10 Days of Alignment | Touré Roberts

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hey family i'm pastor torre i'm pastor sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the lord i believe it's going to bless you i believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if god so moves you to use the information here in the video to support what we're doing we're being a blessing not just people spiritually we're being a blessed people practically we love you get into this message and change your life well god bless you family it is absolutely wonderful to be here with you tonight as we step in to activate and i just you know i don't get to be with you uh on activate typically we're doing our breakdown which has been incredible uh to get the ministers together and to unpack the things that god has been teaching us on sunday but tonight is special and tonight will be a little different because i want to bring us into alignment with something that i believe is happening in the world and and you've heard me we talk about it you know there's several calendars in existence right now the most widespread calendar is called the gregorian calendar and that is where we get january through february and a large part of the world is in alignment with that calendar but did you know that that's not the only calendar there are other calendars based on cultures and based on faith in fact the biblical new year is not in january the biblical new year actually starts in just a couple of days and our jewish brothers and sisters call it rosh hashanah or the head or the beginning of the new year and and what i have discovered in my own life is that that biblical calendar that biblical new year aligns more with with my life and aligns more with the things that god has been doing aligns more with breakthroughs and new beginnings than than even our january through december calendar and i started thinking about that even as we look at this year and and and i don't think that anyone saw this year playing out the way that it's played out i know i did many didn't but what if the new year is actually starting now what if the new year is starting tomorrow and it will go through what if it's a line with the biblical new year and what if some of the breakthroughs that we have been looking for and the breakthroughs that we have been believing and what if what if we're on the cusp of it what if a new beginning is coming anybody out there need a new beginning anybody watching me right now you need a new beginning anybody been holding on to the promises of god god spoke something to you about this season about this time and you just you just need to see something powerful take place in your life well that's going to happen i believe that's going to happen and every time and sometimes it's really crazy sometimes i hadn't even planned on on commemorating rosh hashanah or the biblical or the hebrew new year you know and i just look at my life and then and then i see things in it and it has never ceased to line up with what god is doing and so i want to bring you into that and i want to talk to you about that and i want us to as a church family align with it because it is a beautiful thing and so let me talk to you a little bit about what rosh hashanah is as i mentioned it's the it's the jewish new year and it is the jewish civil new year there's an ecclesiastical new year which begins with the feasts and it starts with passover and that's not what i'm talking about that's later but it's the civil new year rosh hashanah is the civil new year and it commemorates the introduction of humanity into god's world so it commemorates origins and it's a time for rededication it's a time where where the people of god pause reflect repent receive forgiveness and they realign themselves with what god has been desiring for them the entire time and i want to bring us into that and it's interesting because the way the holiday goes it starts off on the eve on tomorrow the eve of tomorrow friday the 18th it starts off and then it goes for 10 days and it's it's called the 10 days of awe and at the conclusion of the 10 days it's yom kippur or the day of atonement and so and so it's almost as if the people of god take 10 days to reflect they take ten days to consider their ways they take ten days to think on who they are who they've been where they need to be where they need to go it's a time of praying it's a time of fasting it's a time of of getting back to our first works and and i believe that that this is critical for the church because i believe that the church is the answer to everything that is taking place in our world right now and i know that might sound like a cliche or what have you but but think this god's only solution for the healing of nations is the church it's not in politics it's not in the politician i encourage you all to vote and do all that kind of stuff but let me tell you right now it's not there the the god says render to caesar's what is caesar's and to god's what is god's in other words those are two different things kingdom things and political things are two different things and there is a great problem when those things get convoluted it is a discredit to how high and lifted up god is to make god a republican or a democrat he is neither god is high he's holy he's lifting up and he has one agenda and that agenda is is a kingdom agenda and a kingdom agenda is fulfilled through kingdom representatives through his church and that is you and i and there's a passage of scripture what i want to do tonight is going to be much different i want to share a couple thoughts with you then we're going to pray and then we're going to conclude in a time of worship and there's a passage of scripture it's not unfamiliar you know the passage of scripture it's in second chronicles 7 and 14 and you've heard it said before but i think it it it has to be the foundation for these 10 days that we're going into in the biblical new year these 10 days that we're going into these 10 days of reflection these 10 days of repentance these 10 days of considering our ways and we're going to talk about what some of the things that we're going to be considering specifically tonight but i love this passage of scripture you've heard it before it reads like this it reads if my people god's speaking the context is actually it was in the new year was in the first month in the month of tishrai and solomon was dedicating the temple and he made a prayer to god and god and he talked about you know how he was going to lead you know god's people it's amazing solomon asked god give me a wise and understanding heart that i might lead these so great your people his heart was in the right place he he was dedicating the temple and in essence he was dedicating his calling and he was dedicating the the whole of israel to god and he says this prayer during that that first month and god begins to respond to him and god essentially affirms what solomon had had asked him for and god says if my people who are called by my name would watch these things watch these things would first humble themselves would humble themselves and pray to and pray and three seek my face and for and turn from their wicked ways i'm gonna explain that because we don't like talk about that but i'm gonna explain what that word means he says if my people would humble themselves would pray would seek my face and would get rid of everything that spoils them he says then i i'll hear from heaven i'll hear i'll forgive and are healed it's powerful so essentially what that means is god is saying that that when the church is who she needs to be there is a release that comes from heaven that will manifest a healing in the land that god has given to us are you tracking with me so so we embody the people of god we embody the healing that the world needs but in order for us to be positioned properly so that we can be the riverbed of god's healing into the earth we've got to do those four things we've got to humble ourselves that word literally means to bend to to to to lower ourselves you know i was talking to my wife the other night and and we were talking about what what jesus should look like in humanity and one of the things that that that came immediately some might say power that's great you know some might say love that's accurate but the true sign of someone who is connected to jesus is humility is true humility because jesus is the embodiment of humility he had to become humility to come here he had to lower himself i'm thinking about philippians 2 which says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who being in the form of god thought of not robbery to be equal with god you've got to study as philippians 2. in other words he was in the form of god he was in the image of god he was in the nature of god nevertheless took on humanity and took on human likeness that is the epitome of humility coming down stooping down bending down to be something for the sake of the something that he's aiming to redeem a true sign of someone who knows jesus christ is humility should they have power and authority sure should they have should they be overflowing and abounding in love absolutely but you can be overbounding in love and you can have power and authority and not be with jesus the number one sign is humility and i believe that that that the church right now we have to come to a place of humility humility is that place where we're asking questions we're not so determined to be right that we shut up our ears to other people's concerns no we're humble and so the passage says if my people who are called by my names will first of all humble themselves humble themselves acknowledging as my wife so brilliantly talked about last week our need for god god i cannot do this thing without you psalm 27 and 4. the one thing that i desire is you that will i seek after is you i cannot do this thing without you you are the bond i am the branches and without you lord jesus i can do nothing in fact i'll take it a step further without you i am nothing and he says that if we would would posture ourselves in humility that will be the beginning of the alignment that is necessary so that god can release something from heaven and through us something powerful be released into the world that will bring healing to it if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves hey then it says and pray and pray not argue not fight not go crazy or go off in your comments on your social media about this or about that he says i need you to pray prayer is connected to humility because to truly make prayer the solution the resolution to your predicament is you setting god on high he says i need you to humble yourself i need you to pray and then he says i need you to seek my face that that that's that's a sermon in and of itself in other words i need you to find out what i'm looking at i need you to pursue what is valuable to me to seek my face what am i looking at what do you see in my eyes because i need you to embody who i am i need you to embody my concerns i need you to embody my passions i need you to be about what i'm about not what you're about or what you think i'm about but i need you to get into my presence i need you to humble yourself i need you to pray and then i need you to seek my face my face so that watch this you and i are facing in the same direction i need you to seek my face wouldn't it be crazy if we're not facing in the same direction as god if god is facing in one direction and we're over here like this saying amen hallelujah thank you jesus god is here but we're here praise the lord jesus hallelujah it's just wonderful to be walking with you and god is saying but i'm looking at this you're looking at that but i'm looking at this you're looking at money and i'm looking at souls you're looking at quote-unquote destiny and i'm looking at the poor you're looking at at the next thing that you get and i'm looking at the woman with the issue of blood that is an opportunity for you to manifest my glory through and so seeking god's face that that's the process i gotta humble myself i gotta pray i've got to i have to watch this i have to suspect that i may not be fully where god wants me to be that's what i'm talking about in this this time this time of reflection this this rosh hashanah time it is not to go into it saying oh god i thank you that i am right where you want me to be no to humble oneself is to consider the possibility and in some cases if you haven't done this in a long time the probability that i'm not precisely where my god wants me to be and therefore i humble myself i pray i seek his and i turn watch this from my wicked ways we don't like that we don't like it we can i'm having a wicked ways ain't nobody wicked over here i understand that but notice he doesn't call the individual wicked he's talking about ways and that word that was translated wicked literally means to spoil or maybe to decay so so in other words do i have decaying ways ways that do not have any eternal significance ways things that i'm doing that perhaps bring personal decay it could be my health it could be personal decay to my mind the things that i am consuming personal decay again to my body decay to to the environment or how about this one even the spoiling or the decaying of my calling oh hallelujah are you tracking with me this is not this we're not going to jump around tonight we we we're going into a a a time of consecration when we begin to consider things watch this that is not always natural and normal for us to consider are you tracking with me this is a solemn assembly hallelujah and and what comes out of a solemn assembly is revival the revival of yourself the revival of your call i feel the holy spirit there's some of you and you haven't felt the power of god in your life since you don't know when you used to feel the power of god you used to sense that you were a revivalist oh i don't know who am i talking to tonight you used to sense that man let me tell you something i just believe that god can perform miracles and i just believe that god can but somehow some way and perhaps it has been with the the difficulty of the season the difficulty the challenging nature of 2020 you being taken completely off guard and and you've got lost and drowning trying to survive forgetting that you were not created to survive god has got that covered you were created to in god and through god thrive and i believe that power that power is coming back to you if my people were called by my name would humble themselves would pray would seek my face and be willing to examine every way to see if there is any spoiling or decaying activities or tendency or proclivity in your life jesus said i came that you might have life and that you might have life more abundantly not that you might decay the only thing that's supposed to be decaying is your outer man but your inner man who you are inside is supposed to be renewed day by day by day are you tracking with me and so as we move into this time of fasting and prayer i want you to join me from the 18th to the 28th that's 10 days during the the rosh hashanah season and the 10 days of awe and will conclude on yom kippur this is why i've been talking about the basics of spirituality to give you the tools for this season right now to get back into praying to get back into meditating to get back into fasting to get back to worship because we're going to take these 10 days and i believe that when we come out of these 10 days watch this there's going to be a rebirth of you one of the things that god is teaching about life is that life is about cycles it's about cycles it's about deaths and births something has to die in order for me to emerge a new and he said it's almost like you've heard the phrase that relates to being a believer and it's being born again and you've seen even the process of baptism in a baptism service coming soon by the way but even in the process of bapti baptism it is about burying something old and the re-emerging of something new so it's about cycles it's about cycles cycles and maybe we we were all excited about 2020 because we thought that this new year was supposed to start in january but maybe it's not starting in january maybe it's starting now maybe it's aligned with the biblical new year maybe the promises the good words that you received and you know god spoke that you thought were lost or somehow out of here no no maybe it was about yeah i'm gonna do it but i'm gonna do it according to my calendar not yours maybe and i sense as i told many of you weeks ago that i sensed september that there was going to be a significant breakthrough and maybe if nothing else the breakthrough is going to be a breakthrough in you because it's all about cycles you're the emergence the re-emergence of you the revealing of you and so what i want us to do here's your homework we're going to pray in just a second i'm excited to pray and then we're going to worship and seal this in worship but i want you to consider some things i want us to consider our ways we of course we're going to humble ourselves daily prayer is a sign of humility to step into a day without talking to god without consulting god without seeking god without asking god give me this day my daily bread without asking god lord in this day keep me from evil without asking god lead me not into temptation without doing that without saying god forgive me my trespasses as i forgive those who tre that the absence of that is the absence of humility because true humility recognizes and identifies with our need for god every single day right so as we humble ourselves as we as we pray like never before as we seek god's faith that's worship and i feel like god's been preparing us with this series god i'm seeking your face i'm surrendering my agenda i'm surrendering my my prerogative to to believe i'm right i'm surrendering all of that and i'm saying like david says search me search my heart test me know me oh god i feel breakthrough and if you find anything in me that is unlike you take it out that's the spirit that's what we're moving into if you find any way in me that is contrary to me remove it so for 10 days starting tomorrow starting tomorrow evening the evening of the 18th friday the 18th and concluding the evening of the 28th which i believe is a monday we're going to fast and we're going we're going to consider our ways and we're going to ask ourselves and i want us to you know and you and the lord can decipher and decide what what you should ask or what you should lay forward or lay bare for him to examine but one of the things or these four things that i want us to to consider are one how we've treated each other how we've treated one another how we've spoken to one another i'm not just talking about one another as it relates to fellow believers but i'm talking about in particular those that you disagree with how have we treated the other person that god has created in god's image two i want us to consider how we've treated the poor have i regarded the poor do i have a relationship with the poor i think every person who calls himself a person of god ought to have some type of relationship with the poor what do you mean relationship with the poor no i mean relationship with the poor some way somehow your life your resources your time your prayers your influences your influence somehow is relating and serving and communicating to the poor in some way i feel god because i believe that god oftentimes uses the poor to test your heart i remember i saw a guy in a restaurant very popular guy he had a huge clothing line his clothing line was at the time was just booming and we were at a restaurant uh late one night you know after the club back when i was clubbing yeah after the club there was this restaurant we used to always go to and i was in there after the club because i was there passing out tracks about jesus you know witnessing telling people about the lord that's not true we're in this restaurant and uh and there was a guy out there in front of a restaurant and he was he was uh uh you know he was begging you know and he was asking everybody and people would give him some or walk by and not say anything and this guy this designer this very famous designer uh walked in the restaurant right he was walking in and the homeless guy opened his mouth to ask him for something and the guy just stomped in and said no and it was embarrassing it was like a scene it was just uh it it just it was terrible and i kid you not i'll never forget it this guy used to have a house on a major uh uh way a major uh thruway a major street on the hill and the earthquake a major earthquake came i think it was the northridge earthquake it's a huge earthquake and his house sat right up in here you pass by you always see his house and when that earthquake happened that house was flattened to the rubble to the ground so that now instead of people walk driving by and saying wow so-and-so lives there it was wow look at that house and it took them a while to finally demolish the house so it was almost there for people to see and i haven't heard anything about that closing clothing line since then the bible says that he who gives to the poor lends to the lord so i want us to consider i want us to consider what's our relationship with the poor so how have we treated other people what's our relationship with the poor what's our relationship with the environment now there's great debate about the environment and what we should do if there is anything we can actually do whatever the debates go all over the place but i do believe that god gave the earth to us he gave it to us and everything that god gives to us we have to be a good steward over and so how have my ways been as it relates to the environment am i doing my part to make certain that i'm being the best contributor to the world that god's placed me in and then lastly i'm just talking about these things we're going to pray these things that i want you to think about also is i want you to consider your ways and i want you to consider your relationship with your calling with your calling not you know i think i'm called to do something but i don't know what it is i'm just going to reject it and forget it all together no no no no how how have you connected with your calling or has it been something that you say you'll get to later have you placed your career before your calling or your company before you're calling these are things that i want us to to consider among other things that that the lord may convict you to do but during these 10 days during these 10 days of self-examination so that we can emerge new in this biblical new year that we can emerge stronger and i believe that that second chronicles 7 14 promise is waiting on us too if my people who are called by my name i don't care what everybody else is doing i don't care what the world is doing i don't care how crazy things look and i'm gonna touch on i'm gonna go deeper on sunday i don't care about that what are my people doing i you are the salt of the earth so if you see the earth spinning out of control you think i'm looking at the earth you think i'm looking at the world i'm looking at you because you are what i placed here to preserve it salt your salt but as jesus said if the salt loses its savor it's not good for anything and it will be trampled watch this over men did you see that that means that humanity can trample over what was meant to be divinity if we don't stay salty understand that it says you are the salt of the earth you're the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its savor what is salt without saltiness in other words i made you divine but if you don't stay divine if you lose your your your savor if salt loses its saltiness if salt loses its seasoning it's nothing and the only way that you and i as salt can lose our seasoning is if we surrender our divinity because we're not seeking god's face because we're not humbling ourselves because we're not praying you are divine you're god's answers answer your god's strategy it's you it's you it's me it's us and god says from heaven i will hear and from heaven i will release something don't be frustrated when the earth looks bleak don't worry about that your victory is not coming from the earth it's coming from the heavens to the earth when those of us who are called to look like heaven on earth retain our seasoning and i believe in these 10 days as we fast as we pray as we consider as we contemplate as we humble ourselves as we pray as we seek god's beautiful face as we put on the altar every spoiling and decaying way god's gonna hear he's gonna forgive and he's gonna release a healing i believe it it's in us it's not in the white house it's not on the streets it's in here i want us to pray i want to lead you in prayer wherever you are right now i just want you to surrender to god rosh hashanah is a time of rededicating what if the whole church not the political church nor the passive church i'm talking about jesus church what if all of us set aside our bickering set aside our differences what if we set aside everything and just surrender to god afresh stop talking about who's not getting a right or who's getting it right who cares all of us are wrong a little bit in some way it's called being human but what if we stopped what if we even backed away from political debates and arguments which i believe i'm telling you is a distraction i'm not saying don't vote you better vote god gave you that right render disease is what caesar's but i believe ultimately once you've rendered the season with caesar's get that out the way and then you render to god what is god's because that's where the power is that's where change is going to come from that's where true authority is it's in god and we have it and he's given it to us we are the government of god and the earth and what if the entire church would humble ourselves would surrender watch this would say sorry to each other man i'm sorry i got mad at you and unfollowed you i'm sorry i judge you i'm sorry i condemned you i'm sorry i i prejudged you based on your political leanings i'm sorry because at the end of the day we're family at the end of the day we're family united together not by our theology but our belief in jesus our belief in the savior that all of us needed you nor i came to jesus without need we all did we all came to the lord with the need our soul had a need that man could not redeem that man could not satisfy and somehow some way we heard about the healer we heard about the savior we heard about the redeemer and there was a time in our walk with god that we were just excited just to be approved just to be considered a part of the lord's family we weren't arguing with nobody we just were happy that we got in can we get back to that humble humble humble was the last time you thank god for your salvation when was the last time you thanked god for god when was the last time you thank god that that you have a friend that sticks closer than a brother when was the last time you thanked him for not being who you used to be when was the last time you thank god that he did not deal with you according to your sins nor reward you according to your iniquity but as far as the east is from the west is how far he removed your sin from you when was the last time you had no sense of entitlement about your next blessing but you realize that god himself was the blessing what if the entire church humbled herself humbled herself in the presence of those who don't know jesus yet and said i'm not any better than you i'm not any better than you we're the same and the only difference is that i heard the word of truth and said yes to it ten days let's consider let's fast let's pray let's love see love is the byproduct of humility forgiveness is the byproduct of humility that's why jesus told us to pray oh and while you're praying pray this one forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us that's a set up it was to forever keep a reminder in front of you and i that we would always be dependent on the grace of god so that we can extend grace to others i want to pray father lord as we step into this opportunity this blessed opportunity we thought the new year was about blessing but really the new year is about becoming we thought it was about what we're going to get but really it was about who we get to be and so god as we step into this season of the biblical new year we humble ourselves before you and god we repent for any space where we lack gratitude that was appropriate to who you have been to us anytime we we asked how long about something we were waiting for not realizing that we were standing in your grace right now that we've been standing in your goodness all these things happening in the earth fires and floods and earthquakes and plagues and all these sort of things instead of us shaking our heads saying lord how long are you going to do it what if it was about getting us to to thank you for how good you had always been to us yet we had taken it for granted god forgive us where we were less loving than we should should have been and not simply amongst ourselves but in particular amongst those outside the church where we were so critical and condemning and judgmental that instead of with loving kindness drawing people as your word instructs with hateful rhetoric we've been pushing those you love away forgive us and in this season god we're going to consider our ways we're going to consider our ways and god where we have blind spots will you please reveal them will you please show us who you called us and created us to be please jesus lord may we remember the poor and the suffering unlike ever before may we wake up every morning thinking about the poor may we wake up every morning thinking about the homeless man we wake up every morning thinking about the destitute we're seeking your face god what are you looking at what are your priorities god will you please reveal it during these times it's times of fasting and self-denial as we deny self will you reveal your face that we might have alignment during these ten days [Music] so god we commit these ten days to you that we might come back to your original idea for us that we might reflect your image and your likeness and your person in the earth for we believe that when we do you will heal our land because god you are a faithful faithful provider in jesus name amen family i love you we're gonna worship wherever you are don't miss this part i kept the message part short so that you would have time to just receive this this worship experience as we are reminded of who god is he always always provides god bless you you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 27,119
Rating: 4.9783783 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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