I Made My Own Animal Crossing Switch for Just $35

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the special edition animal crossing switch looks adorable and i personally love mine but even after nine months after its release it's still being either sold out everywhere or scalped to bits online well good news because the stars have finally aligned after months of waiting all the parts have fallen into place and you can now make your own animal crossing switch a proper animal crossing switch all for less than just 35 dollars but first here's something i need to tell you this is not the real animal crossing switch this is it's practically indistinguishable and i'm going to show you how you can turn your dinky old switch into a complete animal crossing switch that looks identical to the real thing let's get started so this is my friend's brand new switch she wanted to hop on the animal crossing train with everyone else but unfortunately she wasn't able to cop one of those limited edition animal crossing consoles even now at the time of editing this they're still being scalped for way above msrp so she settled for another great one she was nice enough to let me borrow for a video so we're gonna spec it up and return it to her nicer than how we found it now i've seen people attempt to make their own animal crossing switches with stickers cases skins they're fine but i can assure you this is the best possible method we are going to be using a ton of parts for this and of course everything that you need will be in the description down below first let's start with the easiest part if you were to take anything from this video i would recommend this watch how easy it is to replace the back plate this is a one-to-one copy backplate from the special edition animal crossing switch it costed me just eleven dollars i'm going to take out the y triple zero bits for this and get to unscrewing okay so there's four screws on the back you need to take out if you're having trouble screwing them out because they're stripping or something like that try a wide double zero bit instead it tends to help out a lot all right we're switching to the phillips now all right there's two on the bottom one on the top and when we get to the sides you only need to take out the center screw all the other screws are irrelevant they just want attention don't give it to them then do the other side finally there is one last screw under the kickstand and look that's the inside of your switch isn't it pretty oh and look there's a cartridge left in there hey little fun fact looking these is actually really sweet it tastes like skittles give it a try let me know how it goes all right i know that we're just eager to just slam on the new back plate but first there's a couple things we got to transfer over first like uh the cartridge cover flat thing i don't know what they call this all right up next is the grills now at this point you might have noticed that your backplate didn't come with any pre-installed grilles on it now you can technically peel off the ones from your old backplate and put it on the new one but i find it easier just to buy new grilles it's only like three bucks and it saves a bunch of time now don't worry if you accidentally bend them like me since literally nobody's gonna see these once you close it up nice all right and lastly the kickstand clip needs to be transferred over otherwise your kickstand won't work anymore alright we're all done now we just screw everything back in and the back plate is done how cool is that i'm telling you this is the easiest mod you can do on your switch and the payoff is just so worth it yeah i i would definitely recommend this all right so the next part of this transformation is a little bit more difficult but it's the part that everybody wants that's right we're gonna be shell-swapping the controllers these costed me about 20 for the shelves and as you can see they're practically indistinguishable from the real joy-cons the only thing that would give it away honestly is unfortunately the bad doesn't have the logos on the stuff on the back part but you know me i found a version that does have these logos on the back i'll leave a link in the description if you prefer those now i've done multiple joy-con swaps in the past at this point and people were yelling at me in the comments because i unplugged everything the first time around you guys know that people do things differently right it was my first time relax anyways i'm gonna try the whole keep every cable and ribbon attached method and see how that goes i'm gonna go quick so if you're new here i've made a more detailed and beginner friendly tutorial in the past just look on my channel you'll see it i only have like four videos anyways okay so at this point in doing this i realize well yeah this is technically faster the majority of people that are going to be doing this are beginners and someone's bound to tear a cable with this method if they're not careful i don't know maybe i'm just underestimating you guys would you be able to pull off this method on your first time or do you feel like you'd mess it up i would love to hear where you stand on this because personally me i don't i don't if this is my first time i don't think i'd be able to pull this off so uh yeah man i don't know about this method it feels awful thankfully i'm a bit more familiar with the inside the joy-con so nothing broke but i would not recommend this if this is your first time i really feel it's worth just taking a little more time and unplugging everything before swapping it all out you're much less likely to break something especially this is your first time i explained this much more in depth in my lavender joy-con video go watch that after you're finished here it's a really good video now for the triggers here's me using the old jam and twist method i tend to plug the ribbon in first before screwing it back in place since it's much harder to plug it in once it's secured to the middle piece surprisingly the triggers on this felt really really good like really really good i i would recommend this then we can grab the back piece and attach the reel to it and we can close it up ah dang i forgot to buy the inside buttons oh well i'll leave some in the description for you anyways if you want to swap those out too and look at that it looks damn near identical and the triggers feel great that's a relief on to the left joycon the process on the left side con is similar but with less parts so try and keep up now i'm sure there's gonna be that one guy in the comments that says oh it doesn't look like the real one the colors are 0.20 slightly off also you look like a woman but i can assure you the camera doesn't do it justice take my word for it i own both of these systems notice i'm able to go a little bit quicker on this one since there's just less parts to deal with the black ring around the joystick is meant to keep dirt out of the inside of your joystick so be sure to transfer it over dirt inside the joystick tends to be one of the biggest reasons for joint contract all right let's start putting the buttons back in be sure your l button is also in place by this point uh i forgot to film that part screw in the rail it's all ready to be closed up and we're done looks really really good in my opinion all right here's what it looks like all put together and man it looks perfect the back plate looks amazing with all of its little details and the joy-cons look adorable again the only thing missing is the marks on the back but link is down there if you want to fix that now at this point we're about 35 in and if you want you can stop right here um if your only goal was to make an animal crossing switch you're good to go enjoy it but i'm gonna go all the way and attempt something that i haven't seen many people do on youtube before that's right we're doing a complete switch duck shell replacement all the way through exactly identical just like everything else this one was 22 i've seen people do tutorials on replacing the front faceplate of the dock but never swapping the entire thing so because of that i have almost no frame of reference so let's just see how far we can get first i grab my y triple zero bit and there are eight screws we gotta take off the back once that's off we got our first look at the insides of the dock uh yeah that's it that that's the whole thing you know when you take a first bite into a sandwich and it's like 90 bread that that's what this feels like anyways there's two phillips screws we gotta take off right here and the tiny board itself is just held in with some clips that blue ribbon is what connects to the switch itself unplug the led light and it's out okay there's one more screw under the board that we have to take out along with five more screws they're all the way in there though so you might need a thinner screwdriver to get to them after that the dock essentially splits in half and i can remove the led indicator we'll save those for later now this middle part is what we're going to be focusing on the most because that's where most of the stuff is four screws holding the usbc port and i'm going to pause it right here because i need to tell you something i didn't realize until it was too late okay so you see all of this yeah none of this ever actually shows through on the dock when it's assembled so even though the kit i bought included all the proper colored replacement parts it's pointless because no one's ever gonna see them save yourself the trouble and the cuts that i went through and just leave this part the way that it is anyways the part that does show up inside the dock when you slide in i'm just matching them up to make sure that they look the same the inside part goes in along with the springs and i just line it up with the bottom part screw that in and we're good to go all right now we're ready to reassemble that was honestly the worst of it everything else is just putting it back together in the new shell we're going to line up the middle part with the ribbon facing outwards and route it through the inside i'm going to grab the new face plate and install the led indicator there's also some rubber pieces that gotta slide in this is just to make sure that the screen doesn't get scratched when it's ducking in and finally we can put back on the facebook carefully carefully okay okay all right okay now we just got to screw everything back in [Applause] before we close this up i want to be sure that it's actually still working so i'm going to plug in the duct to power and test it out real quick fingers crossed and it's working nice yes just gotta screw in the last final screws and we're done all right just a few more touches i'm gonna put on some new rubber feet since mine didn't come installed with any and grab the serial number from the old one just to maintain consistency all right the dock is done just like everything else so far it's near identical this stock really brings the entire project together all right i want to make a couple more touches to make this switch 100 complete real quick checking the joy cons still show them as the original gray luckily there's a program we can use to change that again link is going to be in the description all we have to do is just hold the sync button on the controller pair it through bluetooth uh you'll know it's working if the home button is glowing on one of them launch the application and just pick the right colors i managed to find the precise hex color values for the original animal crossing switch joy cons i'll put them in the description so you can do it yourself too then we just got to repeat the process for the other one and we're good to go identical to the original oh by the way also if you play animal crossing and you program the colors that i use someone will mail you an animal crossing switch in the game isn't that cute lastly if you want to have matching joy-con grips good news you can buy those too though i don't think i've ever seen anyone use these in public these costed me i think about five bucks and we're done a brand new one-to-one replica of the special edition animal crossing switch indistinguishable from the original and just as stunning as a real one the pastel green and blue joy-cons look great the back plate has all the intricacies of the little villagers and the dock is miles better than some of the alternatives i've seen online this is my biggest project on this channel so far and i'm really proud how good this came out of course i'll have links to literally everything i use in this video including the toolkit down below in the description consider leaving a like on the video if you found this useful or entertaining let me know in the comments if you're considering trying this out or if you managed to already get animal crossing switch and thank you for watching
Channel: Dammit Jeff
Views: 2,715,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animal crossing joycons, ASMR Repair, Animal crossing Dock, Custom Joycons, Animal Crossing Skins, Custom animal crossing mods, Custom Animal Crossing Joycons, Switch repair, Custom Switch mods, Nintendo switch, Custom Switch backplate
Id: GOSsKkbzOZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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