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folks spending your money the right way on these tools that hard earned cash that you've saved up is no easy task to do you can spend it on the wrong tools pretty easily but making those smart decisions can be more challenging than you think with that in mind you've got to track it for a reason right you want to get your own projects done you want to do it the right way you want to pay attention to detail that you're not going to get from most contractors hiring it out there's some good contractors out there no doubt about it but they are pricey right so if you can get the tools to get the job done yourself oftentimes it can be done cheaper and done on your own schedule but not only that man some of these tools you can get a payback on really quickly and we'll go through a whole list of them we're going to focus on the aerators today and I've got a quote actually that are our old house that we had just in the neighborhood half acre of actual yard to aerate that lawn in the fall 348 bucks 350 bucks to get that done one time for a half acre long out here we've got three acres can you times that by six that's over two grand I mean that would mean that one time of using this aerator here would pay for the entire thing so I think when folks look at these kinds of scenarios when they're comparing hiring something out to getting it done they're missing a big piece of that pie which is the fact that once you buy a tool like an aerator it's not just the money's just not gone right it is tied up that money's tied up there but if you use it for five years and you want to sell it you're you can do that you still have an asset and no it's not going to be worth as much as it was when you bought a new but it's still going to be at least worth 50 and a lot of cases 60 or 70 maybe even 80 of what you paid for it new because inflation does its thing over time as we are all well aware of and so those prices keep climbing and so those things that you bought five ten years ago and the same holds true for tractors in general they're going to hold on to their value they're not going to drop like a rock like a car or a boat or something else would do it's just crazy how tractors hold their value and so you have that that tool there that you're going to recoup most of the cost down the road and a little bit we're going to compare the pros and cons of each style of core plug aerator tell you about the benefits as well but I want to go through a list of other tractor tools that are going to be really good values and this means I had to make some hard decisions on some of my favorite tools that are not the best value on getting paid back the quickest all right they're more expensive you know the closer you are to zero typically the quicker the payback not always but often is the case so let's give you a quick rundown of those tools and see if there will be a solution for you so first one up is a stump bucket all right and those have come in very handy for us and for a lot of folks as well and if you do have really big stumps you got to grind those out but if they are small enough to manage and and this can be eight ten maybe 12 inches if they're older or dead trees you could do some bigger stuff and I've been sent some pictures from folks that have had two foot to three foot diameter trees and those had to take a long time with a stump bucket to get out but you can buy one of those for around the grand a little bit more a little bit less depending on if you want a big one a small one whatever else if you've got a lot of stumps to tackle a lot of land to clear one of those can pay for itself quickly and again always keep in mind you can sell that thing when you're done with it here's one of those hard decisions and while I do prefer a land plane for a driveway maintenance and Grading I went with the box blade because they are cheaper you can do the same thing it does take a higher level of skill to operate a box blade effectively however if you have a gravel driveway to maintain instead of hiring that out you can use the box blade to get it done yourself that payback is going to be a lot quicker just because it's cheaper than a lamp plane so that's why it gets the win here another one that was a tough decision for me choosing a brush hog over a flame or I really do love flail mowers I like the versatility of it I've there's a lot of reasons I love flail mowers and in general I would pick one of those but they are a lot more money than a brush hog all right so if you need to mow down your pastures trails anything else that you use a brush hog for around ponds that kind of thing too well you're going to get your payback a lot quicker with a brush haul compared to a Flail Mower and you know I used to do I used to do a lot of services for other folks do a lot of brush hogging and tilling and things like that and uh you can charge pretty good money on a brush hog and so you can kind of keep that in mind as well where you could do some some side gigs and that's a whole other topic where you know folks have their own feelings about whether that's okay or not and if you should be insured or not and all sorts of other things we're not going to get into that now but if you're looking to get quicker paybacks even more than taking on side gigs is certainly a way to do it especially if you enjoy your tractor seat time speaking of doing those side gigs tilling is another big one that I used to do a lot and for me that was one of the most satisfying things and you can see a section here will actually we plowed that disk that tilt that and historically I will just use the tiller but we kind of went a little crazy just to try some other tools out in different applications but this is one of those tools that they just don't get used a lot and I think it's a lot easier to justify if you can find additional creative uses for it we've talked about other jobs that you can do with the tiller like driveway preparation if you're going to put in a gravel driveway you got to get that topsoil out and kind of chop things up and work it up and and get it out of the way and so a tiller's a great tool for that a fantastic tool for yard renovation you have a bumpy lawn at your house and you want to start all over from scratch it's hard to beat a tiller to start your yard preparation and again a perfect tool for those side jobs another great tool for it could be for your yard it could be for food plots it could be for crops it could be for keeping your driveway clear in the winter but a spreader is a fantastic tool and a great way to get a quick payback by doing it yourself adequate this year this spring fertilizer weed control all that kind of stuff on my lawn 900 bucks an application all right 900 an application that's insane for that kind of thing where you can buy you can buy a spreader for you know well if you want a good spreader you know 1500 2 Grand maybe 2500 if you want maybe three grand if you want a really big one point being that kind of payback can happen quick especially if you have multiple jobs to do with it or use it in multiple Seasons you know there's uh the the electric spreaders that we sell from AG spray that will handle snow or ice melt pellets I should say in the winter not salt but then they'll handle you know spreading seed if you want to overseed in the fall they'll handle all the fertilizer applications that you need as well on your lawn on your plots and your crops that kind of thing too so there's so many ways that you can save those labor costs just buying the materials and have a payback in just a couple of years now we did actually recently just get bethco spreaders as well and so I had been looking for a long time for another spreader that wasn't electric but a PTO driven one that was quick hitch compatible which is really hard to find but that would handle all sorts of materials and so these befco spreaders will handle sand they'll handle salt they'll handle all the other dry pelletized stuff you know fertilizers herbicides that kind of thing even seed and all that kind of thing for your lawn and your food plus and and whatnot and so we're going to offer those we'll show you a whole video here at some point with the different sizes I got all the polyhopper versions of those in I just think they do cost a little bit more than the steel Hoppers but they're corrosion resistant they're really durable they're just gonna they're gonna weather a lot better over time and so I think it's worth the investment to get the poly so one that was easy for me to make a decision on was with snow removal equipment the snow Pusher one hands down and this scenario you know it's going to be the cheapest out of your snow pushers snow plow snow blower scenario all right they're the simplest to use okay there's no moving Parts they work for all types of snowfalls okay so you're starting off closer to zero you can use it for whatever kinds of Snows you have and so your payback's gonna be a lot quicker that way and man snow removal costs are going up and up and up and trying to find contractors and back when we were living in a neighborhood they would try to bundle all the houses that they could together to get a better rate to keep those costs down but they just keep skyrocketing right I mean labor rates are going up fuel cost is going up equipment cost is going up and it's just harder and harder to find contractors to do things so prices are just going up because supply and demand that's how it works and while I haven't personally found any great uses for snow pushers outside of moving snow you will see some folks that have talked about using them especially with the rubber Edge on the bottom you know if there's uh flooded areas on on driveways parking lots they'll push the water right off of there I've heard of a couple guys using them for dirt as well I don't know how well that would work so in my mind I would go into it buying it only for snow removal we're proud to be sponsored by rim guard Solutions a liquid ballast weight it goes right inside your tires completely hidden we're big on safety on this channel these tractors are just too light and Tippy right out of the factory not only is it going to help with safety keeping those rear tires planted on the ground it helps with loader efficiency and traction too the benefits of rim guard include being the heaviest all-natural liquid ballast weight on the market it's not going to corrode your rims like the old calcium chloride it's not going to freeze and it's available at over a thousand dealers Nationwide find the dealer near you at all right so core plug aeration and that is not to be confused with spikes all right I do not like the spike so Spike just pokes a hole into the ground and pushes all that dirt around it compressing it all around there all right and that is not loosening up the soil that is just worsening the condition in my opinion so a core plug aerator has hollow tines all right and they're going to go down to the ground and as it's spinning around and the tine hits the ground again it's going to force out that previous plug that's in there onto the ground it looks kind of like you have a flock of geese that are all around your yard but those will dissolve within just a couple of weeks there's no reason to scoop those up a lot of nutrients in there that'll just kind of naturally absorb back down into the ground but compaction is just going to happen you know it happens a little bit from foot traffic but not a whole lot it's mainly going to happen from machines that are driving across your lawn and then just kind of naturally over time as well and it's going to harden the lawn it's going to make it tougher for air water and other nutrients to get down into the roots and be absorbed the water will just start to pool on the top and then run off to the low spot instead of going down into the ground taking all the good stuff with it down to the roots and so by plugging your lawn on an annual basis and you want to do this for cool season grasses and the early spring and in the early fall right in the summer that's when your lawn can get stressed cool season grasses thrive in the spring and in the fall and so you don't want to do it at the end of the spring or at the end of the Fall you want to do it the beginning of those Seasons if you can to get the maximum benefit and also you typically want to do this when the lawn is generally the ground is generally softer all right and so you're going to have more opportunities for rains at those times a year or saturate your lawn pretty good with your lawn sprinkler system if you do have one of those you don't want to do it in the summer just because the ground is so hard and dry you want to do it when you have the best chance for those tines that go down into the ground and you can pull out a two three four inch plug which is sufficient that's what you're looking for you need to add a lot of weight typically and that's why on this guy here you'll see a big old weight tray you can add hundreds and hundreds of pounds this guy here has a weight tray built in as well we've got some suitcase weights in there just for example but the weight is going to be your friend to get that down pressure on there along with soft ground you don't want to do it after a torrential downpour that's not going to be good because it's you know it's more likely to damage the turf with your tires and then tear your lawn up so if it was just a torrential downpour that you had give it a day or two to let it dry out a little bit before you go plug in your lawn okay so we're looking at two different concepts here all right now we've been working with Sweep All and with dirt dog for a few years now sweet ball is a Canadian company dirt dog's a U.S company all right so these are both North American high quality companies now this is going to be a a pull type or a tow long aerator while this is going to be a three-point Mount now the primary function is going to be the exact same right they both have hollow tines on there to pull the cores up out of the ground but beyond that there's going to be some differences all right and so this unit here sweep all and I think rightly so probably says that it's designed to be used at places like rental stores all right and so what they mean by that is this thing is built rugged it's built tough because when you have dozens or hundreds of different operators using a piece of equipment and all kinds of different conditions uh different experience levels and different potential for accidents to happen you need something to be rugged and tough and this fits the bill just fine on top of that being a pull type piece of equipment means you're not relegated to only using it on a tractor all right now we have this hooked up to a tractor with a drawbar and a trailer mover here but you can use this on a zero turn you can use this on a garden tractor you can use it on an ATV or a UTV it just opens up the world to a lot of other kinds of equipment or if you have multiple tools or maybe you've got a tractor your brother's got an ATV your mom's just got a little zero turn or something you can Shuffle it around to all those different places and still use one piece of equipment and so if you're thinking what I'm thinking you're wondering well I don't want the the tines to be just dragging along the ground all the time and so you have an electrical actuator on here controlling these tires to raise and lower off the ground so for transport mode well you plug this thing into your battery all right and it's got a little control box on here you hit a switch or a button and it's going to lower the tires down you reverse it to raise the tires back up and let the tines do their thing and so if you're Crossing a sidewalk or across on a driveway or load it onto your trailer or whatever else you just put it in transport mode and you're good to go and then when you get to the lawn and want to do the work that it's designed to do you just lower it down and get to work now this black box up top here is going to be optional all right that's not a standard feature but it's an optimal feature and something that I would probably recommend getting you want to put a lot of weight in there all right and you can put hundreds of pounds in here whether you put a big old barrel full of water or if you fill it full of sand or you have a bunch of suitcase wasting you throw in there just put weight in there it doesn't really matter what it is as long as you can fit it in here and get it to stay put and you got to work within your limits right if you're doing it on a tractor you don't really have to worry about maxing it out but if you are on a zero turn or some other small two-wheel drive machine perhaps there's going to be a Max tongue weight capacity or max tow capacity that you want to be aware of and so always reference your owner's manual so a few of the highlights about this aerator here is going to be made out of 10 gauge steel going to have flat free tires on there all right so no Flats to worry about which is really great base weights 223 pounds or 275 pounds if you do add on the weight box and again you can fill that full of a lot more weight and then you're going to have two independent hubs down there all right so if you're going on turns the entire aerating axle with all those Hollow Ties on there is not going to spin at One Rate because those inside ones is really or maybe the outside ones well some of those ties would really tear things up if you're going on a turn and so those hubs are independent on the left and the right so that they'll spin at a different rate and minimize the amount of tearing on your lawn so you really only have one choice to make and that's if you want it or you don't want it on that weight box beyond that it's one color Turf green your overall width is a hair over five foot wide while your actual aerating width is going to be about three and a half now Sweep All is a discount Club partner of ours all right and they sell these aerators and they sell some insanely awesome sweepers that Sweep All they sweep up everything they're pretty amazing and we'll show you we've shown you in the past but we'll show you another one here sometime soon too but you can save five percent with code GWT you're going to order directly from Sweep All if you can't find their website just shoot us an email we'll send the link to you so you know where to go all right so now for the dirt dog plugger so this is of course going to be a three-point mounted unit this is going to be 62 and a quarter inches overall width compared to 63 overall width now the usable width or the aerating width on here is 56 and a quarter inches compared to 42 and a half all right so you are going to be aerating a lot wider area but the Keen Eye will note that you have the same amount of rows of tines on here you have 10 rows on here and 10 rows on here so these tines are tighter together closer together and these are spread out a little bit more now you don't need anything else besides just hooking it up to your three-point hitch and raising it up and down there's no electrical or hydraulic connections on this guy uh it does weigh 199 pounds versus the 223 pounds over here all right or 275 with the added weight box so this is going to be heavier all right now you still have the integrated weight trade you can see we've got four 70-pound suitcase weights sitting in here you could cram more in there but they wouldn't fit flush right if you're going to put them kind of stacked onto each other a little bit I'd probably recommend putting a ratchet strap or something over top of it just to secure them in place but you could definitely add more weight than just this 280 pounds if you wanted to so we mentioned there's two independent hubs on the sweet ball aerator now this guy actually has five independent hubs look at that all the way across okay so a little bit different design there but again the reason you have independent hubs is so that if you're turning they can spin at a different rate the inside will want to turn a little bit slower the outside because it has to cover more ground is going to spin faster and so it's all independent there so again it's all about tearing up your Turf as little as possible so you will have two parking stands so when you are not using it you can put these in the down position there quick hitch compatible cat one three-point compatible now these are available in a 48 a 60 and a 72 inch width all right so you have multiple choices there even on smaller tractors you're not putting a lot of stress on the tractor itself it's not a super heavy attachment it kind of rolls along as it's doing its thing what I would be aware of though is if you like to not have attachment stick way out side of your tractor me I think that this is okay a few inches outside either way or matching up basically with the width of your tractor is what I would prefer one of those two options having something Way Beyond is just for me asking for things to go wrong I'll whack a tree or a fence posts or something stupid and so I want to have something more compact so I pretty much know that if my tractor can make it through an area so can whatever I'm pulling behind it now we stock these in Gray if you want a special order something you can get it in other colors green orange red blue that kind of thing just let us know we can submit an order to the factory and we'll ship it out directly to you once it's ready but if you want something quicker right away or a neutral color then gray is what we'll have available now a question that I'm asked from time to time is can we get the heavier Duty series there's I think two other series from dirt dog that are a heavier grade of plugger and yeah we can order those for you there's a reason they're not on our website though and they're just so expensive I mean honestly it has not been worth the time to even create the listings to put the prices up there just so that you can go oh no never mind it's they're really expensive these are a great value so are the the sweet ball I think that and I've talked about this before but I I work with a lot of Manufacturers that sell a lot of products and you don't see 90 95 of those products on our website or on our our YouTube channel and that's because I don't think that they represent a great value i cherry pick what I think represents a great value and then offer that for sale that doesn't mean we can't typically special order it for you but just bear in mind there's a reason why we're not showing it alrighty folks so there you have it okay some tools to get a quick pay back on all right and remember once you're done with that tool whether it's one year five years ten years you can sell that off and recover most of your costs making it even cheaper now we are going to be selling these weights as a bundle all right so suitcase weights are fantastic for not just purposes like this but we sell a whole counterweight bundle too but you can get a versa bracket this is a weight bar right here you can put eight suitcase weights on there either the the 41 or the 70 Pounders on there so fantastic for counterweight well you can see we have hitch hangers on here as well so if you're looking to use your three point for something else you still want to have extra balance weight on the back side you can put suitcase weights on there if you can find a way to hang them on the front put them up front if you need more weight up there there's a lot of ways to use suitcase waste they're easy to move around because they are just kind of the segmented weight instead of a whole huge ballast box full of six or seven hundred pounds so check out those bundle prices on our website so Sweep All Discount Club partner say five percent with code GWT dirt dog you buy them right through our website goodworks along with all sorts of other stuff for your tractor pretty much anything you need on the three-point hitch or the front end loader we can help you out we ship all over the country every day of the week goodworks and I do my absolute best to try to show all the tools that we sell on our Channel all right that way you can have a better idea of how they work in the real world you know it's easy to talk about something up here and and say it works perfectly right but things seldom go perfect but I want to show you the good and the bad so if you like tractor stuff check out those videos I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by and until next time stay safe we'll see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Good Works Tractors
Views: 17,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, kubota, good works tractors, goodworkstractors, ttwt, tractor time with tim, gwt, michigan, kalamazoo, john deere dealer, kubota dealer, dirt dog, sweep all, plugger, aerator
Id: NkIYURt3Vzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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