Hidden Problems in this $200 XC Mountain Bike!

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so I got a lead on a Raleigh it's full suspension  and we have not yet flipped a full suspension bike   this one's kind of old kind of outdated but it has  hydraulic disc brakes it has Rockshox suspension   and all the parts are fairly good so the fact  that it's old might be a good thing because we   might be able to get this for a really good deal  so let's go stare at it and make sure the shifters   work and there's no tar on the frame nobody  any skidding contests with it let's go get it so it's a good bike besides a chain it just  needs a tune-up and it doesn't need any parts   he's willing to do it for 200. I would like to  pay less but I think this is a worthwhile dude I think we should go ahead and  do it and see where this takes us so I got a chance to really look over this  bike and it's fairly high end at least in   terms of what's on it it's only 29 pounds which  is really light that's lighter than my trail bike   the tires have plenty of meat on them and all  around you can see that the previous owner was   pretty concerned with what they put on the  bike but it's not perfect it definitely   needs some work the brakes don't really work  they probably need a bleed these are definitely   some weird grips they put on here the linkage is  really ugly there's not much we can do about that   I also discovered that the shifters and  brakes are all built into the same lever   that's going to present a problem if we want  to upgrade the drivetrain because it means we   would also need to upgrade the brakes that  could get very expensive otherwise the bike   just needs a really good cleaning so let's  get it over to the wash station and dig in so there are a bunch of black parts on the bike  like these cranks that have lots of visible   scratches and instead of repainting them we could  just touch it up with a sharpie to make it not   look as visible but actually the better thing  to do would be to use this black touch-up paint   it looks a lot more black than a sharpie does  and it's automotive grade so it's going to hold   up really well this isn't going to make it look  perfect but it is going to make it stand out less   and I think it can save us a lot of time as  opposed to repainting the cranks completely   while the paint is drying there's actually  repair we need to do the derailleur   the little gears on the derailleur are called  jockey wheels and you can see how this one is   all worn down here it is compared to a brand new  jockey wheel which I happen to have two of this is   gonna make the derailleur run like new and all I  have to do is unscrew the old ones and screw the   new ones on and we are done so originally I was  just going to break down the linkage and clean   everything but upon closer inspection quite a bit  of this is janked as you can see this little nylon   washer is completely crushed we can probably find  that at the hardware store but the bearings we're   not going to be able to as you can see when we  rotate this one it doesn't rotate smoothly and so   the solution for that is we have to buy new ones  now there are three different types of bearing   cartridges in this and we're going to have to  measure all of them so sometimes you can just read   the writing on the bearing and order new ones but  if you have a caliper measure the inside diameter   the outside diameter and then the thickness of it  and those three measurements are going to be what   bearing you need so if you type in 8 by 16 by 5  you're going to find a whole bunch of bearings   they're all pretty much the same thing order  the one you can get the quickest and that's   what we're doing these are not expensive you can  get a digital caliper on amazon for like 10 bucks   one of the things that stuck out to me  about this bike is how messy everything   up at the fork looks and part of that are  these zip ties but there's also the v-brake   mounts which are completely unnecessary these  posts are made to mount an older type of brake   and this bike has disc brakes so we can just  unscrew them and fill them in with some other bolt   but as I'm getting into it here it looks  like this front brake hose is in pretty bad   shape to replace it we need to of course  remove the old hose measure up a new one   cut it to size and then install new hardware onto  the ends the hardware is made up of barbs and   olives the barb is the interface between the lever  or the caliper of the brakes and the olive kind of   seals it up the olives just kind of slide on and  the barbs get pressed in with this special tool   now if you don't have one of these tools some  hose kits come with these little plastic clamps   to be honest I don't really know what they're for  but it looks like you could use them to clamp the   hose in place and then hammer the barb in yourself  with a hammer it's kind of handy once you have the   new hose installed of course you need to fill the  system back up with brake fluid which in this case   is mineral oil or baby oil seems to work okay  we'll push it up through the bottom with a   syringe and once we know all the bubbles  are out the brakes should work like new   and without those v-brake mounts in the way we  can fashion a new clamp to get rid of those old   janky zip ties I certainly feel better with that  new brake hose I'm gonna take apart the cockpit   here and see if we can make it look a little  bit better there are bmx grips on this thing   yeah that's what they did there was it's an animal  bmx grip with a flange and they cut the flange off so I have these grips they're not anything  special but at the same time they're not   bmx grips with the flanges cut off  they look a little bit more official   the brake lever you push the brake lever down to  shift so this is a mountain bike with drifters   so is the bricked or a real word I did not make  this up brifter is a real word that people use to   describe brakes that have shifters built into them  so check this out let's say you're going like hard   in the paint right right and you're like oh snap  hit the turn instead of breaking you downshift   yeah there's lots of different reasons  why they probably don't do this anymore   so I don't know how many times we can go through  the same things but we are truing this wheel we're   going to make it straight by using tension  on the spokes yeah it looks like we opened   up a little can of worms here hopefully  we have a spoke nipple that will fit this   yeah this nipple fits um yeah I'm  definitely gonna replace this nipple as well yeah see this thing is just totally destroyed   I can't even turn it I'm just trying to  get it off of the bike that's no good so we replaced like 85 spoke nipples every time  one spoke pops another one does and then you just   mar up the nipples and yeah all is well that  ends well let's get this back on the bike   and actually put it back together so it's  saturday and a beautiful thing just arrived   all of our bearings but because it's Saturday I'm  on little girl duty here you want a baby biscuit   here Alexa play Cocomelon here's some music by Cocomelon   this bearing press is really  handy it just really evenly   presses the bearing in you just  know 100 you're doing it right okay so now I just have to remember  how this goes back together there   are a lot of little bushings and  things that we got to get right   hi bubby! that's mommy to the rescue and we  can actually make this look like a bike now now to get this bike ready for listening I'm going  to put a set of egg beaters on it and I'm going   to offer them for an additional price people  who ride xc usually have pedals that they like   so these are going to be optional if they have  a set of pedals that they would rather use   so last few finishing touches and I think we're  done we clean this bike up from top to bottom   we fixed some issues with the wheels  replaced all the linkage bearings   it even got to work with a set of vintage  mountain bike brifters we gave it a tune-up   up and down and now there's only one thing  left to do before we list it stare at it   okay so this is an older bike but it's full  suspension it's very capable and these days   something like this is gonna be hard to come  by and so i've priced it at 500 I think that's   fair I wrote for sale is a Raleigh full suspension  cross-country mountain bike sized large if you   are between five eight and six feet this should  work this is an older 26 inch XC bike which was   really well equipped for its day it is lighter  than most of today's trail bikes and has been   fully tuned up with a new chain grips linkage  bearings and front bracos the bike features   Rockshox air suspension in the front and rear  which are adjustable to your weight front and   rear Shimano hydraulic disc brakes work like  new and have been recently serviced the Deore XT   drivetrain shifts beautifully for a beginner this  will be a really capable xc bike for the price   make me an offer and let's find it a great home  so let's publish this listing and see what we get   okay it's monday morning and we've gotten two  strong offers neither person's haggling they're   just like I want the bike so I'm gonna meet  somebody at 10:15 and if that falls through I can   drive an hour to try and meet the other person  so I think we're going to sell this bike today   yeah I'm new to riding so the one thing I would  tell you about this bike is it's got brifters   so the brakes and shifters are all built  into one so that was easy he was like yeah   my buddies told me find a mountain bike  try to get something full suspension and   I haven't been able to find anything at this price  so let's go home and i'll give you the breakdown   so we didn't get as good of a deal on this  bike as I had originally thought because   we had to replace all the linkage bearings we had  to replace the front brake hose we had to work on   the wheels these are not repairs that an average  tinker is going to want to do and so I think 500   was a good price for what he got and so what was  the breakdown well those linkage bearings cost us   about 15 bucks and we ended up with like literally  30 extra bearings that we can use on future builds   the chain cost us 16 grips cost us seven and  the brake hose cost us ten there were also   miscellaneous valve caps and hardware and bushings  and those cost us about five the new jockey wheels   were 15 and the bottle cage was seven we ended  up spending a total of 75 dollars in materials   and we bought the bike for 200. it sold for full  asking price at 500 for a profit of 225 dollars   that is the most profit we've made by far and  I think it'll be very worthwhile for anybody to   do what we just did to this bike I had multiple  offers on that and not one person was trying to   haggle me they were all very willing to pay 500  for it and that's because you can't find a lot of   decent full suspension bikes for that price so  I hope you enjoyed this episode of flip bike I   hope you learned something if you want to watch  more of these episodes I left a playlist below   with all the other bikes we've sold thanks for  riding with me today and i'll see you next time   it's kind of like an sti shifter on your gravel  bike your road bike with your brake lever and your   shifters in the same situation it is a little bit  like a road bike shifter where you have a brifter   what is that a brifter where  it's a brake and a shifter so   this is a so this is a mountain bike with  brifters so is a brick or a real word it's   I didn't just make it up I did not make this up  for sure I'm positive it's a it's a brifter yeah
Channel: Berm Peak
Views: 1,044,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mtb, mountain bike, bike repair, biking, bike riding, bike tricks, bike trials, cycling, DIY, home improvement, outdoors, building
Id: 3QtcoW_XTDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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