10 Marvel Fan Theories That Will Freak You Out!

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[Music] Marvel has developed a reputation for foreshadowing huge revelations many years in advance so it's no surprise that there's a lot of theories trying to predict what will happen next Marvel has plans for movies through 2020 so what secrets have been right in front of us some of them might just blow your mind here are the top 10 Marvel fan theories that will freak you out but first hit that subscribe button to stay up to date with all the latest Screen Rant videos and can you guess what movie these emojis represent stay tuned to the end to find out paym doll has the final Infinity stone the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far has been the story of the quest for the six Infinity stones we've seen five that we know of so far space tesseract mind Loki's scepter reality ether power the orb and time I have AG moto and the Nexus the big question is where is the soul stone this theory suggests that hame doll has had it all along in the guardians of the galaxy vision the soul stone is shown to be orange the same color as Haim doll's eyes and the jamb on the front of his armor in Thor the dark world coincidence maybe however in Thor's vision in Avengers age of Ultron hey noodles eyes are white in Thor Loki suggests that Haendel has a power no one else has in Asgard this is why he's in charge of watching over the nine realms in Thor the dark world Haendel tells Thor that he can see into nine realms and over 10 trillion souls to top it all off the location of the Infinity stones seems to be foreshadowed with the acronym Thanos tesseract Heimdall aether Nexus or sceptre we know our minds were blown to come on peg I've got family business to discuss Peggy Carter is Tony Stark's real mother it was clear to everyone watching Captain America the First Avenger that Peggy Carter and Howard Stark had some kind of intimate relationship before Steve Rogers showed up their friendship throughout agent Carter shows that Howard trusts Peggy more than anyone else and in the opening scene of ant-man we find that they still work closely with each other well into Howard's marriage this leaves a lot to the imagination and the idea of an extramarital affair is definitely on the table Howard was established as a bit of a womanizer from the very beginning and in Captain America Civil War Steve Rogers even says I can't believe Howard got married sure people grow and Howard might have met the right woman and wanted to down eventually but this could just as easily not be the case plus the theory doesn't rely on Howard's infidelity another suggestion is that Maria wasn't able to carry children so Howard went to his oldest and most trusted friend to act as a surrogate to carry their child for them this would explain a lot about Tony like why he looks nothing like his fair-haired mother and another reason for his deep-seated daddy issues loki lost against the avengers on purpose loki is the god of mischief he's a manipulator a schemer a plans within plans kind of guy so why is everything he does in the avengers so straightforward and kind of dumb first he gets captured when he stands in front of a crowd of people and makes a huge scene then he accepts capture and is brought aboard the Helicarrier with no fight at all The Avengers realized that he wanted to get captured to unleash the Hulk which he only did to bring the Avengers together Loki made it clear in Thor that he has no interest in earth he wants to rule Asgard so why bother enslaving and manipulating people on earth in the first place he uses the sceptre to manipulate Selvig into putting a fail-safe in the portal device so the Avengers can close the portal get the tesseract and send it back to Asgard with Thor and Loki in tow with yet another Infinity stone in Asgard plus the gauntlet itself is revealed in Thor Loki is in the perfect position to take Asgard and Thanos gets the gauntlet as we see at the end of Avengers age of Ultron so he can take earth Groot is a godlike immortal Groot is everyone's favorite character from guardians of the galaxy especially baby Groot but his origins have remained uncertain throughout the first two films back in the opening scene of Captain America the First Avenger as the Red Skull is trying to find the tesseract he looks at a carving of a tree on the wall and says eek drasil the world tree guardian of wisdom and fate also it seems like kind of a random line to throw in for no reason but even before that Thor describes eat wrestle in Thor as the world's tree that connects the nine realms then in Thor the dark world Haendel has an imprint of uracil on his chest plate in guardians of the galaxy it was established that any small piece of Groot when preserved will eventually regenerate into a living Groot which suggests that he can basically go on living forever the theory suggests that group came from a piece of eater still planted in the earthly realm to be a guardian this would explain why no one in guardians of the galaxy seems to have ever seen anything like group before and why his stat readout at the Nova Corp says Origin X it will be absolutely saved yeah the reality stone will be used to recast characters one of the biggest questions of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the beginning has been how will it continue superheroes can continue to fight indefinitely when they're in print but live action presents much more of a challenge not only will the actors continue to age until they're no longer suited for the roles but typically actors want to focus on other projects as their careers continue as much as we might be willing to watch Robert Downey jr. suit up and fight evil well into his 60s as an actor he will eventually want to leave the role maybe he'd be willing to revisit the role at some point while there are plenty of heroes in the Marvel Universe a u.s. agent movie just isn't going to have the same impact as a Captain America movie the solution may already be present in the comics the reality gem has the power to grant its user control over reality one who possesses the stone can create entirely different realities one theory suggests that the reality gem will be used at the end of Avengers 4 as a soft reboot of the universe recasting longtime actors in the same iconic roles to prolong the life of the MCU Captain America will die in Avengers infinity war one of the big criticisms of the MCU so far has been an unwillingness to kill off any big players for real Pepper Potts fake died Nick Fury fake died Loki fake died twice what's up with that do they think we can't handle it they might just be saving the big hero death for the big finale of the first three phases in Avengers infinity war our first clue is in Tony's vision in Avengers age of Ultron he sees all the Avengers dead but he specifically focuses on cap who shield lies broken beside him later in the movie Scarlet which gives Steve a vision of himself finally getting that dance with Peggy who says the war is over Steve we can go home could this be Steve finally at peace on top of all this Chris Evans only has one movie left in his contract with Marvel and there's been no discussion of renegotiation unlike Robert Downey jr. who just signed on for more Kevin Feige has stated that they can't reveal the title of Avengers 4 because it will give away the ending of infinity war could that suggest that the title might be Avengers fallen son the storyline that killed cap in the comics are you Tony thank Stanley is who uatu the watcher one of the longest-running theories in the MCU is about everyone's favorite cameo actor and creator of most of the heroes Stan Lee he's appeared in every MCU property to date and nearly every live-action Marvel production since the trial of the Incredible Hulk in 1989 whether owned by Marvel Studios are not even casual fans who don't know that Marvel and DC are different universes have noticed the same guy popping up in so many superhero films over the years so is there an in-universe reason for the same face popping up around every superhero in multiple universes one theory suggests that Stan Lee plays a single character in each of these appearances who uatu the watcher in the comics The Watcher is an extraterrestrial being assigned to observe earth and its solar system vaatu also has the ability to peer into other alternate realities exploring what if continuities this would explain why Lee has shown up in Marvel films owned by different Studios always as a bystander around superhero happenings even if it turns out not to be true it's a fun headcanon for Marvel fans to cling to so fun in fact that Kevin Feige recently admitted that Stan Lee's cameos and guardians of the galaxy and its sequel are nod to it you have made me very desperate you might not be glad that you did Nick Fury is secretly a clairvoyant Nick Fury seems to always have plans within plans and backup plans for his backup plans is he just the world's greatest tactical strategist or is he hiding a superpower of his own one theory suggests that Nick Fury has the gift of precognition let's look at the facts he puts together a team of superheroes right before aliens invade New York he has secret underground bunkers in case of attacks he has a program to bring people back from the dead conveniently before his favorite agent is killed he even has secret helicarrier's built now that's a lot of government funding that's going to seemingly ludicrous things it's not just insanely good preparation though in Avengers age of Ultron Fury shows up at Hawkeye's farmhouse mere hours after the Avengers when only Barton knew where he was flying he also seems to know everything about the situation with Ultron despite the fact that he hasn't been with shield for quite a while at this point speaking of faking his own death he had that highly unlikely scenario prepared pretty much right on the spot when he needed to go into hiding in Captain America the Winter Soldier knew the black sky the hand is creating vampires in season 1 of daredevil stick is sent to eliminate the black sky black sky is known as the bringer of shadows the kind of weapon you don't want your world but when they get there it's just a child how can the child be such a dangerous weapon in seize do the hand tells a lecture that she's the black sky but despite being this incredible weapon she's killed pretty easily in the next episode suggesting the black sky is more than just a human who wants to kill it's meant to be the progenitor of an army of vampires in both daredevil and iron fist the hand is draining people of blood which as far as we can tell is used to resurrect people from the dead in a ceremonial sarcophagus another telling factor is that stick specifically decides to train Matt because he is blind who would have an advantage against creatures that hunt in the night people who don't rely on the light to top it all off black sky is an obvious allusion to nighttime when vampires hunt and the hand is trained to hide their heartbeats which makes sense if they're dealing with creatures who thirst for blood failing yeah the Red Skull is still alive in the comics the Red Skull is one of the best Marvel villains of all time so when he met his apparent end in Captain America the First Avenger fans were understandably disappointed not every Marvel villain is a winner so why kill off one of your heaviest hitters in his first film that's just silly that is unless they didn't really kill him off the last time we see Red Skull he's holding the tesseract as it seemingly dissolves him sending a bright blue beam into the sky opening a portal and sucking him up with it we know it's a portal and not just an energy beam because there's no hole in the top of the plane when the beam fades why spend money on a CGI energy beam shooting up into the sky instead of just having Red Skull explode in the first scene of The Avengers the tesseract is described as a doorway and at the end even teleports Thor and Loki back to Asgard some theorists even go as far as to suggest Red Skull is lending out the resources of Hydra to Thanos so they can take over earth together do you think any of these theories are actually real have any theories of your own let us know your opinion on these the comments down below and be sure to subscribe to screen rat for more awesome videos and the answer to the emoji question is [Music] you
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,941,997
Rating: 4.8416409 out of 5
Keywords: marvel, theory, thor, captain america, iron man, robert downey jr, Guardians of the Galaxy, stan lee, groot, daredevil, red skull, 10, List, Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment
Id: nx44NUW2m_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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