Mountain Bike Products you may not have heard of

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welcome back to Berm Peak I'm Seth and today we're  going to be doing something a little bit different   but kind of the same it's slim pickings in the  product spin seems my brutality has backfired   a lot of companies just don't want to send  products here so amassing enough products   that are interesting enough to do  a review on it was pretty difficult   we normally get a lot of stuff like this  and I can't review this this is a saddle   cover you don't want to see me review  this do you want to see me review this   me start by disclosing that I am extremely biased  against saddle covers the reason that your butt   hurts after you ride is because you don't ride  enough the more you ride the less your butt hurts   I know people who don't even wear padded shorts  or anything all day don't get tricked into getting   a saddle cover with that said this looks like  a slightly more advanced saddle cover this is   very very light and thin this is not like saddle  covers that i've been used to seeing it's got this   sort of mesh in there almost like a honeycomb  this might be better than I originally thought   this is definitely low profile now what I don't  like about it is that it's made of this grippy   material and a saddle should be made of smooth  material so that your leg can slide back and forth   what happens with the grippy material  is that you end up chafing your leg   but I'm gonna sit down on this and take it  for a little pedal and we'll see how it feels i don't know why you would spend half the cost  of a new saddle to put padding on your saddle   if you're actually riding your bike in the woods  which is what this is marketed for it's marketed   like for a racing saddle you're not going to put  a saddle cover on it you want that narrow firm   saddle I still don't recommend you get a saddle  cover try going like four or five rides and then   taking a break and then get back on your bike and  tell me if your butt hurts so the next product is   called the mule and this is designed for racers  who want to be able to repair a flat as quickly   as possible it's designed for speed above all else  this holder right here holds the co2 with a magnet   we're gonna see if that's strong enough this is  your plug applicator and it's also held in with   a magnet so you're supposed to pre-install  a plug into it and boom it's ready to go   so you're supposed to mount this up on  your handlebars and you're supposed to   mount the co2 somewhere else on the bike  I must admit I am skeptical about holding   a co2 cartridge to the bike with a magnet it  just seems like this is going to come out it   really does but we're going to find out as  for the co2 you really have to pull on it to   get it loose I guess we'll send the slopestyle  course on my hardtail so it's gonna get spicy dude I took the wrong line look at that it's  everything's on everything's on where's the   handle trying to escape from Oscar all right I  sent it pretty hard and went through the rock   garden on a hardtail everything's exactly where  I left it I'm impressed okay so we'll do a little   dramatization so you realize that you have a flat  oh crap okay okay it's coming out here boom okay   you definitely have your plug the fastest of  any product i've seen boom now you have your   co2 as fast as possible this is pretty good I'm  especially impressed by how strong the magnet is   you could just use that as your permanent co2  holder and it's never going to come off products   are designed to do all sorts of different things  some of them are designed to look good some of   them are designed to have lots of features this  is designed to be fast for a racer I think this   would be really good and it absolutely does  everything it says so yeah good job so on almost   every mountain bike there is a stem cap it's this  cap that goes on the top of the stem to tighten   down the bearings in your headset and because  it's easy to remove reinstall there are lots of   products that kind of fit on the stem cap now the  first one is not a stem cap it's a stem captain   now if you haven't figured out already it's  just an analog clock that goes in your stem   now normally I would think this is really  cheesy but it's really well made they have   a separate piece that locks on they have a  set screw in the side they have a beautiful   chrome plating that goes around the clock look  they even have that very satisfying film that   covers it up so that you can have it brand new I  mean look at that so that goes there we put our   top bolt in there tighten that down oh that's gone  forever I saw it hit the ground oh oh I found it   check it out it's actually a nice set screw they  really turned up the class on this whole thing   so we're gonna put on our stem cap I'm sorry stem  captain right here wow it's tight fit what more   is there to say about the stem captain it's classy  it's solid it's machined you always know what time   it is that should be their motto stem captain  you know what time it is this is a cool way   to be totally hands-free and know you're getting  back before your lunch break I think that's cool   you don't have to that's my opinion but yeah  stem captain pretty sweet looking product it's pomegranate juice actually this is like  pomegranate cider and it's disgusting you'd   have to pay me to drink I'm actually being paid  right now so the next product is also a stem cap   product it holds an apple air tag so it looks  like this it's just this little puck and the   fact that this could be used as a security  device in your bike is pretty cool because   most people would not suspect that you have some  kind of an air tag in your stem cap we put this   stem cap holder into the bike it sticks up  a lot like the stem captain maybe a little   more because it's got a whole air tag inside of  it they give you this little thing to secure it   now your air tag is totally out in the open but  it doesn't look like an air tag and it's actually   tracking your bike okay so kevin you go and  hide the bike let's see if I can find it   searching for signals so now I gotta go  outside see if it can pick up a signal   okay it's connected we're getting closer okay it  says it's 13 feet to my right if I were to take   a wild guess I would say it's uh behind the  landing right over here but let's get closer and there it is there's my bike three feet nearby  so I don't think this is going to replace like a   gps tracker or something like that the product  is cool it's well designed it's low profile it's   made of metal I just don't know how effective  it's gonna be if your bike actually gets stolen   I give it a undecided but it's well designed  okay so you're trail building how many times   you do this because you got crap inside your  shoes introducing the bandits so this fits over   your normal shoes and keeps debris from going  inside of it while you're trail building and it   was actually invented by a builder up in New York  i've ridden a lot of trails that he's built and so   I really wanted to review this so you can see it's  made of like a strong kind of denim material but   it's still pretty lightweight you take both these  hooks and then you hook them into your bottom lace   so this goes under seems like that would get  pretty dirty and then this one barely fits for   me because I got these big daddy caps okay so what  I'm going to do is I'm going to leave one bandit   on and the other shoe I'm gonna leave with nothing  and we're gonna do a little bit of trail building   all right so that was about a minute of trail  building let's do a little damage check here so   this shoe yeah I got a little loom inside it  needless to say there's nothing underneath   the bandits my shoes are pretty clean the  bandits themselves you're probably going   to want to shake out let dry maybe even put  in the washer but you know the best part is   it's really comfortable I like trail building  in sneakers because I like to be able to hop on   my bike and test something main criticisms about  the bandits is that is this bottom strap going to   get worn away because you're just stepping on  it every single time I'm not gonna say I have   a better solution for it because I don't  cool product and much love to the creator so the next product is a tubeless valve stem  except it's schrader this schrader valve is   supposed to go tubeless it's made by miles wide  very nicely constructed very nice finish and   they included this everclear rim tape that  says make any rim tubeless let's just see   if we can use this rim tape and this to make  this old 26-inch wheel from the 90s tubeless so we've got this taped up as best as I could  let's install the valve stem make a couple cuts   in there we're gonna push this through a little  rubber o-ring and then we're gonna tighten it down although this doesn't really want to tighten down  because this is a single walled rim something   tells me this is not gonna go I think it's make  any rim tubeless but probably not make any tire   tubeless they probably want you to use a  tubeless tire but let's let's see how this   works let's get pumping I mean I can't even  get it slightly a seat it's not air tight i just find it odd that they would make a blanket  statement make any rim tubeless it doesn't appear   to be much different from other rim tape that i've  used but if you search youtube for ghetto tubeless   you have to wrap tape around the rim so many times  that it builds up to the point that it creates a   seal and I believe that this would work for that  because what I'm finding with the schrader valve   although the rest of it was a complete fail  it's not clogged up with sealant at all I mean   the air is just going through it completely  freely and nicely if you are doing one of   those custom tubeless jobs this is the valve  you want to use it's got nice big portholes   and it looks good and so I don't know what to tell  you about this product it's going to have a really   limited appeal although it doesn't work  for what I'm trying to do right now   this is a pretty nice tubeless valve  stem if you need a straighter one gonna   apply to point zero zero zero zero one  percent of the audience so the next product   kids ride shotgun seat I assume people are  sending me stuff like this now because they   realize that I had a little baby daughter of  course one of these days I'm going to want to   take her out of my mountain bike if my wife lets  me so let's see what's going on inside of here   now I'm going to start by saying that I don't know  a lot about this stuff I believe another company   came up with this concept first and so this is  not like an invention but it is their own design   basically what it lets you do is put this little  seat up at the front of your bike with handlebars   and everything sit your kid down on it so they're  in front of you really impressive packaging the   parts are reasonably lightweight too so this is  attached to your handlebars and they're like yeah   and then here is the seat nice and soft nothing  special okay the rest of it was pretty lightweight   this is not lightweight but I think it has a very  important job to do so because my baby daughter is   not really big enough to do this yet we're going  to put it on Kevin's bike and use that to test it it'll baby bars tiny baby saddle all right I guess we'll uh try her out okay Oscar you better get the hell out of the  way dog I'm with it I'm ready oh yeah oh   you're pedaling you're trying to go faster  dude we're dead we're dead if you don't stop   all right so thoughts on this thing is  probably the single worst product i've   ever used in the history of product reviews  it's uncomfortable it's terrifying it moves   all over the place I can't even use the  foot pegs because I'm too scrunched up   now how it would work for a two-year-old actually  seems like it'd be pretty good the seat's got   plenty of padding these seem to be the right  distance yeah if you want to double up on how   many people you can carry on your bike this is a  pretty bad way to do it if you're talking adults so the next product is a lithium ion air  pump I'm interested how it works for bikes   does have a presta valve at the end which  is a nice touch you can take it off then you   have schrader that could be used for your car so  nicely designed product but does it pump enough   air to be useful so we're going to find out I  just want to see if it inflates fast enough to   see the tubeless tire because I know that a floor  pump does now another cool thing about this pump   is it costs as much as a floor pump it's 40  bucks not a bad price it's rechargeable with   usb-c big plus that micro b crap shouldn't  even exist anymore and you can see there's   a nice little readout for your air pressure oh  nice little light so if you're working at night   not very bright I think my phone light is brighter  than that okay so there are a bunch of different   presets like basketball 8 psi car tire 35 psi  bicycle 45 psi so I'm actually going to lower   that down to what a tubeless tire is going  to be at so we're going to go down to 20.   put this little guy on here all  right you just press this button once   I'm not so sure it's faster than a high  volume floor pump I'm sure we're going   to edit this down and it's not going to be in  real time but it's already been like a minute okay so that worked pretty freaking  slow let's do the same thing with the   floor pump and see how long it  takes okay so we're at zero psi okay that was like a fraction of the time  so this is not a replacement for a floor   pump if you really need the do-it-all tool  you still need to have a floor pump with   you but I do like the feature of being  able to just set the pressure and just   walk away pretty decently designed looks nice  feels nice seems to hold a charge but like   I'm speaking to a biking audience this is not  going to be useful at all just get a good floor   pump all this is going to do is save you  the energy of using a hand pump yourself   so those are all the products that I have for  you today I hope you enjoyed us going out there   and trying them out as unscientific as it may  have been if you're an entrepreneur inventor   whatever and you're brave enough to send me  some products then I left some information below   where you can mail them to me and if none of the  products you saw today pique your interest well   maybe a Berm Peak shirt or jersey or beanie  would we're constantly making changes and   adjustments to all the Berm Peak apparel to make  it as comfortable as possible our shirts are all   made with a cotton polyester blend our jerseys  do not irritate your nipples we have lots of   other stuff if you want a rep firm peek don't  get it to support me get it because you deserve   it check it out on thanks for  riding with me today and i'll see you next time dude it's concentrate so you're supposed to  dilute it like a whole bunch so I drank the   concentrate it tastes like pomegranate syrup  it's disgusting okay i'll start with this I got no brakes
Channel: Berm Peak Express
Views: 1,478,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do it yourself, diy, tools, home, backyard, mountain biking, cycling, outdoors
Id: 9o2FpQjoXX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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