10 Growing Together Objects You Need To Start Using | The Sims 4 Guide

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hope you love family gameplay as we're about to look at 10 objects from the growing together expansion pack that you need to start using as always we'll look at five which I believe are standouts and five which are underused with two bonus ones at the end of course the objects mentioned here are entirely my opinion so if I miss any that you yourself love then please feel free to let me know in the comments down below and with that let's start out with a standout being the timber Treehouse base once placed adults and teenagers can then use this to build a treehouse and know that if an older Sim who's at least a teenager is building this then child Sims are able to join in and help and this will train the mental skill for child Sims and the handiness skill for older Sims once made the Treehouse becomes a very versatile object to make use of you'll be pleased to know that Sims can relax nap or sleep within the treehouse enclosure and that it's also a woohoo location that can lead to Sims becoming playful I mean let's hope the kids don't find out what's going on up there you know it can be a secret Sims can sit and chat in the tree house as well as use it to watch nature which will increase their fun need while this is great a treehouse is even more useful for child and teen Sims who are able to set admission rules for the Treehouse making it for kids only teens only or choosing no adults allowed you know to stop them from woohooing in what the kids think is a safe space child and teenager Sims are also able to set up decorations on the tree house giving it one of four themes being a fairy tale castle theme a space Explorer theme an island Castaway theme and a pirate Hideout theme and for child Sims they're able to play a range of pretend scenarios that aligned with the decoration themes playing these will raise their fun need and their creativity skill and on top of this it can be an activity that they do with other child Sims and it's handy for making new friends in addition child Sims can also play in the enclosure part of the Treehouse too and when not done yet as tree houses can also receive four upgrades at level 2 handiness a slide can be added for a hundred Simoleons and at level 4 handiness a sliding pole can be added also costing 100 simoleons child Sims can climb up or slide down the slide and Sims Childs and older are able to slide down the pole and these interactions will provide a little fun boost now at level 2 handiness you can upgrade the treehouse with a bell and at level 5 handiness with lights and these require upgrade Parts which can easily be bought on a computer child Sims are able to ring the bell for a small fan boost and the lights upgrade adds lights to your treehouse and just like usual lights you you can alter their color and intensity various objects can also be placed on tree houses this includes gaming mats activity tables telescopes plant pots toy boxes and even meditation schools from the spa day game pack pumpkin carving stations from the spooky stuff pack and cross stitch kits from the cottage living expansion pack it means that overall these treehouses can end up having so many uses and that they can be tailored to suit your Sims interests as well okay it's time to move on now to an underused object being the hodgepodge photo collage frames while these picture frames are locked behind completing a family reunion event on bronze silver and or gold they also can be unlocked using the bb.ignore gameplay unlocks entitlements cheat these are just awesome for displaying family photos with the smallest of the frames fitting three small photos the medium frame fitting four small photos and the large frame fitting three small photos and one large photo I think they're a must-have for family moments and they really do provide a reason for our Sims to start taking small photos which I hardly ever took before this what's more is that once unlocked these are completely free and we all love free things we're heading back to a standout for the third object which is the way to play playing mat and this object is very helpful when you're raising infants in particular the play mat is important to help your infant kick-start their fine motor Milestones by looking at and eventually playing with the toys on the map as infants can't use toys outside of the play mat until they learn the grab Milestone on top of this Sims can play with infants who are on the play mat and this can lead to social Milestone unlocks too while it can also be used for tummy time for gross motor Milestones this object is admittedly less important for this as you can just do this on the floor but we do love a cushioned mat for our infant and finally know that once your imprint unlocks their fun need then the play mat is an easy solution to keep it filled back to an underused object now being the keepsake boxes now objects can be stored from your inventory into keepsake boxes but it's only Elders who will be able to designate a keepsake box and essentially make it their own once an elder has designated a keepsake box they can then use it to ponder the meaning of family and once done the next time the pondering Sim speaks to a close family member it will establish a family Dynamic with them the type of family Dynamic established will depend on the type of pondering that a Sim did for example if you ponder that family means being together then when they next speak to a family member a close family Dynamic will establish between them also note that you can use the interaction to ponder that nobody knows what family means and the next time you speak to a family member it will clear any existing relationship Dynamics between them note that there is an incredibly long cooldown on this interaction of quite literally a week so use it wisely but also know that once an elder has designated a keepsake box all household members will be able to use it to ponder the meaning of family keepsake boxes can be named and once designated an elder will be able to entrust the keepsake box to another Sim of their choosing essentially handing it down to them and this can be great for storytelling it's time once again for a standout and we're going to take a look at the many bikes added in with this pack firstly you have the mountain Trailblazer bike which is very similar to the bicycle from discover University meaning that adults and teenage themes can use it to ride around and travel between places and riding around on a bike can be a rather fun way to increase the Sims Fitness skill especially as riding a bike can give your Sims an energized moodlet but perhaps even more importantly is that growing together also adds six bikes for kids Yes you heard that right six is that excessive probably but never before have I been so spoiled for Choice what's awesome about these bikes is that kids can learn to ride them and practicing or riding on these will train up a Sims motor skill child Sims can also be taught to ride by older Sims which will see them help them learn how to ride it this can be super fun and make for a huge family moment and if you have the Parenthood game pack then this will raise the helping Sims parenting skill once a child learns how to ride a bike they'll gain it as one of their first milestones and from then on out they'll be able to use child bikes to ride around or travel from place to place from my experience there are only minor differences between the six types of bikes for child Sims such as them often blowing a horn on the loud trickster Honestly though I can't tell if I'm missing something just just because six different child bikes seemed like a lot if they all pretty much do the same thing now let's move on to an underused object being the right track backpack and the someplace suitcase and these objects essentially function as portable dresses that Sims can pop into their inventory bring around with them and use to change or plan outfits note that child Sims can only carry the backpack and not the full-size suitcases and that these objects can also be opened but from my experience this only provides a visual change if Sims come and stay over your house for a few days be it out of the blue or organize from the calendar then they'll also bring a backpack or suitcase along with them I just quite like them as they're a great option as a small dresser and they can also bring to life the idea of traveling a lot more as you can take these along with you wherever you go let's turn our attention to a standout now being the many change table or stations as well as the diaper pail while I am saying that this is a standout I want to also add that this isn't anywhere as incredible as some of the other standouts such as the tree house and that I don't think this is an object that's totally essential for infants in short I wouldn't buy growing together just for the change tables now diaper paled we'll click into or attach to change stations the same way that chairs do to tables and when an infant or toddler's diaper is freshened up on a change table the diaper will go straight into the pail and not on the floor and it's a great feeling not to have to deal with dirty diapers going all over the floor on top of this change tables can also be upgraded with security straps to help lower the amount of accidents that your little ones have while being changed essentially meaning that your Sims will get paid on less often which you know our Sims will likely love despite me kind of missing the chaos finally know that change tables can also be used to two plan outfits and change infants or toddlers outfits as well now for an underused object being the many Splash Pad objects including fountains mats and of course whale birds and I will include the whale bit slide in this too these objects can just be a lot of fun for simchior children and older to play in and while you can totally place them in your backyard and make a mini water park I feel that their real value comes in bringing extra life and activities into Community lots and in particular parks and even pools there are fun side activity for a day out and on top of this they're just visually quite engaging as well as this the slide is good fun for toddlers and it's a great way to include them in water parks and the fun that they bring on to the final standout object now which is the humble sleeping bag these function as a portable bed that you can pop into your inventory and whip out anywhere for a nap or a sleep but be careful because sleeping Sims can be pranked by others either with balloons with water or with baby powder The Sims doing the pranking will often become playful while the stem getting cranked could become playful or from my experience if they get pranked repeatedly then they will get an angry moodlet you can use sleeping bags to tell stories to other Sims 2 which can lead to various moodlets for both the teller and the listeners and on top of this the object is extremely important for the slumber party event which can lead to some super cute sleepovers and fun or chaotic moments for Sims and their friends and if successful it will see you unlock even more sleeping bags that can have a variety of very adorable swatches sleeping bags can also be used to have pillow fights which can make for some great moments as well and now for the final underused object which is the celebration Canon Sims can place this and use it to start a celebration sequence we which provides a playful moodlet this object is also used during the baby shower events whereby you can fire a baby shower Cannon to announce that you're expecting a Sim but perhaps the biggest reason that I love this object is that sometimes when you fire it it can start a blaze and lead to Absolute chaos and I do love chaos and new ways to start fires now while we've looked at 10 objects I want to quickly give two shout outs firstly the friendship bracelet kit which lets you create friendship bracelets making these can be tricky and won't always be successful and child themes will train their creativity skill making them while older Sims will train up their handiness skill once two sims have made them and are close friends they'll then be able to exchange them which will see them both start wearing it note that Sims can only wear one friendship bracelet at a time while worn by two sims they'll also gain a unique interaction called bracelet buddy fist bump which is super cute and it's located in the friendly and then affection section also know that if you have the growing together expansion pack then you can also craft friendship bracelets from activity tables yarn baskets and cross stitch kits the final object I want to give a quick mention to is The Game's a groovy game table and less because it's a game table and more because growing together adds two new games Sims can play symbols together which can be a really nice family game and perhaps even cooler is that Sims can also make puzzles on the gaming table there's a large range of puzzles that you can choose from to create and completing these are great ways to increase your Sims fun need their logic skill and it can be a good activity to do with other Sims for a bit of a social and friendship boost you can even create a puzzle from reference and once made puzzles can be framed and then hung on a wall or sold yes be coming a professional puzzle solver is kind of an option now and with that we're at the end that's a look at 10 or potentially you could say 12 objects that you need to start using from the growing together expansion pack if you enjoyed or found this helpful then please subscribe and leave a like I would really appreciate it and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 48,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Growing Together Objects You Need To Start Using | The Sims 4 Guide, Sims 4, Sims, How To, Guide, Tutorial, Tips and Tricks, Sims 4 Growing Together, Sims 4 Growing Together Objects, Growing Together Objects You Need, Sims 4 Growing Together Build Items, Sims 4 Best objects, Sims 4 Treehouse, how to build a treehouse in sims 4, sims 4 playmat, sims 4 keepsake box, sims 4 changing table, sims 4 sleeping bag, sims 4 water park, sims 4 celebration cannon, Sims 4 Puzzles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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