Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord – BEST Companions Location Guide!

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welcome back my friends to mount and blade to banner Lord in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to find the best follower or best companion in the game and also how you can take advantage of those companions in your party because as you expand your party you're actually allowed more companions in there and these companions develop their skills and you can level them as you go and play the game so it's actually recommended to recruit the maximum amount of companions at the start of the game so they level up their skills with you and you can really you know choose what skills they specialize in to then help your party so I'm going to go through everything but let's really starts out here with how exactly we find all of the companions in the game so what we're going to want to do is click on the bottom left this clan icon just here and this takes us to this page we can then click on our face and we can go to home just here and this will bring up the encyclopedia tab which is kind of hard to find to be honest with you so what we have here is effectively like a list of everything in the game so if you ever want to find something this is the place you should come to learn about it so let's click on heroes and if you scroll down to the bottom here it has occupation wanderer and this actually lists every single follower or companion in the game that you can find so there might be a specific companion that you want that you maybe read about on Wikipedia or I suggested to you in this video as being the best healer in the game and then you can find them in this list and you could find out where they are for example let's see here it's a willow bark if we click on her will then get her character sheet so basically you can see here her skills so you can click on all these characters here and you can see what they're actually good at before you go and try and find them so you can see she has a 60 in medicine now this will level up as you play in as you go on but in terms of characters having special skills medicine is always going to be like a max of 60 so you're going to want to hire her into your party and then she'll slowly improve her medicine skill but in order to actually hire her as a follower you're probably wondering where in the game she is and how you actually find her so you'll see on the right here it actually says that she's last seen at sin Opia so if we click on Sano Pia it tells us this is the city and we can click on this track button just here and then and then if we go and exit out here and then you can see on the bottom corner just here it says it's in that direction so if I go ahead and fly over there we know that she is currently in shinobi uh however by the time you get there she might have moved so you need to keep checking every couple of days of travel if she's gone to another settlement she'll be going as fast as you do so you shouldn't really lose her but essentially once you get there what you're going to do is go to the settlement like this settlement for example and then you're going to go to the tavern districts I recommend saving the game before you do this by the way so go to the tavern districts and then you're going to see every single time you do this there's going to be a random NPC that spawns at that town so if you actually save the game a little bit further back from the settlement and then you go there it will randomly generate a potential companion that will spawn out the location in the pub so you can then go and speak to her if you like and we can talk to her and she'll have a whole back story after we introduce ourself and you can listen to her backstory I'm not going to read it I'll spare you my dyslexic reading skills and it says yeah sounds like you have a good head for business but I've noticed something more dennis has spent on the war than anything else so if someone raised an army and doesn't want to lose their investment to infected wounds and fevers well it might be worthwhile to employ me actually I can use someone with your talents very well and she says that she wants to be hired for 3,100 sixty-eight gold that's a lot of money and she also has a healing skill of sixty by the way so you could also hire her is this man dancing behind her I don't know what he's doing so let's say for example we're gonna go ahead and hire her we can now exit out to the menu and I'll show you what you're going to do next so if we go back to our clan menu we can see we've got two out of four companions right now this is the one we just hired and we can change her clan role to the surgeon so basically what will happen now is whenever you have wounded members in your party she will start leveling up her medicine skill even further but it always starts off at sixty as being like the max amount she's also going to enter into battles with you so she can potentially dive you've got like perma death on and whatnot but one thing you can do is make a separate party just for your companions and then you can just tell them not to attack so they're always going to be safe and they'll never die and you know you'll never have to worry about them unless for example you hire someone who's very good in combat which I'll get to in a moment but if you also go to your character menu you can actually change over to your companion and we can go to her medicine skill and she's actually gonna level up with the party now she's only level 11 at the moment however once she levels up she gets another focus point and you're going to want to invest them all into medicine because her purpose in my party is going to be healing everyone I don't really care about her being in combat so I want to max out her focus points in medicine as soon as possible so as soon as that's maxed out she can we can then choose what perk she has and you know we can continue to level up her skills and whatnot but you also notice that she actually has only one intelligence now we've hired her so actually she's not a very good healer she has seven vigor but only one intelligence so what we're going to do is say you know we don't actually want her as a healer because she only has one intellect so we're going to reload our save so here we are in sono here so if we go inside we can go to the tavern district and you'll see willow bark is still here and we've managed to capture so let's go ahead and speak to her and we can employ her now and see if she has a better attribute sort of setup and I'll explain a little bit more about tribute so you guys understand that as well in a moment so you can listen to her backstory and once again I'm gonna skip it I'm gonna say yeah oh wow she's only nine hundred gold as well that's so much cheaper and what's funny is that she has the exact same meddlesome skill so if I go back to my followers here and I have a look at a willow bark who's the person we just employed you can see she has an intelligence of four and she also has a medicine of sixty she doesn't have any focus points invested yet and she's only level ten but we can we can put focus points in there as we level up and we can also put more points into intelligence as well now this is kind of up to you to a certain extent but the reason why it's important for her to have at least a reasonable level of intelligence is because intelligence makes it easier to learn bound skills and also raises their learning limits because intelligence represents the attitude for reading and theoretical learning and the skills that are bound to it so medicine so if she has a high intelligence so she is actually the best healer in the game her other skills are a little bit low but to be honest like you don't want her really doing combat anyway and obviously don't forget to make her your surgeon otherwise she won't level up the skill and your party won't use her ability at healing to heal your party one thing that's worth noting however about the difference between these two healers is this healer has a merciful trait so she's going to like you being honorable and you know being a nice person whereas the other healer we just met previously and didn't want in our party has a deceitful trait I believe it was so she would be fine with you like raiding villages and stuff like that and she wouldn't have an issue however you might lose friendship with these other people later on in the game if you choose to side with them and they have traits that kind of conflict with how you're going to run your party now as for the other skills in the game you also get there's a lot of people who seem to be decent out roguery for example apps see the robber as you'd expect or this person with long life in their name are deceitful people and they start off with sixty roguery and you can obviously pick them based on their skill set however they're all rather similar so I'd recommend is when you do find them save the game and then hire them and then double check if they have a good cunning skill because as you guys can see cunning dictates how fast you're going to level up your roguery skill so if he's sitting in your party with level sixty roguery that's great but if he only has like level one cunning it's going to level up super slowly from that point onwards so you really want him to have a good cunning skill as well and then you can put him as that in your party now the other ability you can have in your party is a good scout so let's have a look at finding a good Scout as you can see my scouting skill is only level nine so actually hired this guy because he was really cheap called Chirag frost brands and as you can see since he's been my scout he's now got level 81 Scout and is started off at level 60 so you know as he levels up try and put his focus points into this and he's also fairly competent in combat as well so he does a decent job I usually you know give him the bow and tell him not to run him because he also has an archery skill of 135 which is ridiculously good so you know artery and scouting he's definitely going to be doing well in combat and also providing scouting skills for your party and he's got that like even really nice balance so his name is Chirag frost beard if you want to find him as you can see he doesn't have a beard though and that triggers me because I don't understand why he doesn't have a beard so the last key skill you could have in your party is somebody who has a good tactic skill so in the lucky has the best tactic skill in the game of sixty and he's also decent in combat as well and he's got valor and generosity so you can use his tactics and that will really help you get out of combat and you know plan a battle and so on he's gonna have the highest level compared to other people and he's also a sturgeon as well so bear that in mind for his background story and currently he is over here on the map in these snowy regions or revel here is that's going to have a chat with him in the tavern hi there I don't think I know you my name is Danny alright then brother let's hire him you are most deceitful son and brother 623 gold very cheap for someone who has such a good skill in tactics though so as you can see Elma the lucky has a sixty skill in tactics however he has zero cunning which is pretty goddamn tragic to be honest so we are gonna have to invest all is attributes into cunning if we want him to be our main tactics professional now you can actually choose whatever follower you want if you just happen to like someone and start investing in their skills if they are specialized in it however ill mere the lucky actually has eight control so he's gonna be a very good archer so I'd recommend keeping him in your posse for combat as well and he goes through a six figure so he's actually decent in combat as well as with tactics so that is a general overview of how you're going to be collecting companions for your team but do bear in mind as well that Pete these people literally come butt-naked so whenever you buy someone as you can see she's literally got nothing she doesn't even have a horse you can actually buy her some decent things weapons armor to keep them alive keep them safe you're also gonna find some companions that are extremely good in combat by the way so it's worth taking a look at these people to hiring them checking if they have a good vigor and control skill depending what their abilities are attached to and then hiring them if they do because I mean this lady has 200 two-handed skill which is pretty good just has 100 athletics and riding skill so she's Karina the black also has 120 one-handed and two-handed skill and you guys need to going to check their attributes and see how good they actually are I will leave that up to you guys if you enjoyed this video and found it helpful please give the video a like because I'd really appreciate that and I've got loads of other mountain blade guides in the playlist linked below like how to level up quickly how you can basically farm your character skills up super fast and so on but guys thank you so much for watching and don't forget you can subscribe and press the bell icon if you don't want to miss any future mounts and blade combat and our conquest of the entire map thank you so much for watching guys I will see you in the next video have a fantastic day and good bye
Channel: ESO
Views: 290,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount & blade 2, mount and blade 2, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord, companions, companion, follower, location, locations, gameplay, mount and blade 2 tips, tips, best, best companions, warrior, best follower, mount and blade 2 companions, all companions, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, walkthrough, guide, beginner, starter, how to, find, bannerlord tips, bannerlord companions, ps4, xbox, pc, bannerlord campagin, bannerlord reveiw, bannerlord single player gameplay, bannerlord guide
Id: Cpr8Qce9G1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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