Where to Start: Nintendo Switch

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are you interested in the Nintendo switch but don't know where to start are you considering getting one for yourself or maybe someone else maybe you just got one and want to see what games you can get or are you wondering what sort of accessories are out there and if there's anything specific about the system you should be aware of before buying well whatever scenario you might find yourself in this is the video for you we'll take a look at the available hardware games and accessories and while I can't talk about every specific aspect of the system or every game for that matter we're still going to take a look at things from all sorts of different perspectives to cover as much ground as possible let's start with the hardware there's two choices you've got here the first one is the regular Nintendo switch with the removable joy' con controller the second option is the more recently released switch light which is a more portable version of the system it's smaller in size and features but also in price the regular switch has a 6.2 inch screen it comes with the dock and jaikon controllers you can go from TV mode to handheld on-the-fly as well as tabletop mode if you want there's a stand which is admittedly flimsy that holds the console up and the joique on just slide out it has a battery life of five and a half to nine hours depending on the game and screen brightness the switch light is smaller with the screen coming in at 5.5 inches it has three to seven hours of battery life it's missing a few features like there's no Rumble and the controllers are integrated and non removable and the infrared camera found on the right joy con is absent TV output is non-existent so there's no way to get the image onto a bigger screen you can pair a set of joique on if you want to regain Rumble IR and some other functions of course the pro controller works too just be aware that with joy con you do need some sort of way to recharge them because well obviously the system won't physically accept them the advantages of the light is that it's smaller and it has a cheaper price a regular one comes in at 400 while the switch is just 260 dollars Canadian if you live in the US that translates to 300 and 200 respectively joy con are around $80 u.s. apparently so is it really worth going with the light I don't think so but not everyone's meat and there are people who could really take advantage of the smaller dimensions also if you're wondering the light does retain the motion controls so you can still aim when shooting arrows and Zelda and things like that if you're going for a used switch there's a third hardware option to the regular switch had a refresh which effectively gives the console better battery life the original models like mine have two and a half to six and a half hours of battery life rather than four and a half to nine that's quite a bit less you can tell which is which by the box this is the old switch this is the new one if there's no box check the serial number on the bottom of the unit if it starts with xkw then it's a new one anything below that like X aw then you know it's an original since I barely use my switch in handheld mode it doesn't really make a difference to me but if you do then I highly recommend to the newer model there are some games that don't work with the switch light out of the box and I think that's probably worth mentioning just to avoid surprises you'll have to get separate jaikon for them they are one to switch just dance Super Mario Party fitness boxing ring fit adventure and Nintendo Lavo Lavo is made with the original switch in mind so the cardboard contraptions that are made to hold the system in some way won't work with the light so keep that in mind now let's look at games this is an interesting topic since there's a lot of different ways we could approach it of course there's the Nintendo perspective which is obvious Mario and Zelda games are always a good place to start Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild are considered some of the best entries of their respective series Super Mario Odyssey is very open and accessible it's got that pick up and play and put down and go away thing going for it you can play it in short bursts or you can spend more time and try to get all the power moons or other hidden things some people prefer other Mario games as do I actually I still think Super Mario 3d World on the Wii U is overall better but Odyssey offers a unique experience that also includes some Mario 64 vibes breath of the wild is the first true open-world 3d Zelda game it combines elements found in early 2d Zelda games and puts them into a 3d context so both Mario and Zelda have become more nonlinear and open than recent previous titles Mario Kart 8 deluxe is great fun this is one of those games that people play online a lot so it's probably a good time to mention that online on the switch isn't free for most games it's $25 Canadian a year but we'll get into that a bit later another good online game is splatoon - it's a third-person shooter instead of shooting bullets you shoot ink at opponents and in multiplayer you also try to cover as much of your playing field in your color the one who has the most coverage when splatting wins it's also the only game in the world where the player base will make fun of you for not using motion controls again a switch online subscription is required there's a single-player mode too and the dlc available for it is quite different from the regular single-player mode i guess you could call it more challenge based and the story behind it is pretty interesting too especially if you've played the first game so give that a shot there's Super Mario Brothers you deluxe for 2d Mario action Li Jie's Mansion 3 because why wouldn't you mention it the legend of zelda links awakening is a remake of the excellent original Gameboy game of the same name if you want something that scratches the classic Zelda itch then here you go Pokemon let's go Eevee and Pikachu for Gen 1 vibes Pokemon sword and shield are the newest mainline games in the series people are really vocal about it not having a complete pokedex yet it's the switch's fastest selling title and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and its expansion have you covered in terms of RPGs there that covers a lot of first and second party games but there's also a good amount of multi-platform games that made their way onto the switch as you can imagine they usually don't run the best on the switch but if portability is what you want then the switch ports are for you whether a port is good or not really depends it seems to be a case-by-case basis the switch is also a great place for people wanting to replay last gen games since a lot of them have imported so if you missed or never got around to some of them back in the day you might find them on the switch on another but somewhat similar note a lot of Japanese games are finding themselves on the switch these days if Utley games with an anime art style there's a few reasons for that first of all Vita games aren't really being released anymore at least for the most part and the Vita was a really great place for anime style niche games so both developers and gamers started transitioning to the switch because of the handheld nature of those systems plus there's been a move from ps4 to switch as well and the main reason for that is because of Sony shenanigans Neptune yes and Ankara Disgaea Marrero Chronicle the Atelier series Valkyria Chronicles and a whole bunch more can be found on the switch now though because of the lack of horsepower some franchises have imported their mainline games over these developers often operate on smaller budgets so while CD Projekt RED might have been able to squeeze the witcher 3 onto the switch idea factory and compile heart are probably not going to be able to port Neptunia v2 are properly I mean even Disgaea 5 had to run at a lower resolution and that game uses 2d sprites for its characters and relatively simple 3d environments after talking about all those games it's time to start addressing some accessories while it's not required I would highly recommend getting a micro SD card for the switch the switch isn't my main console and I always buy physical games except if they're digital only yet my hundred and twenty eight gigabyte card is about 1/4 full that's because of patches DLC and of course games if this is going to be your or the recipients main console then definitely look into it it's a bit of a pain to redownload everything down the line because you can't just copy or transfer the data so it might as well get one right away if you can 128 gigabyte is the minimum I would recommend I just bought a micro SD card at $25 Canadian so I don't think there is much of a reason to go with 64 or less you may want to get a stand - there's tons available and it saves you having to rely on that terribly unstable thing that's built into the system lights don't have a stand by the way so that's something to consider - I'm not a fan of how joique on controllers feel so I like the idea of having a pro controller ever since I got one the joy cone haven't been getting much use at all out of all current gen systems I like the switch pro controller the most in terms of how the thing feels in my hand but the d-pad is strange feels a bit hard to push on yet it feels indirect - for example if you press up or down it's easy to accidentally go left and right as well if you rock your thumb even a little bit not ideal for 2d games in my opinion but I guess it's better than the d-pad on the GameCube controller also an interesting thing to notice that HD Rumble or haptic feedback as it's also known feel stronger with the joique on compared to the pro controller that's not a bad thing necessarily but it's something to note at least it has it unlike other alternatives you can get not that you shouldn't go with other controller options there are other manufacturers that make full-size controllers which I don't have experience with perhaps it's best finding some dedicated reviews on those specifically same thing with joy cone alternatives they all seem to omit one or more features but can be of benefit in other ways like a bigger grip or a d-pad another thing you might want to do is get a case for your switch you know how the we had so much shovelware well imagine that concept with the switch except with cases there's so many cases it's hard to figure out which one to get if you don't have any specific wants then the choice is pretty easy go to Best Buy get their house brand insignia case or something Nintendo license and it'll be fine I've used the insignia case for mine and it's okay until I ran out of space for games tom talk has a popular line of switch cases that you might want to consider tom talk actually sent me to to take a look at for another video I like them and use them now especially the big ones since it houses a bunch of games and other accessories it does look a bit like a whale though since I don't own a switch light I can't really tell you much about specific cases for it but I can't see how things could be that much different from a regular switch I'm sure the selection is similar just like phone cases there's no shortage of information on the internet on that the Nintendo switch does have some issues you should be aware of in the beginning there were all sorts of strange things that apparently happened and people experienced but I don't hear about that anymore like systems bending inwards a friend of mine has a launched a switch that is slightly curved it seems to stop at some point so I'm not really worried about it folding in on itself or anything if I put a ruler across mine it definitely is slightly curved too but it doesn't seem to be an issue something called joy Khan Drift might be a thing you've heard about that's when the analog stick derps to one side not physically but in-game basically it's like the n64 analog stick where it doesn't register on center Nintendo put out a video on how to fix it with rubbing alcohol the pro controller also has a similar issue which is caused by the plastic on the housing being ground up into dust by the analog sticks stem and then getting underneath and ruining the mechanism you can take some precaution by cutting some electrical tape to size and putting it on the stem part something that you may be interested in is Nintendo switch online I already mentioned it before most online games require a subscription in order to access online functions like multiplayer it's 20 US a year or 35 a year for a family plan which allows up to eight accounts to make use of online functions subscribing to online gives you access to NES and SNES games to play which is pretty cool a lot of the most popular games from the system's are included there's games that get added from time to time if you're used to how voice chat is on the ps4 and Xbox three voice chat is basically not a thing here yes there's a Nintendo switch online app that allows voice chat with splatoon too but it's not anything I've ever heard people praise if you're playing with friends use this chord I guess switch online includes cloud save game storage for games that support it which you may want since the system doesn't allow you to make backups of save games in any other way that's good I guess until about a decade from now or whenever Nintendo decides to can the service there's some points or subjects that I haven't brought up yet and I'm now going to just mention in this miscellaneous section the resolution of the switch that's both models is 1280 by 720 so 720p when it's docked it can be anything up to 1080p many games adjust resolution on-the-fly I eat lower it to keep performance consistent breath of the wild doesn't do that but it caps the resolution to 90 or sorry 900 P so there's a bunch of different techniques to keep games running consistently many multi-platform games run at 30 rather than 60 frames per second on the switch though there are some games usually exclusives like lateen 2 and also mario odyssey which run at 60 the resolution of the textures are usually lower and you'll find some strange artifacts on effects like shadows or blur usually it'll be a bit blocky games usually run better in handheld mode than when docked because of the lower resolution but that's not always the case the witcher 3 runs better dock for example presumably that's a battery life thing you can't use bluetooth headphones on the switch it has bluetooth but that's for the controller's only you can use those Bluetooth adapter things that plug into the three-and-a-half millimeter port but that seems more cumbersome than just using a proper set of headphones it's up to you of course all switches have 32 gigabytes of built-in storage if you use a microSD card safe games will still be saved to the system no matter what hence why you can't backup safe data multimedia support is limited there's only youtube and if you live in the u.s. you also get Hulu whatever that is since we're a couple of years in I'm finding it more and more unlikely that we're going to see something like Netflix or Amazon at least it has YouTube so that's kind of convenient it works well and looks like every YouTube app on any other console or Smart TV I didn't talk about Nintendo labo in this video since it's quite a specific thing I don't own lab Oh things I see it being mocked on the internet quite a bit since its cardboard but I say if it looks fun don't worry about it and just enjoy it there's a lot of videos about the subject including from Nintendo itself if you want to know more overall I think that's a decent amount of information on the Nintendo switch if you're new to the subject let's face it though these videos are often watched by people who not only have the system but know a lot about it so whatever your situation is I hope you had fun watching let me know in the comments about your suggestions experiences and advice the video such as this can't really cover everything so nuggets of info in the comments are always welcome if you liked the video and like what I do consider supporting me on Triana like all of these people are here there's a few benefits that you can get like seeing videos before they come out as well as behind-the-scenes updates and videos there's a merch store - which also supports the channel check the links in the description to that and other things like Twitter and so on thanks for watching and I'll see you again in the next video [Music]
Channel: YellowSuperNintendo
Views: 2,592,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YSN, YellowSuperNintendo, Yellow Super Nintendo, Nintendo, Switch, Nintendo Switch, where to start, lite, nintendo switch lite, switch accessories, accessories, sd card, micro sd card, pro controller, joy con, overview, review, console, gaming console, game console, handheld console
Id: 7w1fFoltIVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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