How To Learn Any Language For FREE Fast Using ChatGPT

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everyone's using chat GPT for learning but hardly anyone is getting the most out of it when it comes to learning a new language like did you know that Chachi BT now has a voice and it's going to completely change how we learn languages language learning apps like Duolingo barble and boozy are hugely popular because learning a new language is a skill that will immediately improve both your personal life and your career however all of these apps have limits on their free tiers so in this video I wanted to share nine ways that you can use chat EBT for free right now that will help you to learn a new language as quickly as possible this is going to feature a mix of my best language learning prompts as well as chat GPT plugins Chrome extensions and the chat GPT mobile app to allow voice and audio inputs and responses which is just super cool and completely free I've added in a link below in the comments to a cheat sheet containing all of the prompts and tools so that you can try them out for yourself so hit that subscribe button and let's dive into chat EBT to learn a new language as fast as possible one of the problems with learning a new language is that how good you get is often a function of how much time you actually spend practicing despite best intentions if we're going on holiday we're more likely to download a quick reference app or guide with some essential phrases that help us to get by chat gbt can be really helpful here and you can use the prompt below act as a Spanish language tutor I'm new to learning Spanish provide me with 20 must-know phrases in Spanish provide translation and pronunciation instructions and then chat gbt will give you a list of 20 essential phrases together with the translation and even pronunciation instructions that you can quickly follow you can also take this to the next level and get even more specific by adding more context such as provide me with 20 must-know phrases to use in a restaurant we've seen that chat gbt can provide some pronunciation instructions already and for me nailing pronunciation is one of the hardest things to master when learning any new language I found that chat EBT can be super helpful at providing quick breakdowns of keywords or phrases that I might be struggling with for example we can use the prompt you're an experienced Spanish tutor I'm learning Spanish and I'm having trouble with pronunciation I will give you a word or phrase and then you will provide pronunciation instructions for provide the instructions using Fanatics and similar sounding words to help me make pronunciation as easy as possible the first phrase is me Yama I find that when you're learning a new language identifying similar sounding words and understanding language specific sounds and inflections can massively speed up your learning and ensure that you're pronouncing things correctly learning a language isn't just about memorizing vocab and theory for me actually practicing speaking in real time is the best way to get good really quickly the problem is that by default chat gbt only allows for text input and to practice a language we need to speak to it directly and listen to it talk back to us in real time luckily this is totally possible with the help of some cool Chrome extensions and here's an example of one in action foreign Alex to add voice to chat GPT there are a couple of extensions that we can use now I've tried out all of the ones available on the Chrome Store and I'll walk you through how to install and use the two that I consider to be the best ones so the first extension is called voice wave and to install it you just need to head over to the Chrome Store and search it by name and then hit add to Chrome if you now head back over to chat gbt you'll see that these little audio buttons have appeared next to the chatbot you'll need to allow microphone permissions and then you can use a prompt that starts a role play in whichever language that you're using so as we can see chat gbt now weeds out the response and we can press the mic button on the right side of the chat bar to respond in real time and then chat gbt will answer back to us voice wave has some really cool settings with lots of customization and my top tip here is to make sure that the voice is set to the language you want to learn so that the accent and pronunciation are native the other Chrome extension I found that was really great is called voice control for chat gbt to install it head back over to the Chrome Store and hit that add to Chrome button and remember to allow those mic permissions voice this control has the language settings right next to the large press to talk button making it much simpler to use than voice wave it still has some pretty cool settings though and for me both of these worked really well and allowed me to have a conversation in different languages just like he might in an app like Duolingo or with a language cheetah now as we'll see if we stack these together with some prompts you can get real-time feedback and even more for example if we get back to our original essential phrases prompt we now also get the audio pronunciation and remember because our brains process auditory and written information via separate Pathways there's no extra cognitive load and reading the words while listening to the audio will actually help you to learn really really quickly okay so I love learning languages on mobile as it's super convenient and I can jump into apps like Duolingo for a quick 10 minutes where I can talk into my phone or work through a quick lesson the really cool thing is that we can actually do this all with chat gbt for free on mobile and it's even easier with the new chat GPT app and you can get results just like this let's walk through how to set this up on your phone on iOS we're going to head over to settings and accessibility and click on spoken content on Android you'll want to go to accessibility and then speak and read for iOS we're going to hit the speech controller button and switch on show controller and ensure that double tap speak on touch is enabled on Android it's select to speak and then switching on the shortcut and enabling read in background you can now set your reading speed and even choose the voice of the language you want to use now I didn't even know that this is a thing on iOS and I ended up spending way too much time going down a rabbit hole listening to the different voices that you could download so try and avoid that now if you have the chat GPT app the next bit is super simple you just open up the app and enter your initial prompt and then you can use voice controller to tap on the response that you want to read out and it will even detect the language as we've enabled double tap you can just double tap to activate tap to speak when responding you can then use the microphone in the chat GPT app which uses openai's whisper speech to text so that you can have a full conversation pretty cool right now if you don't have the chat GPT app that's not a problem but there is an extra step involved you'll need to head over to your keyboard settings which is within the general settings tab on iOS and enable dictation as well as any additional keyboard languages that you might want to use on Android you'll need to go to languages and input and then on-screen keyboard and gboard and then enable voice typing once that's all done you can just type in into your browser and head directly over to chat gbt and you'll then be able to access the microphone button on the keyboard to speak to chat GPT directly so now we have voice activated in chat EBT we can dive straight into some role plays chat EBT really comes into its own here and its translation features and gbt4's added creativity means you can quickly set up a variety of language role plays by using variables in our prompt we can switch up the language and the scenario and then chat in real time the really cool thing here is that chat EBT can correct any mistakes in on native tongue to really speed up our learning for example we can use the prompt you're a language tutor you're to conduct a role play in whatever language it is you want to learn with me in the role play you are and then make up your own scenario such as someone being a tour guide and you being an English tourist wait for my response before asking each question individually only speak in the language you're learning and after each of my responses provide a brief critique in English and then continue the conversation in the language you're learning Begin by greeting me and then wait for my response here's a quick but super effective language learning prompt one of the best ways to learn a language quickly is by reading a book in the language and figuring things out as you go along if you know the story already this works really really effectively chat gbt can translate any text into your own language to help you quickly learn the new language or translate it into the language that you're learning if you have an ebook or website open you can copy and paste the text in and see it translated in real time for example we can use the prompt translate the following text into French and then copy and paste in whatever it is you want to learn simple a great way to test your comprehension of a new language is to use higher order learning techniques to actually try and write out a few paragraphs of text without any reference material at all chatgpt can help you out here by acting as your own personal tutor correcting and simplifying your grammar and vocab we can use the prompt I want you to act as an English translator spelling corrector and improver I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language and translate it and then answer in the corrected and improved version of my text I want you to replace the simplified words and sentences with the higher level words in that language keep the meaning the same respond with the correction the improvements and nothing else and don't write any explanations my first sentence is and then paste in whatever it is you're wanting to translate and remember you can use voice controls here too to talk about a topic like you might in a language oral exam and then get feedback from chat GPT directly creating language vocab flashcards is helpful but it can be really really time consuming you can ask chat EBT to bulk create flashcard questions and answers in a spreadsheet format that you can then copy to practice your basic vocab for example we can use the prom topic and then add in whatever you like such as French sporting verbs and then ask chat GPT to create a two column spreadsheet with questions and corresponding answers on the topic above you can then put in question and answer now identifying missing words is a quick way to test for comprehension it's especially helpful for languages geolingo even uses it chat gbt can quickly create missing word content to save you time we can use the prompt topic and then add in whatever topic it is you're learning I want you to act as a fill in the blank worksheet generator for students learning the above topic your task is to create worksheets with a list of sentences each with a blank space where a word is missing the student's task is then to fill in the blank with the correct word from a provided list of options the sentences should be grammatically correct and appropriate for students at an intermediate level learning the language above your worksheet should not include any explanations or additional instructions just the list of sentences and word options to get started please provide me with a list of words and sentences containing a blank space where one of the words should be inserted learning a new language like learning anything is a journey money with ups and downs when we consider a topic to be difficult it's often because it's new and we can't connect it to any pre-existing knowledge a good teacher will often break things down into simple terms and use analogies that we're familiar with to speed up our understanding chat EBT can do all of these things and help you to more quickly understand hard topics within any languages for example if we're learning a very different language to English like Japanese we can use the prompt you're a learning expert specializing in the above language that I'm struggling with provide me with some mental models or analogies to help me understand and remember this difficult language firstly explain things in simple terms secondly provide mental models or analogies to help me learn the topic thirdly provide some quick example exercises or questions I can practice with you to help me Aid my understanding and fourthly break the topic down into simple components ask me if I understand each step and then help me if I run into any difficulties modern RP or modern received pronunciation is the standard British accent and way of speaking it's basically how I'm speaking right now as opposed to something more like American or Australian sounding and it's also the words to use themselves I might use a word like rubbish instead of the American version trash so by choosing your words and phrases more carefully you can sound more British if you're trying to learn English in addition to word choice it's also about how you enunciate your words and how you pronounce things like vowels and consonants and your spoken tone for example I might say something like bottle of water with a glossel stop on the tea rather than something like bottle of water although I literally have a hard time even doing that myself to help you improve your British accent using chat gbt we can use a prompt like this you're a language and accent expert specializing in teaching modern received pronunciation I will provide you with some phrases that I'm struggling to pronounce in British RP provide you with tips and a fanatic breakdown to help me improve my accent now I have a great video about how to improve your chat GPT prompt engineering which I'll pop up over here I really do hope that you've enjoyed this video and do let me know any other ways that you're using chat gbt to learn languages in the comments below remember all the prompts and links I've added down below to thanks so much for watching and for subscribing do hit that subscribe button if you haven't already done so and I'll catch you again next time see ya [Music]
Channel: Dr Alex Young
Views: 205,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to learn Spanish, Best method for language learning, Best method to learn a language, How to learn a language fast, Language learning method, How to learn french in 30 days, How to learn French, How to get fluent in French, Language learning routine, How to learn French for beginners, How to learn french by yourself, Language learning methods and approaches, chatgpt, gpt 4, chatgpt for language learning, How To Learn Any Language For FREE Fast Using ChatGPT
Id: gPErX8EnIiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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