10 SCARY Animals You DON'T Want to Encounter!

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some animals can get a pretty bad rap just because they look terrifying doesn't mean that they're gonna kill you in an instant right well let's take a closer look at ten terrifying animals you wouldn't want to encounter and find out for ourselves whether they deserve such a bad reputation make sure you stay tuned for number one we just might be looking at the devilish offspring of a malevolent deity number 10 the venezuelan poodle mouth looking equally cute and equally terrifying the venezuelan poodle moth was thought to be one of those animals that was created by internet hoaxers honestly I don't blame people for thinking it doesn't exist I mean just look at it looking all furry and alien like the fact of the matter is the venezuelan poodle dogs actually do exist and it is one of the most recently discovered species of insects only being discovered in photographs in 2009 by one dr. arthur anchor of kirsten as the name implies it is native to venezuela but it looks for all intents and purposes like that it will be perfectly at home in antarctica being a new species not much is known about this insect scientists don't even know which family a mother belongs to so whether like other moms the poodle moth poses a danger to humans nobody knows yet so as for now you can look but please for all that is good don't touch number nine the Goliath tigerfish when your name is Goliath you'd better be one humongous ferocious voracious creature and the Goliath tigerfish definitely lives up to its moniker a native to the Congo River Basin the Luo lava river lake you Pima and Lake Tanganyika in Africa it is the largest member of the tigerfish clan a genesis of fierce predators with protruding dagger-like teeth the biggest one on record was nearly 5 feet long and weighed 154 pounds the equivalent of a super welterweight prizefighter and it up classes other African game fish and speed in power the Goliath tigerfish is a Pisces lure which means it eats mainly fish we're such great size and adult kalai of tiger fish will eat any other fish they can overpower such as a small Nile perch locals say is the only fish that doesn't fear the cry and that it actually does eat smaller ones it has also been known to attack humans and rare instances it's so lightning quick and forceful that not only will it snap an anglers line but it will sometimes make off with his or her tackle no wonder one fishing Safari promoter requires clients read a cautionary tree Tyson look alive before agreeing to a fishing trip number eight the Mara boast or the Mara boast Org is often considered one of the ugliest animals of the planet of course some features that is the ball pink or reddish head with scattered shaggy feathers they huge massive tapered beacon it's ungainly stature make this bird repulsive at first sight but actually this gregarious bird is an essential scavenger that cleans the nature of all its waste and carrion often associated with vultures removing carcasses and rotting material often helps avoiding the spreading of diseases in African folklore this sickly-looking stork was created by God the leftover bird bits when he ran out of animal parts leading to its ungainly appearance the birds are monstrously huge standing five feet tall with a wingspan that attendee travels out of the andean condor although it typically maintains a deathly silence the sort makes occasional grunts with its bib like throat set its head is bald and it is a hotbed of disease Hosting a range and worm like parasites and the bird world it would win no beauty contest but hey it's still a cool bird nonetheless number seven the long waddled umbrella bird looking more like a pokemon rather than a real animal is number 7 on our list the long waddled umbrella bird the name comes from the male of the species they sport a crest of fine hair like feathers that hang all the way over its bill giving the look of having an umbrella this unusual species also has an inflatable waddle dating from the middle of its chest this long waddle is covered in short scaly feathers and when inflated looks somewhat like a pinecone during mating season the male puts these ornaments into action females and immature birds are only half the size of males and the waddle is much smaller Rapson all together their diet is composed of insects lizards and fruit especially pom nuts they regurgitate the larger seeds of the fruits they eat so are important farmers that help disperse seeds and regenerate the tropical course where they live habitat loss is wreaking havoc on this birds wild population add to that the pension for people to keep them as pets or to be sold to third parties or to be eaten you know the future looks bleak for this unique animal unless people get their acts together and start conserving their habitat and I don't know chicken or something bit easier number six the tube nosed fruit bat have you ever wondered how Akio had looked like when he transforms into a bat this next animal on our list probably would be the thing that you would imagine just look at it don't tell me that that face doesn't remind you of a blood sucking told vampire however I think you figured out at this point that that is not the case in truth humans pose more of a danger to these magnificent creatures than them to us because as the name suggests they mostly live on a diet of fruit the philippine tube nose fruit bat is listed as critically endangered facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild there on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species they live in the remaining lowland rainforests of Negros Cebu and Cebu Yan in the Philippines where they are known locally as the vaya con on civilian only a small population survives in the hills the largest population lives on Negros Island where an owl is principally perhaps entirely in a narrow ribbon of forests usually only a few hundred meters or about 1,000 feet wide around the shoulders of two mountains in the southern part of the island and two to the north number five the Shoebill every day scientists continue to discover and publish irrefutable links between dinosaurs and birds this next animal on our list has a look that epitomizes this link like no other modern bird it looks so for lack of a better term unique it gained the unwelcome title of the scariest bird in the world the shoe bill also called the shoe bill murder bird for a reason that would be clear enough it is native to the marshes of East Africa and your nightmares this masterful hunter is a reclusive menace to the inhabitants of the land it occupies shoe bills are naturally shy creatures so it only follows that scientists know little of their behavior but what they do know is just downright appalling when scientists were observing a nesting shoe bill they discovered that it laid two aides like most birds the eggs didn't hatch at the same time so in a few days one chick was noticeably larger than the other the larger bird was not only favored by the parent but it also viciously pacted the smaller chick until the bird was driven from the nest to shrivel in the Sun and pass away hence it's morbid moniker number four the naked mole rat naked mole rats their name suggests are pink nearly airless subterranean rodents these surprisingly long lived animals are one of the only true East social mammals and live in underground burrows in Eastern Africa ësocial meaning they don't really behave like most mammals and well I'm pretty sure I mispronounced that either way they live rather like insects they live in communities like those of many insects several dozen rats live together in colonies led by one dominant rat the Queen as in some insects species the queen is the only naked mole-rat female to breed and very young the worker animals dig the burrows at the whole clan inhabits using their prominent teeth and snouts they also go through the roots and bowls for the colony to eat all this happens while other rest center the Queen aside from living like insects in the way it looks there are also quite a few weirder things about this creature for one they can move their front teeth independently from each other allowing them to move much like chopsticks they also don't need to drink water they get all their moisture needs from their 100% plant diet number three the frilled shark the frilled shark is a strange prehistoric looking shrug that lives in the open ocean and spends much of its time in deep dark waters far below the sea surface it's long cylindrical body reaches lengths of nearly seven feet and its fins it plays far back on the body the frilled shark gets its name from the frilly appearance of its gill slits and you guess the fact that it looks like a giant swimming sperm from hell does an escape paint although they don't look like it they are very active predators they usually lunge at their prey and then swallow them whole and the big ones their preferred prey is squid and they have several rows of long teeth each with three long points these teeth are perfect for snagging the soft bodies of this prey and although they're sharks they swim like no other shark you've seen before they're sipping tyne swimming pattern makes them more like eels rather than a sharks very rarely seen in the wild and what scientists know today only comes from carcasses that are accidentally hauled by fishermen now it's time for the day's best day today we're gonna be looking at two animals that definitely look terrifying but the question is do we have anything to fear from them let's just call this number two monsters among us today's image or rather images are quite disturbing indeed the first looks like the gold of the Sarlacc while the other looks like some demonic monkey the question is do these animals really exist well the second image is quite easy to explain it's a baboon it's hairless yes but still a baboon they certainly look terrifying but do you have anything to fear from them the short answer is yes there are certain balloons that are very aggressive hairless or otherwise they become aggressive primarily when they feel threatened or if they feel any of their family group is threatened as well when encountering these dangerous dangerous creatures it's better to just stay away don't do it the Sarlacc looking thing is actually the insides of the mouth of the leatherback turtle aside from having the gold from hell and other bats are also fingers remain the only turtle species that doesn't have a hard shell rather possessing a covering that's mark into leather hence the name the absolutely disgusting and disturbing mouth has a purpose though and it's not to punish sinners they feed exclusively on a jellyfish and these papillae as they are called help them get a firm grip on their slippery prey so the short answer for this one no they are no danger to us they're just maybe hard to look at honestly I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes me 5 seconds 53 if you can leave a like and subscribe within the next 5 seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it him really work number one Cthulhu larva Cthulhu a correctable one of great power lies as death Knights of the Pacific Ocean in a southern city of Indiana he remains a dominant presence of the eldritch keys on the world we will not let you rob us for if he does suppose most importantly he's a work of fiction created by no other than HP Lovecraft himself which he introduced in the short story the Call of Cthulhu and this terrifying little creature due to its demonic and alien like look was named after its its other name is not that epic also known as the sea fig this tiny pink creature is actually a BB deep sea cucumber and is quite harmless to humans they're normally found a thousand to four thousand meters below sea level eating mud algae and other debris on the ocean floor and yes for those who are asking they also feed on human remains that just so happened to drop down into their territory sea pigs are very prolific and can be found in every ocean of the world which terrifying animal will give you nightmares tonight put us on the comments section down below wanna watch more videos about anything terrifying click on any of the videos you see on your screen again thanks for watching everybody and I will see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 749,094
Rating: 4.8224483 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, 10 Terrifying Animals You Wouldn’t Want to Encounter, top 10, most dangerous animals, creepiest animals, dangerous animals, caught on tape, strange animals, terrifying creatures, animal kingdom, extinct animals, scariest animals, scary animals, nightmarish animals, biggest extinct animals, most dangerous extinct animals, mythical creature, wild animals, scary, 10 SCARIEST Creatures, 10 creatures caught on camera, 10 unknown creatures, animals
Id: MGjy7LoFxQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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