10 More places you can find free land.

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As promised I have another list of places you can get free land for the most part free some require you do something with the land or put down a deposit or something like that but no mortgage is what most people consider free and that's what this is kind of all about normally there in the areas that nobody's moving to in the town or State County whatever is trying to entice people into moving to the town state or county by cutting out the biggest headache involved with relocating a place to call home if you're looking for free land in a place everyone wants to live you're wasting your time it doesn't exist trust me I've been looking for a free piece of property across the street from a Krispy Kreme with a Dutch brothers coffee place right next to it for years doesn't exist so if you have a desire to have some property but you don't have the cash I give you number ten Lincoln Kansas as we learned in the last video Kansas has a bunch of towns bending over backwards to get you to settle down in their little patch of grassland heaven the free home site program from Lincoln Kansas offers land to build on within the city limits which is kind of strange normally outside of town or something but it's in city limits near baseball field and apart it also has a golf course not too far away it's no Pebble Beach but you do get to hit your little ball and walk around after it while cussing at least that's how I play golf Lincoln has about 3,500 residents it is about 720 square miles in size they got buffalo and they got some farm animals and they got no crime if you fail to return a library book the same week someone else failed to return a library book in Lincoln you'll fish aliy have a crime wave they have a pizza hut a napa auto parts store in like live Methodist churches I'm not sure why they went all in on the Methodist thing but if you're itching for some Methodist god talk you should take Lincoln up on their offer when you apply for the free land you should know that it also qualifies for a ten year property tax rebate program so that's kind of cool the plot size may vary anywhere from 12,000 square feet to 36,000 square feet and you got 18 months from the date you receive your free land to start construction number nine Osborne Kansas not too far from Lincoln Kansas you have the slowly dying Osborne Kansas like Lincoln they'll give you a lot to build a house on if you move there but they take it a step further the city of Osborne is offering free land for both residential and commercial purposes in addition it also offers low-interest loans and special business incentives just to get your butt in there it's an all-out blitz to increase the economic activity in this city there's nothing going on there the main street of this place is like a retail ghost town if you look up and down Main Street you'll see open business the next ones closed open closed open closed all the way down they've got a bunch of buildings that are just for sale they've tried they give it up on trying to get renters in there they'll just give you the building or sell it to you I don't know if they'll actually give you a building as part of their commercial thing but but yeah there's some complete buildings for sale there number eight loops City Nebraska this city offers lots that are completely free in two different options those options are market rate homes and workforce homes the lots under the market rate homes are provided on a first-come first-served basis with the deposit of a thousand dollars witches were funded once your home is built the Lots that are provided to people with limited income and assets are known as workforce housing they're eligible for loans up to twenty thousand dollars to get the materials to build their home on their free land and the loan has extremely low interest rates now loop city is very diverse not racially religiously they're not like those people in Kansas they have a Catholic Church a Baptist Church the Lutheran Church and a Presbyterian Church along with the one Methodist Church so you can ask for forgiveness five different places on five different days of the week take two days off call it Thursday and Friday you know be a center of those days the resumes you can get all washed away loop city also has a golf course right outside of town so if you're out there screaming profanity you know you got those churches to go to number seven the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio in between Cleveland and Akron Ohio you have the Cuyahoga Valley National Park now the lands aren't free and you'll never become the owner this is on the list because it's extremely cheap and very unique the government has started offering cheap farmlands with a sixty year lease the farmlands are protected and so is the house that's already built they're getting a house and the farm they do charge rent but the average rent is about five hundred dollars a month that's nothing for farmland especially in Ohio it's not bad the National Park Service developed a program called the countryside initiative this program invites farmers to lease land and farm in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park the countryside initiative program balances the needs of land and farmer who must follow strict guidelines for sustainable farm management that's from their website what's cool about this one is the land is beautiful stomach like Kansas or Nebraska where the land is flat and depressing this land has spirits even got a ski resort not much of a resort but they gots place where you can go ski lifts everything it's pretty cool number six Mankato Kansas beside sounding like a grown up sidekick Mankato is a small town of approximately 800 ins where the major industries are agricultural hunting and fishing that's it they do have a place where you get your nails done in your hair dyed pink so that's nice I came across a video by a channel called the yes theory about Mankato they found a list of the most boring cities or towns in each state mankato was the one for Kansas so they went to Mankato and they threw a party like all youtubers should do I think anyway the videos got like three million views already and it was put up like maybe ten days ago so maybe Mankato will get some attention from that video and maybe some from mine and they'll get some traction a couple years they might crack a thousand residents who knows anyway if you comply with all the terms you will get free land for homesteading as of 2018 there was like twenty Lots available I believe your new digs must have a minimum of twelve hundred square feet excluding the garage it's got to have a basement and a porch the other building requirements are that it should have an overhang of a minimum of 18 inches and a two-car garage it's got to be three bedrooms there it is with the two-car garage I don't know what why they keep requiring people to get two-car garages in these places it's weird number five the Yukon Canada okay so it's not the United States I get it I also get a lot of people asking me why I never do videos about anything but the United States so here you go Canada I actually had a guy tell me he was unsub II because I did a video on Vancouver BC Canada last year I asked him what his problem with Canada was and he said get this they're liberal communists and that's bad for America okay so if it's Canada I don't know how it's gonna be bad for America and can you be a liberal communist is that a thing is that possible anyway that's when I realized that it only takes a handful of words for someone to determine that you should never have kids like this dude anyway so our neighboring country has a great program that is giving a way to land for agricultural purposes you'll need to become a Canadian citizen and live in the Yukon for one year before being able to redeem your land the Yukon is a lot like Alaska a bunch of wilderness and not a lot of liberal communists or any other type of person it's a little sparse when it comes to people but if you like living out in the woods it's a perfect place you might even get some land to do some farming when I was in Alaska this last August I met a guy that lives near Whitehorse in the Yukon and he said that all his neighbors well neighbors that live within miles of him think he's rich because he's like one of the only guys that built a home he didn't get a manufactured home so hope tells you what you're dealing with if you moved to Yukon number four manila iowa welcome to the state of Iowa whose slogan is a great place to paint a fence and discuss the weather and now welcome to manila Iowa whose slogan is we don't get many visitors there is really nothing going on here the place is so dull Google Street View car turned off its camera halfway through town manila is known for its low cost of living and tractor pulls who doesn't enjoy a tractor pool mix that with free land to build on and you can get by with next to nothing money-wise their website isn't very descriptive about the program but you can find contact information on the city's website it'll hopefully they'll be able to lead you the right direction and hopefully it's not too the next tractor pull but yeah Manila Iowa has free land don't know much about it because you got a column to talk about it number three tribune Kansas have you had enough of Kansas I hope you have because we're finally done with the Jayhawk State that's one of their nicknames one of their other nicknames is the Free State not only enough they have more opportunities for free land than any other state in the nation nearly 77 underpopulated counties in Kansas participate in the Royal opportunity zone program to get young professionals to move into their communities sounds like Tribune Kansas will waive income tax fees for new residents should you move to the town they'll also help you pay off your student loans for up to fifteen thousand dollars over the course of five years Zillow reports that this program is brought in 25 new people to the town all of whom have pounced on the student loan incentive that's like a major driver if you know anything about student loans its brutal for a lot of kids these days anyway no mortgage tax break save your credit and student loan help I'm stocked only 25 people have picked up on this real estate deal you think a real estate deal like that would you know be gone in an hour but no they still got more land head to Tribune number two Wyoming Wyoming is sort of known for having cheap land it isn't that populated and the state would like to get a whole bunch more tax payers moving in it's not just places that are out in the Prairie either they got a lot of open land they have some great programs in the cities like the state capital of Wyoming which is Cheyenne Wyoming rehabilitation and acquisition program helps put affordable homes back on the market by rehabbing abandoned homes for low-income households there are also three homes for free in downtown Cheyenne that no one's claimed yet it said no one claimed them but I've also heard from someone else that if they didn't claim him soon they were gonna tear him down they might have already been torn down now but the same person also told me that they'll be offering more as they try and revitalize Cheyenne so keep looking for that one but Wyoming has a lot of programs to get people into the state sure the locals don't want you moving in there they seem to think you know of outsiders come in they're gonna ruin their little prairie paradise or something like that but yeah the government and the shop owners and commercial businesses they want people in and number one the United States so the United States has a lot of other land that they want to give to you most the time it's farming land agriculture whatever and it comes in the form of grants if you don't know about grants they're programs funded by the federal government in most cases to help people with various projects including obtaining land now some people might think that getting money or land from the government's like taking a handout it's not the United States has a lot of lands they don't need they don't want and they don't want to pay to maintain anymore if they can't sell it it just sits there accumulating costs in maintenance on the land if you take it it's your problem so by taking this land you're actually helping the government now the thing about grants it's got a downside it takes a lot of time and a lot of paperwork and you got to do some studying to know how to do all this or you could actually hire someone to help you out with the grant I'd advise just do the research you have the internet do the research the United States Department of Agriculture has a lot of programs around affordable loans and grants for agricultural purposes there are always new ones coming up so keep checking back at the USDA's website I'll leave a link below periodically new opportunities will come up that may lead to you getting free land for farming you want a farm this is one of the best ways to do it unless you've got a big bank account and you just buy a farm like I said I'll leave links below and maybe something will work out for you guys if you've ever been through a grant thing or you've ever gotten free land from the government leave it in the comments section below I'd love to hear your story alright so that's the end of my video the ten places to get free land and more places to get free land I guess we did one before I hope you guys enjoyed it hope you got some information out that's the most important thing get information out of my videos get a couple chuckles move on with your day anyway don't forget all the links below become a member of the channel buy a t-shirt all that stuff helps out the channel everybody have a great day subscribe and be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 819,960
Rating: 4.8840661 out of 5
Keywords: Royalty Free Images Stock, Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, worst cities to live in, world according to Briggs, Mortgage, mortgage broker, real estate, Kansas, Canada, nebraska, relocate, student loan debt, student loan forgiveness, small town america, free land, student loans, worst cities in america, worst places to live, united states, where to live, best places to live, student loans debt
Id: OjHxinwZ-Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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