Top 10 Exact Moments We Fell Out of Love with a TV Character

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one thing I have very little tolerance for it's Rich privileged children viewing the world as their private playground welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most unforgivable moments and actions of beloved TV characters that made audiences give up on them completely we were on a break number 10 Andy set sail the office after entering the picture in season 3 Ed Helm's buffoonish director of sales was polarized for many viewers his immaturity was pretty evident even for a Dunder Mifflin employee just stop doing it you're going to drive me crazy fine I'll just go sit at my desk and be quiet sorry I annoyed you with my friendship over the course of the next few seasons however he underwent significant character growth and became a valued Ensemble member yet in the final season Andy alienated fans and his co-workers when he abandoned his girlfriend Aaron who already had abandoned issues to sail the Caribbean with his brother I am very pleased I could help Andy would I have gone with him if he'd asked me on his sailboat cruise to the Caribbean yes I think that would have been really fun and romantic this reminded viewers of the callous and selfish guy he was when he was first introduced even a hasty attempt to win back some of his Goodwill in the latter half of the Season failed to rectify the damage let's get back to busting some paper Rhymes come on who's that girl who's that girl it's Andy number nine Deb's feelings for Dexter Dexter he may be a serial killer but Dexter Morgan has a soft spot for his adopted sister and after six seasons we learned just how much of a soft spot she had for him it's your safe place yeah since we were kids Deborah Morgan was a character who brought out the human side of Dexter but in the sixth season she realized she was in love with him kicking off a bizarre turn of events in a show that was no stranger to bizarre turns of events God you can't keep doing this to me I've almost lost you twice I love you murder was one thing but this was a bridge too far for many viewers Deborah's Devotion to Dexter before was adorable if sad adding this unnecessary layer only made it incredibly disturbing thankfully it didn't last too long it's like I've always been looking for someone like Dexter or someone who's the opposite of Dexter as a way to avoid the fact that I'm in love with him number eight Nate betrays Ted Ted lasso head coach Ted lasso treated his coaching staff like family among them was Nate Shelly his Protegé and assistant coach however Nate quickly grew jealous of Ted and it all boiled over in this penultimate season 2 episode try out your fake nine false nine hey this looks very nice thank you here we go again give Ted yet another idea he'll take all the credit for in a shocking and heartbreaking turn Nate betrayed Ted by leaking news of his anxiety attacks to the press it was a rare moment of viciousness from a character we'd come to love cuz you sure as hell don't belong here but I do I belong here this this didn't just fall into my lap right I I earn this nevertheless just like all things on Ted lasso The Fallout ultimately concluded on a Al note despite the Betrayal and hurt Ted and Nate eventually reconciled although the incident made fans completely second guess the show's central theme of kindness It's okay please please can you just let me say it I'm sorry number seven Carrie breaks up with Aiden Sex and the City the columnist at the center of this HBO Comedy set in New York City often left us scratching our heads car's ongoing will they won't they relationship with Mr B made for some rich drama but it also hindered our understanding of her character wow what's wrong with [Music] you I get it you've never been in love the most egregious example of her self-serving Behavior came when she broke up with Aiden whom the show made out to be a near perfect guy he was sweet handsome and attentive qualities that stood in contrast to Big who could be cold and infurious in Aiden even forgave Carrie when she cheated on him with big I am yours there is nobody else I love you but I can't marry you to make you trust me so when she abruptly decided to end their relationship it didn't make any sense suddenly car's hopeless Romanticism just seemed ridiculous can't believe I'm back here again number six Rory drops out of Yale Gilmore Girls if laurelai Gilmore wanted anything it was to see her daughter attend an ivy school and not become the spoiled rich kid her parents envisioned this is for the best listen um I've got to get back we have a big staff meeting in a few minutes and I want to get back and make sure everything's set up and ready we'll see you tonight my one and only Offspring well as it turns out those two things might go hand inand having grown up believing she was inherently exceptional Rory's response to a rotten internship experience was to impulsively steal a yacht and then act indignant when forced to take accountability nice and seaworthy not ours to take that ever stopped you before I think I've had a bad influence on your Ace her decision to drop out of Yale was the culmination of a series of bad choices driven by a bruised ego now we can cut her some slack due to her young age but as any fan would tell you Rory lost some of her shine after this incident you're making a mistake no I'm not this is normal college kids take breaks like this all the time you didn't go to college so you don't understand no I didn't go to college number five five Fiona endangers Liam Shameless Shameless threw so much at Fiona Gallagher handing her The Unofficial responsibility of sole parent over her multiple siblings I'm not asking for your pity or your admiration I just want to be able to give these kids everything that they deserve because they're great kids given her circumstances we forgave her when she occasionally went off the rails in a show full of characters constantly going off the rails Fiona's missteps kind of felt earned however in season 4 her actions took a more troubling turn as she cheated on her boyfriend with his brother and ended up in possession of Narcotics going to be okay right her youngest brother Liam accidentally ingests the drugs she carelessly left out resulting in his hospitalization and Fiona's arrest watching her grapple with overwhelming guilt was moving but it was the natural conclusion to a series of really dumb decisions please tell him please tell him that I love him okay and I'm so so sorry please please let number four we were on a break friends hindsight is 2020 Ross Geller was a lovable if somewhat goofy paleontologist who spent the whole series pining after Rachel even when he was marrying another woman hi Ross hi Ross Take the Emily take the Rachel Emily but when the two were broken up or on a bridge break depending on who you ask and Ross slept with someone else a lot of people started to see he wasn't all he was cracked up to be then on top of that he almost expects her to be grateful for his efforts to keep the affair hidden like I wanted him to tell you I ran all over the place trying to make sure that didn't happen oh that is so sweet I think I'm falling in love with you all over again Ross continuously digging his heels in over the semantic may have launched a catchphrase but it also really made him look like a jerk oh I'm sorry were you speaking to me or sleeping with someone else we were on a break you know Ross why don't you just put that on your answering machine hey hey it's valid okay number three Spike attacks Buffy Buffy the Vampire Slayer prior to this season 6 episode Spike the vampire was a fan favorite The Forbidden romance between him and his Slayer Buffy was fraught and teased out for most of the series are you hurt you're not moving so well get out we have to talk I really don't however the dynamic took a darker turn in this particular episode when Spike makes aggressive advances towards Buffy before pinning her to the floor if their relationship wasn't doomed before among the fans this incident seemed to seal the deal for many what have I done despite the show's array of frightening monsters from hell this was perhaps the most unsettling moment across all seven seasons actor James Marsters who portrayed Spike found the scene so difficult to shoot that he vowed to never do anything similar again and she shall look on him with forgiveness and everybody will forgive and love number two Alex leaves Joe for Izzy gry's Anatomy Dr Alex Kev arrived at Seattle Grace Hospital as a cocky and generally unlikable intern over the next 16 Seasons we witnessed his transformation into a caring and loving partner to Dr Izzy Stevens today I become a husband today I become accountable to someone other than myself today I become accountable to you after Katherine higel the actress who portrayed Izzy exited the show viewers had to adjust to kev's tumultuous romance with Dr Joe Wilson however all of that progress was undone when corev abruptly left Joe via letter the last thing on earth I want to do is hurt you but I'm leaving I already left actually I'm gone not only did he depart without a proper goodbye but he also reunited with Izzy who had left him years before and had been raising his secret children the whole time even fans of carev and Izzy's relationship thought it was an unfortunate mishandling of a key character's exit and I'm applying to the hospital nearby and I wanted to be man DIY for keeping them from me but I can't because all I am is grateful she made them before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one dais destroys King's Landing Game of Thrones witnessing the conclusion of HBO's Epic Fantasy series was bittersweet for us all Jamie Lannister's character development was all but undone by his decision to die with his sister Cersei Nothing Else [Music] Matters Nothing Else Matters only us Daenerys Targaryen on the other hand always bore a bit of her family's Darkness instead of taking us on that ride with her and delving into the corrosive nature of hatred the show chose to FastTrack her descent into a snarling mad woman the next time you fail me be the last time you fail me in the penultimate episode audiences watched in horror as she ordered her Army and her dragons to ravage the city of King's Landing we were always destined to fall out of love with Daenerys but the rushed final season made it impossible to really process that loss what about everyone else all the other people who think they know what's good they don't get to chose what TV moment completely destroyed a character for you let us know in the comments I did it all Frank well that helps you sleep better do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from M Mojo and be 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Channel: MsMojo
Views: 362,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, Streaming, TV, buffy the vampire slayer, carrie bradshaw, daenerys, dexter, exact moments we fell out of love with a TV character, friends, game of thrones, gilmore girls, grey's anatomy, list, mojo, moments that ruined TV characters, moments we stopped liking TV characters, msmojo, rory gilmore, ross geller, sex and the city, shameless, spike, ted lasso, the office, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: X3Ft5LJwXvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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