10 Faster Animals Than A Lamborghini!

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here in the channel we regularly talk about the biggest the scariest or the weirdest animals i think it's about high time that we actually talk about the fastest just how fast are these animals well definitely faster than this intro that's for certain number one is the undisputed fastest animal on earth so make sure you stay tuned to find out just what that is here are the 10 fastest animals in the world number 10 the blue wildebeest the blue wildebeest is a member of the antelope family although it's heavy build and disproportionately large four quarters make it more look like cows than deer blue wildebeest can reach eight feet in length stand at 4.5 feet tall at the shoulders and weigh you up to 600 pounds but don't let their size and weight fool you these guys are fast especially when being pursued by predators they have extremely strong legs and shoulders that help propel them up to 50 miles per hour more than enough speed to outrun a hungry pack of lions their main predators blue wildebeests are normally found in large groups for protection only relying on their speed to escape from predators if needed they make migration in the dry season to wetlands and surging for grass blue wildebeest used to get alarmed by predators from zebras and those animals which follow the same migratory path number nine the marlin marlins are among the fastest fish in the sea and if some are to be believed maybe even the fastest marlin species include the atlantic blue marlin black marlin indo-pacific blue marlin sharp marlin and white marlin they are easily recognized by their long spear-like upper jaw and tall dorsal fin they are also highly sought after by both sport and commercial fishermen some people claim that the black marlin is the fastest fish in the sea the bbc even reported that it was said to have stripped line off a reel at 120 feet per second meaning the fish was swimming nearly 82 miles per hour but most experts agree that they are fast but they aren't that fast according to them they can reach speeds of up to 50 miles per hour on average but some like the pacific blue marlin have been clocked at a top speed of 68 miles per hour and that's despite weighing over 200 pounds on average number eight the pronghorn antelope the pronghorn is one of the often overlooked mammals on the north american continent usually mislabeled as antelope these species of grazer is actually more closely related to goats and vast herds once roamed throughout the plains by making it to this list you can bet that this animal is pretty fast their average running speed has been clocked at 55 miles per hour but they have been known to run significantly faster but that's not what makes them such amazing animals because you see being able to run very fast usually comes with a caveat most fast animals can only sustain their speed for only short bursts what's amazing about the pronghorn is that they have the ability to run fast and at the same time can travel long distances without getting tired even though cheetos are faster than that of pronghorn antelope they can never run long distance with the same energy they can grow to a height of three feet and have very strong legs and shoulders which i'm pretty sure are the reasons for their great speed and endurance they definitely need this because these animals have been known to make 300 mile migrations number seven the sailfish clocked at speeds in excess of 68 miles per hour some experts consider the sailfish the fastest fish in the world's oceans they are named for the spectacular sail-like dorsal fin that extends for nearly the entire length of their silver blue body additionally the sailfish's upper jaw is far longer than its lower jaw forming a distinctive bill that looks like and at an excess of 68 miles per hour sometimes acts like a spear often working together in groups of two or more swift sailfish thrash at and disrupt schools of smaller fish such as sardines and anchovies thus allowing each sailfish to more easily snag its meals the sailfish's spear-like bill also comes in handy for slashing at larger prey fish which stuns them into submission together sailfish engaged their huge dorsal fins creating a fence around their prey to prevent their victims from escaping their clutches though popular with sport anglers sailfish could not be taken commercially in u.s waters except as incidental catch in pacific longline and gill net fisheries possession of sailfish is prohibited on commercial fishing vessels in the atlantic number six the spur-winged goose this long-necked mainly black waterfowl has a white face and large white wing patches it's africa's largest waterfowl and the largest goose in the world it mostly forages in wetlands and grasslands for plants and they are very social birds often found gathering in groups of up to 50 individuals they may look slow and ungainly on land but when they fly it's a whole different matter while up in the air they have been clogged reaching speeds in excess of 88 miles per hour they are different to other geese because they have spurs on their wings which can sometimes be poisonous they pick up the toxin from blister beetle which is only found in certain parts of the goose's habitat range despite their sometimes poisonous nature their wild populations at a steady decrease due to over hunting this isn't like the bluefish or fugu whose meat is a prized delicacy even though one bite can actually kill you but rather they are a prize ingredient for traditional medicine especially in nigeria number five the frigate bird most birds are built to fly we know that much but frigate birds are on a whole different level because these birds live while flying literally friggin birds can fly for weeks at a time they spend most of their lives soaring in the clowns often sleeping mid-flight they rarely land on the water even though it has webbed feet because unlike other seabirds it lacks waterproof feathers these sea birds catch their prey from the water or from the air sometimes they bother other birds irritating them so much they cough up whatever fish they've eaten and the frigate bird swipes it from right under their beaks hence why they are sometimes called mana warbirds the amazing thing is that they do all this at remarkable speeds reaching an estimated 95 miles per hour during flight number four the white-throated needle tail the white-throated needle tail also known as the needle-tailed swift or spine-tailed swift is a fairly large swift when compared to other species of swifts it grows to a little under 8 inches long and weighs around 120 grams many consider it to be the fastest bird when it comes to horizontal flight that is it has been reported that they can reach speeds of around 105 miles per hour while the bird on number one on our list is definitely faster that bird reaches its top speed with the aid of gravity and more on that one later however this figure is unverified because the method used to clock its speed has never been published the white throated needletail is a migratory bird breeding in central asia and southern siberia and wintering south in the indian subcontinent southeast asia and australia it is a rare vagrant in western europe and has been recorded as far west as norway sweden and great britain they build their nests in rock crevices and cliffs or hollow trees and they do not like to sit on the ground and spend most of their time in the air they feed on small flying insects like beetles flies bees and moths number three the golden eagle the golden eagle is the largest bird of prey in north america their giant wingspan is between 6 and 8 feet which is more than double the length of their body although quite large these guys are extremely fast these speedy birds hunt fish in small game and are capable of carrying nearly three times their own weight when hunting a golden eagle can reach impressive speeds of up to 32 miles per hour when flying through the sky not really impressive given the speed of the other animals on this list but what's astonishing is that they can get faster especially when motivated kind of like when they're out hunting these magnificent birds can glide at speeds up to 120 miles per hour and have been recorded diving for prey at up to 150 miles per hour the incredible speed plus their extremely sharp talons make sure that no prey escapes them as long as they get a firm grip which is pretty easily done due to the high speeds of their attacks the impact also stuns prey sometimes killing them outright with just the impact alone now it's time for today's best pick today's pick is undoubtedly the fastest land animal in the world but the question is how does it compare to the other entries on this list speed wise find out the answer to that question next with number two vegeta any list of fastest animals will never ever be complete without mentioning the fastest land animal in the world in the cheetah cheetahs can achieve a top speed of about 70 miles per hour this incredible speed comes with a price though a cheetah is a rather puny large cat it's small and lightweight usually less than three feet tall and about four feet long more than half of that length is the tail which is crucial to maintaining control during a 70 mile per hour chase yes there are a lot faster animals than the cheetah but it deserves to be our best pick because of one thing acceleration a corvette twin turbo accelerates at about 7.2 meters per second a ferrari enzo boasts about 8.1 meters per second which takes it from zero to 60 miles per hour in about 3.3 seconds a cheetah picks up speed faster than both of those cars its highly specialized body accelerates at 10 meters per second and gets up to 40 miles per hour just in three strides going after impalas gazelles and small wildebeests the cheetah is a blur and the chase is short-lived typically lasting about 30 seconds when a cheetah overtakes its prey it knocks it down and takes it out with a bite to the neck and then it eats as quickly as possible while it is fast it can match the strength of other predators such as lions before we move on do me a favor my analytics show that only about 15 of you watching are actually subscribed come on guys what's up with that can you guys please hit the subscribe button you guys watch my videos every day anyway so you might as well subscribe and keep up to date with every video we put out number one the peregrine falcon when many people are asked to name the world's fastest animal they immediately think of the cheetah but if they were to look up at the sky they'd find an aerial acrobat that can achieve speeds more than three times as fast with their powerful chest muscles long wingspan and streamlined shape their green falcons are truly built for speed these birds have been known to reach speeds in excess of 200 miles per hour found on every continent except antarctica para green falcons are the most widespread bird in the world absent only on isolated islands and in high mountains expansive deserts and jungles they can even be found in new york city usually die bombing pigeons which is their preferred prey in the big apple they're so widespread today that it's hard to imagine that they once faced extinction beginning in the 1940s and lasting through the early 70s the entire american peregrine falcon population experienced drastic declines through the widespread use of ddt ddt stands for dichlorodifenol triclorophane this caused their eggshells to weaken and break and let baby peregrine falcons to die before hatching by 1975 only 324 known nesting pairs or matching couples were left thanks to some fast action and the endangered species act the peregrine populations are speeding back to health do you know any speedier animals that would have been in this list let us know in the comment section down below want to watch more videos about amazing animals check out any of the videos you see on your screen as always thank you all for watching and i'll see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 88,509
Rating: 4.8846512 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, Fastest Animals, Fastest in The World, fastest in this planet, extreme animals, biggest in the world, Real Wolves, interesting facts, animals dogs, These 10 animals, lion vs bugatti, fastest dog breeds, on this planet, strongest animals, ultimate dogs, ultimate animals, Abnormally Large, look like lion, dogs vs animals, Strongest Bite, FAST, FASTest, faster, fasting, fast animals, whats the fastest animal, animals, cheetah, penguin, lynx, animal, who is fast
Id: hyXmDCywbb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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