10 Hidden Switch Settings Everyone Should Know

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Nintendo switch players you may have most things figured out but you'd be surprised to find a few little tips and tricks and settings that your Nintendo switch doesn't exactly tell you about this will be especially helpful for switch beginners we've tackled some of this in the earlier days of the game ranks YouTube channel but we've got some updated advice here for you to optimize your experience and if you're a ps4 Xbox one player we got that covered for you in another video so go check those out but let's get started off with number 10 just like any other gaming system PC or really any electronic the switch may end up freezing Vaughn you at one point but seeing that this is a handheld system you can't really just unplug it when it freezes to restart it obviously holding down the power button for like three to five seconds is to go to move to restart but sometimes that doesn't work and you have to instead do a hard reset this works the same way as a basic reset but you instead have to hold down the power button for 10 ish seconds or however long it takes to hard reset after this wait like 30 seconds before turning it back on and you should be good to go if you're still having issues you can always try maintenance mode which you do by holding down the power button as you turn it on and then holding the volume buttons down once the Nintendo logo pops up from here you can do a factory reset which should really fix whatever problems you're having but of course you know that erases a lot of stuff really hopefully one of these things solves your problems but moving on to number 9 honestly this next point isn't anything that's really important it's just a cool Easter Egg you know how you can use any button to unlock the console you know hitting a three times to open it well every single button makes the same exact sound except the right control stick left control stick zr trigger and ZL trigger using these buttons actually triggers some funny sounds like i said this isn't anything really useful but we thought it was fun to point out and we figured you'd want to know because most people end up just matching the a button i know i did and i didn't know about this until i researched it considering i can always hit any button and i just never really thought to do so and it's kind of funny next at number 8 word for the wise backing up your saves is a weird thing on switch now that nintendo is online service is a thing you can backup your saves to the cloud so long as you're willing to pay the Nintendo online membership fee but for beginners you need to know this this is the only way to backup your saves at all so if you have 300 hours in breadth of the wild and you want to hold on to your save file with your life that's your only bet the bigger kicker though say you have a Nintendo switch Hardware problem if something breaks and you want to send it to Nintendo for repair or warranty service well reports have shown that they pretty much wipe your stuff or send you a completely new unit so you can kiss your switch data goodbye but hey you may not have thought of this if there's any way to access your switch before you send it in maybe your screen isn't shattered a fun fact you can just sign up for the Nintendo online seven day free trial thing and upload your stuff that way in a pinch then just cancel it later but next at number seven the Nintendo switch itself isn't region-locked but your account is so if you have a us-based account you aren't able to purchase play or even see games that are sold in another region a quick workaround for this is to actually make yourself a second account and set the region to Japan now you'll have access to a whole new eShop that has games that aren't on the US shop now certain credit cards and debit cards don't work on the other store though so you just be aware that you might not be able to buy anything you want with your current payment option but yeah this is one that people talk about a lot we thought this was a cool little workaround that lets you get access to more games and more games is good right that's what we all want but while we're on the topic of additional accounts at number six making a second account is a good idea if you're someone who likes to have multiple saves in a game because some games on switch only let you have one save per game account you know which is kind of weird breathitt a while is one of those games if you go to start a new playthrough on the account you already started playing on you'll lose your previous save which is a total bummer so if you make another account on your switch you're able to start a new game without having to overwrite save you already started this isn't a console issue technically but a game issue that's case-by-case really but nonetheless it still sucks so hopefully this little tip will save you from having to overwrite preexisting save files if you want to restart one of your favorite games now next to it number five this one is technically at more of a hardware point than a setting point but it's still useful and it's about the software and how it accepts your peripherals I've seen a lot of beginners overlook this and not even try but certain USB plug and play headsets work perfectly when the switches docked it sounds obvious but Nintendo is Nintendo and stuff doesn't usually work out like this people have done it with PlayStation headsets third-party headsets it's just great that Nintendo updated the switch to allow this because come on it just makes sense not everybody has a bunch of different headsets lying around you may just have a USB one you don't have just like a regular straight bluetooth pairing one this will work for you but since we're on the topic it's also worth noting that the joy con controllers can actually be paired as Bluetooth controllers for other devices like your PC or your Android phone all you got to do is obviously open your respective bluetooth pairing settings menu in the device you want to use but on the joy con you press that small button between the triggers to activate the Bluetooth pairing mode and then you're good to go you can use them as two separate controllers say if you want to play something on your phone or your PC if you want to use it in certain ways there are more tricks to it but that's just the basics it ain't ideal but it's just kind of cool knowing that you could do stuff like this right now at number four while we're on the subject of those pesky joint cons and things you can do with them via the system's controller menu let's talk about controller calibration if you go into the system settings and select controller and sensors menu you'll see the switch has the option to recalibrate your joi cons in two ways depending on if you're having motion issues or issues with your thumb sticks and now when calibrating the thumb sticks it will show you what input is being received so you can see how your stuff is all out of whack and if you need to go on a recalibration it will walk you through the process to hopefully get your joy cons back in the game no pun intended sorry calibrating your motion controls is a little different but it'll still walk you through the process to level out your joy con motion sensors and doesn't take long at all I'm actually seeing some people just put up with finicky joy cons and chalk it up to just sometimes their connection isn't good but using this stuff that some people don't realize is there will actually help solve a lot of your problems but next at number three if you're not familiar with airplane mode or never use it on your phone or anything like that it's pretty much just a toggle to cut off all wireless connectivity which includes in the switches case the detached joy' cons you can toggle airplane mode on and off with the same quick access settings panel that you use for brightness and sleep mode keep in mind you can't do it when it's docked this is only a handheld thing you know this can be useful if you keep a second pair of joy' cons in your bag or something and want to stop your game from pausing unexpectedly when one of them is jostle in your bag and just connects to the switch since with airplane mode they won't be able to connect wirelessly it's a small feature but it's worth mentioning because it'll save you some precious precious power from that time to when you need it now next at number two here's a really helpful one that we like to include in a lot of these tip videos it may have slipped under your radar when tooling around with your switch settings you can actually set up your Nintendo switch to match your TV power state so when you turn on your dock switch or pop it out of sleep mode or whatever once it's on and you have an active connection it'll turn on your TV so you can get right into it conversely turning off the TV will also put the console itself into sleep mode it's pretty cool and definitely a good quality of life improvement you can get to this in two switch system settings by going to TV settings sub set and hitting that big fat match TV power state toggle that's really it but the more you know now finally at number one something important look we all lose controllers you set it down for a second to go do something else or answer some text or something and then when you get back you just can't remember what you've left it for the life of you it happens if you're looking for a joy con though you have an easy way to find it at least as long as it's still on if you pop back out to the main menu and hit the controller options once in that controller specific menu you just have to select find controllers pick which controller you want to find and that joy con will then start buzzing for as long as you hold that button it's pretty useful if you just misplaced it in the middle of a session and it's definitely a cool feature to have on a console like the switch where the controllers can be so damn small and just beggin to fall between the couch so there you go but those are 10 things the Nintendo switch doesn't exactly tell you we wanted to give you some fun easy tips maybe your newcomer to the Nintendo switch or maybe you're just a fan who's never really realized if you got any other tips for us be sure to let us know in the comments you know we want to hear and the people in the comments definitely do too clicking the like button if you learn something does help us out the most though we would really appreciate that but if you're new you should consider subscribing and hitting that notification bell because we put out new videos every single day but as always thanks for watching and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,510,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hidden settings, nintendo switch, switch tips, switch find joycon, missing joycons, joycon errors, nintendo switch calibrations, nintendo switch save files, switch save files backup, nintendo switch freeze, switch freezing, gameranx, jake baldino
Id: Hh92IBvfMgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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