These 5 FREE AI Website Builders Are Insane!

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building a website with the help of AI has never been easier I'll show you how to build landing pages or portfolios with these five website Builders durable is advertised as the fastest AI website builder out here I've tried it myself and I can assure you it is freaking fast to start building your site you must answer three questions what type of business are you building what is your location and what's the name of your business today I will be a career coach and my business is called coach for all that is the best my scriptwriter could come up with after you answer these questions creating a website takes around 30 seconds if you don't like what you see you can regenerate parts of the website or the whole website I've regenerated everything several times and it seems it doesn't have an apparent limit to this that is also a very Speedy process so you can be up and running in minutes durable comes with a price tag but the good news is that you can test it for free without even creating an account you can change everything later but you need to be logged in with an account durable is easy to use and user friendly and if that is important to you you can have a website ready in seconds the downside is that I don't think it is very flexible if you are an advanced user and it doesn't have a free option hokus has a free option and will create a website based on eight questions after you sign up you need to select a category and answer questions like what your business is about and what you want to achieve from this site sell products get new customers or collect testimonials I've decided it will be a wedding photography website as you can see it will generate three designs text and images you can customize everything later you can use the help of an AI writer to help you with the text which is really nice the interface is very responsive and easy to navigate if you have answers prepared you can build a website here in less than a minute you can pick from free and paid options but I suggest you invest in the paid subscription so that you can connect your domain to the website and thus appear more professional to potential clients in conclusion pocos is very user and beginner friendly but at the same time it lacks options for advanced users which I don't think it is a downside I'll try not to drag on and take up too much of your time with this so I'm leaving detailed customizations on these Builders to you you can test all of these without paying anything with the introduction of website Builders we didn't need coding knowledge but we were required to be at least some design savvy with AI website Builders you can use machine learning and language processing to generate personalized website designs based on your specific needs many praise 10web because of its customization options so I've decided to test it out to see if it is any good so that you don't have to waste your time I haven't mentioned it but this video is not sponsored by anybody I'm doing this in my free time trying to help you decide which of these if any is good for your needs so if everybody is praising 10 web maybe I won't and that will be a 100 honest opinion let's check it out I understand where the praise comes from it is because of Wordpress 10web is not a new player in this field they just upped their game by integrating AI into their website builder it is a smart move and you will see why in just a second again you have to answer some questions and describe your business if you are a lousy writer like myself AI is here to help the building process takes around a minute to complete you can start without registering but to see the final product you need to register as you can see the website is clean and nice in my opinion nicer than the previous two I've decided to start a pet grooming business but for some reason 10 web's AI Builder has thrown into my services mobile app design and digital marketing I know these are just filler words to fill up the website's content but the previous two did a better job with this I'll have to rewrite almost all of the content in this section and waste time not a good sign I don't like that most images are AI generated just look at this cat 10web's AI Builder is not that fast and not that good but it has many customization options Advanced users will appreciate that there are no free options here but you can explore everything on a seven day free trial actually I don't think there is no a real free option in AI website Builders by real I mean no embedded watermarks no funny domain names and stuff like that if I'm wrong make sure to correct me in the comment section and I will certainly give you a thumbs up okay moving on please be patient I still have two or three examples more to go my scriptwriter is not sure at this point how long this video will be that is why we are at this point with two or three unfortunately we have to chase the algorithm but you can help us out by leaving a thumbs up and subscribing because there will be more content on this channel moving on with mixo another one that has made a reputation with the help of YouTube creators let's see if this is true again it is advertising that it can create a website in seconds there are plenty of testimonials of customers praising this probably AI generated that is okay just be smart and don't trust everything you see on the internet as especially in this era of AI it asks me to describe my startup idea in one sentence I assure you it is not that easy and simple so I've asked for help from built-in AI I've decided that this will be a website for online counseling for couples mixo seems more popular than I thought because it replied that it can't build me a site now because of heavy traffic is that true we will never know because I won't be coming back here I've decided to help it a bit so my new startup will be about website builders that would be free for all that gave miso an extra boost so my AI generated site was ready in about 30 seconds at this point you need to register if you want to finish customizing your site some customization options exist but not nearly as much as with 10 web's Builder but that is why mixo is almost twice as cheaper than 10 web that is if you choose a basic plan with a yearly subscription the interface looks really good and the website looks clean there are apparent AI generated testimonials and avatars but you can change everything to your liking for free for seven days you can add or remove content and pages unfortunately there is no help from built-in Ai and writing content so to complete the website it will take much longer than 30 seconds you can help yourself with chat GPT of course but it will be easier if I can do that with less effort leave a thumbs up on the video if you don't think I'm asking too much from these website builders and off to the last example yes the scriptwriter decided this would be long enough because he completed his daily rate please remind me to pay him better I could have gone with more examples we will wrap this up by checking up on wix's AI Builder I use their services a couple of years ago when I was building a website for my Champion Dog let's see how AI will help us and is it worth our money and time so far all of the builders I've tested are not flexible as an experienced user I can't change everything regarding the design that I want changing content is of course much easier that is not necessarily a bad thing because all of these Builders simplify the process of designing websites making it a go-to choice for users who may lack technical skills or time to do this if you are a freelancer that needs to Showcase your portfolio or a small business that wants to advertise its services any of these will do the intended job a month ago Wix announced that it would soon offer an option to build a website by using prompts and text descriptions with the power of AI I must admit it seems super cool and easy and I can't wait to try it out be assured that I will make a video about it so follow this channel for more unbiased reviews so their Builder is the best of the previous four it is fast it offers lots of customization options the text and the images look very good right from the start the template looks like a Wix template but I don't think that isn't good people love clean and easy to navigate websites that load fast you need to help the Builder by answering questions and then from the dashboard choose the option design site and from there let Wix create a site that will utilize the power of AI it takes about 30 seconds for the draft to appear and I'm happy with the first design of my site I'm also really happy with the images it chooses they look like they are sourced from Shutterstock adequately lit with nice tones and colors as I said there are lots of customization options but they come with a price tag I hope you found this video helpful thanks for watching
Channel: Artificial Architects
Views: 10,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai website builder, ai web design, ai web development, free ai website builder, Durable, Hoocos, 10web, Mixo, Wix, ai web design tutorials, ai web design software, free ai web generator, 10web ai builder, ai website builder free, best ai website builder, best ai website builders, ai website builders, how to design website with ai, ai website, ai website tools, free ai website tools, free ai tools for website design, design website with ai, web builder ai, ai web builder
Id: PhNBgZ1wU80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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