Why I switched from my JD 2025r to Summit TX25

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hey guys today I just wanted to take a few minutes really to just talk about you know why I I went to this Summit tractor and so because I've I've got a lot of questions and comments wanting to know that so I just thought I'd make a little video and tell you guys a little bit of what about why I switched so my tractor was actually paid off it was a 2019 2025r and it was paid off and the warranty had just went out on it so that was one reason why I started looking into some different tractors and different options and seeing you know if I wanted to add some stuff onto my tractor or if I wanted to go up some horsepower or or if I just want to stick with what I had so started adding up just some of the add-ons that I wanted I knew I'd like some more weight to it so just didn't know if I wanted to you know add liquid to the tires if I wanted to add a ballast box onto the back because most of the time when I had my 2025r anytime I was doing anything that had a lot of weight in the front of the loader I always had my box blade on to add that little bit extra weight onto the back so that's one thing I wanted is to add some weight to it but I also wanted rear hydraulics because I actually bought that Woods three-point stump grinder before I I sold my 20 25 R so that's one thing I was looking into is how much to add the rear Hydraulics to the Tractor and it needed to be able to run two cylinders so just adding up the cost to that and then I sort of started looking around and I went to Good Works tractors and I saw you know they were the first ones to have this Summit tx25 and just seeing what all it could do and then Rock Hill Farms he posted that in Webb City they had one of these Summit tractors at the Atwoods down there so I figured I'd go down there and check it out so I just started looking at it more looking at the specs a little bit and just adding some stuff up and you know I had wanted to start a YouTube channel so I was like well what better way than to get this tractor started up and show people a newer tractor that not many people know about so I went ahead and I bought it and I was luckily I was able to pretty much sell my 2025r it had 160 hours on it and was I always kept the maintenance up on it and everything and so I was actually able to pretty much sell it and go straight across and buy this without having to put hardly any money in on my end to get it so that was one nice thing also is my 2025r was out of warranty and now that I've got this one I'm back under warranty so I just thought I'd take a few moments also and just talk about five pros and five cons that I've seen with this tractor so far so number one for the pros is price so straight out of the gate you know this tractor is pretty much nineteen thousand dollars and I mean I started adding up different you know options and add-ons that I wanted and that just started making my price out of pocket go higher and higher which when I was able to sell my tractor and basically buy this for the same exact price this already had all the features on it that I was wanting to add and so really price that was super nice number two for the pros is the remotes and so like I said this one comes with front grapple remotes and it came with the rear remotes so I was able to get the best of both worlds my 2025r I only had front remotes on it so I was able to come straight across and have both on this one so that was a pro because I didn't have to buy that number three for the pros is the weight my 2025 R weighed around 2 400 pounds and as you know this tractor it actually has uh rim guard in the tires so this tractor is actually about a thousand pounds heavier than my 2025r and you can definitely tell that when you're picking up gravel even if I put it in high and just floor it all the way down to my pond just the amount of up and down that I get and I mean some of that has to do with the suspension seat too but you can tell that there's a lot more weight on this tractor and number four for the pros is the tires so these tires are pretty much somewhat of a hybrid but on my last tractor it was the Industrial big thick grips tires and this one it's a little bit thinner but it also doesn't tear up as much so just this past week I was doing some stuff with some gravel and moving it around the property and the dirt was still a little wet and so I was picking up gravel and I could immediately tell that with these tires I didn't have as much sitting there and you know tearing up all the grass all the dirt but when I went to the gravel and you know shook it back and forth a little bit it did leave some ruts in the yard but overall these tires do not tear up the grass and my property as much as the past tires on the 2025r and number five for the pros is the self-leveling loader so a lot of times on most tractors the self-leveling loader is actually a you know it's an add-on if you want it or not and so this is actually a pro but it's also to me it's been a little bit of a column because I've been having to get used to it overall I I really like it you know when using pallet Forks taking anything off the trailer or just lifting stuff up so this self-leveling loader when you go into something if you pick something up with the pallet Forks when it goes up it'll stay perfectly level and with the what the 2025r had is just the standard loader you'd go in pick something up and as you go up it tilts up so you'd sit there having to bring it down and then bring it down to keep it level so uh I have found you know this is a really nice being able to have that but getting used to it is a little difficult trying to do that so let's go to the five cons number one for me I have a size 11 foot so a little bit of the problem for me is the foot room that this has it is a little bit smaller I would say compared to my 2025r when I have my boots on I notice when I climb up into the tractor from this side and I go to turn and sit down my boot and foot gets caught in between right here and right here and so it's a little bit harder to get on and off the tractor from this side when I have boots on usually when I have tennis shoes you know they're a little bit a little bit smaller so I'm not they're easier to turn around than my boots are so that was one thing I noticed almost immediately because I usually get on and off the tractor on this side because this is where I have my remotes and do my stump grinding from so number two is the joystick this one actually has you know the remotes built in and the button for the grapple is actually just right on top of your joystick and so for me this has been a little bit of a con getting used to it because my John Deere it's basically just a ball that sits on top of the joystick and then I had to get the some hydraulics function so I bought that and as some of you might know or might not know it comes up with a cord on the side and then it has you're able to tape it basically and have the button on the side so you basically grip it and you have your side button right here and so for me this has been a little bit of getting used to having it up top I prefer it over the top and on the side but again that is just preference and I'll probably get used to it after I use it more number three for the cons I would say is it's a pro and a con in itself but for me it is a con because this thing has skid steer quick attach and coming from a John Deere everything that I had was the John Deere quick attach and so my artillery and grapple that I use it actually has a different mounting bracket so looking at artillion you know I added up how much just the skid steer Mount would be to buy that and that came close to about nine hundred dollars to get that instead of the John Deere so luckily for me though I actually had a company send me something that was supposed to be uh John Deere quick attach that was a mounting plate that I was gonna weld something to and they sent me the skid steer one instead so instead of paying the shipping back the company just let me have it so I was actually take was able to take that mounting plate and actually cut cut some of them down and weld it directly to my John Deere quick attach so I could still use that and it saved me the 900 of buying that but at the same time the skid steer quick attach system is really nice and handy because that's what a lot of companies have is a skid steer quick attach and my father-in-law has a tractor also that is the skid steer quick attach so if I ever had any attachments now I can share them back and forth easily number four for the cons for me too is just coming from the 2025r is the key location so the key location on my John Deere was right off to the right of the steering wheel so I'd get in and just start it right up right here and on this tractor the keyhole is actually below right down on here it's right below the steering wheel and so for me that was a little bit of getting used to because the first couple times I got off the tractor I would actually hit that when the key was in there getting on and off the tractor because I was doing stump grinding I would get on and move my feet to go to sit down and I'd end up hitting that key and luckily for me if they would have made those keys just like any other key that goes in and turns I would have snapped that thing off but luckily they made these keys so the back end can actually fold so every time I was hitting it lucky luckily enough it was actually just folding the key in so for me that's a little bit of adjustment getting used to having to go down here and turn it and then hitting it and number five so number five is just repairs and parts so as you know this is a newer company and they're being sold at Atwoods and Tractor Supply and so I've never had to do any warranty things I've never had to buy any parts and I don't know if anybody has yet for these tractors but with my John Deere it was actually I could get to John Deere in about five minutes from where I live here the closest repair center is probably about an hour and a half away from me and John Deere if I needed to if they need to come and pick it up sometimes it'd be a couple days and if I didn't want to wait that long I could get on the tractor and drive it over to John Deere and just drop it off I can't with this so you might want to stick with me because if I do have any problems you'll be able to see how fast the repairs go and even Parts getting parts to how long it takes and so we'll find that out long term if that if they actually end up being really good at responding to repair stuff and how fast I get parts so I hope you like my video I just wanted to give you guys a couple pros and cons and let you know why I bought this tractor and so please hit that subscribe button and like button and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: McClure Made Outdoors
Views: 42,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summit Tractor, Summit TX25, TX25, John Deere 2025r, 2025r
Id: 3gLxGbkSNb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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