing once it gives us a chase I want you to lead the Beast into town in near the bank where I'll have the trap waiting as soon as you hit the street just past the bank I want you to shut off your sirens and lights and veer off into the opposite directions on the street you're to circle back up and pick up team one and regroup at the church till further notice everyone seemed to understand the instruction given but there were a few questions about what I was planning to do once the creature reached the bank and I inform them a half a few barrels of flammable and explosive material waiting in the center of the street outside the bank once the tree tree got close by chasing team two I'd fired around into the barrels and hopefully light the monster up like Christmas after explaining all this everyone spent the rest of the day prepping to take this thing down and wasn't sure if this would work but it was the best plan I had at the moment and truth I was hoping phase one of the plan would be enough to take the beast down but only time would tell it did take long for night to fall upon us again I was exhausted and weary from not sleeping the night prior I waited on the top floor of the bank reflecting on what had happened the night before I ponder what I would do if this plan failed what I would do if anyone died as a result of it I planned on killing this thing one way or the other so I suppose the plan falls through I probably would be alive to worry about the end result it was about 10:00 when I heard the sound of gunfire in the distance team one I made contact and after a minute or so we heard the deer call over the radio sirens rang out as at her team two ESPA lease SUVs heading in my direction I checked in with team one who said they were waiting for team two to circle around when I heard a loud screaming over the radio there was gunfire and this was soon followed by the sight of the sheriff's SUV running straight into the barrels I laid out there was a loud explosion and fire roared as I heard another SUV crash there's no way I thought I quickly fired around to distract the Beast while I rushed downstairs and tried to get into the streets to my horror I saw a creature whose eyes I looked red in the darkness it was quite tall and sit on two legs it was quite muscular but still slim and had a dog's head it couldn't be I thought to myself and the creatures teeth was Bob he looked mortified as the things teef sank into his stomach and ripped him in half there was blood and there was screams as a thing devour most of Bob in seconds Thomas kicked out the door of his SUV screaming and on fire from the explosive barrels he was panicking and talking about how Darnell was dead before falling over and continuing to burn I moved to help him but it was clear it was already too late I fired a few shots from my wife Oh off into the beast but it only seemed to piss the thing off I quickly ran into and locked the bank down assume barricaded myself as I heard a loud growling and felt the Beast trying to break inside then I heard the sound of more gunfire that could only be Nathan I thought to myself I quickly jumped onto the radio and told Nathan to get the hell out of there get back to the church I'd handle this thing on my own or I die trying I didn't want any more blood on my hands I'm not sure what went wrong but I'm guessing this thing caught up to the SUV at some point I quickly ran upstairs and looked at all I had I then heard a loud howl followed by the sound of screaming looking out the window I saw Nathan crawling across the road missing the leg this beast quickly finished him by burying its teeth into its spine and ripping it from his body of one quick bite I was in shock and horrify too how quickly everything went wrong I fired a few more shots at the Beast while leaning out the window there was a growling and a loud howl before I saw run off silence fell over the town fur moment until finally my walkie-talkie crackles to life jack was on the other line this is on you is all he said before going silent I didn't argue I couldn't possibly argue he was right it was completely on me an hour went by in silence before I decided it might be safe to go back to the church once I arrived with the guns and ammunition I had left on hand I shut the place down and barricaded it sullenly I walked towards Jack Jimmy Lee an in August and apologized to them before heading into the pastor's office and getting some sleep no one confronted me about it after that I woke the next morning to find Jack gone Jimmy informed me Jack decides to leave town I can blame him after hearing what he heard that being said I'd seen it and there was no way I could let something like that live I looked around at Jimmy Lee Ann in August the mood was heavy in the room but I informed them if they felt like going they could as well Jimmy put a hand on my shoulder and laughed he spoke about how he lived here his whole life he was raised here and he wasn't going to give up his home so easily Liana and August seemed pretty set on sticking around as well it was nice to have the support but after last night's I had no plan I wasn't sure how I was going to kill this thing or have a chance at all against it what could we possibly do against a predator like that I'd never seen anything so vicious or so terrifying in all of my life Liane could see I was in a complete haze what she suggested complete suicide she said we should hunt the thing down in the woods take the fight to hits home I laughed at this I was probably losing it to some degree but I wasn't that crazy just yet you got a plan to go with that suggestion Liane shot me a look that pretty much said I was being an [ __ ] she wasn't wrong either I didn't want any more blood on my hands I try to plan I thought it was a good plan and was well executed except it wasn't and it failed we lost four people to my fullest underestimation of this creature I'm sorry for being a dick Liane here's the thing though you didn't watch Bob's horrified expression as he was ripped into and devoured in seconds Jack was right that's on me you didn't see Nathan crawling for dear life across the street before having a spine ripped up from his body it's all on me I underestimated this thing and failed us I felt Jimmy's hand on my shoulder again he told me it was okay he said at least I had a plane at the time he reminded me how everyone who stayed behind had volunteered of their own volition and for the love they had for their hometown I couldn't believe it in some ways I almost wore Jimmy was naive or insane to want to stay here and fight the thing then again some part of his faith and confidence help me recollect myself I let out a huge sigh and began thinking well if we're going to do this we'll need all the guns we can carry I shot that thing and I'm sure I hit it more than once it only seemed to piss it off we also need food and supplies in case we're out there for a while let's eat load up and head out as soon as possible I don't know if this thing comes out during the day but I'd like to get a head start before it's dark out it was with that we ate packed all the guns and ammunition we could stand the carry along with some supplies and we headed for the woods themselves I was pretty sure this was suicide I thought it was likely that we'd never be heard from again and whatever happened at the town would be a mystery to the world maybe it would end like that regardless I felt we had no choice but to push forward even if it meant we died hopefully we'd kill the hellish beast in the process we set off and much of the day was spent looking for any sign of the Beast it was cold out in the which were quiet some part of me wished we never found the Beast and it simply never returned to town again maybe it'd be wiser if we all just abandoned town but then the sensible half if you want to call it that of me said this thing you did to die it just come back and torment anyone who might live in the town again or even those in neighboring towns it wasn't long before I heard Liane call from ahead the group to rejoin her upon our arrival we found a deer laying there in pieces it was mostly just the head and a leg or two that remained there was also a piece of the organs and a ton of blood in the area looking further we found dried and bloody claw marks the beasts had been there for sure how long ago was hard to tell but it wasn't immediately recent there were some tracks in the ground and a trail of blood but all these things faded over time it wasn't long before night fell upon us and we decided to camp out but keep a watch the first watch will consist of August and Jimmy while the second watch would consist of myself in the end exhausted from the stress and trek through the woods I passed out quickly I'm not sure what time it is now but I've awoken to the sound of gunshots and screaming upon leaving the tent of sealy an gun in the air shaking she tells me she fired upon the monstrosity she mentioned how the thing came from the darkness and grabbed Jimmy before he could react even now we can still hear his screams Liane starts to run forwards but I tell her to wait we need to travel together it's not much safer but it's the safest we'll be hunting this thing August and Liane not in agreement and we grab our gear and rush in the direction of Jimmy screams as we get closer as screams get more agonizing I'm beginning to wonder if the thing is using him to lead us deeper into the woods it almost seems sadistic at times and it's methods I put the thought out of mind as we pick up speed and push through them trees and brush the minutes grow longer and the night grows colder the longer we get pursuit the more I feel like we're already too late I try not to give in to such thoughts but it's becoming harder not to now everyone keeps dying I think to myself just as I began to shake myself from the mindset we came upon a clearing Jimmy is coughing up blood he's been torn open and is trying to say something through gurgled breath I leaned in closer and as I do I hear him say he's a trap and I look up and shout to be ready but as I do I hear a crunch from behind us turning around there's a stump where Auguste head used to be a geyser of blood is spouting from it standing before us is a monstrosity and seeing it in full view now I realize what it is I couldn't be 100% sure on the shadows from before but now is positive this this was the dog man of Michigan part of me didn't want to believe it but it matched the description of the legends and other sightings to the slightest detail I was left in shock and dismayed before I'd recollected myself and fired at the Beast it how doubt before crunching August had completely between its teeth in darting in my direction I fired off another round and saw the bullets entered the Beast which knocked me off my feet and into a tree the beast is on me before I even fully hit the ground but then lets out an angry howl as it feels buckshot in its head turning it leaps on a shocked LeAnn who stabs it in the face a few times while I scrambled up and fire a few more times on the Beast myself it quickly grabs LeAnn and hurls her at me I feel the Anne hit me and then both of us hit a tree but upon looking up I noticed the Beast is gone are you okay LeAnn she nods in pain as we both slowly stand up I look around shaking in fear as I reload my shotgun and walk in the direction I saw the dog man run I can't believe this thing is real if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I'd never believed it was real it killed so many of my friends and destroyed so much of my hometown the thing needed to die the rest of the night we spent trying to pursue our prey but we never found it by daybreak we tired and wanted to sleep but to sleep probably meant death at this point stopping we decided to eat and keep watch together watching her closely I could tell LeAnn was having the same thoughts I was about this whole situation maybe we shouldn't have kept pursuing the dog man maybe we should turn and head home you can go home or leave completely if you need to Lee Anne looked at me with a look that suggested she was half thinking about it before thinking and shaking her head now and telling me we need to kill this thing we both stood up and put the fire out at our makeshift camp before continuing our search of signs for the Nemesis of the woods eventually we did find something claw marks and the trees that seemed to lead straight ahead wary it could be another trap I told Leanne to be careful as we proceeded eventually we reached a cave could this be it could this be the beasts lair slowly I approached motioning Fuli Ann to wait but to be ready stepping inside the cave I see bones everywhere some were animals others appeared to be human in form moving deeper I found an empty dead-end there were still bones perhaps this was the things lair but if it was it was I wasn't here presently the sound of gunfire rang out behind me as I heard Lee Ann cussing at something and calling out my name I rushed out to see nothing but Lee Ann what would you see she informed me she saw the Beast but it quickly darted away when she fired at it realizing we were in the right place I told Lee Ann that we should move away and wait until nightfall so the remainder of the day we waited and repaired I thought to myself about how things would end they needed to end tonight we were running low on supplies and I was not quite sure if this dog man was going to let us just waltz out of the woods and go back to town to resupply how at this point the town could be in the news already if any one passed through it got us out of the devastation they likely have called someone maybe we should have done that ourselves but I didn't want any more dead on my conscience the Sun began to set and as it did I looked at Lee Ann closely she didn't need to die I thought to myself as I twirl something in my coat pocket I then stood up loaded my gun and headed in direction to cave I could hear Lee and asking me where I was going but I kept walking it was sunset when I approached the cave I fired a few shots inside to get the attention to creature it didn't take long for the glowing red eyes to appear and soon after the bee stood before me rallying you died tonight you son of a [ __ ] I charge forward firing every bullet I had my shotgun the thing was angry it was about to jump on me when I heard a bullet whizzed by and strike it's leave LeAnn go now she kept firing in the Dogman how before rushing her I gave chase pulled out my knife and leaped on the creatures back stabbing it several times and felt the monster howl as a few more shots landed in the beast from the Anne leave LeAnn I'm going to end this I said as I pulled out and waved a stick of dynamite I had kept as long as a last-ditch effort I didn't see Leanne's expression but I did hear her shouting something to the effect of Mike being crazy there may have been something about not doing it but I didn't hear it as I stabbed again and again into the back side of the creature and so I was thrown off and sure I had its attention I lost my knife but I still have my lighter as I slowly backed into the cave and lit the stick of dynamite I washed it the creature rushed towards me I still can believe it where any of this was real I could feel the creature bury its teeth into me I could feel the life draining from my body I felt the warmth of my own blood and found it to be oddly relaxing then everything disappeared in a loud bang and bright flash of light the cave had collapsed that night shortly after the explosion I wasn't sure if the masa we fought was really dead but as I arrived back in the town the news crews were already there search parties had apparently been sent out to find us there were many questions to which I wasn't sure how to answer the town is back to normal most of the townfolk moved back in we haven't seen anything strange since I'm not sure if that thing is dead worth or more of them out there but some nights I could still hear a howling in the distance on ice like that and I don't sleep those knives thanks for listening to these creepy and downright unexplainable stories I hope you enjoyed them and I hope you have some great sweet nightmares tonight if you enjoyed these stories please hit that like button as it helps me out a ton the more likes this video gets the more YouTube promotes it the fresh new eyes and that helps me out a ton if you're new to the swamp want to join us hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications to never miss a new video as I upload them almost every single day and all things natural and supernatural much thanks to my friend of ative 22 who helped me read some of these stories today if you enjoyed them please be sure to check out his link at the top of the description and subscribed to his channel he is very close to 10,000 subscribers and that'd be awesome to see him hit that you guys can download your favorite swamp dwellers scary stories on itunes spotify stitcher radio and pretty much everywhere else you listen to podcast online thank you guys as always for supporting the swamp the way you do thank you for all the well wishes and being so concerned about my health it really does make me feel great I'll see you guys soon with another creepy video you
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 328,724
Rating: 4.7362638 out of 5
Keywords: Creepy Folklore, Folklore Stories, Scary Stories, Nosleep, Swamp Dweller, Creepypasta, Narration
Id: Rsqh96esGF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 8sec (12128 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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