10 Mysterious Event That Will Make You Question Reality!

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we are living in an enlightened age there has never been a better time in history for humans with science and technology we're able to understand our surroundings better than ever however every so often something will happen that will totally stumped us sometimes something so strange will happen that we will question everything we know today's video is the top 10 mysterious events that will make you question reality if anyone has an explanation for what they see then go ahead and let us know don't forget to smash the like button subscribe to the Supreme and click the notification bell for more late content let's get rolling number 10 the falling blackbirds shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve in 2011 thousands of blackbirds fell from the sky landing lifeless on the ground the mysterious event happened in the town of Beebe in Arkansas United States the next day a clean-up operation was underway and 5,000 fallen Birds were counted the birds were found to have suffered blunt force trauma colliding with trees cars and buildings initially fireworks were blamed but the story gets even weirder around the same time of year 100,000 drum fish washed up on the banks of the Arkansas River it is thought that they have been infected with a mysterious disease the two incidents happened just 125 miles away from each other and some people genuinely thought it was a sign of the end of times adding to the mystery even further the same thing happened again on the anniversary of the first incident on New Year's Day 2012 blackbirds began falling out of the sky just like the year before except this year fireworks had been banned to stop a repeat of the incident it happened anyway but why well we don't really know similar shocking events have been reported across the world including in Australia in july 2019 when dozens of birds dropped down having appeared to be poisoned number nine the change of the humpbacks whales have been around for 50 million years so when they start changing their behavior after all that time something strange is definitely afoot recently it was reported that humpback whales have been forming super groups which is very odd behavior for the typically solitary creatures who only come together to breed marine biologists have noticed large groups of whales ranging from 20 to 200 traveling together at a time they have also been noted to have strayed thousands of miles away from their usual feeding grounds and many have altered their whale songs while the change in tune is thought to be in response to the sounds of new ships in the oceans scientists can't yet explain why their behavior has changed so drastically researchers working on putting together the answers have called the change novel and intense whatever is going on with the humpback whales seems to be working though unlike most sea species their numbers are increasing before we move on to number eight I want to talk about this image that was found on the internet now obviously it can't be real because if it was we would all likely be gone right now for the planet Saturn to be that close to Earth would mean it would be on course to hit and destroy us by that point our gravity would be all out of whack to as cool as seeing another planet up close would be we don't want our solar system to be disrupted as it would ruin our place in orbit which would be a total disaster number 8 the Potamus give crater nicknamed the fire Eagle's Nest because of its peculiar shape was discovered in 1949 by a Russian geologists the strange rock formation in Burkitt's siberia was given its name because of its extremely strange look which looks like a giant bird's nest with an egg inside it what happens if it patches the crater is around 500 feet in diameter and is thought to be approximately 250 years old but nobody knows exactly how oh it really is they also have no idea how it got there there are a number of theories circulating and some people think it was a slag heap although historians say that the population in the area was never big enough for that scale of industrial effort others say that the formation was made by a volcano but none have been found nearby the area has low background radiation which has led some to speculate it could have been a nuclear testing site some people think it is straight up the work of aliens the story of the crater gets even weirder than that it seems that it is a lie the crater rises and falls and changes shape and trees within its vicinity grow really quickly number 7 struck Roy C Sullivan is the lake Guinness world record holder for most lightning strikes survived shockingly Sullivan was struck seven times in his life defying the most unlikely of odds Roy was a park ranger in Virginia and had a reputation for being the unluckiest man in the world he was first struck in 1942 then again in 1969 his bad luck ramped up in the 1970s when he was struck a further five times his last strike left him with a nasty chest and stomach burns being struck by lightning means being hit with 100 million volts of electricity and it is miraculous that he survived why Sullivan was such a good conductor we don't know the vast majority of people will go their entire lives without encountering a single lightning strike in fact the odds of ever being struck are just 1 in 3000 to be struck over a half-dozen times is so unlikely that it's almost ludicrous Wow Sullivan survived being struck by lightning again and again unfortunately being lovestruck led him to his end it is reported he took his own life after being romantically rejected how sad number 6 the fish frozen in time can you imagine taking a scenic stroll along the beach and finding fish frozen mid leap in a vertical ice wave it looks like The Snow Queen had five and turn the world in the ice kindergarten teacher and amateur photographer Kelly Priam was walking by South Dakota's Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge in March of 2015 when she snapped this picture she waited two years to share it online but when she did people were horrified he's speaking to news publications she said that there were thousands of frozen fish on the beach how did this happen well the theory is that big snowfall covered the surface of the frozen lake and prevented sunlight from getting down below into the water this in turn disrupted photosynthesis for algae in other water plants which meant that the fish suffocated from the lack of oxygen how they got into the formation they were in when the photograph was taken is a much bigger mystery number five the sky trumpets sky trumpets are a phenomenon that have occurred across the world people from Canada Germany Sweden the United Kingdom the United States and Australia have all reported hearing trumpet-like sounds in the air in Gothenburg one concerned citizen recorded the phenomenon and uploaded the video to YouTube in 2018 where it amassed over 100,000 views the trumpets sound like a bad day at band practice and as of yet nobody can explain what they are and where they might be coming from [Music] some people think that they are biblical seven trumpets of the apocalypse and others think they are alien sounds coming from space number four the breathing earth this is absolutely insane in 2018 Jean Arthur captured a video of the earth breathing on camera I don't know about you but since watching The Wizard of Oz as a kid I've always been a bit scared of forest trees coming alive this forest in sacre-coeur and Quebec certainly does look like it's alive to me the video shows the ground rising and falling as if the earth is breathing what is going on this looks like something from a Harry Potter novel or a sci-fi movie according to scientists the strange occurrence is actually explainable they say that events like this occur when the ground is saturated and the conditions are very windy the inhaling and exhaling is actually the work of strong winds pulling the trees upward along with the forest floor this is just as scary as the earth breathing as it means a tree could easily topple over you don't want to be standing there with your camera if that happens number three the Battle of Los Angeles one of the strangest events in American history took place on the evening of the 24th of February 1942 and lasted until the early hours of the next day the mysterious event took place amid the second world war at a time that the United States had just entered into war with Japan following the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor tensions were running high in naval intelligence issued a warning that an attack was imminent that night flares and blinking lights were seen in the sky causing air-raid sirens to sound a total blackout of the city was ordered in the United States military started shooting at objects and lights in the sky the strange thing is nothing came down there were no shots fired at the defending military and no aircraft were taken down by the American bullets the incident was front-page news and we're the next day it was all declared a false alarm a lot of people accused the United States government of hushing up the news for some reason or another the strangest thing of all is that there were hundreds of eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen the lights that night including military members who were adamant that they shot at aircraft number two the city in the sky are we living in a parallel universe in October 2015 something deeply mysterious was seen in the clouds over the Chinese city of Foshan looking up into the sky hundreds of people reported seeing a city rising in the mist video evidence of the phenomenon was recorded and uploaded to YouTube and was shared all over Chinese news outlets there were a lot of theories as to what the city in the sky might be some say it was evidence of a parallel universe some thought it was some kind of religious Second Coming and some even pointed their fingers at NASA for projecting Holograms into the sky it turns out it was likely a mirage called Veda Morgana this happens when light rays are bent by dense air in warm conditions whatever it was it was certainly very weird and a very similar incident took place in another Chinese city just two years later coincidence or a sign number one the space war space is a vacuum which means it should be silent it isn't while sound waves can't travel very well through space radio waves can and they have been but where are they coming from good question scientists say that most objects in the known universe emit radio waves including stars our own galaxy the Milky Way is said to give off a cosmic hiss there is one sound though that is bothering scientists across the world in 2008 NASA started discussing a space war a booming sound six times louder than anything they expected to hear it seems that analysts ruled out other stars and galaxies some believe it could be from a giant burst of radiation possibly left over from the big bang ten years have passed since it was first discovered and we still don't know what's causing it it goes to show there is so much about our universe that we simply do not know anything could be possible out there and many people are wondering what exactly the universe is shouting at us the question is are we ready to know the answer so that was ten mysterious events that will make you question reality which of these had you questioning it the most let us know in the comment section down below
Channel: The Supreme
Views: 4,447,231
Rating: 4.8238311 out of 5
Keywords: mysterious, mysterious events, mystery, events, event, most mysterious, unbelievable, unbelievable videos, cannot be explained, cannot explain, cant explain, scary, phenomena, mysterious phenomena, unexplained mysteries, unexplained, countdown, top 10, creepy, caught on tape, caught on camera, footage, found online, frozen, found frozen, found frozen in ice, in the sky, strange phenomena, city in the sky, space, discoveries, discovered, found on earth, Top, Lists, videos, scariest, New, Viral, 2019
Id: ZDS6pWuWJk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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