10 Creepiest Things Caught On GoPro Camera!

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we often talk about adventures and it seems that a lot of you are very eager to go out there and discover the exciting things that the world has to offer and well if you're an adventurer you probably have a GoPro or at least you travel with someone who has one they are very practical cameras and they're very easy to bring it on the road and set them up pretty much anywhere to capture the most exciting parts of any adventurous trip however some people out there have found some surprises while exploring with their cameras and today we're taking a look at 10 of the creepiest things caught on those GoPros the people behind these videos were not aware that they would witness these shocking findings some of them even helped to solve mysteries that have been going on for years once you're done watching this video you're gonna want to go out with a GoPro and see if you can catch some interesting and perhaps even creepy footage with all that said and done let's begin shall we number 10 the underwater caller when teenager Maxwell Renko went to explore Griffin lake in Canada he spotted a strange rectangular object while being on his paddleboard after having a closer look he realized it was a car everyone in the area thought it was a car that had not been removed after a terrible accident in 2009 however when an officer came to the area for a picnic he admitted that the car from 2009 had definitely been removed back then the water was a bit murky and it didn't allow the officer to spot the car so max when Dunn recorded everything with his GoPro the car was finally removed and soon enough they found out of the car belonged to Janet Farris a 70 year old woman who went missing back in 1992 she disappeared on the way to her niece's wedding and her family never heard back from her again surely it was relieving to the family to finally what had happened to this lady even though they had already given up home before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that I'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal he does leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it really works number nine Bigfoot in the forest you can strap a GoPro on different parts of your body but you can also strap it to your dog's body to sort of get a perspective from their point of view I don't know about you and your pets but a lot of people like to do that thanks to that a guy in Oregon was able to find some rather shocking footage that a lot of people claim to be a sighting of Bigfoot the guy and his dog went for their regular walk in the forest when they came across this strange figure that was standing like a human it was very hairy and had the appearance of an ape when the video went viral a lot of people started to assume that it was most definitely Bigfoot others however questioned the authenticity of the clip due to the dog's reaction the dog didn't seem shocked or scared at all so we can assume this dog is either very comfortable with Bigfoot around or the whole thing was set up one thing is for sure it's still pretty creepy number 8 Trainspotting youtuber Brian Garcia and his friends were hanging out when they found themselves in an experience that brought them very close to their deaths it all happened around the train tracks in a neighborhood that's very close to Los Angeles just like many teenagers out there they thought it would be cool to explore a dark tunnel in which a lot of trains passed by it all seemed good and safe and it seemed like they were going to be able to make it to the other side of the tunnel without a problem unfortunately when they least expected it a train was coming their way they had to run for their lives and get out of the tunnel before being smashed by the huge machine luckily they did make it out alive and they had a GoPro they recorded the whole thing the footage is certainly better than any action movie out there these are real people that were close to losing their lives the good thing is that they did survive and the video did not end in tragedy number seven exploring a haunted house I'm not sure how many of you are into this but if you like exploring haunted houses make sure you bring a GoPro when you go in like this group of teenagers who decide to explore a haunted house and see what was inside as soon as you see the footage you can see that the house has a very disturbing look I mean what else can you expect from a haunted house am i right now the creepiest part about this footage comes from around the 5 minute 53 second work this is when we can see some sort of shadow lurking in the background is it a ghost is it the spirit of a previous resident well it's hard to tell but the movement in the shadows definitely implies that something supernatural is likely happening inside that house sometimes this kind of phenomena can't be spotted with our human eyes and that's why it's always good to bring a camera along number 6 underwater surprise next on this list we have a video so frightening that it even got a GoPro award it was taken by johan polk guider as he went down to explore the ocean off the coast of South Africa he was just minding his own business exploring the unknown underwater world when all of a sudden a great white shark swam right in front of him you can see in the video how scary this is as a shark literally came out of nowhere if you remember our videos on dangerous animals as well as just common sense you know by now the great white sharks are not to be messed with usually people who get footage of these massive beasts are prepared to come face-to-face with them but you can see that Johan was not expecting to spot this dangerous animal so close to him number 5 mysterious creatures the next video doesn't even last one minute long it's a simple bike ride it looks like a regular ride around a village actually until suddenly a creature jumps right in front of it luckily the black rider had a GoPro on him and was able to document the entire thing even had to stop and catch his breath well the video was not clear as to what the animal actually is the person behind the camera claims that it's some sort of hybrid between a dog and a monkey the animal either jumps back on the wall or ran back to the channel but it surely made this person very scared he also says the animal barely made any noise as it landed grain first spotted it he thought it was just a dog however when he watched the footage a few times he realized that it must have been some other animal that was able to climb and move as fast as what you see on this video to me it looks way too big to be a monkey need to agile to be a dog any thoughts there number 4 ziplining there's nothing creepier than the idea of death am i right especially when you're up in the clouds in the middle of a malfunctioning ziplining ride this is exactly what you can see on the GoPro with the person stuck halfway through his ziplining ride due to a knot that kept him from moving forward the person was trying hard to move forward until he finally gave up and detached himself from the line thanks to the GoPro camera we can see just how scary it was to be hanging from up high however this person had a parachute that allowed him to go down to the ground without any major problem I am sure these people will never forgive this moment and I'm sure many of us will now think at 20 before we decided to go on a ride as sketchy as this one number three abandoned Canadian house and here's another story about a house this one is an abandoned house in Canada that two youtubers decided to explore the person behind the camera says that he is not a believer of the paranormal but he admits that he has encountered some eerie experiences from time to time like the one on this video when they enter the house they started to experience all sorts of creepy feelings but the scariest sight of them all was out of a door that kept in made a lot of cracking noises when the guys finally decided to open the door they found no one the other side then their camera turns around they get a glimpse of the stairs they say the way they were feeling does not translate into what you can watch on the video however just by looking at that door and the way things are laying around I can totally see that this is not a place I would ever like to visit for too long the guys finally got out of the house they say that they felt like someone was following them good thing they brought a camera goes I'm sure some people might find this story hard to believe now it's time for the day's best pic when we use GoPros we usually spend or waste hours of energy recording all sorts of things happening around us practicing extreme sports motorcycle ride you dolts walks into the forest and more however it only takes a few seconds to spot some of the creepiest things out there these videos have been proof of that the picture I have for you today shows something quite disturbing it looks like a very scary creature in the middle of nowhere we already saw Bigfoot a dog monkey and some supernatural findings inside haunted houses but what else is there what's the story behind this photo well let's find out with a number two biking in the mountains you go into the mountains you got to be ready to find out sorts of things but that reason the first behind this video decided to attach a GoPro to his little mountain bike just in case he found something interesting along the way little did he know that he would encounter a very shocking sight halfway through his ride after a few minutes of riding we can see how the biker comes face to face with a very hairy creature that could easily knock him off the bike in case things got worse the person decided to jump off the bike but he kept recording as we look closely at the footage we can tell you the animal in question is a yak a bovid animal that lives in the mountainous areas of the asian continent although they are known to be domesticated they are still quite intimidating especially if there is no human owner or any other experienced person nearby it's obvious that the animal is quite strong even though it adds excitement of the bike ride I wouldn't like to stay around for it too long number one the abandoned Asylum we saw a couple of abandoned houses on this list but nothing is as scary as an abandoned Asylum a few years ago the guys from the proper people decided to go explore an abandoned Asylum at night sure enough the place was already creepy enough however things got a bit more spooky as they turned off their flashlights and spotted a person near some staircase and the footage you can see that this person is holding a cell phone you can even see the light from the screen but they found many more disturbing was the fact that there were no other cars around the building as Asylum was literally in the middle of nowhere so who could that be the guys tried a song to the person but this one did not reply rather than saying find out they decided to go out of the area and call it a night I guess I would have done that too this shows us that GoPro cameras are very practical for all sorts of adventures whether it's urban exploration or an ordinary bike ride the use of a GoPro can reveal some pretty shocking footage when we least expect it have you ever recorded something creepy with your camera let us know in the comment section down below with all that said and done that's our video for the day folks and I will see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 1,384,267
Rating: 4.8711629 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, creepiest, things, creepy, scary, scary things, creepy things, caught, caught on gopro, caught on gopro camera, gopro, gopro videos, gopro camera, unexplained, mysterious, mysteries, mystery, unexplained mysteries, caught on tape, discoveries, discovered, Top 10, scariest things, creepiest things, mysterious things, most mysterious, strangest, strange things, caught on camera, things caught on gopro camera, thing, unsolved mysteries, footage, go pro, camera
Id: 3j1Kyz_2jkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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