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now i think it goes without saying don't try this at home this is the newest tractor on the market and we're gonna find just how much weight it takes to tip this thing over [Music] hey welcome back everybody today we have a fun one for you with the summit tractor we're going to be testing out the front end loader just how much it can lift you can see that big old stack of weights that are right back there we're gonna be loading up that stack of weights there in the bucket see how much it can lift up maybe how much you can get off the ground how much to full height give you some real world applications but that's not it you guys know i'm a big proponent of tractor safety and all those weights right there typically go on the back side of your tractor you got to have ballast weight counterweight because when you're lifting up your front end loader the back side is going to want to tip up to treating this front axle as your your fulcrum or your pivot point so teeter-tottering right on there you need to stabilize the back end to lift more on the front end we're going to show you how you do that today now we've told you previously that summit's goal is to have a tractor that's ready to get to work as soon as you get it home including some huge features like a self-leveling loader grapple-ready hydraulics up front and a rear remote but there's one other huge feature that you need to have which you can't see it's right inside these tires here it's called liquid ballast and in this case it's rimguard okay they are the name brand almost like the kleenex of liquid ballast in the tractor world so we have bob fenton with rim guard today to tell you more about it bob i want to thank you for meeting me out here in the middle of a field today really appreciate it can you tell us more about rimguard well thanks for having me courtney i do appreciate it we love talking about rimguard rimguard is an all-natural tire ballast product it's derived from the sugar beet processing plants and the process of creating molasses and then it's the last product in the line we take it back to our facility and we turn it into liquid tire ballast and it's got some great features one it's safe for livestock two it freezes at minus 34 degrees fahrenheit so it continues to roll around in your tire even on the coldest days and then it's the heaviest natural tire ballast product out there at almost 11 pounds per gallon it won't corrode your rim it adds weight safety and performance to your tractor today we've got into the summit unit which is a great great tractor we also sell it in a dealer network that's in every state in the united states 250 dealers total and we service kubota john deere mahindra you name the brand you can get the product in your tire if you're wondering how many gallons of rim guards beet juice tire ballast will go into your tires we have a simple process for that you can go onto our website and simply take your tire size and put it in our tire fill chart and it will tell you how many gallons and how many pounds that will add up to for your tire we have over 2200 tires in the system if your tire is not in there just send us a note and we'll add it to it and a question for you folks watching a lot of you out there have rim guard in your tires right now or maybe even another liquid ballast but tell us does it make a difference there's a lot of new tractor owners out there that don't know either way so if you do have something to share let us know by leaving a comment down below okay so we're going to get to the demonstration here in just a minute but first i have one more question for bob i am asked a lot if you should load the front tires on your tractor that's a great question loading the front tires is a question that a lot of people ask shouldn't we do it you really shouldn't need to you've got a fair amount of weight on the front end of the tractor especially with a bucket or grappler on the front to begin with you also if you're working on flat level ground you shouldn't need it in some cases for safety to lower the center of gravity certain customers do want to see if they can balance the front tires and we understand that lowering the center of gravity adds a element of safety to your performance but you wouldn't want to do it without checking with your dealer and checking your owner's manual we don't want to do anything that would void a warranty if you do decide to balance the front tires check with your dealer and make sure you get the weight balance from front to back so that your unit runs well just recognize that you are putting some additional strain on the front end of the unit when you balance the front tires alrighty folks we're going to get to the demonstration now going to be a lot of work lifting all these weights into the bucket several things you want to pay attention to all right so we're going to be using just the bucket i want you to be aware that if you have a set of pallet forks on here all right where a load point could be further out that is going to affect the amount of weight you can pick up but we're going to be testing how much we can lift off the ground how much we can lift to full height and we're going to do that with and without rim guard in those rear tires to see the difference it makes in both positions and the part i'm looking forward to is we're going to find out just how much weight it takes to tip this tractor over hang on [Music] so [Music] all right so we've got 12 70 pound suitcase weights in there 840 pounds gonna see if it lifts it all the way up so wouldn't lift 840 pounds to full height let's see how it does with 700. and one more take that out put in a 41 pound so okay so we've got 741 pounds is that right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten plus a forty one yeah all right so we were able to lift 741 pounds we're just using the suitcase weights we have so it's not precise but it's pretty darn close um all the way to full height and bear in mind that you do have the weight of the bucket on here too so you're lifting that extra weight a couple hundred pounds perhaps that is on top of it so if you did have a set of pallet forks um it's gonna be probably pretty equivalent on a tractor this size so use that as your own judgment there on what you may be able to lift up so now let's see how much we can lift off the ground um [Music] what's up you can see it wiggling it's off the ground it's free so that's 15 weights uh a thousand and fifty pounds that'll lift it off the ground all right so i wanted to get creative kind of give you another real world data point and we don't have forks on it we're going to use the bucket still but that way you can kind of know if you want to lift something off of a trailer and lower it to the ground how much you could actually lift because i think you can lift more weight versus trying to lift it up off the ground i think you can lift more weight just enough right here to get it off of a trailer deck and then down to the ground you know if you want to offload something from the back of a semi that'd be a little bit higher but just another real world application for you versus just specs that are found online so we're going to see how high this deck is and then we're going to set our bucket about an inch higher so you could like lift something off of it you know basically three foot right it's a hair under about 35 inches but we'll call it three foot we'll set our our bucket to that height and see how much it'll lift she's well it was drifting down to 35 edges all right well it was getting a little crazy there so we had a 41 pound on top here too so we were 1021 pounds that we had lifted at 36 inches off the off the ground that's about as dangerous as i'm going to get with that thing so i think what we're going to do keep it about a foot off the ground keep stacking weight on there see when those rear tires leave the ground you well whatever that weight is in a little and a little push that's a lot of weight 22 times 70 1581 is that right wow alrighty folks well i think if we did our math right it's 1581 pounds we had 22 70 pound weights plus that 41 pound weight every every weight that we had out here and then as soon as i pushed down a little bit the rear tires started to go it was it was a good couple inches off of the ground i threw that one weight off and kind of held down over on this side but that's a heck of a lot of weight now you could not pick this up off the ground all right but if you had a load say you're loading bags of stone or something else in there just to transport it around you could start with it off the ground and then move it from point a to point b but did you see what happened there as soon as i put a little bit of weight on the front it started to tip you know if you get to that max load and you're driving this is stationary but if you're driving along and you hit a rut or a pothole or something covered in the weeds that you don't see you're going to be tipped over in the blink of an eye before you can do anything about it now i think it goes without saying don't try this at home leave this too well i'm not a professional but you know what i mean just don't do it all right but we're just maxing this thing out seeing what the potential is but now we want to show you the difference that rim guard and the rear tires can make okay so we're getting all set up to fill these rear tires here but have one more question just thought of it but a lot of folks want to know can i fill the tires myself at home with rim guard that's a great question and anything is possible first it's cost prohibitive to ship rim guard in small quantities because it's so heavy second we always prefer to have a professional technician work with tires and load tires with liquid in the event that you feel compelled to fill a tire yourself we'd recommend you go to one of our dealers you can go right on our dealer locator on our website find a local dealer and purchase the product directly from them but you'll need a fair amount of equipment to be able to get the air out of the tire low enough to be safe and then to reload it with liquid all right well big thanks to ben that is the entire process encapsulated i've never seen it more detailed than what you just saw on having the rim guard put inside the tires it's going to make the tractor a lot safer and again a lot of you guys watching already own a tractor with rim guard but you're going to get your tractor from summit already set up with rim guard inside it earlier on we did the max lift test we had this raised a foot off the ground put every weight we had in it and then gave it a shake and that tractor started to tip so we're gonna see if rim guard makes a difference do the same thing we're gonna load it up a foot in the air give it a shake and see what happens i made a difference that's all i can get to do i can't get in the tip i didn't do this alrighty so you saw i was jumping up and down in that bucket i could not get it to rock and roll like i was before so that definitely made a difference so again rim guard is part of your ballast solution all right if you watched our other videos you know you want some wheel weights or three-point ballast ballast box suitcase weights and a rack something else along with that maybe an attachment too but i think it's worth pointing out just how heavy this tractor is summit says it's heaviest in class and i have to believe it we lifted 741 pounds i think it was to full height didn't feel tippy at all on the tractor it was kind of surreal i didn't expect that to happen so right out of the gate you have a lot more kind of junk in the trunk on this tractor so to speak you have the loaded tires so you're well ahead of the game compared to the competition so again the summit tractor is just ready to get to work you have the self-leveling loader the grapple ready third function hydraulics up front the rear remote and of course the rim guard liquid ballast in your tires it's been a great day today i am proud to partner with summon m with rimgard thanks for coming out today bob thanks courtney we really appreciate it we love partnering with goodworx tractor and with summit tractor they're one of the few manufacturers that actually ballast the tires at the factory so you receive the tractor safe and ready to operate we really love that about them if you decide that summit is the tractor for you you're buying a very safe unit if you decide to buy another brand please check our site and check our dealer locator you can find one of our 1250 dealers in any state in the united states hey and don't forget if you are looking for an attachment for your tractor maybe for the front end loader or the three-point hitch we're happy to help we sell and ship all over the country every day of the week check out and if you enjoyed today's video we'd love to have you tag along hit that subscribe button right down below and if you're so inclined leave a comment too thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by and until next time stay safe we'll see you soon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye
Channel: Good Works Tractors
Views: 57,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, kubota, good works tractors, goodworkstractors, ttwt, tractor time with tim, gwt, michigan, kalamazoo, john deere dealer, kubota dealer, rimgard, rimguard, rim guard, rim gard, liquid ballast, summit, summitt, tx25, summit tractors, tractors, best tractor
Id: 92LgZl8kNt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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