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hey folks welcome back to the channel in today's video I'm going to be running through 10 unbelievable AI tools that you won't believe exist and all of which are completely free with thousands of new AI tools launching every week it can be really difficult to keep up and find the best tools out there for you so I've been trying out hundreds of free AI tools over the last month and I found some really awesome tools that can do lots of things from perfecting your to-do list to building a website with AI to running stable diffusion in the cloud and even turning your awful sketch of an owl into a beautiful 3D model links to all of the tools in today's video are in the description below and if you find this video valuable do make sure you hit that subscribe button and let's kick things off by diving into the first free AI tool which is just really fun to play around with stability AI the startup behind the image generation model stable diffusion has a new service that turns sketches into images the sketch to image service is called stable doodle and it uses the latest stable diffusion model to analyze the outline of a sketch and then generate a visually pleasing artistic rendition of that sketch you can access it right now for free by going to clip drop now there's plenty of sketch to image AI tools out there including open source projects and AD supported apps but stable doodle is unique and it allows for more precise control over the image generated under the hood powering stable doodle is the stable diffusion XL model paired with a conditional control solution developed by one of tencent's r d decisions what this all means is that it allows stable diffusion XL to accept sketches as input and then guides the model to enable better fine-tuning of the output artwork I was able to combine my very basic sketch with a prompt and then select from a variety of style templates like 3D and pixelot which was very cool and definitely better than other sketch tools I've tried out clip drop itself is completely free with limited runs and then plans start at five dollars per month for more runs and higher definition downloads [Music] next up we have before Sunset which is a smart AI daily planner tool designed to assist busy Professionals in effectively planning their day with a range of features to optimize our productivity the AI assistant can automatically plan my day make tasks actionable and even create subtasks by syncing with my calendar and to-do list Before Sunset optimizes tasks and creates a perfect schedule tailored to my needs I could set up goals by tags and categorize my to-do's and the app will then add in some data like how long it will take and how much time you have available if you need to monitor how much time you spend on each task the time tracking feature is there enabling us to evaluate and improve on our time management skills now I really like the time blocking feature where you can allocate specific time slots for each task ensuring better organization and focus and the personal analytics section provides valuable insights into our productivity patterns so that you can make mindful adjustments to your planning approach Before Sunset is completely free with unlimited to-do's and subtasks and then a Pro Plan starts at 9.99 per month which adds in weekly analytics and a more advanced AI assistant run the next free AI tool on the left I absolutely loved is called SCI summary and it allows us to quickly summarize long scientific articles the interface is pretty simple we upload a PDF document add a link or add in some raw text size summary then allows you to configure your summary output with options like a synopsis key points and opportunities for future research each of these can then be configured further for length Now While most academic articles have abstracts they can be quite verbose and actually pulling out the key information I found to be very time consuming especially when researching for things like blog articles on evidence-based productivity or human performance topics size summary really comes into its own with two key features firstly there's bulk summarize where you can upload a long list of all the Articles you'd like summarize and then these will all be processed together and this just saves loads and loads of time for me this is a huge Time Saver as I often save articles together and then come back to read them all together later the second feature is then the PDF search ability this uses openai's document QA tools to enable you to chat with a PDF document that you upload which makes finding key information even easier if you're in Academia doing a PhD or you're just researching things as a Creator it's completely free and a great place to start with paid plans starting at 4.99 for more credits next up we have framer AI which aims to revolutionize website design by offering an effortless way to create stunning portfolios startup landing pages and more so that you can get your website up and running in seconds whether you're a designer or not the AI generated copy and color shuffling feature ensures that your website stands out and surpasses the average quality of websites on the internet in an easy and affordable way you have infinite color palettes and typeface combinations to choose from making customization really simple the ease of tweaking the entire Page's color palette is one of my highlights on framer you can select different colors within your chosen palette by simply shuffling them additionally AI can also be used to reword any piece of text providing you with creative Alternatives and saving time in the process if you're trying to get your messaging and branding right this is a great way to save lots and lots of time the basic plan is completely free for hobby projects and then paid plans start at five dollars per month for things like landing pages and custom 404 pages and then pricing tears up after the less the next free AI tool on the list is speech key speech key is a game changing tool and plugin designed to enhance the chat gbt experience by providing lifelike voice responses from text generated by chat GPT it transforms generated text into natural sounding audio bringing a whole new level of realism to the conversation by providing a lifelike voice experience for chat gbt speech key bridges that gap between text-based Ai and human-like interaction making AI more approachable usable and applicable in various aspects of our daily lives now after installing the plugin from the plugin store I was able to ask speech key to generate an audio file from the text I'd already output in my conversation in this case it was on cheese facts to access the audio file you need to then head over to the speech key website where you can play the file and download it speech key has lots of voices to choose from and they're also introducing voice cleaning too now content creators can save time here by effortlessly converting their written content into spoken words making it easier to create engaging podcasts or videos any if you're going all in on AI content creation it's a pretty fast workflow if you're creating written content in chat GPT the plugin is completely free and then the speech key website is also free with some limits [Music] next on the list is the jest which is a platform that brings together all of your work apps and prioritizes what matters most to you their AI powered workspace integrates various communication channels and can provide smart AI insights across all of your applications this means that it can streamline your workflow with project status updates task management generative tax summaries and actual items by creating personalized knowledge graphs that connect projects people and topics that just offers an experience tailored to your most specific needs now across all of my companies I use slack for team communication and then various project management tools and often finding key information quickly can be a real pain I think I've been through slack a million times trying to search for that one file I'm after the gist has a slack integration that allows you to summarize any slack Channel all thread in a single click and with features like a Unified Inbox instant work status summaries related links or an optimized AI powered workflow the gist is there to enhance your work experience and boost your productivity altogether at the moment the gist is completely free and you can sign up to join the waitlist now Pro plans then start from 4.99 per month [Music] if you are fan of digital art the next free tool we have on the list is going to be a game changer it's called Playbook Ai and it's a visual cloud storage platform designed specifically for Creative work including the rapidly growing field of AI art this means you can play create and store all of your AI art in one place you can kind of think of it as a combination of Dropbox dually and Pinterest the app offers features perfectly aligned with AI creative workflows such as storing prompts and images together to ensure you never lose that key prompt you can also group and reorganize your iterations using tags sub boards and bookmarks to keep everything neat and easily accessible the integration with AI tools like dually or stable diffusion allows you to generate art directly from the platform making it easy to browse through ideas and entire photo shoots at a glance the platform automatically tags images enabling you to find specific content without relying on file names what I really like is that you can organize your projects using mood boards command boards or professional templates and share your AI art in a visually appealing and efficient manner now the artist and designer plan is upon Invitation Only and you can share your portfolio with your team to receive an invitation to this plan the basic plan is free up to certain limits and then the Pro Plan starts at 12 per Playbook per month so the next tool on the list I absolutely love and I've been using loads stability AI have clip drop and dream Studio that you can access through your web browser but if you want to do anything more advanced like training an image model with your own images or using deform to blend videos together you'll need to dive deeper into the open source model itself which might involve installing a local version of stable diffusion on your PC or Mac or using something like Google collab and this can become a little bit complicated especially when we start dealing with Mac processors and what will run and what won't step in run diffusion which I've been using for a little while now to run some more advanced image prompts and dive deeper into what you can do with both image and video AI render Fusion allows you to run stable diffusion in the cloud along with all of the pre-trend plugins like control net and deforum together with lots of pre-trained art models that you can switch between quite quickly so what does all this mean in basic terms well you get the latest AI image models built on stable diffusion with everything configured and ready for you to play with in the cloud now while yes you can install all of these open source tools for free if you're comfortable running code locally I found the simple convenience of jumping into the cloud and using run diffusion servers was a much more convenient option now run diffusion offers a very easy to understand pay-as-you-go model starting at just 50 cents an hour which for me was just well worth it for the convenience over running code installing packages keeping everything updated and dealing with errors on my local machine so while this isn't strictly a free tool I think 50 cents an hour is a pretty good deal now I'm going to be going through all of the ways to access stable diffusion in another video so do make sure you hit that subscribe button if you want to get ahead of everyone else when it comes to AI art and video now sticking with the world of stable diffusion and video and photo prompts the next tool on the list is called zoomerang and it's been around for a little while and actually started Life as a video template app but it's zoomerang's most recent AI features that let you transform video in seconds that I want to dive into deform generates a sequence of images from a single one and restyle applies a style to a video you've probably seen some of these type of videos go viral on social media including the cool ones with the dancing statues it's all powered by stable diffusion and uses the same trained models that we can access through run diffusion or on our computer however zoomerang is interesting to me as is one of the first apps to run stable diffusion on mobile this means that if you're a Creator and your typical workflow involves editing short form video on your phone you'll likely find zoomerang to be extremely convenient and easy to use there's a free tier and then the paid tier begins at 99 per year our final tool on our list of free AI tools comes from reface AI the team behind popular apps like reface and restyle who've put all of their AI powered content creation tools on their new web platform called unboring I like I'm boring a lot as it has an easy to use and fast interface and if you're looking to quickly transform your videos or photos using AI into something more fun it's very very accessible onboarding allows you to Face Swap and restart photos and videos and also allows you to animate photos too what makes unborn unique among the AI tools that use stable to Fusion is that it's built for fun and ease of use there are loads of templates for you to quickly apply to your videos and photos and these include things like audio where I find myself getting my puppy basil to sing and talk as I have way too much time on my hands unborn's pricing works on tokens with a single token equal to one face swap one resole or 150 second video you get five tokens on the freemium tier to try the tools out and then paid packages start at 12.99 per month for 100 tokens now I'm going to be covering how to set up stability AI yourself in more detail for free in future videos and I also cover this in more advanced AI topics in my course seven day AI Pro if you can't wait for the YouTube videos to drop most of these tools will rely on prompts to instruct the AI and I have some great videos covering chat gbt prompt engineering which I'll put up over here thanks so much for watching this video in the tech Club series and for subscribing to the channel do let me know if there are any AI tools that you find insanely useful in the comments below and I'll catch you again next time see ya thank you
Channel: Dr Alex Young
Views: 26,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free ai tools, free ai websites, crazy free ai tools, free ai tools and websites, best ai tools, ai tools, best online tools, ai tools for digital marketing, cool websites, free ai website, useful ai tools, top ai tools, new ai tools 2023, top ai tools 2023, ai apps, ai productivity tools, ai image generator, best ai websites, 5 free ai tools, best ai tools 2023, dr alex young, best ai tools for video editing, ai tools for students, ai tools 2023
Id: MCyLNsmyEcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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