10 MCU Heroes Who Will Die In Phase 4

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everyone i have huge news mev feige kevin feige's twin brother just gave me a top secret report on who's dying next in the mcu you're ready it says uh uh tony stark wait a second okay this file is a little outdated i mean it still lists john krasinski as the top pick to play captain america yeah this is all wrong so forget this file let's instead do some sleuthing ourselves and talk about which characters are definitely going to join iron man in that big metal scrap yard in the sky and not make it out of phase 4 alive let's get into it right now all right i understand that there's only so much heartbreak a person can take in one lifetime and i know the pain of watching peter parker tell tony stark he was sorry and how he didn't want to go as he turned to dust nearly shattered us all into a million little pieces so i'm sorry to add on to that emotional turmoil but spider-man isn't making it out of phase 4 alive and yeah yeah i hear you from across the screens you're asking yourselves how much of bruce banner's blood am i mixing in with my milkshakes to sound this crazy but at least consider the possibility for a second there might not be a great in universe reason for spidey to get squashed like a bug but it makes sense on a technical level i just don't know how this sony and disney partnership can last long term maybe i'm still skeptical ever since that crazy month when spider-man was set to be written out of the mcu altogether to be a part of the sony verse that fear is hard to shake so i could see a situation where the business side of things deteriorate so much that the mcu kills off their version of peter parker and voila a new version of peter parker also played by tom holland shows up in the sony verse plus with all the multiverse shenanigans going on the mcu can just replace the character with miles morales or even toby maguire crazy absolutely but i'm just being cautious is cap's best friend bucky gonna bite it in phase four i think there's a good chance mostly because i don't see where bucky's story could logically go in the future now that he was passed over for captain america which is something i'm still salty about by the way like i love sam but the idea of bucky becoming captain america would have been so fitting it would have brought his story full circle as he truly regained his patriotic nature after being captured by hydra and been the ultimate symbol of how he was making up for the sins of his past plus no offense to sam but bucky is also a super soldier and can move around much like steve rogers could the trailers for falcon and winter soldier make it seem like sam's gotten a strength upgrade but still that was an unnecessary step as bucky both deserved the title more and already had the powers in place so now that he's not the new cap i think the next greatest thing he can do to fully prove what a hero he is now and clear the red in his ledger as black widow likes to say is to sacrifice himself at the end of his show sorry buck you can't do this all day hawkeye has escaped death so many times that i basically call him loki jr behind his back uh don't tell him i said that though because i've seen what ronin can do anyways we all probably know that after the avengers jeremy renner asks to be killed off because he wasn't happy with how the character was basically sidelined as a zombie lackey for most of the first big team-up then in age of ultron the whole movie seemed to be hinting at that hawkeye death with foreshadowing of how clint was the true heart of the team the introduction of a secret family etc but the movie very quickly swerved and had an aaron taylor johnson looking quicksilver i have to make that distinction now sacrifice himself for hawkeye then when we thought he had won out over black widow in endgame natasha was able to fling herself off the cliff much faster than clint gosh that's a lot of close calls if i was death i'd be banging my head with impatience but it makes sense with his hawkeye tv show on the horizon where he's passing the bow to kate bishop that's like prime setup for his death and sure the mcu i guess could let clint have a happy ending but at this point it seems like death is inevitable for him you didn't see that coming look it's a process of elimination not all guardians of the galaxy can make it out alive for the third film james gunn has kind of hinted at how there will be tragedy and how the team is going to look different at the end of the trilogy so the one who is most likely to die of that group is drax it won't be peter or old slash new gamora it won't be groot again mantis is safe nebula is probably fine and i don't think they'll kill off rocket because i think he has the most potential to spin off into other movies that leaves drax i think he's gonna die for two big reasons for one i think he's the character whose death would really hurt the most because of his popularity and the fact that his story is mainly over his whole thing was killing thanos to avenge his family's death and now thanos is done that leaves him able to die saving the rest of the team without any unfinished business now there are rumors that guardians of the galaxy vol 3 would reveal that drax's family could still be alive but that's all still up in the air at the moment if that's the case then maybe he'll just be written out with a happy ending but if that was just a wild rumor then i would bet money that drax turns invisible permanently you know because because he's dead that one could have been better nick fury is finally getting the spotlight in his secret invasion television show but is it gearing up to give him a proper hero send-off with all the twists and turns that are sure to come in that event series it feels like a big enough story that would have major ramifications going forward for that series to really give us a major punch in the gut at the end i think nick fury's death would be shocking plus if he did die it would be one of those things where we're all left wondering if his death was real or not he's pretty adept at faking his own death and living off the grid so i could see him pull another situation where he maybe dies vaguely leaving cbr enough material to make dozens of videos explaining why he's either still alive in tahiti or absolutely dead as a doornail thor's character went through a major rejuvenation thanks to thor ragnarok sure thor was always fun but that third film totally leaned into chris hemsworth's natural comedic timing and was basically taika waititi which pains me to say i think the asgardian is going to pass through the gates of valhalla sooner rather than later his next movie thor love and thunder will introduce a new mighty thor in jane foster and after that's done will there honestly be a place for og thor because yeah i get it i love this new version of the thor character he not only is the funniest character in the mcu but he's also been through the ringer and has suffered i think more than anyone it's definitely between him and wanda for sure but it's because he's so interesting that i think he should die i think mighty thor deserves a chance in the spotlight and i don't think jane could ever truly take center stage while thor is still walking around what do you think hulk has been done dirty in the mcu thanks to a complicated rights issue we never got another solo hulk movie with mark ruffalo and i think that hurt the character in the long run his small appearances were fine but it felt like overall his story was leading to a resolution that we just never got to see on screen and now to put it bluntly the mcu has moved past the hulk they already adapted the planet hulk storyline as close as they could in thor ragnarok and now that they'll have a new awesome star in she-hulk bruce banner just doesn't have a place in the mcu anymore why not give him an epic send-off in the she-hulk tv show rather than just have him be a supporting fading character over the next few years a hulk death would give him something truly great to end on can you believe that if 2020 didn't implode in on itself that we'd be getting close to the one year anniversary of the black widow movie originally scheduled for may of 2020 us fans have had to sit and just watch the black widow trailers on repeats to satisfy our desire to see this movie and there's one thing that's at least clear to me red guardian will not be making it out of black widow alive let's discuss why he's a lovable supporting character who looks like a major scene stealer and is playing a washed up hero who wants to prove he's still in his prime and can make a difference that's like the standard recipe for heartbreaking character death in a movie already i see a situation where after thinking he's missed a step he gets an opportunity to save everyone he loves by sacrificing himself plus wouldn't red guardian be a character who would join that final fight against thanos in endgame why didn't we see him there i arrest my case hank pym started the ant-man franchise as a grouchy old man who had a strained relationship with his daughter and thought his wife was dead but after two movies he not only has a great relationship with his daughter hope but he successfully rescued janet from the quantum realm i think it would be alright if hank pym didn't survive the third ant-man movie think about it ant-man 3 promises to introduce kang the conqueror to the mcu who definitely has the potential to be one of the next big villains of the franchise what better way to really show off how evil kang can be than having him kill off an ant-man character hank fits the bill as the character who is both important enough to make an impact to the narrative but not disrupt things too much okay i get it vision technically died at the end of phase three in infinity war i mean like he really died not just once but twice first wanda had to kill him in order to destroy the infinity stone and if that wasn't enough thanos brought him back just like a minute later just to kill him all over again like i definitely think that's the most brutal death in the mcu has ever given us don't you think but phase four has officially kicked off with one division where vision is seemingly alive and well of course if you've watched one division which i know we all have then it's clear things aren't as easy or clear-cut as they seem as we race toward the finale of that show it's clear that vision will probably have to die again by the end bringing his grand total up to three times i kind of hope this pattern never stops in every few movies a vision is brought back to life only to die in increasingly comical ways like the eighth time he's resurrected let's say hulk sits on him the ninth time someone removes his double a batteries you know etcetera so on and so forth i'll be honest i almost put loki on this list but then the god of mischief hopped out of a time portal and threatened to quote roast me over an open flame if i suggested he die again i guess he didn't like it that much the first time around
Channel: CBR
Views: 683,987
Rating: 4.7024508 out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man death, Vision Death, Thor death, Death in the MCU, Nick Fury, Secret Invasion, Spider-Man 3, Phase 4 MCU, CBR, Drax, Hawkeye tv show, MCU characters, Loki death, Loki TV Show, Bucky and Captain America
Id: NdYyQz8aMPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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