10 Most Overplayed Classical Music Pieces

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Hello guys. It's okay. We'll just shoot off angle. You guys probably can't tell. Today we're gonna talk about... The 10 most overplayed pieces of classical music ever. Yes... No... Us as classical musicians, we often have to either play them hundreds of times ourselves, or we hear it all the time. And so it kind of starts to lose a bit of its luster. Of course, number 10! Made it to the list, Ugh... If you can play it slowly, you can play it quickly! Hurray... Flight of the Mumble Bee... It's not so much like heard that often. You don't go into a shopping mall and hear the Flight of the Bumble Bee. But just- Whenever someone tries to impress their virtuosity in any kind of mainstream television, - they always play Flight of the Bumble Bee. - It's this... I know. There's so many other fast pieces. Yeah. More faster pieces, more difficult pieces, - nicer sounding pieces as well. - Yeah. Yeah! If you want- I don't know, what are some suggestions for like quick pieces... Alright, number 9! Of course! It is You know Beethoven 5 actually in and of itself is an amazing symphony. And it's basically one of those pieces that's like I can't listen to it as itself anymore. - All the ads, all the- - Ads, yeah. All the funny videos, all the- They use Beethoven 5, so it's kinda lost that touch. - But it's still a good piece to listen to like- - It is. I think... Once you try and get past the... the rest just kinda flows. Yeah. I mean how many people even know how the 2nd movement goes? Check it out. How does it go again? No, it goes uh... Oh my god. I can't think of it. We'll check it out. We're just doing to ourselves. Ding! Number 8! He wrote multiple Hungarian Dances. I think about... 8 of them? 9 of them? Mhm. And No. 5, of course, is the most famous one. It's literally everywhere. It's actually a fun piece to play though. It is a fun piece to play. Yeah. It's a good piece to just to quickly show off to people. Yeah... That was alright. But the next one though, it's kinda a similar show-off piece, except it's everywhere. - Every, every- - Ugh... Again, it's one of those television pieces where all the people on the something's Got Talent will play this piece. I think it sounds very difficult, but it's actually quite easy to play IF you have done all your practice. Of course, number 6! - from the first suite. - In... G major. Yeah. Oh my god... It's like they just slap it onto any advertisement. I think a good way to measure how... different classical pieces are overplayed is whether buskers play it on loop. Oh yeah. And there was this one cellist who used to play outside our music university, And she would just loop the first 20 bars only. - for hours on end! - Yeah. Hours and hours and hours... It has this nicest opening. But it's not so calm when it's just overplayed. Next one, Oh my god. *sighs* Do you guys know this one? Whoa... Every wedding, every busker! - Every street player, every street musician. - Yes... Oh... Every gig! Corperate gig, wedding gig. I probably played the Eine Kleine... like realistic estimate at least 150 times in my life. Oh yeah! - I reckon. - Yeah, me too. I've never practiced it once properly and I memorized it. Yeah. Number 4! A piano piece! Für Elise! Of course you all know it. It is so overplayed that in Taiwan, it became the official rubbish truck tune which would loop. Every night you'll hear... It's not even Für Elise, it's like "For Rubbish." It's like one of those pieces I think... every pianist student that's like kind of maybe learnt it for 3, 4 years? Yeah. They can play it. And it's nice that they get to show off because everyone recognizes it. And once they played it, they quit. Next one. Oh... Number 3! Thanks to... of course, the almighty Maestro André Rieu, this piece has forever cemented itself in the modernized world of being overplayed. Blue Danube! A M a Z I n G ! I reckon if you did a distribution statistic chart of like all those waltzes and how much it's played, - Oh this will be like- - it's probably like all those waltzes, and BLUE DANUBE! It's still a nice piece with an orchestra, you know. Actually I feel like this list... For those of you out there that aren't classical musicians, - but you want to get into classical music, - You should listen to this. - this is actually the- This is the perfect list. - Hahahaha! Yeah. This will get you into it. It's... But for those of you that have already heard this, you've probably recognized - that there's a lot more out there to explore. - Yeah. We should give some suggestions at the end. Yep! Watch till the end, we'll give some. Alright, number 2. Ah... On every talent show... They only play like one movement or few bars of it. Of course. The Four Seasons! And their hair flick. LIGHTS! LIGHTS! FIRE! BANG! WOOO! Smoke grenades! Ptssschhhhh!! We literally just did a video about talent shows that every violinist on this talent show either played Czardas or Four Seasons, or like electric sacrilegious violin. Look, Four Seasons is great. It's a great depiction of the four seasons by Vivaldi. But holy crap, it's so overplayed! Look, I wanna see how many views Four Seasons has on YouTube. 200 million views! Really? Wow... Oh my god! Alright, that brings us to... *sighs* the number one overplayed piece of classical music which is of course... Aw, I can't... *groans* "We're getting married!" "I'm so happy for your marriage!" "But I'm dying playing this piece!" Guys, if you wanna know how to get a gig, just propose playing Canon in D for every wedding. It is... probably one of the most soul-crushing pieces to perform. We've probably played it over 200 times. I feel very sorry for the cellist. Yeah, the cellist, I was gonna say that. The cellist has the worst one of them all. - Yeah. - Two bars on repeat- Four bars on repeat. - No, two bars. - Oh, two bars on r- - Eight notes looped nonstop. - Ohh... Yeah... I mean... Maybe one day at my wedding I'll just have that as a joke. When's your wedding, Brett? Uh, I don't know. If I'm in the mood, I would probably still be able to enjoy Four Seasons, - despite hearing it a thousand times. - Yeah. It's gonna be hard for me to enjoy Canon in D. Can you imagine like... a world-class string quartet play Canon in D? You still would not be able to enjoy it! It's like- Are you just- You'll be like "Are you guys serious!?" You're wasting my time! It's canon in you eardrums! Oh man... What would you recommend some people to check out? Coz I think that's part of... A lot of people that watch us... - Yeah, I'll- - who probably... want to get into classical music might not know where to start. I'd throw in a few more Bach's. Yeah? Actually, you know what, I'd actually throw in some modern music maybe. - Oh... - Just pieces that have more sound effects than actual. Just kinda like get them into knowing the instrument. Philip Glass, or something... Just... Not really classical, but just kinda to step them in. Going back to your previous point, I guess film music is kind of a gateway... - Yeah, coz it's got orchestral, strings, and... - to classical music, yeah. the instrumentation that classical music has. Mahler is definitely great. I mean it's a lot to digest, - Yeah. - but I think if you pick and choose the right movements, I mean... Again, it's always like... how many levels deep, right? So for example, I could say like Mahler 5, 4th movement. But then to classical musicians, that's still like... - yeah... something cliche. - Yeah, but to... For people that haven't heard Mahler before, - that would probably be a great place to start. - Be a big jump, be a big jump. Yeah. Tchaikovsky, actually... - Mm... Mhm. - Or just some easiest pieces. Like melody... Even like um, what's the composer? K, Kreisler? - Oh yeah, I forgot he existed. - Yeah, Kreisler. - Kreisler's got some cool pieces, you know. - That's true. To a classical mus- violinist that's played violin for a few years, you know that piece. Mhm. I feel like I'm gonna betray my violin, but I actually think some cool pieces that might help you get into is piano music. Yeah, Clair de Lune. Yeah, like Debussy, - or Piano Works, Ravel Piano Works. - That's good. Yes, that's all good. Mhm. Would work for a string quartet in there. Ooh... I'm- This is just random, but I've recently been listening to... Beethoven String Quartet... opus 59, number 1! So listen to it! Just do it. I think I haven't played it. It's a long one, no? Yeah. I mean, I haven't played it. I did it for an essay for uni. - I had to analyze it, and I like it. - Hahaha. Yep. So there you go, guys! Lots of pieces. Yeah, check them out! Just after these 10, yup. 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Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 2,707,311
Rating: 4.9692998 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, wedding, pachabel, mozart, love, piano, guitar, song
Id: 4_7cNJ6Bw-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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