10 Essential Starting Tips & Tactics | Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord Guide

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alright guys Mountain blade to banner Lord has been out for a couple days and to say the least I've certainly taken my beatings now in today's video I have 10 tips for you guys to help you avoid similar beatings I've been captured by bandits poachers deserters dragged around all of Cal Radia as a prisoner certainly been quite a bit of fun but hopefully in this video with some basic tips as well as some more advanced tips we can help you guys optimize your gameplay experience and have some fun so let us begin with the first tip here in the video which is going to be a very simple one pertaining to inventory management so a mistake I've made quite a bit in the early game is selling things that I don't want to sell to avoid this if you go to your inventory screen you can see here on the right hand side there is the option to lock so if you click this tiny little yellow budget essentially what that's gonna do is it's gonna make sure that these things you click will not be sold when you do these sell all function which is located up here so typically speaking guys I would recommend not selling courses because they do increase your party speed and can also be used to upgrade different troops and also you want to make sure you don't sell your food I can't tell you how many times in my first let's play I accidentally sold everything because I was not aware of this I didn't really notice it at first I would sell my food I'd go out to do battle I would go to quest an adventure and find out that I was taking route penalties because I had no food so in this case you click the lock button on all these different units here you also want to keep your food if you have a weapon that's pretty good and of course this one isn't great but as an example here if I want to keep these small spurt acts you click the lock button here and when you're done with that you just sell all I am just like that you will keep all the important items and what's really nice is once you lock an item it'll carry over so next time I come to sell I'm not gonna have to worry about that so that is the first tip here in the list to make sure to lock those horses lock your food and of course lock those precious quest items if you're doing a delivery quest for someone and they give you 10 horses to deliver let's say to another city across the realm it's very easy on the way to stop and just sell some stuff you got from looters and not notice that you're accidentally selling your quest items therefore you cannot complete the quest so hopefully that one helps guys and we'll see you number 2 number 2 not all quests are created equal somebody guys first load into the game I'm sure many of you guys have had this problem you go to a village you like hail mighty villagers I am a level 1 adventurer with my three recruits we are looking for a quest looking to get some renown looking to get some experience and what's gonna end up happening is they're like ah I have just the quest for you there is a band of the you know middle tier poachers or perhaps deserters coming to the village I think you can handle let's go ahead and give you this quest so you go to the poacher suddenly there thirty poachers that have bows they're throwing rocks at you and your entire party even if it's evenly matched will get destroyed in a matter of seconds bow units those type of units in the early game are insanely powerful so again the second tip guys just be aware of these early game quests some of the quests like delivery quests or something very simplistic where it wants you to just fight one person totally go for that but in the very early game you guys are first starting really watch out the poacher quests and the deserter quest these ones are brutal also bandit lairs bandit lairs are another one to really watch out for because the Bandit layers you can only take ten troops and oftentimes there's going to be 10 15 20 bandits in there often they have arrows and and you know hired to your equipment and shields and swords and your recruits are going to get absolutely dunked on as are you so again number two guys watch out for the poacher quest the desert requests as well as the Bandit lairs there's also a couple other quests in the early game that are very devastating I would also recommend in voy voy de the far delivery so sometimes you'll get a quest where it's like ah let us deliver this chain halfway across the map you know give you like four or five hundred gold which isn't bad however the downside of that being is that the amount of time you're gonna spend traveling there basically you're gonna be loose you could make much more money just kind of working locally so to be more time efficient I would avoid very far deliveries in the early game avoid bandit lairs at all cost until you get more of a mid tier kind of a load submit to your army something beyond the initial recruiting stage also dessert requests are very rough to do in the beginning and poacher quest I cannot tell you guys how many times I've been punished by this my hubris as well as my downfall and that is number two not all quests are created equal number three my friends it is to protect your early game unit so as you do start the campaign it's very easy to get a bunch of recruits and go just fight these really attrition heavy battles against like poachers and Raiders and yeah you might win the battles but oftentimes your troops that have accrued valuable experience can go down they can die and that's pretty unfortunate because one of the better ways to really ascend early games to get that good troop quality to the point where you can really just run over looters and Raiders and really a level up your troops very quickly get a lot of good resources and items from those characters and prosper so to avoid this I have a couple tips for battle number one is to use your mobile units your cab archers your other mobile assets to harass and hairy infantry based armies so you move up with these units here ass use your bows try and drag them down a little bit the other one is to tether the enemy army so as a cab character if your character horses riding a horse but she pretty much always should be you can use your character to kind of ride around the back of the enemy army and pull away some units from your infantry before you send them in to really minimize the amount of shop damage that your infantry are going to be taking so let us jump into this tutorial here so first thing we're gonna go ahead and grab our cab units which are in four and we're gonna tell them to charge and there are horse archer units so you'll notice that the AI is gonna charge you right so if I'm running this way I can kind of get a little bit close just kind of tease just ever so slightly and these guys probably will turn out and fight me or go after my cab archers and you'll notice my infantry are over here so we're just gonna kind of keep harassing a little bit our horse archers if you give them the charge attack innovation will do their thing so what we're doing here we're just kind of pulling these guys into the Archer fire now it's sometimes it can take some time but eventually you're gonna get some pretty good damage of course these are higher shielded infantry so they're gonna be somewhat more durable but really we're not taking too many losses you'll notice our infantry are also in good shape well it's really cool about the cab too so you're gonna keep riding in circles and the AI will keep charging take it a little bit ornery of course you can get in and pull them a little bit closer here so there's one down right there and now let's go ahead and show you guys the example here by sending in the troops so we'll do that in just a second just gotta soften these guys up a little bit more of course in early game campaign you're mostly going to be fighting looters and weaker units that don't have the capabilities of blocking this many Aero shots but they are taking casualties some of them look to be breaking and whatnot so now that we've softened these guys up a little bit and of course this is my favorite way to play because I love using the COS 8 faction they've been the one I've really been having a lot of fun with we can tell the troops to charge in at this point so they're gonna charge and we're gonna kind of come in and tether some of these guys and you can see we're pulling some away from the troop so just kind of like walk by with your shield just kind of offer it up be like hey guys you know we're here we're doing it just come have some fun and from here you can notice we've been able to break the army pretty well and we took no losses now of course we did have the advantage of mobility but that is a reality and campaign as well you're gonna often have the mobile advantage against a AI ludar armies Raider armies unless you're fighting steppe bandits are gonna be on foot and you're gonna have the advantage that is number three guys harass and hairy with your cab units your range units do what damage you can but also do send in the infantry at the end of the fight to clean up and really reap some value full of valuable reward so that is number three guys and I'll be moving on to number four the number four tip here in the list is to give your companions their own armies as a force multiplier so this is a really good segue into our number five point which is going to discuss battling up getting multi force armies and really starting to pressure areas bigger Lords castles little fiefs farms all that sort of good stuff but for number four when you get a companion that's trusted and you've also leveled up your clan to the point where you can create a second party you go to your clan screen you go to parties and then you'll notice that there's a button there that you can create a new party now when you do this it'll ask you to select one of your characters essentially or one of your companions and they will be the leader of that force so this is really nice because then they're gonna become a bit of a sovereign entity that essentially represents your interests they're gonna run around they're gonna recruit units they're gonna grow in power and level up and get experience and all that sort of good stuff but what's really nice is that eventually they're gonna become a solid force that you can call to your aid this will really allow you to kind of surpass your current power level so for example if you're gonna call an army later which we'll discuss at a moment you're gonna be able to take on much stronger thing so yes giving your companion their own army is very very good making their own party also another little cheating trick about this is when they make their own party essentially it comes with a bunch of good troops so what you can do is you can take the free high tier troops that they recruited into your army and then you can give them like Haggard recruits and just send them on their way and they'll go you know level them up and do those thing and it's a it's very very fun for sure and again the segues into the late game pretty well it's how you get multiple armies and it's nice but again just make sure you have enough finances to take on the additional costs because it can be costly but typically by the time your clan is of detail to do this if things are going well for you in the campaign you're gonna be able to afford it no problem and it really is a big force multiplier but again but where if there's major Wars going on nearby and you're part of a mercenary for a faction or a vassal because sometimes your companions will ride to their doom or get caught and basically then you're in some trouble so that is it number four is give companions their own armies as a force multiplier and prosper number five tip here in the list is to vassal up and form strong multi force armies to really kind of a send you into the middle and late game so to do this once your client here does to get to a certain point you can become a mercenary as you hit your first clan tier but once you get to the second one you can then go to your faction leader and become a vassal so we need become a vassal you essentially get the world is your oyster you're able to work with your allied armies to take on matrix elements you can join up on siege battles you can join up in big army conquest and really it can be quite nice it also allows you to exert your influence you can eventually accrue with this nation to vote on various things and at some point they can give you a castle they can give your own fiefdom it's very very cool however the point we're going to be talking about is getting a multi force army so like we discussed earlier given your companion their own army is really the start but when you're in your basic clan if you're a mercenary or you don't really have Kingdom access yet you cannot call your army so your mercenary more or less at that point the game is just going to be developing riding around getting his troops you can call the army once you become a vassal so once you're a vassal you go to your kingdoms screen which is the fancy little crown on the bottom left corner of the screen on the right hand side of the column you click that and then you go to the Army's tab so here you will have an option to call an army now what's cool is if you have good influence you can get other lords within your nation you can call them and they'll come follow you and join you as one massive army so this allows you to go conquest to take on castles take on Garrison's that you normally couldn't defeat and really get a ton of money because when you're able to take big enemy armies and take their you know their chainmail and their horses and their expensive gear man you skyrocket so quickly it is so much faster than any of the businesses that you can form so you get the multi force armies but what's really cool is that now your companions and at this point you can have I believe up to two once you get here I think it may be one or two initially but you're able to call them and you'll notice that they cause zero influence to call your own your own sub party so the guys that you made the companion that you gave their own force to at this point should be relatively leveled up have an army of about sixty troops on top of your 70 to 110 depending on what point in the campaign you are in the mid-game and they will follow you so when you call your army they have to ride to you it takes a little bit of time but they ride to you and when they get to you they actually merge with your army and you get one big doom stack so at that point in the campaign without calling an army you wouldn't really be able to conquest in the same way but by calling your army you now have this big doom stack that can just go and just karate-chop and enjoy and really really kind of prosper so number five is to vassal up form strong armies and the benefit of also having an army together is that it increases your leadership over time just for free by having this army so it's a pretty thing a good thing to do now the army will deteriorate over time the cohesion will break there are things to help this and perks but for the most part you're going to be able to get what you want to get done so that is number five vassal up and form strong multi force armies the number six tip here on the list guys is very very simple and that tip is to hit your end button so when you hit the end button it pulls up the encyclopedia which is by far one of the most useful things in the entire game in doing this you can track had to be characters you can find enemy lords you can do some research on different troop types you can look at settlements it is very useful through so for example if I want to go to a kingdom I can look at the COS Age Empire which is mine you can find a ruler you can find the different clans that are associated the different fief dumps and this can be very very useful for tracking things down it does also have a search function up in the top right if you can't find what you're looking for so again hit the end button take some time to really familiarize yourself with this I did not know about the encyclopedia for probably the first four or five hours I played the game and it is so damn useful so if you're looking for a particular character you can go here and some we met before it's a male we're looking for he's a baton yya so then it pulls all these characters up you can go to its Dermott so the wolf skins and from here you can basically see where he was last seen you can see his activity what he's been up to and you can track this bad boy down can also see his skills which is quite cool so remember guys hit the end button it will pull up your encyclopedia it will save you a lot of time and man that guy really has a crooked nose alright my friends the next tip here on the list is pertaining to recruitment so if you're traveling between nations let's say you're on a big conquest and cal arabia and you have your character and you're traveling from let's say that because a nation the steppe here all the way to the empire and of course you have Patania over here on the far side I mean there's so many different factions now a lot of people have been asking me does it really matter if you mix the troops in your army so for example if I go down here and I recruit some let's say some cos 8 recruits right of course they're from your heritage they're from the nation that you're essentially going to be associated with you're probably not going to be going to war with them now it only matters really under one circumstance if you are fighting nations so let's say I'm playing esta cos eight here or my character is recruiting is a troops my army is mostly cuz aides and I want to go to war with the Empire which is right next man now if I were to go to the empire and recruit a couple imperial troops what happens is is that if I go to the war with the Empire and you force your imperial troops in your army who are from the empire to fight against their own faction they will suffer a bit of a morale penalty it's it's not really the end of the world to be honest and I've seen plenty of campaigns where it doesn't really matter that much but again people were asking so I would recommend that if you are planning to go to war with someone in the empire of course is uh if you're playing the empire to obviously be one of these periphery territories just avoid recruiting troops from those those specific regions and you'll be fine and really what's that just pretty much it there's not much to it you will take a little bit of a morale penalty but it's not too bad so ultimately if you want to attack a nation recruit troops from everywhere else and you have plenty of options right if I'm attacking the Empire here I can do the Nords up here well I guess it's all different now so you can do that the Sultanate down to the south you can basically retrieve recruit troops from all those different territories and you won't have a penalty unless they're attacking their own nation basically which makes sense right so that was gonna be the next that tip on the list and now guys we'll be moving on to a little bit of a food fun all right guys the next point here on the list is going to be relating to food so if you feed your troops the same food every day whether it be grains or yeah pretty much anything you are going to be taking a little bit of a morale penalty so you can see here if you look in the bottom right you have your base morale recent events of course have helped me we have a personal perk which gives us 1.2 but you are going to be taking negative 2 from food variety so to remedy this you basically just go to any shop and in the early game it's really not much of a big deal right just act upon grains you're not really gonna have much money to get food diversity but when you have a little bit more of a cushion it really doesn't hurt because by having higher party morale you actually get to level up some of your other traits so let's go here and fix this and see what we can do so let's grab some butter some Paula Deen we'll get some meats we'll get some cheese we'll get some fish and now when we go to the party morale you can see that the food variety actually gives us a +2 which is very fancy now this is nice for battle your troops will be a little bit more well-fed they're gonna be happy but also if we go to the character tree here so let's go ahead and pull this bad boy up you can see if we go to leadership so maintain high party morale assemble and lead army so by maintaining higher morale you can level up your leadership which is quite nice and yeah it has a bit of a secondary perk there as well so again get that food variety once you can afford it and in the middle or late game it's very easy to just ban by cranes but honestly just get some variety it will help and it will help you level up your skills a little bit quicker so there you go guys alright guys so now for the number 9 tip here on the list it is going to be gather horses to increase your party speed and this is by far one of the most important tips on the entire list so even if you don't have a cavalry centric army you have a lot of infantry a lot of slower troops you can still get horses in your inventory here so if we go ahead and go to the inventory screen you'll see that I have some steppe horses I have some Sumter horses I do not believe some traverses really help that much with it I'm not 100% sure but I know that the steppe horses and other such horses do because this will help your party move very quickly now most parties that are very infantry heavy will move between four point five and five point five my party though which is of course a faction that is very centered around you courses and having very mobile play is very quick I have seven speed in open field which means I can catch most Raiders I can catch step bandits I can get away from enemy armies and I can't tell you how many times in my other Let's Plays I had a slow army I was caught by an enemy Lord that had a faster force it is very very very important so if we look here and open up the modifier tree you can see here my speed is 7.0 it gets plus four point four point seven nine for my base in plus two for cavalry so the more core cavi units you have in your army the faster you'll be but that's not the only thing you can see the next one right there says footmen on horses which is point one two now I don't have that many footmen in my army but if you have a big footman army you can go to a nearby city obviously a cargo capacity prisoners and a couple other variables will slow you down but you can go to a city here so let's just go here let's go to trade and you can simply just by step horses so if I buy step horses here let's take a look so I'm at seven right here I don't know if I have enough infantry to really show you guys correctly in this army because I'm playing a calf campaign with all cabbie in it so see how that's how it's going to go but you can see footman on horses and then we can buy a couple steppe horses let's just do this for the sake of example and now you can see we're up to 7.2 it went from oh yeah that's a point 3-1 which is really good so the more horses you get the faster your army will be even if you have a full infantry army basically how it works is those troops and your traveling will you know just mounts up a horse and ride and when battle comes since they're trained foot soldiers they'll get on foot and fight so really useful I would highly recommend using one of the tips earlier to lock your horses and the cell screen to make sure you don't accidentally sail them anytime you come across them just keep them unless it's a really big profitable trade it is huge it is game-changing do it the final tip here in the list guys is to couch that erect lance so to do this guys you hit the X button while you're charging and we will be showing you in just a moment but also know not every single Lance can do this and it's a very easy mistake to make so you can see the spear I currently have equipped which is a jagged sphere says 1-handed 2-handed you can see the different attack animations but if you look at the orange tooltip there at the top it does not have the couch lance whereas if we go to this kaze - Lance here you can see it has 1-handed 2-handed as well as couch lance which means it has the capability of doing massive massive damage with the couching feature so let us go ahead and buy this lance guys we're gonna buy one and we'll see you in just a second alright guys so now we're here in the battle to show you the glorious couch lance so just to make things a little bit chaotic and fun we're gonna tell everyone to charge let's have a party some fun so firstly the coucher Lance you need to get up to speed pretty quick and once you do you hit the X button you'll notice my Lance is now couch so from here you basically just ride into someone let's check it out and boom 506 damage absolute insanity so you can loop around here get another couch Lance there and hub of another 512 so you can pretty much one-shot anything in the game of the couch Lance it is really really strong 318 there here's a regular thrust so you can see it didn't do quite as much right so we'll come in and show you the the variant here we'll do the regular thrust it's just a little bit of poking stroking this guy 82 damage certainly not bad right by any stretch of the imagination 51 right there but it is nothing compared to the couch Lance so once your character gets really good horse handling he can you know just maneuver really really well get the speed couch that bad boy and boom headshot it is so strong I can basically tell my army just to not fight and I could just ride around and do this all day here we go another couch Lance shot the money shot baby oh we missed that one but you guys get the picture alright guys there you have it that's the whole list hopefully you guys enjoyed this bad boy I certainly had quite a bit of fun if there's a other content you guys want to see if retaining through a mountain blade please let me know I'm having an absolute blast and we are going to be continuing our con can pain because I love playing this army stone so again guys thank you so much if you enjoyed the video please leave a like and if you're not subscribed to the channel please do so look forward to having you guys on future streams and just kind of grow in the family it's gonna be a good time thank you guys so much always couch that Lance baby and we'll see you guys next time take care
Channel: Turin
Views: 114,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bannerlord, Mount & blade, turin, mount and blade 2, swadia, new bannerlord, Turin youtube, Let's play, how to, learn mount and blade, harvesting scene, mount and blade guide, bannerlord guide, RTS, Khuzaite, Khuzaite horse archers, horse archers, medieval, Guide, tips, tricks
Id: BmEjIbPpMpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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