10 Animals You Dont Want To Mess With

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welcome back to yet another video about animals we just can't get enough of them as you can tell by our numerous catalogue involving them some of them are great company too as humans and some others have amazing traits that make our jaws drop the animal kingdom is just full of surprises but even though the world is full of fascinating creatures there are some that we should probably keep at a distance on that note today we'll be looking at ten animals you don't want to mess with some of these animals might punch you bite you or even kill you if you happen to come face-to-face with them at the wrong time make sure you stay with me to see the animal at the top of the list maybe you know about this one but you might not know about all the danger it brings to us humans number 10 kangaroos what's the first animal that comes to your mind when you hear about Australia is a Kangaroos because that's what comes to my mind as soon as someone mentions that country surely kangaroos are very representative of Australia they are known for their pouches where they keep their little ones and also their ability to bounce along distances there are four kinds of kangaroos that being red Antilla pine eastern grey and western gray we humans love to watch these animals bounce and be happy in the wilderness but even though they do seem harmless at first glance we still got to be very careful with them they can grow as big as 2 meters tall and they can use their legs and arms to throw some powerful punches as well as kicks so make sure you don't mess with them unless you want them to try their boxing skills on you and hopefully it's not you trying your boxing on them because we should never punch animals because trust me these guys know how to fight and more than likely they know how to fight better than you number 9 polar bears one of the largest land carnivores only found in a specific part of the world that being the polar bear these animals live in the Arctic and even though they're known for their white fur their skin is actually black and their fair transparent but the effects of living in the icy lands makes them look this white they are known for using Isis platforms when they go hunting for seals seals actually make up most of their diet with all the meat they do eat they can weigh as much as six hundred and 80 kilos and they spend most of their time at the sea there are about 20,000 of them in the world and even though they look cute you might now already know that it's not an animal you want to mess with after all they're just not carnivores they are hyper carnivores which means that the most of their diet is meat so they will likely attack you if you come near their range now the sea ice is melting polar bears are coming in contact with more humans which only increases the chances of having terrible encounters with them number 8 leopard seals polar bears are not the only threatening animal in the cold lands we also have the leopard seals these are the very largest seals in the world right behind the elephant seals and the longer PSA's and they are an important part of the Antarctic ecosystem when you look at them you might think their heads are a bit too big for their small bodies but their thin bodies allow them to swim the oceans at speeds of 40 kilometers per hour these are very lonely animals and you usually will never spot them in large groups the most you'll see is two or three of them together but usually they hunt alone the shape of their mouth makes it look as if they're smiling but don't let that fool you these animals can be very dangerous to humans a few years ago marine biologists drowned after being dragged 60 metres deep by one of these seals we don't know the leopard sea was trying to kill him but it is evident that they can cause severe damage to us number seven hippos I'm sure you're expecting to see this big animal on this list the hippo is one animal that you probably enjoyed watching during your last visit to the zoo but it's one that you would never want to find in the wild they spend most of their time in water but they can travel for up to ten kilometers on land just to feed themselves and when it comes to humans or pretty much any threatening animal they can be very very aggressive hippos are territorial they might seem harmless and a bit ridiculous but they can be very aggressive and fast it is said that even a yawning or laughing hippo can be considered a threat you wouldn't believe yawning or laughing to be considered a threat however much like the leopard seals false smile it is definitely a threat people underestimate these beasts sometimes thinking they're calm herbivores however they are meat eaters and not just any meat eaters there's proof that shows they go out of their territory to actively hunt and in our case it's not like they'll go out of the water just to hunt as humans but they will definitely not hold back if you get in their way so with some sage words of advice stay out of their territory number six platypuses mix I'm a list I have a very unique animal the platypus the mammal that lays eggs also kind of famous for being a secret agent for the tri-state area among their rare features we can point out that they don't have a stomach and they have a bill that gives them a sixth sense they can hunt and detect other animals with their eyes ears and nose closed just usually their bill will help them sense the electric fields from other living things also just like any other mammal they nurse their little ones but in the case of the platypus instead of nipples the nursing comes from gland ducts on their moms abdomen however one of the facts about platypuses that make them a threat to us humans is the presence of venomous Spurs on the male species if you come in contact with this venom your wound will get swollen and you will experience a lot of pain for a couple of weeks however this venom will not kill you and it's only released during mating season but if I were you I would still stay away from them I know for sure that I wouldn't want their venom in me because it just sounds very painful number five saltwater crocodiles do I even really need to explain this one here's an animal that you've probably seen another list and is a must for this one because there's really no reason for you to ever mess with a saltwater crocodile or any crocodile at all really well their name suggests that they are usually found in bodies of saltwater meaning the ocean they usually prefer to make a home in estuaries and other bodies of freshwater they are very common in Darwin Australia and you will know that by the lots of signs that warn you to watch out for them these animals can be as big as five meters long which is more than enough to eat a variety of large animals in their surroundings and that includes humans but don't worry about that too much there have only been 24 deadly attac reported in the labs of 34 years so the chances of coming face-to-face with these creatures in a deadly encounter is quite unlikely they are opportunistic predators all you got to do is stay away from their homes and you will be fine number four poison dart frog and here's one you might remember as one of the deadliest animals of the Amazon River and also a returning contender from many of our lists the poison dart frog it's a very amazing animal considering it brings colors that vary from anything between blue red green and the bright golden wannna which is also the most poisonous among all of them it is said that the venom and the frog is enough to kill up to ten humans there are animals in the wild that attempt to eat these and they end up with terrible problems such as nausea muscular paralysis and of course sometimes death even if you don't want to bite them a simple touch can cause pain cramps and stiffness back in the 1800s hunters in South America would use the poison from these frogs to hunt other animals it was proven to be quite effective so you definitely don't want to mess with a poison dart frog after all anything in nature with bright colors is usually a warning to stay away number three the blue-ringed octopus the next animal on this list is one that lives underwater and it also has bright colors to warn you about it's dangerous nature on top of that it's also a returning contender from several of our lists that's right it's the blue ringed octopus I must admit this is hands-down the most cool looking octopus I've heard about its skin is covered with little blue patterns that look like rings but just because it looks cool it doesn't mean you should come near it or mess with it at all they are very venomous creatures a single sting can cause your body to shut down and become paralyzed at the point that you will likely stop breathing given the fact that it is such a rare and dangerous creature there is no anti-venom are fast cure for an attack by this animal but apparently some breathing and relaxation exercises can help you overcome the symptoms until the toxins from the octopus are removed from your bloodstream now if you ever get attacked by a blue octopus it's probably because you were messing with them these animals are usually shy and will only attack when they feel threatened so far there have only been three cases of blue ringed octopus related deaths in Australia which is the place where these creatures live so don't worry too much just don't mess with this cool looking creature and maybe stay out of Australia now it's time for the day's best big just what is this animal on the beach well it seems harmless and probably dead in this photo was tinged by this blue bottle jellyfish can cause a lot of swelling and pain you definitely won't want to mess with this one if this sounds scary already wait until you hear about the next animal on the list which is also a jellyfish but far far more dangerous in the blue bot number two the box jellyfish the box jellyfish is the most toxic animal in the world their venom is a threat to your skin your nervous system and ultimately to your heart they usually live in the waters of northern Australia and they show up in between the months of October and May which is summer in the southern hemisphere this jellyfish is pale blue which makes for a perfect camouflage in the deep waters the ocean a single sting can cause pain but multiple stings could kill you however people around these beaches have been trained to offer first aid to any unlucky swimmers that get in the way of these toxic creatures and their medical techniques don't involve any peeing by the way even though I know some of you believe that pee is helpful in these situations first responders prefer to use vinegar and other substances that have been proven to be more effective and much less gross so go have fun in the ocean but don't mess with this creature if you ever see one I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes 45 seconds 53 if you can even like and subscribe within the next 5 seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it it really work number one mosquitoes never underestimate the power of a small animal the mosquito an animal that can be as small as three millimeters is responsible for a crazy amount of deaths every year there are about 3,000 different kinds of mosquitoes around the world and many of them carry diseases kinda like chikungunya and Sifl itis elephantiasis yellow fever Zika virus and the most known of them all the dengue fever about 700 million people get bitten by these animals every year and around 750,000 die every year from the disease that they carry according to the World Health Organization more than half of the human population are at risk from these diseases that come from mosquitoes so if you'll ever visit an area with tons of mosquitoes make sure you use some insect repellant otherwise the mosquitoes will likely mess with you those are all the animals I have for you today I hope you enjoyed learning about them and I really hope you stay safe have you had any encounters with any of these animals or perhaps you at a dangerous encounter with another animal that's not on this list well let us know in the comment section down below with all that said and done I will see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 332,817
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Keywords: Top 5 Best, facts, countdown, viral, Top, Best, education, animals, top 5, pets, top 10, big, amazing, nature, biggest, caught on tape, animal, best of, top10, caught on camera, mysteries, strange, real, list, weird, real life, funny, 10 Most, people, in the world, Incredible, luck, wild, giant, caught, science, best videos, most, insane, top 10 videos, you wont believe, interesting facts, interesting, dog, cat, wildlife, moments, life, 2022, tiktok, watchmojo, chills, 10, new, 2023
Id: MSsR9ANi7dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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