5 Off Grid Gadgets That Will Amaze Your Friends

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what's up guys today i'm going to show you this four-way paper log break maker let's see what this is all about i put to the test this thing before but this one is a single one it's really awesome i liked it a lot this is a good way to recycle your paper why not increase our productivity by pretty much three times and see if it's gonna be a lot faster i got here my bucket and i'm gonna be using this paper maybe going to use some newspaper and i got here a drill with this they'll be like that i'm going to put it on the highest settings on three so hopefully it's going to mix it all fast first thing we will have to do is fill it up with water and let it soak in now all that paper actually i should put it a little bit at that time not all at once so that way it's easier to mix it all together so once i mix this piece i'm gonna add on more paper into it i'm going to pretty much fill this up to the top okay then i got my gloves and safety glasses let's put it in and you're gonna wanna mix everything up maybe i should empty out some of the water yeah this should be better [Music] okay i can add more paper into it that's for sure you see how it's charming it pretty good it's a good paper too it absorbs water really easily [Music] yeah you don't want that mixed up together have to take it apart [Music] [Music] by the way if you have shredded paper already you don't even have to do that you can just get the paper out of shredder machine but yeah you want to soak up all this paper as much as possible yeah having a powerful deal definitely helps okay next step is easy step we're going to be actually using this gadget take off this part and then we're going to fill up this wet paper stuff there you go you don't want to overfill it like this one that's a little bit too much also i might have mixed it a little bit too much as well that deal is a little bit too powerful for that maybe i can fill it up more that should be good okay now we're going to close it like this oh maybe it was too much but again just learning plus i said no as well this paper might not be ideal you know why because it actually holds too much water together let's dump it out all the water that's what it looks like on the other side now let's take it out this is what we got when we take these pieces out they're going to look like this you know what this paper is not ideal for sure it's holding way too much water you know what let me try to just compress it into two pieces and it's way too mushy you see it that's not what we want maybe different paper will work better but let's try this anyways we'll just have to have maybe a lot more and we squish it all the way not too hard because you're gonna bend it looks like god dump it out let's see how what it looks like now boom you got yourself a little bit it's still very mushy but yeah you see this paper is not that good but you can lay it like this anyway and it will die out as well let me show you this one like this boom so it'll die out it'll be on let me go try to do it with different paper you know what guys this time i went to my shredding machine and just got my shading paper this stuff is the best this regular thicker paper actually works better that way it doesn't absorb too much water like that cardboard paper i really thought cardboard paper will be actually better but looks like it's not boom very nice soak it all up now this is kind of satisfying to mess with it so weird feeling feels like slime come put all the paper in this paper you see it's a lot thicker so it doesn't absorb as much water i think the whole bucket can fit in there wow that's crazy you don't want to over fill it but you don't want to put not enough okay now we're going to put the cover back on and then put this two in like that and squeeze them together and you see all the water is going to go away all the way down you can even flip it upside down and pull all the water from this side as well but yeah that's what you want to do then you're done and now you got right here a lot of brackets like this and i'm going to drop it like this boom for the most part they stay together let me take another one out boom like this then you can just set it on the side like this and take it off very easily look at that perfect bracket right here and then put it like this put it back so you can make four at once really fast boom and that way you just leave them an assword they die out you make more and then you have this little logs of paper that is perfect for firewood check this out i can't even lift them up right now but when they die out they'll be really solid and a lot lighter and when you don't need it you can just put this back when you don't need to use it i mean and store it boom very awesome i like this one a lot then you want to set them somewhere in a dry place and it will go to die out in a week it's going to be really awesome the biggest difference between these two log makers this handle side here closer to each other so they're a lot stronger this one bended a little bit because i put a little bit too much pressure on it i should just take it slow and slowly squeeze it not push it really hard right away so that way my handles don't bend but overall i bend them back they look normal nothing broke but this one a lot stronger that's the only complaint about that but in the long run if i'm making a lot of paper logs this one is going to be a lot faster than just this one that's for sure also a couple years ago when i put this one to the test i also did burn test of those paper logs so just run the same clip for those who haven't seen it probably most of you haven't seen it anyways so i'll do the burn test right now what i did with this one but it's pretty much same paper look they even look the same it just take a long time for them to die out so might as well just use the same footage because they're going to be on the same but again look how beautiful that is and because they're so compressed together you see they sitting on top of each other like that drying out and they're not collapsing because it's like a mini log now boom i can't even lift it up it's a little bit flimsy because it didn't compress it as hard but in my opinion it shouldn't be too compressed because they'll burn better and boom i can set it down and wait till they die out by the way this one kind of woke too but looks like they're going to die out a lot longer as you can see they're a lot more squishier that's for sure but it's possible to lift them up with one head i'm just gonna set them right here next to it i bet they're going to burn better because cardboard birds a little bit better in my opinion but they are a little bit harder to make because they are so flimsy but it's okay once they dry out no problem boom no problem both of them lift them up pretty good and i'm gonna be using them for bonfires this summer that's for sure we got the fire going with the small twigs but the problem about small twigs the farm burns really well but it burns out so quickly so now we're going to have to add some bigger pieces of logs or in this case it's a paper log let's see how well it burns okay i'm going to time it and see how long it's gonna burn for actually i will put two logs like this two paper logs you know what guys this side of this paper log is actually burning pretty well the only question is how long will actually it's going to burn for because we don't want it to burn out too fast because we want something that burns a long time but this is a definitely cool way to recycle paper because i'm going to heat up my house really well this winter with this paper logs so i don't have to use as much electricity it's pretty cool it's been about 20 minutes and look it's still burning let's try to open it and let's see what it looks like inside whoa look at that it's not even burnt out that much inside of it look it's still all paper inside so it's gonna actually burn for very long time at least couple hours that's for sure because it's so dense and if you set it on really hot coals it will burn no problem this is awesome and if it stop burning all you have to do is simply grab your fireplace tool and just break it apart and it will burn really fast again or really well again look at this you can just breaking it half so it burns a little bit more pretty cool i like this paper logs so today's video we're going to put to the test mini wood camping stuff it's about 20 bucks let's see what this thing is all about boom wow nice looks like it's all set up in a little holder like this beautiful i like how it separates so it makes it a lot smaller this is looks like the top boom now let's see how it works so looks like it's very simple right here goes inside boom then this insert goes inside here just like that and then the top goes inside here and let me show you this said here the legs for your pot this is awesome look how big it is once you unfold it okay let's light it up and see if it's hard to light it up i got here birch bark that should be really easy to strike it and light it also i prefer a whole bunch of small twigs right here i'll break them up as soon as i light it i'll put the small twigs first and then the bigger twigs once the small twigs light up really good so let's see if we're going to succeed there you go then we're going to put all that bird spark inside there it's burning and then we're going to stick a little twigs in there too probably have to break them up otherwise they won't fit there you go birch bark is a perfect fire starter and as you can see there is plenty of ventilation from the bottom so all that when going to so good so that way i don't even have to blow on it it's just going to light up itself as you can see very easily you can find the slayer twigs all over you gotta start with the smaller ones first to get the good fire going even with the all this wet little twigs it's burning so well without any kind of kindle and just a bulk that's it you see all that heavy smoke those twigs are just a little wet that's why but it will dry out in a little bit now i know it's burning good i can put some bigger pieces in there so that way we can build up some coals in there you can just breaking up bigger sticks with a knife or something and now we can add on the bigger pieces in there like that little chips so that way more can fit so we have good cause to cook and boil water on we have a heavy gust of wind and as you can see it's actually lighting up even more by the way when you put pot holder on top check this out the flames are going to the top and it right here that way you can add on your part and look at that this side here opening so if you want to still feed it more file with more layer twigs so that's really smart i like that a lot i'm actually going to move it into the shade so that way we can actually see the flame when it's burnt hot it's actually burning from the holes over here the flames if you look at it closer you can actually see that that's so beautiful it looks like a gas stove and once you add on this top boom once again look how well it's burning on a minimum sticks very very minimum sticks it's a big flame if you look up close up the flame are coming off just like from a stove from the side from those holes so when we add on pot of water boom check this out all the flame heat in the pot and let's see how long it will take to boil the water and once again look how easy it is to add on sticks just to the side here and you don't need anything bigger than this sticks so far it's probably my favorite mini camp stove because i don't need any gas or any fill all i have to do is finally a twigs which is everywhere you can find twigs so easily and it's burnt so efficiently i cannot believe it honestly i like this stove better than this one because gas you gotta continue keep buying guys i do love this camp stuff as well honestly it's a tie because this one is a little bit bigger than this one and you do need a gas for this one but although it's smaller and if there's no twigs at all i would still use this camp stuff so i'll just have couple of sticks break them up once in a while and it done into there i can hear it starting to boil maybe a couple more minutes and we're going to have a boiled water about 10 minutes in boom look at that we got heavy heavy boiled water that's what we want it's really cold outside that now so as soon as i open the lid it's going to stop boiling look at that it's boiling again now i can take off this spot boom check this out i love the way it's burning it's so beautiful and it's filled up with bunch of coals in there so it's going to burn a very very long time remember a while back i cut a bottle into a stain and then you weave a rope out of it well i had to build it myself now they actually built the gadget just on that concept let's see what it's all about as you can see it's a handle right here and you can adjust how much you want to cut your plastic bottle i'm gonna say one centimeter okay i got a plastic bottle what we're going to do is just grab a knife and cut off a piece try to make it straight as possible because that way it will be much easier later and let's see how this work you put it in into the bottle there you go and then you just pull it through like this ah no let's try this again start it out like this and keep going i think it's only works like this you really have to hold it like this you can't really pull it too otherwise it's cut off the wrong way so you kind of have to push it forward and side forward and side other than that it kind of does not work that well but anyways let's try this again there you go it not works for some reason kind of comes off sometimes you see i'm saying ah definitely not the best cuddle because it comes off like this okay let's try this one more time hopefully it will work now usually when i did that diy one it was pretty easily to cut a bottle you just pull it on this stain but if you pull in a stain it just doesn't work so you have to hold it like that to cut this bottle without it for me to come out other than that if you pull on this thing what happens it just flies away okay let's see oh nice it works now there you go look at that it's easy too there you go now you kind of just have to pull it towards this way so that way it's actually does what it's supposed to do nice looks like we came to the end now we can come cut it off there you go there you go it works when you hold it like this and cut goes this way and you pull it too like this then it works well other than that it kind of comes off so you just gotta use this gadget right for it to work with this really really thick bottle so there will be much thicker too [Applause] there you go it just got too thick over here as you can see if you hold it the right way it works really easily and look at that we have a really stone up if you pull it together it does not break that easily especially if you tie something around many many times and make a shelter out of it no problem so as you can see it is a good idea but it does not work every single time they go nope they go that works they're so weird how sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but for me it's the best to hold it like this and then it cuts really well i think the problem is inside over here the blade is 90 degrees i think it should have been tilted a little bit so that way it's actually bites in into the bottle and that slides out and cut off the short pieces today's video we're going to put to the test portable campfire it's pretty recent gadget and when i got it i was like whoa that's pretty interesting it looks like actually when you open it up it looks like a giant candle and it says so in the back of it it says it's four pounds so it's pretty much four pound candle except it has instead of a wig you have this pieces of paper all over it and it's a soy box inside there and it smells really good it smells accented boom it's a syllable and on the label it says easy to light reusable portable made from recycled soy box non-toxic waterproof easy to store made in usa sounds great doesn't it but the problem with me about these things yes it's cool if you absolutely do not have access to firewood you know one time i was actually camping out on the campgrounds in florida and they did not allow to gather firewood on a lot anywhere you had to either buy it from there or buy it from this store if they are not the firewood but something about campfire or like bonfire you have to have real wood because something about burning firewood and looking at it and it's like making this crackling noises and those sparks goes from the wood it's just beautiful it's like one of the best feelings you know what i'm talking about most of you probably had a bonfire with real firewood so this one right here probably if you completely do not have any of the firewood maybe you know what at that point yes i understand i would use that but i would in my opinion i would prefer wood before the candle for the campfire but right here in the back it says also i would strongly recommend reading the description if you get one of those to use it says do not try to blow it out like it is really really stone flames also say do not use water because what happens if you put water on wax and especially a really hot candle it will just explode even higher when i was a kid i actually did that mistake i put water on a heavily burning candle the flame reached the ceiling like oh big pop i actually did that experiment so do not put water on really hot candles by the way for my lighter choice i still love this little gadget i put to the test most of you probably already seen that video i got here a cheap lighter oh wow look i forgot that i actually had to take off the drum off of it and then you put it in boom and now you got this very cool lighter instead of a cheap lighter and to refill it just grab another chip lighter take off this little drum the spinning drum that makes sparks take off all that and i love this this is my favorite lighter let's open it up and try to light it up wow it is pretty easy to light it actually it is a little windy so it is actually going to be a good test and by the way you don't want to throw away the lead because this is the only way you want to turn off this fire by covering it up and suffocating it and obviously the flame is going to be two to three feet this whole area will be very very hot even if you're going to put away the flames do not touch it for another maybe 40 minutes let it cool off because it will be very very hot you're going to burn your finger so bad if you touch this metal part so far it's burning so well i wonder how long it's going to burn for it does not say in the description i looked all over but maybe we'll just check it out also looks like i should have put it on some kind of flat surface because it just might leak out a little bit also they say do not move it once you light it up because you just might flip it over and spill all the wax and wax gonna be on fire all over so just keep it out there but wow so far it's burning really good it's a little windy as you can see so we're going to let it go in and let's see if it's actually going to get to the flame up to two to three feet i'm did not think it's gonna get that much of flames right now what is it about like 12 inches maybe a little bit more once in a while but look at it it burning really good it's amazing how well it's burning actually it's interesting that this fire is actually smells so good like scented candles i prefer having bonfires actually smells like burnt firewood you know this one you get this scented campfire which is interesting definitely different unique experience okay let's give it a minute let's see if it's going to burn for a while or not and obviously don't leave it unattended if you started this candle just like a bonfire you gotta make sure nothing's gonna get on fire as you can see it's silly getting to be windy and it's not blowing out so that's a good thing that's a really good thing one mistake i did as you can see i had to put a stick under there to level it so make sure you put it on a flat surface so now i probably will burn a little bit better i know if i would cook hot dog over it or like maybe s'mores because it smells like it's scented fire because you know when you're burning candles it smells pretty good well this fire smells pretty good as well it smells like it's scented i don't want my hot dogs or s'mores to be scented either so but again it's just cool i would use it if there is completely no firewood there at all wherever you are there is no firewood you cannot get it yeah maybe it's a good option but you know what the real campfire is with firewood in my book always would have been amazing if it was also a mosquito repellent then yeah would have been a big plus i'm gonna hang out out here and see how long it's going to burn for okay it's been burning for a while now i can tell it's gonna burn for definitely a few hours no problem because there's so much wax in there i don't see it's burning out that quickly and it's been flaming pretty steadily on that kind of flame that's at least one foot it probably gonna get bigger once some of that wax will burn out some more and it's gonna get a lot bigger flame but also what you can do once you're done using it you don't want to use it anymore all you have to do do not put water on it just grab the lid and put the lid over it and boom there's going to be a little bit of flame still going but you want to cover it like that it's just going to burn off the rest of the oxygen and it will stop burning hopefully let's find out there you go you see and now it's off don't touch it let it burn off completely and wait at least 30-40 minutes to move it somewhere else and you don't want to cover it all the way you want the rest of the smoke to come out of there again it might be really really hot yep it is pretty hot what i'm gonna do is light it up again just to see if it's going to be easy so yep but definitely very scented smell to it that smoke so let's try to light it up again and see if it's easy to light it yep especially while it's hot it is very easy to rewrite it for today's video i'm going to show you pretty unique product i was browsing online and i found something i never seen before and that's what i want to put to the test of stuff when it's very unique and cool products like one-of-a-kind stuff and this one is very cool for sure this is a fire starter with the fuse over here pretty long fuse so this is what we're going to put to the test i have campfire starter right here pocket size it says on the pocket and this one has a puck i guess in the backpack or something or maybe survival bug-out bag i think they're all really awesome so what i'm gonna start with is the big one sometimes when it's iranian it's annoying to start a fire you all know how it is and if you have bunch of wet firewood it will be smoking all day well hopefully with this one we can get fire going really fast and really big right away so let's open it up and see what it's all about got my knife over here just have to pop this little plastic there you go definitely love the design it looks like camouflage right here and it comes with the instruction and it's once you do not place on the hot coals okay on the back right here we got here a very thick fuse wow that's really really thick i bet it's gonna light up so good this is definitely the thickest fuse i ever seen so we're going to place it into our pretty big pieces firewood let's see if it's actually going to light them up what we're gonna do is place firewood like this and we want to build the layer platform for this thing then the second piece will lay like this and like this and then we'll just build a little hot like that and we'll put five starter inside of it right here it says adore use only pull out the fuse place bare ground stuck fill on top point fuse away and the light stand back at least eight feet just of course safety is number one priority you don't want to stand too close to it and wait at least five minutes before approaching wow interesting oh wow the fuse is awesome now i'm staying away at these 12 feet over here and i'm gonna let it get going for five minutes and then i'll come up and look and it wouldn't do it that's a long fuse that's for sure see i have plenty of time to walk [Applause] wow and as you can see it's getting firewood on fire no problem even though those are pretty big pieces easy look at that it's just gonna burn and burn and burn and burn for a long time i'll just set it aside for now and as you can see now that secondary small fire is going to burn for a long long time you'll have no problem lighting up very very moist wood maybe even wet wet wood it'll just dry it out and then get it going amazing
Channel: Taras Kul
Views: 1,498,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taras kul, taras, origamy768, Off Grid Gadgets, survival gadgets, gadgets, survival, Off Grid, 5 survival gadgets, compilation, survival compilation
Id: HHrj-cUN3T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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