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for those of you interested we're going to do a food plot progress update at the end of the video folks how we doing welcome to good works tractors today i want to tell you all about why i chose to work with summit tractors my own take on it right nobody else just my own reasons i have my own reasons for doing so i got 10 of them actually i'm going to go through those all really quickly try to give you my own take on it right because this was a business decision for me right it's just a part of my business it's not the whole business it's just like bringing on a new product line and well i've recently kind of stepped back from selling used tractors for the most part and and this is kind of a natural fit and this is something that i wanted to get into not necessarily with summit but just kind of in the new tractor lineup in a way for a long time and the way that this worked out is it just made a lot of sense so i'm going to get into that now and explain those reasons again i got 10 reasons so the first one and these are no particular order these are just kind of whatever the first one is based on the first conversation that i had with doug when he reached out to me and said hey i got an idea for you have a new tractor brand i want to talk to you about it i want to discuss it with you so that initial conversation kind of opened my mind to the idea that that this could really have some merit this could really be going somewhere and be something i want to be involved with not without trepidation right not without validation but it started things off on the right foot and that was with just doug's general demeanor his knowledge his industry experience his lifetime well his lifetimes work essentially you know this is the culmination of it he's taking everything that he's done in his entire career that's been devoted to the tractor industry and moving it into the summit brand and that means all of the knowledge you know with the product with the different vendors that are out there not just with tractor bands themselves but with attachments with dealer networks with distribution with marketing with every facet of it that goes on the back end of a company he's been involved with that and this isn't his first rodeo he's done this before he's told you that he's worked with royal king he's worked with agco he's worked with cnh he's worked with all these companies and he knows how this process goes and so selfishly i see that and i think about myself when i had to build my own company in the tractor world and learn all those mistakes the hard way right they're very costly going through them the first time so doug's already gone through that experience he's gone through that over and over so he's had those all those trials and those tribulations to go through and learn from and have experience with so he knows how to better execute this time around and so i could go on and on about that in deep dive more but essentially what i want you to take away from that is that i i take this whole process very seriously myself and i do this with all my equipment right so whether it's good or bad or anything else i still even before i put it on on youtube and market it on my on my website and everything else i want to make sure it's a sound piece of equipment and so that's kind of the underlying basis of this video is to give you that reassurance that that's where this decision to include summit on my channel is coming from so number two okay these earlier conversations that we had it was obvious that the way that they want the tractor to be equipped right out of the gate is how i envisioned and how i've i've made videos complaining about with other brands those things that are missing from tractors and that you don't know about regrets when you buy a tractor because your dealer or your salesman didn't tell you about it and all sorts of these features do come standard you know with the self-leveling loader with the front remote the rear remote ballast in the rear tires an upgraded tire you know there's a lot of things that you get that are included in the purchase price and the basic price they're not upgrades they're not hidden charges not anything else and of course at the end of the day a price always has to account for that and whether you want to call them free or not you're still just seeing the price and that's what it is you don't have to pay extra for it and so that approach right there for me lines up with what i've discussed as a problem with other dealers and other brands in the past and so that alignment is a more natural fit for me and what i expect as a consumer not just some kind of a dealer that sells things as well which takes me to number three which is actually how this tractor is sold all right and i am not going to be selling these tractors i want to make that clear this is going to be sold in a completely different format you're not going to have like a john deere dealership or a kubota dealership or a massey you're not going to walk into a dealership like that and i know that you may think that's strange right but there's a whole other world out there and there's a whole different way of buying anything now whether it's a car or a tractor or paper towel right you can buy it online you can buy it wherever you want and so the idea here is to make it easy to buy and not feel like it's well just strange you know i've gone into so many different locations it doesn't have to be a tractor dealership it can be anywhere and you feel awkward going in there and either trying to get somebody to help you or feeling like they're it's a high pressure sale and so this is essentially going to be a sales model where the tractor's sitting there for you to look at at your leisure it's not high pressure right these these sales guys while they may not know everything about the tractor sitting there that's where the the back side comes into play the website the forum these videos so you can get all that information and have a really well-rounded perspective we don't even have a retail storefront at goodworks tractors right and our business is completely online so we showcase our equipment in videos whether it's a tiller or a snow pusher or a grapple whatever it is it's the same concept with summit they want to sell product differently in a way that many consumers relate to now and so you can go into that retailer there you can take a look at it be comfortable go home come back take a look at it again not feel any pressure you can scan in a qr code apply for your financing right there in the store you can get the attachments you want you can go through that whole checkout process without having to feel funny about it right i sell use tractors i've sold them all over the country folks buy them site unseen they just go to my website they give me a call they shoot me an email they pay for it we ship it out to them right so it's that same kind of concept except this is with a brand new tractor which is pretty darn cool and so my immediate downside to that sales model was the fact that well how the heck is this going to be service then if there's no dealerships around right but there's small equipment repair shops all over the country there's other tractor dealerships all over the country that service all kinds of equipment right and so they already do this they already work on other brands they service them all the time it's the same concept for summit except summit has a complete training course included so that when they onboard new technicians new servicing dealers around the country they have a lot more control over that process and how it's treated and how customers are taken care of and so you don't need a summit branded dealership over here to be able to take your tractors specifically to they're going to have technicians that are already at existing dealers and infrastructure that's already in place nationwide that they've taken on board and trained to work on their equipment i think that's a really smart way of doing business the next reason is the fact that this is not a completely brand new tractor right it's is taking existing technology that's already out there it's based on another tractor itl already makes tractors right they're taking something that's out there they're tweaking it they're packaging it to make it unique to summit but that is part of a huge part of why i was comfortable even showcasing this on my channels because it's not built from scratch from the ground up where you're sure to have all sorts of problems this tractor model has already been proven out and so for me having all that experience you know the mitch bc engine the itl frame and then just tweaking all the extras all those smaller components that come along with it to me is very reassuring because this is this is proven in the market already this is not well what's going to happen to it how's it going to work how long is it going to last right it's already there it's been there for a long time over in europe and so that really lessens the risk overall for the consumer for summit who's involved with it and the parts are available they've been around forever and so just all around it lowers that risk factor it makes me feel more comfortable as both somebody representing this company as well as a potential consumer i guess i didn't have to hose it off huh folks i am loving this it just started downpouring while we were shooting video this is the third day in a row of rain right after i planted my food plots i am like i'm super happy right now this is i couldn't ask for anything better these are the kinds of rains that get a crop started just perfectly it's august was it the fifth today august fifth today i planted on the third right well yeah well it rained two hours after i planted then the next day and now the third day this is great hey want to give you guys a quick update on the status of the food plots on the screen that we have so it's august 12th today and the last time we did an update for you i don't know was a week or two ago a couple weeks ago and it was way down here this was the average height was down in the middle of my shin and so it is like doubled in height in the last week or 10 days wherever it is august 12th again this is a screen that i'm putting in for the food plot um still sparse in some areas i did broadcast some extra in there and actually drilled a little bit that was left over too so we'll see if it thickens up or not but it's impressive stuff it's cool to see how fast it grows and this was a oh a mid-july-ish planting somewhere right around there kind of around the 10th to 15th of july i think it was late in the season to plant it we'll give you an update sometime soon out at richland our other property that stuff is is like up here last time i was out there there was something that was already over my head so by the time we get back out there i'm expecting good things but really good cover screening material here no food this isn't corn it's not sorghum so there's nothing for the animals that want to come in and kind of trample and knock it all down it's meant just to be a screen so let's give you an update on the plot too this got planted about nine days ago and see how that's looking all right so here we are in the plot and again this is about an acre and we did strips all right we did about the south third running east to west is just the cereal grains winter wheat went awry oats and peas and then this middle section here we still integrated all those grains into it but then i'm kind of treated that like a cover that'll all die off and then we've got a lot of clover in here and everything's sprouting up we had really good germination and in fact just a few days after we planted it was already sprouted we had rain two hours after i planted and then i think it was six out of seven days in a row it rained in some amounts that that timing couldn't have been better and then on the far side on the north third uh we still used again those kind of the same cereal grains it's really hard the brassicas that we have all in there are a really small seed same thing with the clover is a really small seed and you don't plant a lot per acre or proportion of acres so it helps to mix that in with something else to kind of get your rate a little bit better and that's coming really good too so really good germination right now on everything across the board and again that rain made all the difference in the world you know sometimes you can have just a huge dry spell and it's just going to sit there nothing's going to happen but so far so good just nine days after planting so anyways back on track so let me get my nose i wrote all this stuff down oh yeah so that's the next the next one i don't know what point we're on but talking about product improvement all right and um i like to show shark tank and so this kind of you hear this a lot on there and it's the saying go something like perfection is the enemy of good right and i had questions for them about when they're going to have this improvement that improvement the other improvement right when they're going to be implementing those and they have plans to do that there they have more plans than just what i asked about to constantly improve the product you know bring a full cab to the market do a bigger a bigger chassis size with a bigger engine all that kind of stuff and that kind of stuff is always coming and it's the same thing that you can get trapped in like me my own products that i that i put out that i design and and taken to market and it's very true is that you can sit around there and wait forever to think you get your product exactly perfect and then wait there's just one more thing you can make and it delays it even further right but as long as the product is as polished right as long as it's a very good product it's executing the way that you need it to it's checking all those boxes if there's little things that you can tweak here and there down the road and approve go for it but don't wait to take it to market because it's this tractor here beats the snot out of most of the other tractors out on the market just at face value so it's a very good tractor i like that their mindset is where it's at is that it's ready to launch now but we're not stopping there we're gonna keep improving it keep fine tuning it keep building out our line the way that we want to down the road all right so next was in fact how they're handling their launch to market right and we've had a lot of interest been a lot of interest a lot of emails a lot of comments a lot of calls to me to sum it correctly on where the heck can i buy the tractor right and so it's a really good problem to have is folks wanting to buy something that's a really good thing and right now they are just temporarily just in texas and oklahoma because that's where they're doing kind of their their soft launch so to speak and you may have heard that in in other industries as well with other product lines too but instead of just hey full bore going at it nationwide where you have all of these different retailers and and technicians and logistics all that kind of stuff to onboard they're starting small and just kind of well if there is a hiccup that comes up in a process you know whether it's at a retailer or with you know something with communication and technician or what the heck it is it doesn't matter but they can they can prove that process out and fine tune it before going nationwide and that's a really smart way to go about it and i do get it's frustrating right you you see a new product you want to go buy it right away and why the heck aren't they in my area and i and i totally get that but that's a temporary situation it's not going to be like that long term you're you're soon going to be able to buy that nationwide wherever you want to and so it's just pretty cool you know you can complain about not having any interest in a product right or you can you know have complaints about there being a lot of interest and not being able to get it so i guess if you're gonna you know pick one or the other this is a good one to have and like i said it's a temporary situation soon enough you're gonna be able to get this at mass retail summit will be filling their website you can go on there and see dealer locators and technician locators and all that kind of stuff they will build that out as soon as the time is ready it's coming soon i promise okay so yeah this tractor is made by itl that's an indian company they are roughly i think it's 30 owned right around there you'll see it on summit's website but i think it's around 30 owned or influenced by by yanmar okay and so they have a lot of influence with yanmar which is a really big deal as well um but yeah this is an indian company and well if we look at my 1025r you're going to see it's a chinese loader bracket that's on there you're going to see other parts stamped with made in mexico other parts that are from foreign countries as well and so there's a lot of assembly that's done here in the u.s there's no bones about that but summit is trying to bring in as much as they can and whenever it's possible to include us-made products and so amerique is going to make the backhoe for them the tires the wheels are from titan goodyear those are an american-made company a lot of their attachments that they're going to have building out this product line are made in america too and of course they're still supporting a lot of usa jobs with not just the retailers but at all the distribution hubs where all these tractors come into the states and are assembled and put together and shipped out right those are still american jobs that are doing this kind of labor and while i am all for everybody is all for made in america right nobody's like i don't want made in america but there's real cost prohibition to that process to having something especially as complex as a tractor or a truck or an airplane any of those kinds of things they have these huge large amounts of components in them to have it all sourced in the u.s is well nobody would ever buy that nobody could afford it because the cost of that finished good would be so astronomically high that would price everybody out of the market and i found that out the hard way on some of my own products that i've tried to develop i had a great idea i wanted to make a balanced box i want to make a made in the usa ballast box just a simple product just a steel box that's welded up usa steel usa fabrication put some extra side boxes on the side of it so you can have extra weight if you want to take this extra side box put it on the other side so you have more ballast weight off to the side if you want to sounds amazing right but the cost is like triple what you can get one of those titan ballast boxes for that are made overseas and get it shipped to you and everything else nobody's going to pay triple the cost for that it's just not in the realm of reality and so imagine that kind of example translating to a tractor and how expensive that could be next i have the freedom to tell it like it is right and so doug daniel they'd watch my channel they know what i'm all about and uh i generally don't sugarcoat things that well i just kind of tell you if i like it or if i don't like it what's good and bad sometimes i inject my opinion i try to let you know it's my opinion but lots of times i want to keep it objective and let you know and you know it's not like i just did a video about all the john deere stuff that i have and all the problems that i have with john deere right but it's not like i i completely knocked john deere i still have all this john deere equipment and i still like all the john deere equipment except for the gator i think it's a terrible piece of equipment but it doesn't mean that the summit's not going to have any problems you know these machines they all have problems right so i expect it to be a problem at some point and i don't know we'll see what it is i have no idea what's gonna happen right but there's probably gonna be something that goes wrong with it at some point down the line just like every other piece of machinery i've ever had in my whole life has had something go wrong with it so it doesn't mean i'm not recommending something just because it has a problem but if it doesn't perform that'd be a big issue and so i want to well that's why i'm starting to rack up all these hours on the summit tractor now we just got it we've got i think 18 hours on it so we'll keep putting more time on it but i want to let you guys know what it's about i want to put that in videos and just kind of give you the good the bad what size attachment it works with what size attachment it doesn't work with some it's got a list right on their website that gives recommendations on what it works with i kind of want to push those limits a bit and see if i can get get lucky and maybe use some larger stuff above what it's rated for but we'll find out and see how that goes you know and lastly and this is kind of selfish to be perfectly honest this is kind of selfish it's actually nice to be appreciated so you know for years years and years and years i've done just a boatload of john deere videos i don't get paid by john deere and in fact i've heard from john deere corporate two times and both of those times were from their legal department to tell me how to change wording on my website to make sure that it didn't look like i was affiliated with john deere because i guess how something was worded could have been misconstrued to think so and then another way was to to make sure that i knew that i could not resell demo or unsold equipment from deer so if deer had leftover brand new tractors they wanted to make sure i knew that i was not allowed to buy those tractors from the dealers and then resell them i just wasn't allowed to do that so those are my two interactions with john deere after the hundreds of videos i've done featuring their equipment giving them free advertising is is just from their legal department to tell me to whoa whoa step it back buddy so anyway it feels good to have somebody actually see some value in what i do and and and i'm trying to run a successful business and and promote my own products right but i'm also trying to just show the real world and i i show things that i screw up on a constant basis and i don't get to get it right all the time and that's okay i'm just learning as i go for like we all are right but um that's the last thing there is is it's nice to have somebody reach out and see value in me and you know that's that's part of the reason i chose to go with summit along with all these other reasons and i hope that paints a picture you know of of why i'm working with summit why i'm putting them on my channel why i think that they have a lot of potential with their brand with how they're going to bring it to market with how they're going to service it and take care of customers and build their own summit treasure community and so this is just this is just my take on it right this is my own my own background my own perception my own my own reasoning all right so anyway there you have it folks and i gotta say if you enjoy tractor videos well we have a lot of them on this channel already out over 500 videos another 500 to come so i'd encourage you hit that subscribe button down below if you do want to see more and if you're looking for something for your tractor it could be a john deere a kubota a summit or whatever well we can help you out with attachments to your front end loader or your three-point hitch head on over to goodworkstractors.com we sell and ship all over the country i want to thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by and until next time stay safe we'll see you soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Good Works Tractors
Views: 59,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, kubota, good works tractors, goodworkstractors, ttwt, tractor time with tim, gwt, michigan, kalamazoo, john deere dealer, kubota dealer, summit, tx25
Id: 8ujHHuLpOvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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