25 Strict Rules Marvel Actors Have To Follow

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[Music] screen renters welcome back with the MCU status as a film powerhouse many actors are now nagging their agents to get a role within the Marvel Universe however there are a massive list of rules all MCU thespians have to follow summer standard some are intense while we've compiled a collection of those rules for this video so sit back and relax true believers let's get crackin lucky for you my word don't mean squat since the dawn of the big to comic fans have argued over which produces better comics DC or marvel now with both companies established in the film industry fans can now argue which creates better superhero films for a long time the companies have been rivals so it's always been assumed that anyone working within the MCU can't work for DC films yet nothing was confirmed until now well 2017 to be precise as part of the Australian super nova comic-con Chris Hemsworth divulged this little tidbit Thor stated that it was illegal to work for DC whilst in the MCU but with James Gunn now directing the second Suicide Squad film and coming back for more guardians of the galaxy perhaps the crew are the exception to the rule with such worldwide popularity in the MCU the actors are going to be needed at all corners of the globe to promote upcoming films for example as the release for Avengers endgame is approaching in China Marvel pulled out all the stops they send some of their cast to China to do some press interviews Paul Rudd Chris Hemsworth and Jeremy Renner appeared along with the Russo brothers who directed the film and Marvel's plan worked end games smashed many box-office records over there so if you're ever in the MCU you can expect jet lag to be a common issue yeah well what else is new basically when filming on the movie ends the true work begins other staples include cast appearances on Jimmy Kimmel Live no MCU actor signs on for just one film it's expected that each main MCU actor will be locked into a multi picture deal even if the character finds their demise on screen the contract still contains more than one film just in case they want to use them again in the future Oh Aaron taylor-johnson may return his Quicksilver at some point the standard deal is for an initial six films yet sometimes actors may be given even longer contracts the man behind Nick Fury samuel l.jackson originally signed an eighth film deal of course when they near the end of their contracts then Marvel will bring in a new multi film deal for their MCU stars all the actors that jump into the MCU are in it for the long haul as the MCU deals with superpowers and aliens not every character on the screen will be human as such some Marvel players may be required to dawn a lot of make up MCU mainstays such as Karen Gillan Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista are some of the actors that have to go through this process for every film they're in they'll spend hours and hours sat in the makeup chair and wait patiently while the amazing artists work the actors will have to get to the location much earlier than the co-stars as well some actors loathe the process Hugo Weaving who played the Red Skull in Captain America the First Avenger is one such person he didn't want to return again and was replaced by Ross mark and an infinity war and endgame at 2013 San Diego comic-con Karen Gillan was part of the MCU pen the former Doctor Who performer proceeded to show the stunned audience her vast appearance change she removed her red wig to show her shaven head it's the sacrifice she made in order to play nebula due to the vast makeup and prosthetics required Marvel managed to convince Gillan to part with her hair it makes the job of their makeup artists a little bit easier but that still must have been a tough decision for Gillan to agree to luckily for Gillan when she negotiated a new contract she was able to keep her hair for future movies Marvel heroes changed their costumes regularly especially from one film to another but even during the same film sometimes it can be an obvious change such as the many Iron Man suits Tony Stark goes through other times the changes can be subtle like Black Widow as various changes either way if you're joining the MCU don't get too comfortable with the costume it's gonna change by the next film in some capacity due to how often the costume changes MCU actors even have their own preferred costumes from their films Chris Evans is one of the actors to state which is his favorite Captain America suit he's worn and he's worn a lot of different ones in his MCU career superheroes have to be in peak condition with all the crime-fighting a spare tire around the stomach would just get in the way that also stretches to the actors portraying the superheroes on-screen the MCU thespians have to follow a strict diet with scarlet johansson publicly mentioning how fed up she was with eating nothing but chicken and salad but besides the diet these superheroes need to work out Chris Evans has spoken about training for Captain America the exercise was so vigorous that he was sick of the gym a lot of the cast will focus on building as much muscle as possible however Tom Holland focuses on flexibility he's even taking up gymnastics than nails Spidey's athleticism superheroes need to know how to fight otherwise how else are they meant to beat the baddies as MCU actors in order to shoot the fighting scenes the actors need to take some fight training and choreography the training helps to get as much realism as possible in the battling scenes plus it makes them even more entertaining to watch Robert Downey jr. took lessons in Wing Chun a martial art popularized by the combat legend Bruce Lee Downey has also credited Wing Chun as helping him keep a positive mental outlook meanwhile chadwick boseman the black panther has taken lessons in capoeira to keep in tip-top condition and with those black panther fight scenes it definitely paid off with all the MCU fight scenes and massive stunts one mistake could result in an injury to an actor then the film would have to shut down until the actors recovered which would cost Disney a lot of money this is where trained stunt performers come in they take on the most dangerous stunts so the actors don't have to yet some actors really enjoy doing their own stunts Chris Evans and Tom Holland being a couple of examples yet with Disney in charge they won't have that opportunity in order to protect the various phases of the MCU they insist that the actors let their stunt doubles take the brunt of the danger and by insisting we mean Disney wrote this into the actors contracts naturally Marvel is that scared that the script of their next big blockbuster will end up on the internet so they've implemented some serious rules to prevent that opportunity Elizabeth Olsen who plays The Scarlet Witch divulged Marvel's paranoia she talks about how a select number of actors were offered the chance to read the script in a secured room for five hours with no personal technology allowed in the room unsurprisingly not many of the cast went through with this if the super thespians wanted to take a script home than they can but it will only contain info about their Park Tom Holland was even kept in the dark about spider-man's dusting an infinity war until they were shooting the scene with Tom's track record it's not that surprising if you want to know the full story as an MCU actor you can't ask another performer what their role is in the film either no one is allowed to talk about the script events at all otherwise someone may work out the whole plot of the film and accidentally let it slip to the public we're looking at you Mark Ruffalo to protect their story the writers would even add fake scenes into the script just to mislead their own actors it sounds like a lot of trouble to go through however considering the waves the franchise is making in the box office there's a lot of dollar dollar bills at stake as an actor you may have certain opinions on the direction you think your character should go in it's only natural but in the MCU that's a bad thing Edward Norton is infamous for the amount of creative control he wanted in the MCU Marvel met with the Incredible Hulk actor only to realize Norton may ask for too much so that's how Mark Ruffalo was added into the Avengers instead did you know about this Mickey Rourke played the villain Ivan Vanko in Iron Man 2 apparently walk ad-libbed a lot of lines throughout the filming something which Marvel wasn't happy with all of those scenes were left on the cutting room floor Roark angrily called the filmmakers nerds during an interview other thing I'll be good that working relationship ended well actors may have a number of other demands when being part of a film for Terrence Howard who played James Rhodes in the first Iron Man film his request was asking for more money Howard had made accusations that Marvel wanted to change his payment for the sequel Iron Man 2 that changed being an eighth of the money he got for the first film he states that the money Marvel would have saved by reducing his fee would have gone to Robert Downey jr. instead Marvel didn't respond well to Howard asking for the same amount of money as the first film so they recast the part and Don Cheadle took up the war machine mental Tom Vaughan la loire was the actor behind ebony Mon infinity war and endgame during an interview he mentioned some interesting information from his casting he stated that each potential MCU actor has to undergo extensive background checks this is in order to make sure the cast member won't leak any film plots or of the actor has a dodgy past this rule may not include the crew as director James Gunn was fired for some controversial tweets he made a decade ago however Disney would later reverse that decision and bring the guardians of the galaxy filmmaker back into the MCU unfortunately for Marvel during his unemployment he agreed to do a DC film whoops comic book fans are a passionate Bunch and Marvel knows this all too well as such they love it when actors know their characters inside and out while this isn't a rule it is an encouraged suggestion this suggestion being researcher character with lots and lots of comics both brie Larson and Benedict Cumberbatch are prime examples of actors taking on the suggestion Larson uploaded a photo of herself reading a Captain Marvel comic whilst she relaxed at home Cumberbatch was recorded entering a comic book store to grab some Doctor Strange research all in full costume fans love and when actors want to learn from the source material besides cinema box-office income film franchises have another huge avenue of money to boost their profits that being merchandise Marvel's merchandise machine is prolific in its quest to generate superhero products toys plushies clothing cards and lunchboxes are just some of the items that an MC use performers face may appear on especially when a new film is coming out brand new Marvel merchandise is available everywhere it's part of the MCU deal if you're going to be in a film you have to be fine with Marvel using your likeness however they want if not there's little chance of getting into the House of Ideas films so you should expect many many action figures with your face in Hollywood a good public image is key if the citizens of the world like you there's a good chance your films will do pretty well at the box office a good way to boost your public image is charity work something which the MCU cast is particularly great at undertaking many of the actors will appear at charity events or arrive at a hospital to lift the spirits of the patients as seen recently with a cast of spider-man far from home also in 2015 Robert Downey jr. used his MCU persona to help a child who only has one arms he brought the young boy and Iron Man themed bionic arm much to the boy's delight ah we've already taken jabs at Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo for their superpowers and spoilers however their reputation for leaking information isn't built on fiction they've let slip key moments in upcoming films and interviews Ruffalo mentions that half the Avengers don't make it before infinity war came out everybody everybody the look of horror on his face sums it up he messed up and Marvel wouldn't have been too happy Tom Holland doesn't fare much better he has to have someone else with him when he gets interviewed just to limit any possible damage you might accidentally mention if you do release some spoilers Marvel executives will be sending some pretty angry emails shortly after with movies comes filming with filming comes the possibility of reshooting scenes it can be due to a whole host of reasons with a massive franchise like the MCU this chance becomes more likely it's something that a drizelda found out the hard way after he finished filming for Thor the dark world elbow went off to begin filming mandela long walk to freedom however he was ordered by marvel to come back and do some reshoots so Elba had to take off his Mandela hat and immediately put the Heimdall hat back on of course he found this process frustrating but understood his obligations in 2001 Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Joe Quesada created a new policy for the company no smoking to be shown by any of the heroes Wolverine gambit and Nick Fury were some of the prominent characters to be affected by the change with Marvel now owned by Disney and Disney primarily being family-friendly Disney has the same rule on all their films so that's the case with the MCU as well in 2008 all the way back prior to Disney's purchase of Marvel Iron Man was released even there the banning of smoking was present the villain of the film Obadiah Stane would hold a cigar but not actually smoking so don't expect to smoke a cheeky cigarette in a Marvel film imagine having to deal with the possibility of being shoved into an unmarked van and taken to an unknown location sounds frightening right it goes against all of our basic instincts well that's the life of being in the MCU cast elizabeth olsen said in an interview that this is exactly what happened to her in the rest of the cast they were all put into a van told the ending of infinity war and that they were going to film it right now Wow all of this was done in order to limit any possible exposure to information being leaked Wow Disney are really really scared of their cast leaking film information cameos are one of the staples in the MCU something which Stanley turned into an art form over his Marvel film career cameos can happen in an end credits scene or from the movie itself an Avenger may just pop up anywhere it's part of the excitement for the audience due to this actors need to be prepared to appear in someone else's film such as Captain America's meme tastic public service announcement and spider-man homecoming or a tuckered out Bruce Banner counseling Tony Stark and Iron Man 3 usually the cameos aren't counted in their multi film contract instead another deal is worked out regardless it's definitely enjoyable when a surprise cameo breezes onto our screens the house of mouse isn't known for producing mature content Disney would usually avoid this practice when considering its family-friendly reputation but it does allow it on their TV shows however any MCU film actors have to realize that they won't be involved in any graphic scenes excessive violence is one of those problem areas any gruesome depiction is to be avoided at all cost at least at the moment now the Disney have bought 21st Century Fox one of their key purchases was the Deadpool franchise Disney have publicly stated that they will keep Deadpool's our rating so the MCU may involve more adult content later down the line but for now we won't be seeing anything too vivid actors always have to meet any contractual obligations otherwise they could find themselves in a tricky legal battle it's part of the film business this is doubly important for the Marvel entertainers when Thor the dark world was still known as Thor - Natalie Portman was advocating for patty Jenkins to direct the sequel and she got her wish for about two months Jenkins and the MCU split due to creative difference this decision caused Portman to be furious at Marvel since then her role as Jane Foster has been massively diminished yet she did fulfill her contract by appearing in floor of the dark world even if she didn't want to Jenkins however went on to make Wonder Woman so she did pretty well at the snap of Marvel's fingers someone's part could be recasted easily it's one of the lingering fears for franchise actors Andrew Garfield found this out the hard way when Sony and Marvel teamed up to bring spider-man into the MCU all eyes were on Garfield to swing into the Avengers yet that didn't happen instead the role was given to Tom Holland Garfield has stated in interviews his sadness on his role being given to someone else when Sony had their emails leaked one message from Sony executives mentioned their disappointment and Garfield's behavior during a press tour for the amazing spider-man 2 supposedly this may have contributed in Marvel wanting a new Peter Parker since becoming the webslinger Holland has nailed his portrayal man anyway before I was so rudely interrupted so that's our list which of our entries did you think was the most over-the-top drop your thoughts into the comments section below also please subscribe and click the bell to stay up to date with all of our screen rank goodness finally thanks for watching we'll see you next time and cut [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,243,979
Rating: 4.7972174 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, MCU, Disney, Actors, Rules, Avengers Endgame, Infinity War, Captain America, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey, Hemsworth, Tom Holland, Mark Ruffalo, Spider Man, Iron, Hulk, Thor, Elizabeth Olsen, Chadwick Boseman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brie Larson, Screen Rant, ScreenRant
Id: 9wRA08-4MNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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