10 MUST HAVE QOL Mods for Baldur's Gate 3 (2024)

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hey guys Omaha here today I'm going to be going over my top 10 favorite quality of life and UI mods for balers Gate 3 now these mods aren't going to add anything new gameplay-wise or balance-wise but they're going to enhance the vanilla experience and remove some of the tediousness in the game towards the end of the video I'm going to add some bonus ones that didn't quite make the list but in my opinion you're still really good before we jump into this list I want to mention that I found all of these on Nexus mods that's where I downloaded all of them that's where I suggest you go to get them I'll link them down in the description as well and then there will be chapters down below so you can skip around to whatever mods you want to see so with that let's jump into the first one and this is probably my favorite out of all of them there's one mod I can't play the game without it's this and this is native camera tweaks so what this does is it changes the camera and unlocks it basically so it'll unlock the camera pitch Zoom settings all that kind of stuff and it even comes with a text file that you can edit to customize it even further I didn't see the need to do it just straight out of the gate it's already really amazing but it's there if you really want to so here we are in game as you can see you can zoom out really far you can zoom in super close I mean you can literally see the pores on my character's face it's pretty crazy you can see like the textures on his clothing like there's like a felt texture there and like some leather really just gives you the freedom to zoom in super close on a lot of things or zoom out and see things in a better way like you can go all the way up top down or zoom in just pretty much on anything and it's just a way to see how much detail that larion put into this game that you wouldn't otherwise notice my only gripe with the game on my first run was the camera I personally didn't like it very much and this pretty much solves every issue that I had with it it's also worth noting this works on controller as well you can just move the right analog stick to look around and if you hit the Tactical button it just gives you even more options like you can make it look like a classic type of game with an offset angle like that or go pure top down you can just go flat and zoom in do whatever you want and even if you zoom in on like your character you can like see how much details on the weapons pretty incredible I mean the detail in this game they really went all out but there are some more bangers on this list so let's get into those okay for our second mod we have WD character movement and it's pretty self-explanatory you can use WD to move around in the world and this pairs extremely well with Native camera tweaks they pretty much go hand in hand with each other I wouldn't use this one without having the other one so like I mentioned before you can use WD to move around in game and I know when I got a lot of my friends to try this game that was one of their main complaints is not being able to move around with WD so I know a lot of people like that some people don't really care but there is the option to toggle it if you hit caps lock that'll unlock the camera back to how it was before and you can still click around and move around and then you just hit caps lock again it snaps you back to your character and uh you just walk around with WD and then you can use the middle Mouse button to like look around and then you can zoom in make it like a third person type of game which is pretty sweet totally changes how you view the world in this game it's also got an auto walking feature so if you hit shift W you this Auto walk and then you can just steer with the mouse and then also if you hit insert you can toggle between walking and running the most important thing I think for this mod is that you can fit in pretty well at the Druid Grove of Afterparty and you can bust out your dance moves finally show your unlock your true potential so you're not going to be the only one sitting on the sidelines so you can bust out some sick moves now all right the the third mod on our list is aether's immersive UI you've already been seeing this one the whole time basically what it does is it hides the UI until you hover over it with your mouse cursor so it just makes the game more immersive and that pairs extremely well with the native camera tweaks and the WD movement so really having all three of these you're golden which makes it just so much more immersive to get around the map this mod also has separate files for the mini map buttons so you can make it so only these buttons are contextual and the mini map will always stay up so it'll just hide these buttons until you hover over them or the party buttons as well you can leave the party portraits up but the buttons here will be contextual so they'll be hidden until you hover over them and I also forgot to mention the combat log is contextual as well so that's hidden until you hover over it too pretty nice mod to make it a little more immersive but before we move on I want to talk to you guys about raid Shadow Legends raid is a free to-play raid is a free-to-play fantasy RPG with a captivating storyline and Online PVP and PVE content explore a visually stunning Fantasy Realm featuring over 800 Champions across 15 playable factions the game is available on Android iOS and PC and you can download the game for free using the link in my description or the QR code on screen raid consists of a campaign full of cut scenes and a story set across 12 different locations across Taria you can also jump into dungeons where you earn powerful artifacts to strengthen your Heroes and the arena where you can engage in PvP battles for more powerful rewards and improve your Great Hall stats once you at level 13 you can join a clan or create your own and participate in Clan boss battles and Clan versus Clan battles to get free rewards like gems artifacts shards and unique items upon hitting level 30 you'll unlock faction Wars and at level 40 you'll get access to the Doom Tower which is raid's most challenging content aimed at late and endgame players only available until January 10th is the Christmas update a special holiday themed event where you can follow Sir Nicholas through a festive story it comes with Min games to solve and the chance to win both ingame and real life prizes also new to raid is the new curs city update which is one of raid's biggest featur features and its biggest update since the Doom Tower as you make your way through the cursed City's 100 stages and complete various quests you can get your hands on a mythical Champion alongside other rewards if you haven't checked raid out yet don't forget to use the link in my description or scan that QR code on screen and you receive for free both the Epic her light sworn and once you reach level 15 Juliana as well all right let's get back into the mod list okay for our fourth mod we have autoloot seller V3 this one could be considered cheating to some I guess it's more of a convenience type of thing so it does what it says it auto sells loot that is actually useless so there's an internal list of more than 800 useless items or you can configure your own list and it's going to sell them for 40% by default also configurable of their value so this corresponds to what a merchant would give you with a persuasion bonus of zero items that would sell for a fractional amount inferior to one will accumulate and give you your gold coin when it reaches one so you're not wasting money and then stuff you can expect to be automatically sold are like common rings and necklaces minus the quest ones value valuable items like paintings Cutlery precious gems and again not diamonds since they're used in quest decorative items like bottles buckets Etc rotten food pretty much every single useless item so in game what's that's going to do it's going to give you this bag called The Marvelous sack of Commerce and so what you do with that is you open that it's going to turn on edit mode and things you want to add to your own list to automatically sell you just drag in there so if I add water to that water will be automatically sold as soon as I pick it up close the bag and then edit mode is off and now it will sell water every time want to remove it from the list you can just open the bag in take it out out and then water is off the list here I've got 147 gold if I pick up some useless items let's see Tin Cup some plates forks I don't know more cups open up my inventory I'm at 148 gold that stuff's not worth much obviously but it's nice if you're accidentally picking up stupid things and you don't want it to clutter your inventory I guess it could get a little abusable if you just run around and pick up everything but then again you could just do that anyway and go sell it to a Trader and then also to conf configure this mod I forgot to mention you'll drop the bag and then you hit it so that pulls up the configuration and you can say yes if you want to configure and then it'll ask you yes or no questions and that's how you customize it next up we have better containers so what this does is increases the default size of a container's grid and then it has a few quality of life improvements with it as well by default the Grid's only 3x five and so this has a couple different files that you can choose from so you have better containers 5x5 they're 6x7 which is what I'm using 6x7 scaled down a little bit so it doesn't take up as much room on your screen and then there's 8x9 it's also scaled down so in game does a couple things so if you go up in a container here you see that I have 6x7 grid so there's a lot more room to work with down here at the bottom right you can actually drag it down and just make it even bigger another thing it adds is the inventory button right here so you can just click that to pop open your inventory and then there's the sort by button here also adds the weight and the gold value of whatever is inside so if I go over to this wooden trunk it's worth four gold weighs 2 .4 lb so take the take these out the weight will go down immediately the gold doesn't change immediately but it does change some reason you have to click out and click back in yeah it's a good indicator of how much all the stuff in the chest is worth and how much it weighs another thing it does if you have your inventory open and you click on one of these to open them it'll always open it to the side so it's never going to cover your main inventory screen which I just love because I hate dragging it off I think normally it opens right in the middle I haven't played without this in a while but I think normally when you open a chest or something it just opens straight up in the middle but this will open to the side every single time so that's super nice all right for number six on our list I think we're at six is bags bags bags this is another inventory mod I know a lot of inventory mods but hey they're pretty nice this one adds an object called the bag of bags to vendors in Acts 1 2 and three here in the description it lists all of them but I got it from Aaron and the tling camp but yeah all three acts have vendors that sell them so in game you're going to go buy this bag of bags from him and it's going to have a bunch of bags in it so you got like an you got your normal Alchemy pouch you got the armor bag a die sack there's like a gear bag glove bag books scroll case potion box keepsakes there's there's a bag for every single thing pretty much and just a great way to organize all of your stuff so in game when you pick up supplies it's going to automatically go into the right bag so I pick up those sausages go to my bag then I got to go to camp supplies if I can find it go to my camp supply bag and there they are the sausages are there you can also just take these bags out and just keep them separate from the actual main bag if you want to do that and then a couple of the bags actually have an auto stacking feature so they're going to Auto stack things so you don't have to worry about stacking it yourself that's going to be the arrows bag the books bag the grenade Satchel weapon codings potion box and the scroll case okay our next one is no Inspiration Point cap and I know this one might be a little controversial to some people some people might not like the idea of having this but yeah it just removes the Inspiration Point cap it increases it from 4 to 9,000 999,999 I personally don't like having a cap but yeah it could be considered cheating even here it's tagged as cheating and unbalanced but there is a trade off so it's not like you're just getting this willy-nilly for free uh so normally in balers Gate 3 when you hit your cap and then you would gain an Inspiration Point from doing another action it would just give you 250 I think XP instead so you're not getting the XP now you're just getting another Inspiration Point so there's a little trade-off there so it's not the worst thing in the world in game I don't have any inspiration points I guess I wasn't feeling very inspired but yeah all right the next one is Mark books as red this one's just a super convenient mod for knowing which books you've already read it's going to Mark books as green are uncommon if you've already read them and it changes the text a little bit too so if I go in game here these are both unread I go ahead and read this book here boom it's green adds a little hashtag before and after so you can know I'm kind of a freak when it comes to books I want to read every single book where I feel like I'm missing something so it just kind of helps you keep track of the books you've already read next up on our mod list we have better top bar this is another one from the better series again I recommend a lot of his mods they're all amazing really if you're on any of the better series of mods and you scroll down to the bottom he has them all listed there so I suggest check those out I just didn't want to fill up this whole list with the better mods so I chose two of my favorite ones but better top bar basically just makes the top bar a lot better here's what the Villa looks like you know you got that Gap up there at the top the concentration stuff covers your profile picture there's no info about the combatants at all over here in game here's the top bar it's all the way at the top of the screen now which is much better saves you a little room uh I have fantasmal Force active up there it's up in the corner it's nice and neat doesn't cover my profile picture you can see everyone's HP which is amazing U and then it also shows Armor class which is also just excellent love it yeah it just makes everything way faster in combat like if you're trying to find the weakest Target possible you can just see the HP at the top and you don't have to click on every single guide I know that normally there's a red bar there to kind of help you see but it's nice to just be able to see the exact HP amount plus seeing all the armor class right off the bats amazing all right that's going to bring us to number 10 this is our last one before we get into the bonus ones at the end so this is Camp event notifications what this does it adds visual notifications to tell the player when they should long rest due to Camp night events or dialogues waiting to play out so in game it gives you the same kind of icon that your NPCs have in Camp when they want to talk to you this will show up in the Overworld too but I think it's conflicting with aether's immersive UI for me so when I leave Camp it isn't actually showing still works in Camp right now so I'll just show you that but normally it does work outside of Camp so yeah you get this exclamation point when you need to go long rest to have Camp events play out or talk to somebody also down here at the bottom left there's a little icon that says Camp night events available it's a condition it'll also be in your conditions under your character sheet it's also configurable too I know the exclamation point would probably be super annoying for people I think it would be annoying for me too I would actually turn that off so you can customize it and take the exclamation point away so that doesn't never show up and you can have this condition still be here all right before we end the video I'm going to go over a couple bonus ones really quick first we have stackable items which lets you stack items that aren't normally stackable base armors and clothes base weapons base jewelry pitchforks incenses Rags buckets base loot stack size is going to be increased from 20 to 100 musical instruments and music boxes so here there's a screenshot vanilla versus modded there you can see his armor here is stacking the Rings stack on top of each others torches are all stacked and then next we have die die die this adds every die for sale by Aaron in act one and danelon in act three so you can die to your heart's content optionally you can add these dieses to the NAU tutorial chest so you can get them for free so here's Aaron in Act One hiss and here he has all the dies in the game the only and then the other one that's going to go along with that is everybody dies un limited dying and pretty self-explanatory dieses are not consumed on use I go here in my bag and go to my D sack from the other mod I can use the Drake's General die with this voila it's now red and I still have four dies and with that that's going to wrap up my top 10 quality of life and UI mods for balers Gate 3 if there's anything that's good that you think I should have included in my list comment down below and I'll have to check it out I know there's a lot of mods that I didn't get to check out just because there's so many of them there's a lot of good ones on there thank you so much rage Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video don't forget to check out rage Shadow Legends using the link down in the description and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Omaha
Views: 13,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 mods, bg3 mods, best mods, baldurs gate 3 best mods, best mods baldurs gate 3, how to mod baldurs gate 3, top mods bg3, baldurs gate 3 modding, best mods for baldurs gate 3, how to mod bg3, character creation mods bg3, baldurs gate mods, bags bags bags, native camera tweaks, wasd movement, mods baldurs gate, mods baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 mods guide, baldurs gate 3 mods nexus, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 mods vortex, baldurs gate, QOL mods bg3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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