10 unexplained Mysteries Caught on Camera!

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the world is full of mysteries and ever since the invention of the camera people have been catching them on film almost on a daily basis whether for good quality or bad quality today we're gonna be looking at ten of the most mysterious events caught on camera stay tuned for number one it's kind of a classic number ten the Russian creature although details about this video are sketchy at most from what I've gathered this was recorded back in 2015 and honestly whether this video is fake or not it's one of the weirdest videos I've ever seen in my life the story goes that this was filmed in Russia and the video shows two uniformed men presumably Russian soldiers the two men are standing around and look as though they're guarding something a few seconds into the video what appears to be an unidentified creature suddenly grabs one man an attempt to drag him into the water upon seeing what was happening the second man quickly rushes to help his friend but was unable to so he opts to run to the base the first man is then dragged completely off-screen when the second man reappears talking on the phone while frantically searching for his friend he then spots something coming towards him and he quickly retreated to the base for safety seconds later something large flies to the base door whether it was the first man of the unknown creature we can't be sure a few seconds passed and we see a tall figure emerging from the base door wearing a long dark robe adding even more mystery to the video what are we just witness what could be strong enough to drag a full-grown man to the water and who or what is the cloaked figure let's know what you think down in the comments below number nine the shadow while there are some strange videos that are quite easy to explain there are others that sparked controversy and discussion and various online boards this next clip is definitely an example of the latter the video starts innocently enough a person holding the camera is attempting to film a young girl dancing to a popular song the girl was just about to begin a routine when all of a sudden something extremely dark and fast dashes across the living room it was too fast to make out exactly what it was but when the clip was uploaded to Reddit it garnered divided opinions while some say that the shadow looks like a person running really fast others say that it resembles a plant although it is quite possible that the person taking the video just panned too fast and caught a stationary plant giving the illusion of movement but I personally think that the scenario is highly unlikely number 8 a last bit of fun the next couple of clips that you're about to see come from Saudi Arabia and at first glance nothing seems to be quite unusual or amazing about them the short footage just shows a swing set in an empty children's playground alright within a few seconds you're gonna spot something that's quite extraordinary one of the swings is moving quite energetically while the other one beside it is completely stationary videos like these can be easily explained it could be the demand shoot in the video move the swing before he started filming but then how do you explain the second clip this second video shows the same swing set in the same playground taken at the exact time when the first video was taken but this time from a different angle and by a different person this time it clearly shows the swing moving without anybody touching it could it be the wind that's making it move if so then why is the other swing sitting right next to it motionless could it be the spirit of a departed child trying to deliver its lost childhood yeah what do we all think hard to say number 7 the blinking doll most children's toys aren't creepy at all but there are things about dolls that creeps a lot of people out not helped in fact by the Chucky franchise maybe it's because they're purposely made to look like humans humans with blank stares and lifeless eyes but then again wouldn't they be more terrifying if something that you clearly know is a doll show some kind of life this video looks like someone doing some urban exploration at night and is taking footage of life-sized dolls of some Disney characters the footage admittedly looks scary enough but what happens next raise the terror level quite a little bit as the camera is zoomed in on the face of a female doll you can see the doll's eyes quite clearly then all of a sudden they blinked the incident scared the explore enough to get out of there in a hurry and frankly who would number six the pombero the pombero is a mythological creature from South American folklore they're often described as being short with dark skin and having either jet-black or snowy white hair it is considered to be a protector of nature and it gets absolutely furious when hunters take more than the force from what they need it said when they leave an offering for the pombero such as brandy tobacco or honey you will be granted a favour surely such a creature could only exists in myth couldn't it if this next clip is to be believed the pombero is real and is walking among us and aren't even sure to approach humans or even being filmed the clip shows a number of children playing football while one of them shoots the video one of the kids bought something very unusual in the distance this makes the rest of the kids lose interest in the game and instead find out what all the fuss is about initially the creature looks like a monkey but as it got closer it became quite clear that it was anything but that the short dark creature was approaching the kids using its Crouch legs and long arms the presence of the creature was enough to send the children all running in directions including the one taking the footage whether this creature is actually the pombero is still up for debate number five the man walks through a closed gate the main reason why CCTV cameras are set up is to provide people with additional security and give law enforcers evidence to solve more crimes but often times they also become a source of many things unexplained much like the next video that you're about to see this video was taken from somewhere in the Philippines and is from a CCTV camera set up by the local government to monitor the streets this particular camera is pointed towards a closed gate making sure that no trespassers can get in the compound at night for security reasons authorities lonk the gate every night but on this particular night nothing that they've done or could have done prevented this man from casually walking in a few seconds into the video a man comes from the left on the outer side of the gate then as casually as anybody can do it especially out of a terminator film he just decides to walk through the gate we just witness a go stories that's a terminator I don't know there's got to be a better explanation number four this is for you mommy another clip from the Philippines but this time aside from being quite hard to explain it's a little bit sad and touching as well the video was taken at the funeral of a seven-year-old child following with Philippine tradition people are always present inside the chapel where the body lay 24/7 for a few days this night a few relatives were present as well as the child's grieving mother the video begins focused on a white balloon near the coffin and without explanation it floated away making its way seemingly with intelligence towards the grieving mother where it finally settled the mother who was crying softly before the incident couldn't help but break down in loud sobs can you blame her could it be that the child was comforting or crying mother by offering her the balloon it seems like something that a seven-year-old would do well it could be explained that a wind draft caused the balloon to mood but why were the other balloons sitting perfectly still also hi could you explain how the balloon made a straight beeline towards the crying mother there's really no explanation to this one number three the man in black men in black have long been a part of modern mythology legends say that they are government agents who sole purpose is to investigate and cover-up existence of paranormal and extraterrestrial entities making sure to keep their existence from the general public now if these guys are so secretive why did this video of an alleged man in black exist uploaded by apex TV back in 2018 the video shows what were supported to be the inside of a law office somewhere in Alaska it initially shows a receptionist sitting behind the counter a few seconds into the video a tall and bald man walks in he appears to have no defining facial features and his demeanor is quite strange as well after a short conversation you can easily see the uneasiness of the receptionist the situation escalated when the receptionist suddenly pulled out a gun from a drawer but this didn't seem to faze the strange man the man just lifts up his hand and jerks it to the side this sent the woman is some sort of trance and she then took out the magazine from the gun and placed him on the desk the man then casually motioned to the door and at this point the receptionist reached into the bag getting a camera then calmly walked out the door followed by the strange man is this some improve the men in black exist or is this just some kind of elaborate hoax now it's time for the day's best pick today's pick might not be particularly scary but it will be one of the strangest and most unexplainable things you've ever seen number two do your overboard many strange things have been found floating in the ocean but this might just be the strangest one yet a group of fishermen were at sea trying to spot their day's catch when something at a distance caught their eye when they saw what it was they were at a loss for words in the video - deer can be clearly seen swimming in the middle of the ocean although it's not strange to find out that deer can swim in the mystery here is how did the two get in the middle of the ocean in the first place the fishermen who were clearly really nice dudes rescued the deer by jumping into the ocean and attaching ropes of them before pulling them to the safety of the boat all's well that ends well but the question still remains where did the deer come from and why were they swimming in the middle of the ocean well I guess if moose can be preyed upon by orcas which is an actual fact I suppose sharks can have deer no no I got nothing else I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes 45 seconds 53 if you can do the right thing subscribe within the next five seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it his really work number one Max Headroom and at number one in our list I will leave you with a video that even after 32 years remains unexplained and it is still the most famous incidents of a live broadcast intrusion in history now firstly a bit of background Max Headroom is a fictional AI character that was introduced back in 1984 and was touted to be the world's first computer-generated TV host he was a star of his own TV show called the Max Headroom show which is a British music video program in 1987 during an episode of Doctor Who the TV signal was suddenly interrupted and what popped up was a man wearing a Max Headroom mask laughing and speaking unintelligibly on camera he was waving his arms around sometimes even pointing to the camera on the while laughing and speaking about random that wasn't weird enough the video ended with max bending over and someone whipping him on his behind to this day no one has surfaced to claim responsibility for the event and no one has been caught as well making it truly one of the most mysterious events of all time if not a very strange one which mysterious men are you most interested in let us know in the comment section down below while more videos about mysterious places and events click on any of the videos you see on the screen as always thanks for watching everybody and we will see you all next time lighters
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 1,931,294
Rating: 4.8380117 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, mysterious, events, top 10, list, caught on camera, top 5, caught on tape, scary, caught on video, scary videos, creepiest, scariest videos, scariest video, top 15, strange, unsolved, bizarre, countdown, real or fake, mystery, creepy, scariest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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