How to create a Sims 4 save file (and not get overwhelmed)

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I think creating a Sims 4 safe fire can be a little bit overwhelming especially if you haven't done it before especially if you own many packs many worlds obviously there are some things that some people know there are other things that some people may not know maybe you've done a world say before maybe you haven't I've made time stamps in the video so if you find something you already know feel free to skip ahead to the next bit also why even start a world save in the first place maybe you're sick of the ugly Sims 4 based game lots that look absolutely terrible maybe you've brought some packs and you want to integrate some of the gameplay in other worlds for example if you own The Sims 4 dine out maybe you want to build a restaurant in some of the other worlds that don't have restaurants maybe you actually want to give Sims in the world's life stories because Sims in The Sims 4 don't really have proper relationships they don't have stories they all just kind of blank canvases and it's not very good to jump straight into or you could just be doing it because you're bored maybe you don't have any friends in the real world that was a bit Savage anyway whatever your reason is I've got you covered so obviously the world is already full of townies already full of lots so before you begin I think it's important to have a vision for the world that being you know do you want to do something really crazy and out there like make every single Towny a celebrity in real life do you want to put all your real friends and family in there maybe you want to fill it with I don't know a Cults maybe you want to make every single world full of occults and aliens and vampires maybe you want to make it solely a build save there are many different things you could do with the world and I think it's important to have a general Vision about what you actually want to do for me personally I want to make a cross-pack compatible save that's my vision I own all of the packs for The Sims 4 so I want to make haunted houses because I own the Sims 4 paranormal stuff I want to make tiny homes because I own the Sims 4 tiny life pack whatever it's called tiny living stuff I own the Sims 4 Cats the dogs so maybe I want to build a Veterinary surgery in Willow Creek I want to make my world very like cross-pat compatible with loads of things so that's my vision once you've got your vision I think is also important to think about what you can realistically achieve deleting everything and you know going into all of the world if you're like me and you own all of the packs like going into all of these worlds and like changing every single thing that's really really overwhelming to go into all these worlds so you've got to think about what you can actually realistically do it doesn't have to be perfect there are definitely ways you can make it a lot more realistic for yourself in terms of building and in terms of cast and I am going to be going over those in this specific building cast sections of the video but the third thing to think about when you're working at how to start is are you actually going to start with build remote or casts or are you going to do both at the same time the way I personally like to do it is I like to focus like 80 on build mode 20 on Cass I like to build my houses around real people that would actually live in them so normally when I'm building a house I have the Sim in the back of my mind and then I do that for about three houses and then before I forget who the Sims actually are then I go into Cass and I make them I guess it depends you know if you're more of a build player gameplay player or a cast player is up to you but you've got to think about you know where you actually want to start as I'm starting with build mode the first section of how to create a world save will be about building obviously you've got to choose which world to start in do not feel like you have to start in Willow Creek because everybody starts in Willow Creek like you don't have to do that God forbid don't start with streamlit single or Daisy hovel honestly start whatever you like the only thing I would say is start with a smaller lot maybe to begin with I actually first started in this top lot here in New Crest which is 20 by 15 the smallest a lot in the game and I actually did it for a YouTube video with you guys so honestly just start like wherever you like whatever picks you fancy maybe for this video I'll take the Nook Stone lot in the world of Oasis Springs so you found your starting Place hypothetically it's this place Nook Stone when it comes to altering a lot for a world save there are three different ways the first way is to just rebuild it all from scratch that would mean bulldozer seeing this entire lot and getting rid of everything that's obviously the very ambitious way of going about it the second way of course is to download a lot off the gallery and actually if you take the official name of the lot and you copy it on the gallery search by lots and your current lot size go into hashtags and literally enter the lot name as a hashtag and you'll actually find loads of lots built in that specific place and that makes it really easy for you to Chuck things down if you wanted to you could just go on you know most popular gardeners trailer and I could pop this in I know you're thinking sat that's stealing the whole point of your own world save is that it's your own you shouldn't take other people's stuff honestly guys the entire point of this Gallery is to steal other people's stuff that's literally the whole point of it do not feel pressure to build everything yourself your world save could honestly just be collection of nice slots you found off the gallery in fact as a part of my magnolia Promenade World save I have this slot here this is the original one on the gallery and I just downloaded it and I made it my own if you're not very good at actually you know architectural design but you love the interior design I think it's a good way to go about it I personally just took this original lot and I just altered something so I change it from pink to blue I also changed some of the Interior decorations and I added and removed certain things so don't be afraid to download other people's stuff off the gallery nobody's gonna judge you for it and it makes your life a lot easier the third way to go about it is to renovate an existing lot and what I mean by that is I guess kind of like fixing some of EA's terrible lots the world of glimmerbrick in the realm of magic pack is one of the most cursed packs in terms of all of the Lots as some of you may know this is the infamous house by having the horrifically ugly windows and also the stairway that leads up to a space where there is not a door because EA forgot to put the door in so of course the third way to deal with all of this may be to actually just you know add a door in maybe you just want to slightly renovate it by adding a couple of sofas you could add a TV unit into here you could make it really really simple maybe you just want to you know bring the roof out as EA should have done actually make it look a little bit more normal do you know what I mean so don't feel like you have to be overwhelmed by building things from scratch because you can download things off the gallery and you can renovate existing things another important aspect of build mode is obviously making building fun and getting inspiration so how to get inspiration firstly you could search online for the lot I built in new Crest recently on my YouTube channel I actually searched for tiny homes in The Sims 4. I found a tiny home that was built in The Sims 4 that I really liked and I attempted to recreate it searching online and recreating things that way can be really really fun because although yeah you're stealing something of somebody else because you're not directly just downloading it from the gallery because you're trying to replicate it subconsciously you make small changes that suit your style more and I think it's a good way to get into the habit of building things honestly guys if you want to be a better Builder steal what other people's stuff try and copy other people's ideas it's honestly one of the best ways to learn how to build in the game the next way is to copy real-life floor plans you could literally just search for floor plan click on something like this and then attempt to copy it obviously the Sims 4 has the grid so you can't copy something like this directly you kind of have to use creative Liberties you could also search for something more specific small American Suburban house floor plan find something like this and honestly just see if you can attempt to recreate it and by the way if you go on Pinterest a lot of them actually have pictures of houses too Pinterest by the way is like honestly an amazing place for like getting inspiration and it's also great for searching things like modern living room and getting inspiration to interior designs so searching online is a really great tool in fact this house right here was made by one of those Pinterest floor plans I tried really really hard to copy exactly and I mostly did and when you do copy these things you build rings and spaces that you wouldn't have ordinarily thought about like by copying this floor plan I put a closet in the kitchen which sounds a little bit weird but it kind of looks a little bit like a pantry almost and you can come up with you know quite quirky ideas like I've made this little laundry room in the floor plan it had like two separate rooms put together so I managed to turn it into like a laundry space and I also kind of make like this downstairs tiny bathroom here so floor plans are a great way to build houses the next way is by making challenges as most of you know a lot of Sims YouTube is doing every room is a different budget or a shower challenge or making each room a different color or something although certain challenges like you know every room is a different color is not very aesthetically pleasing if you're making like a proper nice World save but downloading shells is a really great way to spark up creativity because it forces you to work in a box honestly I think people are much more creative when they have a box if you give someone a blank canvas and like do anything you want it's really difficult to actually know what to do but if you give them a box and say you can do anything you want but it must fit inside this box then you're a lot more creatively challenged in Sparks I actually make this little lot from a little simsy shout it was a very old Shell that she had I think it must have honestly been from like a few years ago but I downloaded it just randomly oh what's that doing there pretend that doesn't exist thank God we opened a lot so I could see it but no I downloaded a shout from one of her like shower challenges and I literally just turned it into an entire house and because I had to work with like awkward spaces I feel like I made you know a place that looks very unique and I'm quite happy with the way it looks and how unique it is and that's just from you know doing the shout so don't be afraid to do different kinds of challenges and things the next really great way to find inspiration to build is to base it on a Sim obviously in a world save as well as building you've got to eventually add Sims into the lot what I normally do when I'm building a house is I imagine the kind of sim that would live there and it would really help me to like design the look of the house I know a lot of people they build the Sim first and then they make the house for the Sim after I like to do it the opposite I like to build the house but then build a SIM for the house after but I kind of create the Sim as I create the house so this is a lot that I made in Dao Soul Valley I haven't completed the interior design yet but it's a little bit colorful and over the top and wacky and that's because my vision for the property is I imagine like new money living here you know like there's that thing on social media right now like whether you're like old money or new money the story that I've made up is that the person who's living here is a YouTuber because in The Sims 4 you can kind of have like the social media influencer career with get famous so I'm turning the Sim that's going to live here into a social media influencer who got rich very quickly at a young age and you know when you get rich quickly at a young age generally you have absolutely no taste that's why I filled this house with you know an ugly neon blue staircase and we've got some you know crazy ugly gold statues over here and everything's eclectic it doesn't work out very well that's a kind of vision that I had for this house same for this space this is a tiny home but it's got a lot of gardening stuff literally all over the entire house and a lot of plants so I kind of had the image of this is that it was like a millennial I don't know like a millennial hipster you know those pretentious vegan arrogant hipsters I'm getting canceled for saying that I know it but I kind of wanted to create the house based on that so I haven't created this Sim yet but I have a vision in mind that she's a young adult and she's a part of the interior designer career and she lives alone he is salidatory solid in solitary I cannot say that word I already plan on making one of her traits a hopeless romantic she's born to be single and alone forever and that's exactly how she likes it she's friends with her plants so that's all she needs and having that vision in mind when I was building a house I feel like helped me to create a really nice looking space over here the next most important things to always have in mind is gameplay obviously not everybody actually plays The Sims 4 right now because it's very broken a lot of people just like to build but if you do intend on playing with the places that you've made make sure that they they actually work you know you can build a nice space like this if I place like the coffee table like way too close to this here and the Sims can't even sit down properly it defeats the whole point so when you're building you do generally have to do a little bit of play testing it can be a chore it can be boring I know but make sure you remember to actually play your tests a lot of the places you build just to make sure that they actually work in your Sims can use everything there so moving on to the making Sims part of a world save this can be a bit of a chore for me anyway as with building there are different ways you can go about it you can refresh existing counties and change them and edit them you can delete them and make new townies or you could download townies off the gallery it's entirely up to you starting with the idea of refreshing a Towny and changing the way that they look you might be wondering how to actually change a Towny physically in your cheat window do you control shift C testing cheats on and then we do cast stopped full edit mode and then you shift click Assam and you click modifying casts and when you do it this way you can edit all of their physical features so if you want to give Eliza pancakes I don't know a bit of a longer nose or a shorter nose or something you can if you want to permanently change her eye color you can do that if you want to change her body shape really easily you can do that so do not be afraid to use some cheeks in there to refresh some of the older townies the ones that look a little bit tragic like Eliza after changing their appearance as well you may also want to change the aspirations especially if you own a lot of the packs you know in your brand new world save you might want it so Eliza pancakes maybe you want to make her have an aspiration to be a master vampire because you're in the vampires pack she's neat materialistic and perfectionist but maybe you want her to be hot-headed literally none of the base game Sims townies have any likes and dislikes so you might want to add or remove some of these from the game or you can just randomize them if you can't be bothered and I think it just helps you know to give your Sims a little bit more character if you own Parenthood too you can can also give them family Dynamics which I think is very important of course once you've done this you've got to do relationships you think Sims that live in the same neighborhood would be friends with each other or at least you know have met each other at least once but that genuinely does not happen with the Sims 4. so it's obviously important when you're creating a world save that you make it a lot more realistic so you might want to get Eliza pancakes to visit I don't know the Goths who live just over in the neighborhood next door and then when you're here of course you can greet belugoff and actually make friends now doing this for a lot of townies can take a very long time unnecessarily long there are cheats that you can use to modify relationships so it is console friendly because you can use cheats to do it if you don't have console and you have PC I do recommend the MC Command Center mod and that's because you can use the mod to really easily edit relationships you can use it to also change Sims skills you can also use it to change a Sims job and these are things that are really important for making the townies actually feel real and alive safe so if you do have a PC MC Command Center is a must for that I will pop a download link in the description of this video if you're on Console it's a little bit more difficult because you have to write out all of the cheats but the cheats still exist to you know change your job your skill levels your career relationships so if you do want to change those things give it a Google so you can see what the specific cheats are but that's a way to make it a lot more bearable in terms of General tips obviously the Sims 4 infants update has come out even before that the toddler update you know toddlers weren't initially in The Sims 4 base game that's why there's literally no toddlers in any Sims 4 world because they literally just didn't exist before an update that's also by the way none of the base game houses actually have swimming pools because swimming pools didn't ship in The Sims 4 base game funny enough I think that's also another great reason to do the world save because like there's been so many base game updates to the game that is I think important to update a lot of things anyway so as I said adding infants and toddlers to other people's households and also adding pets because if you own cats and dogs obviously you can have them and I think it'd be nice to you know put them in other worlds other than brindleton Bay by the way if you want to do this it's the same so you shift click a Sim with all the cheats I mentioned before modifying Cass obviously if you want to add an infant you can do the play with genetics thing and you can literally just add an infant into the house from Cass assuming you can't be bothered to actually make the Sim get pregnant I think it's a you know easier way same thing with pets you can create an entirely brand new pet in cast for your sim when you go into cast for edit mode and of course you could do it the lazy way and literally just download oh my what on Earth is that you can literally just download something off the gallery and put it in your household and of course you can just get rid of them all that's what I'm gonna do with my save I'm actually getting rid of belagolf the whole golf family I'm getting rid of the pancakes and I'm just gonna make it like entirely new for my world save so it's up to you how you go about Sims now are some general tips firstly don't feel like you have to do an entire world at a time don't feel like oh I've got to start in Willow Creek and I've got to do all of the Lots here before I can you know move on to Oasis Springs that's a really terrible way of going about it you know I built this lot here this like Courtyard Oasis star home and then I might go into Dao Sol Valley and make the little YouTuber home that I showed you before then I might get bored and I think oh my God I want to make a vampire house in forgotten Hollow so I do that don't feel like you have to like complete one area before you can move on to the next literally just hip hop between different things and it will make it a lot more fun for you in terms of avoiding getting overwhelmed firstly if the fun stops stop oh my God that sounds like um you know like those like anti-gambling ads anti-drinking ads if the fun stops stop gamble responsibly right oh my God what that was so cringe off me but yeah if the fun stops guys like literally just stop don't bother keep away from the game for a while don't feel like you have a certain time limit to complete it could take you forever who cares as long as they're having a good time so that leads on to the next thing don't press yourself to do quickly third thing as I said don't focus on one world at a time Focus instead on one lot at a time one sim at a time as I said before about building specifically do not be afraid of stealing other people's work if you're finding it a little bit overwhelming rebuilding every single up just download something somebody else has made it is so much easier it's a lot easier to modify and renovate than building your own thing from scratch and also don't be afraid to actually leave some of the basic stuff in there if it's okay you know I would say probably from Snowy Escape onwards every pack after that you like henford upon Bagley tartosa moonwood milk Santa Koya all of the Lots in all of these worlds are actually really good and honestly I don't really think they need that much changing so don't be afraid to leave things too and the next thing is make it for yourself and don't make it for other people obviously when you finally completed making it you're going to want to you know share it with other people but make it for yourself and not for the people around you when I first started my world safe I was really conscious like oh no if I build in Solani I can only Space Game Plus Island living stuff I can't use any objects from any other packs because that wouldn't be fair to people who download it don't feel like you have to make it base game friendly or pack specific friendly for people who download it guys this is a bit Savage of me but nobody cares about your world save apart from yourself the chances are when you upload it not that many people are gonna download it anyway like if you make a world save you've got to make it for yourself not for other people I fell in that trap of trying to make it base game friendly and pack exclusive friendly and in the end I just gave up and I thought you know what I'm just gonna do it for myself I bought all of these packs and I'm gonna use them however I like and also if you're thinking of putting something weird in there but you think all other people might not like that so I'm not going to do it guys just do it anyway again as I said nobody cares you don't have to make it appropriate for other people and you don't have to make it perfect for other people you just have to make it fun for yourself now there is some important information I should have put this at the start of the video oops well it's at the end of the video a treat for those who watch our video Until the End firstly we need to talk about custom content obviously some of you use CC forecast or for build mode that's fine but I personally would avoid using CC for worldsafe initially unless the whole vision for the save file is that it's going to be totally CC like if you're a milled like you know a totally Alpha CC world with advocacy households lovely do that from the start but if you're the kind of person who's just uses you know a little bit of CC every now and then I personally would wait to the very end when you've literally like completed your world safe to do that and that's because over time CC can corrupt I mean it won't corrupt your whole game but you know sometimes it might result in cursed things happening with your Sims if you know an outfit breaks or build objects might magically go missing if you accidentally delete or move your mod folder or change things so I would personally make it unmodded to begin with and then once you've done everything maybe at CCN at the end if you do want to add build and cast CC I actually recommend making a spreadsheet or where do with links to the CC as well as like a brief name and description of them because if they break you're going to be missing some objects from your world so maybe just a note down on a spreadsheet what they are and exactly what Lots you put all of this stuff in if it does break you need to update it or change it you can easily do so and as a general disclaimer also about using CC do not install any gameplay mods and go into live mode when you're creating your save because if the gameplay more corrupt something you're basically screwed and you could you know potentially corrupt the save file and ruin it so please do not go into any save file with mods install I think MC Command Center is okay if you're just using it for cheats changing you know relationship values and stuff but any other gameplay mods I would avoid them entirely until you actually are ready to play it and that leads me on to my next point which is backing up your save file because things could go wrong so if you want to back up your world save I actually recommend going into documents and making a folder just called Sims 4 backups or something next thing you want to do is in the main screen menu click on load game and for your world save you'll see this icon here and it says copy the save file path to the clipboard you click on this to copy it what you've got to do is paste and this will basically show you where it is so my world save is called slot underscore zero zero zero zero zero zero C so following this path I can see zero zero zero zero zero zero C so what I can do is I can copy that paste it into my backup folder and there we go we have a backup of the save and I would do that you know every time you do a really big change or every couple of weeks just in case also you might want to back your stuff up on the gallery itself too which is honestly one of the safest ways as I showed you before I backed up my Magnolia Bakery on there so that's always a good thing and of course at some point you'll probably want to share it online if you want to know how to do that obviously the first way is you could literally just share it on your gallery as you go along all the individual households and lots which is a great way to share at your built-in households for the people who generally don't like downloading her world saves but I know some of you will want to actually upload your entire world save online to do that we go on the website Sims file share this is actually a way of simmers being able to share files with each other Sims file share is actually really good because it's like really safe from viruses and it's because they don't let anyone make an account if you want to make an account you actually have to request it and fill in a form online so it's a bit of a ball like but it's a really easy way to share your stuff and when you create an account all you have to do is find the world save that's in your documents Electronic Arts The Sims 4 saves folder and you upload this specific file by the way you can rename these files don't be afraid to rename it search on Sims World save version one boom you can like do that it's completely fine and you can just upload it like that and of course post it on social media if you want to see some World saves that other people have done for inspiration I've actually got a couple videos oopsie this way I've got a couple of videos here so check them out if you want to see the kind of things that you can do with World saves because I've reviewed a lot of very different ones otherwise thank you very much for watching I hope this review this guide was useful see you in the next one
Channel: SatchOnSims
Views: 25,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 world save, sims 4 save file, sims 4 save file base game, sims 4 save file 2023
Id: W1wqRNBeZ_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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