5 SCARY Ghost Videos That Will MESS YOU UP BRO !

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[Music] top five ghosts caught on camera the West Virginia penitentiary the infamous West Virginia penitentiary is one of the oldest presence in the United States the sprawling fortress-like prison operated from 1876 to 1995 it housed some of the world's most dangerous inmates in fact after numerous horrifying attacks and homicides in the penitentiary the US Department of Justice named the prison one of the ten most violent correctional facilities in the u.s. almost 1,000 men lost their lives in the West Virginia penitentiary either by sickness execution are the frequent brutal attacks by fellow inmates the foreman brothers Josh rocky and Shawn from the YouTube channel paranormal nightmare traveled to the small town of Moundsville to investigate the allegedly haunted West Virginia penitentiary right now we're here at West Virginia State Penitentiary we're gonna get started in the cellblock area this area here is where they housed most of the violent inmates in 1986 a brutal attack by a fellow inmate ended the life of prisoner red Snyder man he claimed to have seen Reds ghost still walking the prison halls spread my name's Josh this is rocky and Sean they were talking about you earlier today that one of your friends brutally murdered you right here in this cell can you see us let us know if you're in here then however I stopped dust off did I have Josh and rocky Foreman head to the second floor cellblock to do a spirit box session they captured some very bizarre and unsettling responses was this your cell prison where you at if you're not in prison please bring can you still hear us yes can you say Josh then say it say Josh [Music] I heard you the foreman brothers reunite on the prison's main floor and are walking down the dark hallway when suddenly they see this what would you see that I caught the shoutout shadow a dark shadowy figure seems to just appear out of thin air at the end of the hallway then walks out of sight this handle look how high that handle is holy Sh my heart is racing just stand by this handle the paranormal nightmare team tries to debunk this bizarre shadow figure but they come up with no answers so is this the ghost of one of the inmates who lost his life and the prison you decide over on their YouTube channel paranormal nightmare TV series you can check out more of the Forman brothers and their paranormal investigations Haider in the house Chilean tick tock user Franco Villegas claims that lately odd supernatural activity has been occurring in his home he says that he's seen unexplained shadows experience sleep paralysis and most bizarre of all he says that some unseen thing actually bit him on the back Franco decides to set up a small CCTV camera to record himself as he sleeps [Music] a bori white figure seems to appear on camera oddly enough whatever it is doesn't seem to upset our excite Franco's dog it continues to sleep through the entire incident three days later Franco's bed sheet is pulled off by something but it doesn't end there two days later on April 30th Franco Villegas starts to hear knocking on his bedroom door what so on show in la la la mañana Cassy inna para ser coquito como va no tengo I would uni the music on video porque la vall pero la puerta muy fuerte muy fuerte ESO lo day per ton of toes toes he tanto muy joven LaPorta ck we are moving la camara a Putin dossier Barrymore mañana la mañana el amor de capital so Franco changes the ink of the CCTV camera to point towards his door five days go by without incident but on May 5th as Franco sleeps his security camera catches something truly chilling [Music] the camera records what seems to be the pale face of a girl peeking into Franco's room as he sleeps in desperation Franco asked his tick-tock viewers for advice on what to do about the strange spirit that seems to haunt his home one viewer recommends an odd sort of seance saying that Franco should try talking to the spirit while holding a candle in front of a mirror have you ever forgive me a soul that'll be able for I would you now I'm certainly not saying that this footage is real but what makes it more compelling is that Franco clearly shows that the bathtub is empty and that he's alone only seconds before the girl appears one night Franco is filming one of his cats playing and what happens next is truly bizarre I feel nothing at Pisa [Music] [Music] hey hey how would you do money so stranko Viegas house truly haunted or is it all just an elaborate hoax you decide you can follow Franco's continuing story over on this tick tock page out of step tic-tac Newser bets an angel 69 is a 44 year old mother of three that mainly uses her tick tock account to keep up with our older children one day when looking across the street from where she lives she notices a mysterious figure pacing back and forth she took a video of it and shared it with one of her friends [Music] [Music] the next day the figure is back again it paces back and forth for hours on end bet thinks that whoever it is might have a mental illness which would explain the erratic behavior she records again and this time posts the video on tick-tock to see what other people think [Music] tie it get over here you see it it just walks back and forth back and forth back and forth in the comments on her tick-tock bets an angel 69 gets many questions about the history of the location and some viewers even wonder if the event might be of a paranormal nature that follows up with another video okay so everybody that's been kind of curious this is the church that's directly across the street from my house that I was explaining this is the area where we see the figure it just walks back and forth every day all day now I've been over there a couple of times as I walk up on it there's just nothing there now whoever our whatever the figure might be it seems that Betts dog is a little freaked out as well it's okay buddy when Betsy's the figure again she decides to go take a look but she's too scared to go alone she brings her husband along and they go to investigate my husband is a great to walk me over and see what we can find sorry look here's the spot oh no I don't either it's pretty full hello is anybody there I'm so nervous what was that oh no you need help this is the moment we turned and ran I know it might not seem that scary on camera but when we were up that close it was so loud and it was just this almost guttural scream this is the moment we heard it and ran can kind of see us back there and we took off my poor husband I was like this he kept looking back I think at one point he was like tick tock I'm out of here and this is done now did Betts an angel 69 capture go stuck in a recurring loop could it just be some deranged person and nothing paranormal at all or is it all just a hoax let me know what you think check out Betts and angels tick tock page to follow her continuing story The Watcher ghost hunting channel polish paranormal TV explores an allegedly haunted building deep in the woods near the city of Katowice Poland a dark history surrounds the location only a month prior to the investigation the burned body of a homeless man was discovered by an unsuspecting hiker since then there have been rumors of weird & unexplained things happening to all who enter the abandoned house before polish paranormal TV start their investigation they checked the grounds to make sure that they are completely alone the village may host reconnaissance state attorney Sammy Knight technical cooperation as fujiyoshi Attica how did that get back here struck she had miss dunya once inside the house they immediately began to hear strange noises as a yesterday's today's dummy Dynamis Dodge Journey vdj s - Yoda gem cars the day just fine strana you're still dancing every team [Music] just enough to keep me stuck now the guy's life it off at first but things get a bit more serious when they get a direct response to a question call a delicious name is communica watch back is not a two-tire stash [Applause] they keep hearing odd sounds around the house but they can't find the source but their YouTube viewers were shocked when they noticed this shhh nothing yes [Music] did you see it the polish ghost hunters didn't notice at the time or even pointed out in their video but someone seems to be walking around the corner just as they check the staircase now it certainly could just be a homeless man in the building that came to check out the noise but again I remind you before the investigation the Polish paranormal TV crew inspected the entire building to make sure they were alone so what do you think is it a paranormal entity or just a wandering homeless man let me know down in the comments a quiet voice popular youtuber in paranormal Explorer Ricky Velasquez frequently does live streams while exploring allegedly haunted locations in Mexico in this live stream Ricky and a female friend are exploring a haunted house in Ciudad Guzman Mexico they begin to hear what sounds like the voice of a little girl they call out to the child and that's when things get truly bizarre [Music] go with the MS geeky chesty let's go chesty hola the poem was where yeah yay let's get the way Elmo's mind if yesterday mean ya llegamos birthday no tomosa lastima get that ticket down with it your lateness let me let me Aaron so did Ricky Velasquez capture the ghost of a little girl on his live stream what do you think you can see the full investigation over on Ricky Velasquez youtube channel thanks for watching to submit or suggest videos email me at nukes top 5 at gmail.com and also for many random things follow me on twitter at nukes top 5 [Music]
Channel: Nuke's Top 5
Views: 3,774,120
Rating: 4.9031887 out of 5
Keywords: nuke's top 5, nukes top 5, nukes tops 5, nukestop5, ghost, scary video, scary videos, scary, scariest videos, caught on camera, top 5, top 10, paranormal, poltergeist, paranormal investigation, haunt, top 15, creepy, ghosts, paranormal activity, ghost caught on camera, real ghost, haunting, parnormal, ghost hunters, investigation, poltergeist activity, haunted house, haunted doll, top 10 scary, ghost hunter, haunted, haunted places, girl ghost, haunted apartment, ghost adventures
Id: Dr7VEXYY-ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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